Can we give Akane Reactive Armor to use for the Shadow Clones? That could actually help her survive the mission, considering it's an attack mission and she would have time to use the Jutsu. Also i too suggest concentrating on a single research tree, personally i would say ARS, to upgrade the path to a shiny, or go to something simple like "Higher tier Macerators(higher stats)" to help with damage.
Also happy birthday @Velorien, the Great Ami(and us)will sow chaos and rom-com drama in your honor.
if we proactively do things kajui are much more likely to appear
You meant *less* likely, right?

Reiterating so that there's no confusion: When you proactively go off and do missions it often requires a lot of engagement from the QMs, because we are simulating fights, or figuring out what NPCs should exist in a new chunk of the map and what their details are, or etc etc. We have a limited number of spoons to spend on the quest, so when we are heavily engaged in one area we tend to forget to pay attention to what's happening in the background of the story. That means you tend to see fewer kaiju, because we don't notice that one of the timers popped, or we weren't thinking about what Cloud has been spending their time on, etc. We never completely forget about that stuff but we pay less attention, which means fewer kaiju pop out. It's not transactional -- we aren't being nice because you did something we like, we simply aren't focusing on it.

Basically, if you go off and do exciting and interesting things that capture our interest and make us focus then you can DDOS our ability to run the part of the simulation that results in new kaiju.
"I Can't Believe It's Not Treason - rebels against your taste buds with perfidious intent"
Is this a GrrlPower comic reference? If so, thumbs up!

Oh hey, Shrooms' post got canonized, neat.


@Shrooms, could you please snip that phrase? Unless there's actually been a plan where y'all voted to do that...?
could you please snip that phrase? Unless there's actually been a plan where y'all voted to do that...?
We talked to Ami who said she'd ask about it as Not-Mist ambassador but not to expect much, so...?

It was the chapter where we met with Kei and Ami on the Hokage monument:

"Ah. Sorry, Ami," Hazō said. "I was just wondering: work on the Great Seal's been going at a crawl, and assuming Asuma gives us the go-ahead, do you think you could get a Mist sealmaster or two over here to assist? Surely there'll be a Kurosawa or a Mori who's interested. Alternatively, when I'm healed, I could visit Mist and make them another of my life-size models."

Ami laughed. "Part of me really wants to see Lady Kurosawa's face when you propose building what's basically a super-sized sealing array in the middle of her village. But part of me also knows it'll just be an Iron Nerve mask, so I suggest you let that idea go right now. At best, maybe you can build it on some uninhabited island within easy travel of Mist, like Nagi.

"I'll pass on the sealmaster request, but don't hold your breath. Unless Mist formally joins the war on Leaf's side, Lady Kurosawa isn't going to be in any hurry to send precious sealmasters to a village where they risk getting caught up in military action or, worse, conscripted in an emergency—especially if she doesn't believe the Dragon story, in which case this can only be an excuse to steal Mist sealing secrets."

I think we're good. It says "Assuming Asuma agrees" but nothing has come of it.
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Reposted this from discord to make my feelings more known:

I don't know if this is a hot take but tbh I hope the ARS line is something you can only use with a Stunt that requires good Sealing bc I really wish Hazou had some combat tricks only he can use
ARS are based of chakdar seals. One seal creates a pulse of chakra that is then identified by the second element that then activates the seal that it is paired with. Which you could easily change to recording sounds and then encoding that in a chakra pulse for the other element to decode. We already have the tools for it and if we want to work on long range communication using chakra as a medium helps us grind veterancy for ARS line
That seems like it would run into the chakra diffusion problem. Chakra just can't go that far. The thing about radio is that it bypasses the chakra diffusion problem and is good for grinding veterency for developing long range ARS.
Heh, you got me. Harem's fizzy drinks are one of my favourite running gags
I know, right? For anyone who doesn't know what we're talking about: the GrrlPower webcomic is the story of a young nerd with a spicy food addiction who finds Clarketech artifacts while scuba diving. They let her fly, and shield, and shoot, and all kinds of things. This is a world in which superheroes exist and Sydney is soon invited to join Archon, a governmental and semi-military superhero strike force intended to deal with supervillains, natural disasters, etc. Wacky hijinks ensue as Sydney deals with the joys of PT, the occasional supervillain assault or demonic invasion, and the culture shock of hanging around with a bunch of military types, superheroes, paragon-ability humans, and the alien tech genius Dabbler who (being as she is 1/2 succubus and therefore completely uninhibited about sex) delights in winding up their somewhat prudish commander. It's got cheesecake, beefcake, good humor, delightful characters, and amazing art that rewards attention by offering up lots of little easter eggs in the background.
That seems like it would run into the chakra diffusion problem. Chakra just can't go that far. The thing about radio is that it bypasses the chakra diffusion problem and is good for grinding veterency for developing long range ARS.
You might be right. But all we know about the chakra diffusion problem is that Shikaku mentioned it once. He also was talking about it in relation to Skywalker defence not communication. Also Shikaku wasn't a seal master so I value his opinion on what sealing paths are viable much less than Hazou and Kagome or Jiraiya's notes.
You might be right. But all we know about the chakra diffusion problem is that Shikaku mentioned it once. He also was talking about it in relation to Skywalker defence not communication. Also Shikaku wasn't a seal master so I value his opinion on what sealing paths are viable much less than Hazou and Kagome or Jiraiya's notes.
Did Hazō, Kagome, or Jiraiya's notes mention anything that makes you think the chakra diffusion problem doesn't apply to communication?
Did Hazō, Kagome, or Jiraiya's notes mention anything that makes you think the chakra diffusion problem doesn't apply to communication?
No because we haven't looked at all. My entire point is we shouldn't close off a line of research simply because a non-seal master said something. When it's time to try to build long distance communicators we should at least check if it work in our ARS tech stack
Seal Research
  • Tinker with HOWS, try changing the colour of its output.
  • Make it output red light, then make it go... past red, just to see what happens.
  • If the light stops but the seal still seems to work, carefully double check the functionality of every part of the seal.
    • Idea: maybe some light is invisible!
    • Envision Leaf-nin creating invisible suns up in the sky that only other Leaf-nin can see, allowing for undetectable long-distance communication.
      • Get hyped!

If its that simple, just make the "invisible light" first as a prototype and then hire one of the other sealmasters to test and or make something to react to it, while Hazou continues with the ARS seal.

The simple reason is that HOWS's are "public" and easy to learn while our chakra radar isn't.
That seems like it would run into the chakra diffusion problem. Chakra just can't go that far. The thing about radio is that it bypasses the chakra diffusion problem and is good for grinding veterency for developing long range ARS.
I always assumed the chakra diffusion problem meant that you can't efficiently make a protection over a wide area - a five seal barrier or similar can't (until proven otherwise) be turned into a Leaf-wide barrier - because spreading the effect means spreading chakra multidimensionally and it tapers off quickly: either it doesn't work or the costs are prohibitive. Superlong range jutsu is supposed to exist if it's plausible at all to anyone that someone has a moon base (which I think Kagome mentioned), and maybe is supported by the fact summoning jutsu reaches between Paths (and is not content to just punch a hole through them; it chooses where, re: Hazō-centred intelligence network)

Edit: faflec had the quote and I was off - so superlong jutsu is theoretically impossible because no one can do laser jutsu - file that under "future plans"
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I always assumed the chakra diffusion problem meant that you can't efficiently make a protection over a wide area - a five seal barrier or similar can't (until proven otherwise) be turned into a Leaf-wide barrier - because spreading the effect means spreading chakra multidimensionally and it tapers off quickly: either it doesn't work or the costs are prohibitive
I assumed it meant that chakra dissipates as it travels over long distances. We should definitely ask Kagome exactly what the chakra diffusion problem is. Hazō should know about something that sounds like it would be so important to sealing.
Range. The reason you couldn't have super-long-range ninjutsu, or at least one of the reasons, was that chakra diffused as it travelled, like how light from a lantern could start out as a narrow beam but ended up illuminating a broad spot on the wall. You needed some special means of keeping it focused or bound together, and how could you do that across the incredible vertical distances skywalkers could achieve?
While Hazou is doing research I would suggest Noburi and Kei/Snowflake to try to get information about the Capybara. We can:
  • Ask the Otter Rep at the conclave
  • Pangolin intelligence
  • Ma and Pa
Depending on the actual information we can even send Nobby and Kei to talk to them. More drasting meassures would be abducting Rice people for the Yamanaka.

All of this can happen in the next 10 days or so. while Akane/Yuno murder people and Hazou does research.

And talk to Cannai about the Leopards. Yay for scroll info! Yay for murder!

Probably better to ask a good ninjutsu creator. "Long range" is pretty vague and mechanically zones are whatever the GM's see as reasonable.

Noburi's dragon might be able to travel 100-200m, but because it costs so much chakra Shikaku simply didn't consider it a "solution" and it's limited to water element users, not the absolute majority of Leaf ninja.

Also happy birthday @Velorien.
If its that simple, just make the "invisible light" first as a prototype and then hire one of the other sealmasters to test and or make something to react to it, while Hazou continues with the ARS seal.

The simple reason is that HOWS's are "public" and easy to learn while our chakra radar isn't.
As in, skip right to the intuition that invisible light might exist, without tinkering with HOWS to establish grounding and context for it? I'm not so sure:
  • It feels a lot more likely to fail, that is, for the QMs to hand it back to us with 'Hazou cannot just come up with an insight like that out of nowhere'.
  • It feels likely to lead him down a wrong path. My setup would nigh-guarantee he discovers specifically infrared light, which puts us en route to radio waves. If we just task Hazou with creating 'invisible light' in abstract he might wind up creating X-Rays (useful but not for radio) or go down some completely different rabbithole like, I dunno, actively cloaking the photons as they move, which would almost certainly void its utility as radio.
  • It would deprive us of a cool 'mad scientist eureka' moment that could properly embed the insight into the narrative.
That said, once we have the insight I'm perfectly fine with outsourcing the development of the broadcastor/detector seals, or parallelizing it with Shadow Clones. Especially the Shadow Clone idea, now that I think about it. That sounds really neat to try just in its own right, and we need to figure out sooner or later how viable it is, so why not now when we've got multiple incredibly appealing projects to pursue?
It feels likely to lead him down a wrong path. My setup would nigh-guarantee he discovers specifically infrared light, which puts us en route to radio waves.

Hazou has no reason to learn or even understand this in such a way. All he is going to discover is "Invisible light", it's a huge maybe if he can even figure out that light has any sort of wave property.
No comment on the Rocket Boot research, no idea if or when it was done.
That was directly from the "Known Seals" rules doc. Looks like it's out of date.
ARS are based of chakdar seals. One seal creates a pulse of chakra that is then identified by the second element that then activates the seal that it is paired with. Which you could easily change to recording sounds and then encoding that in a chakra pulse for the other element to decode. We already have the tools for it and if we want to work on long range communication using chakra as a medium helps us grind veterancy for ARS line
Why base them off chakdar instead of LBF? LBF uses an invisible tripwire of chakra to pair two seals. Turn the chakra tripwire into a chakra pulse and you have ARS. Maybe it's an issue of terminology here. But that seems more like a LBF than a chakdar to me, although it does use some parts of the chakdar seal in the reciever.

So I talked about radio seals a while ago, and here I have a plan segment free to use in any plans that wish to pursue this line of research.
  • Seal Research
    • Tinker with HOWS, try changing the colour of its output.
    • Make it output red light, then make it go... past red, just to see what happens.
    • If the light stops but the seal still seems to work, carefully double check the functionality of every part of the seal.
      • Idea: maybe some light is invisible!
      • Envision Leaf-nin creating invisible suns up in the sky that only other Leaf-nin can see, allowing for undetectable long-distance communication.
        • Get hyped!
If we get Hazou this insight, he'll have everything he needs to want to start on the radio seal project. The desired end product is a seal that translates sound into radio waves, and a seal that translates radio waves into sound, but right now all we need is to give Hazou the right insight to get started.

I think radio seals stand a good shot of being viable with our current sealing build within the scope of the current war, and if that's true then we can drop another paradigm shift in Asuma's lap mid-war. Imagine Leaf patrols spotting an intrusion and Leaf coordinates a response before the invading ninja even reach their destination. Shikamaru would weep to see coordination tools like this in his toolkit, and we stand a good shot of getting that for him.
This might work, but it seems way harder than trying to make seals that work purely with with chakra. I definitely think we should try chakra pulse communications first, and if that fails due to diffusion problems we can go to trying to invent radio based communications.
Other attempt:

As in, skip right to the intuition that invisible light might exist, without tinkering with HOWS to establish grounding and context for it? I'm not so sure:

I said make a prototype. Just start with the "HOW creates red light" -> "go invisible by going 'past red' while the seal works" and then hand it off for someone to experiment to see if it still emits "light". Once this is done we can just continue from there.

It feels likely to lead him down a wrong path. My setup would nigh-guarantee he discovers specifically infrared light, which puts us en route to radio waves. If we just task Hazou with creating 'invisible light' in abstract he might wind up creating X-Rays (useful but not for radio) or go down some completely different rabbithole like, I dunno, actively cloaking the photons as they move, which would almost certainly void its utility as radio.

Hazou has no real concept of going "past red" anyway, but if we start there we might get something.

It's going to be:

"Red" then "Red I can't see", "Even more red I can't see".

For all we know he is never going to be able to actually reach "radiowave" level without more specific knowledge because he doesn't even now what he's looking for to draw on the seal.
Why base them off chakdar instead of LBF? LBF uses an invisible tripwire of chakra to pair two seals. Turn the chakra tripwire into a chakra pulse and you have ARS. Maybe it's an issue of terminology here. But that seems more like a LBF than a chakdar to me, although it does use some parts of the chakdar seal in the reciever.
Yeah it is a combination of the two seals. We researched LBF to help grind veterancy for the ARS line. Mostly just a terminology thing lol