Me lose XP phone make sad. Self-directed, expect better. No mad at others mistakes. Expect some, not much mad from others at me. As said, all human, errors expected.

[x] Action Plan: Cold War
  • Check Akane is fine with the below. Consequences may include:
    • Yamanaka-style mind erasure
    • Execution of herself and/or Hazou
    • Extermination of Isan/anyone who knows of the jutsu, which includes herself and/or Hazou
    • Mass-learned EM used to start WW5/Leaf's conquest of the Elemental Nations
  • Report immediately to Asuma.
    • Request utter privacy.
  • "As per your orders to create apocalyptic weaponry, that was us, sir, and we can do it at will.
  • "The weapons-test was not expected to be this powerful or wide-area, or we would have tested it even further than merely 'miles outside of Leaf'.
  • "Since using it in an act of violence would plausibly spell the start of a new war of survival to exterminate leaf at any cost by all other polities, we recommend either the public claim that it was a seal failure, or an alternative…
    • "Tell the other national leaders that you can do this at will, and demonstrate this by the attack of an uninhabited area at a specified time.
    • "Emphasise your commitment to peace, and precommit to use this weapon on anyone who attacks us in future, but no-one else.
    • "Say that your reason is that Akatsuki will not be around forever, but this will.
  • "We believe this weapon to be a potential existential risk to all human life, and recommend that it not be proliferated further than it has been already.
  • "Does our weapons-development meet with your satisfaction, sir?"
Didn't Ami warn us about providin[] Asuma with a WMD so soon after the war?
"They've got as far as 'war bad for profit'. 'Peace good' might be a little too sophisticated for them right now, but by this time next year, they should be seeing enough return on the massive investment of not punching each other in the face to realise it's worth their while to keep going. I maybe wouldn't tempt the Seventh with any city-killers you might have up your sleeve while the ink's still wet, but it also might not hurt to have a Plan B in case the Tsuchikage snaps and decides that avenging her beloved husband takes priority."
Hazō's best guess is that the sequence will go: Mari et al return sometime in the next 30 minutes to 2 hours => they report to the Hokage => Mari is sent to summon Hazō to a Clan Council => Hazō and Mari have about 5 minutes to talk before he needs to run to the meeting, and even then he's going to be one of the last arrivals.
We can abuse SC to handle the council. We send Mari and Hazou prime to the council, while a Mari and Hazou SC confer about what to say. Every so often they create a new clone who pops so we can see what's happening in the council and send back what our responses should be
[x] Action Plan: Cold War

I will not back out on my word, but @MadScientist I would caution to avoid this use of phrase, as I do not interpret Asuma's instructions in that way. May I recommend instead to use another description like...

I dunno, actually. I just feel like the conversation could start a lot cleaner without this claim, as it puts responsibility for this disaster on Asuma, the dictator-in-chief. Who can order our execution at any time.
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[x] Action Plan: Cold War

I will not back out on my word, but @MadScientist I would caution to avoid this use of phrase, as I do not interpret Asuma's instructions in that way. May I recommend instead to use another description like...

I dunno, actually. I just feel like the conversation could start a lot cleaner without this claim, as it puts responsibility for this disaster on Asuma, the dictator-in-chief. Who can order our execution at any time.

Open to edittin' this, pendin' further discussion.
Open to edittin' this, pendin' further discussion.
After further consideration, I feel that it would be best to remove that line, and the last line (which also references the weapons test). Maybe also the "alternative" solution...Eh, maybe it's just me.

On a related note, does Hazou know it can be replicated? I recall the HOWS "seal failure" which wasn't actually a failure but Hazou believed it was so avoided all future experiments on the matter.

Side note: I kinda do want to talk to Kei at this point, if only to replace "death by Asuma" with "death by miserable Kei".
[x] Action Plan: Cold War
  • Check Akane is fine with the below. Consequences may include:
    • Yamanaka-style mind erasure
    • Execution of herself and/or Hazou
    • Extermination of Isan/anyone who knows of the jutsu, which includes herself and/or Hazou
    • Mass-learned EM used to start WW5/Leaf's conquest of the Elemental Nations
  • Report immediately to Asuma.
    • Request utter privacy.
  • "As per your orders to create apocalyptic weaponry, that was us, sir, and we can do it at will.
  • "The weapons-test was not expected to be this powerful or wide-area, or we would have tested it even further than merely 'miles outside of Leaf'.
  • "Since using it in an act of violence would plausibly spell the start of a new war of survival to exterminate leaf at any cost by all other polities, we recommend either the public claim that it was a seal failure, or an alternative…
    • "Tell the other national leaders that you can do this at will, and demonstrate this by the attack of an uninhabited area at a specified time.
    • "Emphasise your commitment to peace, and precommit to use this weapon on anyone who attacks us in future, but no-one else.
    • "Say that your reason is that Akatsuki will not be around forever, but this will.
  • "We believe this weapon to be a potential existential risk to all human life, and recommend that it not be proliferated further than it has been already.
  • "Does our weapons-development meet with your satisfaction, sir?"

The one thin[] I mi[]ht add here is a statement that we are not sure how the conditions like the current temperature, presence of the storm, etc. impacted the efficacy of the jutsu. We can't say that it would have the same exact result with hi[]her startin[] temperature and/or different weather conditions. In different conditions, the results could be less.

[x] Action Plan: Cold War
  • Check Akane is fine with the below. Consequences may include:
    • Yamanaka-style mind erasure
    • Execution of herself and/or Hazou
    • Extermination of Isan/anyone who knows of the jutsu, which includes herself and/or Hazou
    • Mass-learned EM used to start WW5/Leaf's conquest of the Elemental Nations
  • Report immediately to Asuma.
    • Request utter privacy.
  • "As per your orders to create apocalyptic weaponry, that was us, sir, and we can do it at will.
  • "The weapons-test was not expected to be this powerful or wide-area, or we would have tested it even further than merely 'miles outside of Leaf'.
  • "We also are not entirely sure how different environmental conditions may impact the effect.
  • "Since using it in an act of violence would plausibly spell the start of a new war of survival to exterminate leaf at any cost by all other polities, we recommend either the public claim that it was a seal failure, or an alternative…
    • "Tell the other national leaders that you can do this at will, and demonstrate this by the attack of an uninhabited area at a specified time.
    • "Emphasise your commitment to peace, and precommit to use this weapon on anyone who attacks us in future, but no-one else.
    • "Say that your reason is that Akatsuki will not be around forever, but this will.
  • "We believe this weapon to be a potential existential risk to all human life, and recommend that it not be proliferated further than it has been already.
  • "Does our weapons-development meet with your satisfaction, sir?"
[X] Action Plan: Towards Polycrisis
  • Wordcount: 290
  • Summon Akane, Shika, Ino, Asuma.
    • All five need to be onboard - onboard where and when appropriate.
  • Akane:
    • Talk may end badly - end of the world on the line. What is she comfortable with?
      • Yamanaka-style mind erasure?
      • Execution of herself and/or Hazou?
      • Flee the Elemental Nations entirely?
      • Suppression of everyone who knows EM, which includes herself and/or Hazou?
      • Mass-learned EM used to start WW5/Leaf destroys all other nations
  • Shika, Ino, Asuma
    • Meet Hazou in a secure place - secret that only five people can know, at most
      • Prove it's Hazou prime with blood
    • When Clan Council is called, need an alibi.
      • If we survive, we'll tell them it was research.
      • What is only for these five people - that research was successful
        • As in, not a seal failure or a jutsu failure
        • Wildly unexpected result but it was a successful research result
      • We're not sure what else caused it to be so incredibly explosive
      • Up to now it just made weird snow
      • But there the hurricane winds and torrent of hellishly cold fluid killed an area nearly the size of Wave
      • If we knew this test in these unknown conditions would cause this we would've tested it much further away.
      • Between us five, we can keep this secret - only us two know what happened and what we did.
        • If either of us die or lose our memories, this can't be repeated.
        • Asuma, Shika, Ino - should we...
          • Just keep it a secret, unused?
          • Discontinue research?
          • Be mind-wiped?
          • Leave the EN?
          • of us joins the Will of Fire?
      • Attempt to persuade Asuma & Shika options above 'Join the Will of Fire' are possible
        • This is a weapon which could win the war on the Seventh Path.
        • Ino's here. Cleanup is easy.
I think Cold War doesn't inform key decisionmakers (Shika), and doesn't stack the deck as best we can - Ino is obviously here as an 'easy' solution that Asuma & Shika will be tempted to use over 'die immediately' - and with her inclusion, we make 'kill 'em all' more costly to Asuma and Shika - hopefully too costly to use. Is it manipulative? Yes. But the fate of peace and reality are on the line, if the world can hold out just five more years.

wow, 7 avoidance is hard
That said Isan is a backwater tribe of moderately-learned semi-allies whose main forces are an Orochimaru cult (sealmasters, not jutsu hackers) and a history of fear, hidden in their spot.
How many of them would have even used EM to cool down, ever? They made it to survive the harsh mountain winter.
I have to concur. This jutsu's development probably has been weaponized in ways Isan would never think of. Furthermore, you need sc to make it viable. There's also the conditions it was cast in and the lack of testing.

Not sure I would tell Asuma we can do this at will as the lead vote states. We know zip about TH without the information on how to actually do it, and yet we ventured blindly forward into edges of jutsu overdevelopment anyway. It may turn out that the safety precautions we should taken or the analysis is more different than it is similar for seal safety precautions. In other words, we may have inadvertently tried our hand at TH in an obtuse manner.
I think Cold War doesn't inform key decisionmakers (Shika), and doesn't stack the deck as best we can - Ino is obviously here as an 'easy' solution that Asuma & Shika will be tempted to use over 'die immediately' - and with her inclusion, we make 'kill 'em all' more costly to Asuma and Shika - hopefully too costly to use. Is it manipulative? Yes. But the fate of peace and reality are on the line, if the world can hold out just five more years.

I really doubt Asuma will kill us for bein' all "Here's that superweapon capable of destroyin' hidden villa_es that you wanted, sir, as requested." On the contrary, my main concern is that his deli_ht at bein' presented with what he previously assumed was an enemy blood ritual jutsu on a silver platter will be too bloodthirsty in its nature (and that he may be annoyed that we didn't _ive him warnin' of our test, but we can't really deal with that).

I also don't see an advantage in waitin' for Shika here that outwei_hs the imperative to Debrief Our Commander Ri_ht Now on what he thinks is an invasion.
I really doubt Asuma will kill us for bein' all "Here's that superweapon capable of destroyin' hidden villa_es that you wanted, sir, as requested." On the contrary, my main concern is that his deli_ht at bein' presented with what he previously assumed was an enemy blood ritual jutsu on a silver platter will be too bloodthirsty in its nature (and that he may be annoyed that we didn't _ive him warnin' of our test, but we can't really deal with that).

I also don't see an advantage in waitin' for Shika here that outwei_hs the imperative to Debrief Our Commander Ri_ht Now on what he thinks is an invasion.
oop 7 detected in "advant"

the issue is that asuma will ask shika what to do, and that conversation is totally out of our hands - the objective with this plan is to shape the total encounter so we walk out of it alive, even if it means a minor delay
Why would we dally until Mari's return? The Will of Fire mandates that we inform Asuma as soon as possible - if Leaf remains on high alert for several hours needlessly then that is a very bad look for us and I expect it will make whatever is to come much worse.

I believe in our ability to have a conversation with Asuma sufficient to display our contrition and desire to cooperate, and I further believe that this is an idea with merits.

I may have to move discussion of this plan to Discord as it is difficult to talk without the forbidden letter. I am happy to make edits.

[X] Action Plan: Don't Wait
Word count: <300
  • Sanity check with Akane
    • Broad principles, not details. Take a few minutes but don't delay.
  • Meet with Asuma.
    • Objectives:
      • Stand down Leaf's alert ASAP.
      • Demonstrate maximized cooperation with the Tower, Asuma.
      • Insulate Akane.
        • Do not mention her or have her accompany you.
        • If asked, she was an escort.
      • Tone:
        • We understand this may have implications on international politics. We could not have anticipated this outcome. We will take responsibility for this.
        • Our precautions kept Leaf safe.
    • Sitrep:
      • This is not an attack. Leaf can stand down. This will end within 24 hours. This won't spontaneously manifest or develop further.
      • This was an experiment with unexpected results.
      • We took extreme safety precautions to ensure that no harm could come to Leaf.
    • If pressed further:
      • Request secrecy - one-on-one, all the privacy, anti-Neji's-Clan seals.
      • Hazo's discovery is the same scale as a bijuu attack. We barely survived.
      • The exact details are a clan secret.
        • We are absolutely certain this will not repeat.
      • We won't perform further tests without Asuma's express permission.
      • If Asuma asks if this was a seal failure, cite clan secrecy.
      • If Asuma asks if this is related to Minato's seals, be clear that we are certain we can safely continue to study them, and develop the ability to apply the seal at his direction.
  • Mari:
    • Explain the events to her. Modulate the explanation to account for the level of privacy available.
    • Our desired outcomes are:
      • Akane isn't deployed as a human weapon (more than normal).
      • We aren't executed.
      • As few people as possible learn about this technique.
      • We don't appear traitorous.
      • We don't appear totally stupid.
    • Is it useful to further underscore extend of the precautions we took?
    • Is it useful to explicitly position this as the result of bijuu seal study?
      • Will we still be allowed to research those if we do this?
    • Follow her advice to the letter.
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oop 7 detected in "advant"

the issue is that asuma will ask shika what to do, and that conversation is totally out of our hands - the objective with this plan is to shape the total encounter so we walk out of it alive, even if it means a minor delay

Yeah, I saw it immediately after hittin' post. As per usual, ctrl-f was ctrl-effin' useless.

If Asuma asks Shika what to do, and Shika says "Kill Hazou for developin' a weapon you asked him for. He's too dan_erous to live if he creates thin_s like this." I think Asuma will say "Kill a leaf ninja for actin' on my wishes and _ivin' me an amazin' new military asset at a time when we recently lost military dominance and really need an ed_e to be safe? Not a chance. _et stuffed, Shika."

Also, _oin' to Asuma at once means that we'll be present for any disscussion's he'll have with Shika, and we'll have shaped his opinions before Shika presents his, and we'll be demonstratin' loyalty by reportin' in immediately upon our return instead of _oin' off and consulting with Mari on how to spin this.