You should definitely ask Reo. There's been this persistent concern that we're not involving our newly-adopted clanmates into things, and this is a prime example. We've specifically told him to work on this, and now we're just going to ignore him and go to Asuma?
No, wait, you should definitely not ask Reo. He's at best just a beginner and this is probably jounin-tier or beyond. He's predictably not going to be able to tell us anything, and that's going to make him feel useless and a disappointment. We've invested in him, arranged his training, and the one time we come to him, he's not even able to help us at the thing we told him to get good at?
No, wait, that's so patronizing and disrespectful of his agency. We should ask him. He might be able to contribute something, and he isn't an idiot: he'll be able to figure out that we're asking him as a long shot and that we understand it may be beyond him. Indeed, he'll likely be appreciative that we tried him at all.
No, wait, that's a losing political move. He's probably going to mention this to someone, and the anti-Hazou faction is going to spin this as "Hazou is trying to belittle and undermine the people outside his close-knit inner circle by presenting them with impossible challenges". Reo may handle it well, but if he doesn't, and spreads it around, it'll have an outsized negative effect!
No, wait, the same argument applies from the other side. Not asking Reo is a losing political move!
No, wait, asking Reo is a potential OPSEC breach and Asuma isn't going to be happy.
No, wait...