Ok that was a very confusing chapter. Confusing parts:
First that Shika agreed that Oro having plausible deniability might actually matter to the Hokage.
Second that team Uplift + Shika waited until morning to contact the Hokage. Waking people up at late doesn't matter. Especially Ami wouldn't care.
There is no greater crime against the Will of Fire than to betray a comrade, or be complicit in the betrayal of a comrade. My father understood this.
makes the Hyuuga Minami killings confusing.
Fourth that Hazo and Shika were willing to let their personal interests affect Leaf strategy. Instead of just telling the truth they are afraid Oro will dissect Kei.
Fifth why Oro didn't just kill all his fans. His excuse that it would only encourage them more doesn't make sense. Sounds easier just to kill them.
6th that Asuma asked Kei/Hazo to deal with Oro individually. His excuse that Naruto/Tsunade stopping Oro as private individuals instead of as part of the Tower doesn't make sense. It won't affect Oro's cost/benefit analysis of whether to leave Leaf.
All this makes me want to dispel.
Now onto less confusing parts:
Tsunade hates me. She will certainly sacrifice me rather than risk severing her bond with her last remaining family.
This is probably Kei just being wrong
What Oro did to Mari is important insight into his psychology/morality. We know at least that while he was in a state of anger, he didn't kill or leave visible physical wounds on Mari. Dunno how helpful that info is though. Were there any other witnesses to their conversation? Could we use Yama mind readers if Mari doesn't want to say it? Or use Yama for therapy? Or Tsunade for therapy? Does the 7path have good mental health people? Given they can afford to have mental health people instead of everyone being combat.
We should mention that Kei is very important to Isan relations. Takahashi chose Leaf because Kei had influence over Leaf. Without Kei Isan might choose another nation.
Wants Kei to come to his compound in the morning
It is the afternoon of the same day. What do you do?
I assume the war meeting lasted from morning to afternoon. Oro knows Kei was at the war meeting, which is her excuse for not going to his compound in the morning. But we have no excuses for any more delays. Giving little time left to report to Oro's compound before he gets more pissed.
I personally don't want to push our luck...
We could ask Oro whether he will forcibly do anything against Kei's will. If he says yes then we can skip the money.
We can also check with someone besides Oro whether he ever admitted to the crimes of killing Leaf nin. And whether he ever lied about not killing Leaf nin. This helps us know whether Oro deigns to lie to people if it will benefit him.
@eaglejarl @Velorien
Can we spend a FP in the winning action plan so that we asked Ami and others for help during the evening, before the war meeting the next morning?
Also, since at least one chapter has passed I feel it reasonable to ask again.
"Okay," Hazō said. "Noburi, I'd like you to take a couple of Narutos—if that's okay with you, Naruto—and go track down Lady Tsunade—check the hospital, the Tower, wherever else you can thinnk of. We need to know about Orochimaru's personality, his history, and his motivations. What is he likely to do next? Is he actually a threat to us? Whatever she's willing to say."
Noburi grimaced. "I mean, I'll go, but I'm not sure she's even still in Leaf. She was talking about heading out to get back to work, and I haven't had a chance to check if she left yet."
"There might be other sources," Mari noted. "Kabuto was his apprentice and prime assistant. Anko worked with him for a bit, although I don't know the details. There are others around who were active before he went missing. I'll ask around."
Aside from Tsunade mentioning to not be interesting to Oro. Did Hazou ever receive any of this information? Especially considering Hazou angering Naruto into leaving, and the Collapse happened shortly aftewards. If not, would a Fate Point in the action plan be enough for Hazou to have reminded Team Uplift to do it and receive the info?