And here, O Reader, be the next part of my commission from @Twinnstars to write the famously bad poetry of Namikaze Minato.
The Righteous Seventh Chronicle
Reflect, O Reader
On the mighty thoughts of yesteryear
When the Second, brilliant yet mayhap unwise
Spun forth his image as co-equal its creator to
And leapt lightly there from here with not space between
These his marks left upon the world
Perhaps to good they could turn, left far from war's grasping claw
Yet naught the world grants as free and fair
And thus we scheme and ponder, turn and turn again
On ways to slaughter, these tools to hand, twenty, thirty, lives at once
No hand so mighty to cry forth "Stop!", yet perhaps degrees by degrees may we cool
The fevered, wrathful brow of war's sharp glance, turn its gaze widdershins and away.
The Righteous Eighth Chronicle
Invert, I wish I could
The direction of history's mighty flood
Its hands of blood and war
The Sage's gift, chakra, turned to slaughter
Battles fought at every localization and time.
Cloud Dancing
I went a'wander, wending wide my steps
Floating place to place ahead a high cloud's shade
Always to the sun I shift, but yet that teasing dancer blows close again
Caressing me, its shadowy cooling fingers all a'taunt
And yet again I shift, a'grumble and aggrieved
Seeking always but to have
Twenty Sagedamned minutes in the sun for a comfy nap