So I talked about radio seals a while ago, and here I have a plan segment free to use in any plans that wish to pursue this line of research.
- Seal Research
- Tinker with HOWS, try changing the colour of its output.
- Make it output red light, then make it go... past red, just to see what happens.
- If the light stops but the seal still seems to work, carefully double check the functionality of every part of the seal.
- Idea: maybe some light is invisible!
- Envision Leaf-nin creating invisible suns up in the sky that only other Leaf-nin can see, allowing for undetectable long-distance communication.
If we get Hazou this insight, he'll have everything he needs to want to start on the radio seal project. The desired end product is a seal that translates sound into radio waves, and a seal that translates radio waves into sound, but right now all we need is to give Hazou the right insight to get started.
I think radio seals stand a good shot of being viable with our current sealing build within the scope of the current war, and if that's true then we can drop another paradigm shift in Asuma's lap mid-war. Imagine Leaf patrols spotting an intrusion and Leaf coordinates a response before the invading ninja even reach their destination. Shikamaru would
weep to see coordination tools like this in his toolkit, and we stand a good shot of getting that for him.