Hey guys, what's this?
A hint that there's Forbidden Lore in Snow.
This... this genuinely hurt my heart a little bit. I'm actually surprised that Ino was able to shrug off her own shock.
You... you think Leaf courts have juries? Pff. I'm pretty sure she was telling the truth. A jury is a type of chakra catfish, that word has no other meaning in MfD.
"Touché," [Ino] smirked. "Maybe you're in with a chance after all."
don't fucking say it hide it before they see
Hey, @Dictator4Hire, this line might interest you.
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*looks around in genuine alarm and confusion*

What just happened? What did I do?! What was Ino saying??

Edit: Wait... Wait, was Ino trying to express that she is beginning to see Hazou as a possible romantic partner, provided he keep as he is?
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Am I correct in thinking that the first adoption slot a clan has is less valuable to them? For example in the Dashio clan, they may want to save a slot if a skilled non-clan sealmaster is interested in them, but they acknowledge that chance is low. The chance that they find two interested and eligible non-clan sealmasters is about 0, so they should be willing to let go of their first one pretty easily.

If this is the case, we may want to buy one slot from each of two clans.
Wait... Wait, was Ino trying to express that she is beginning to see Hazou as a possible romantic partner, provided he keep as he is?
Yes. Well, no. It's her remembering why she sees him as a possible romantic partner, in present tense. There was a similar exchange in Chapter 217B:
"I want you to deal with me as Gōketsu Hazō," he decided. "Not as Akane's ex. If Akane needs you to mediate, or to act on her behalf, you know she'll ask for it. She's that kind of person. Until then, I'd rather you got to know me as me. If you have any complaints after that, I'll listen."

"Oh, right," Yamanaka muttered to herself. "That was why."
Aww, that's cute. Ino likes straightforward boys. No wonder she has negative interest in Shikamaru. THe obvious Shikamaru-ness involved entirely aside.
*looks around in genuine alarm and confusion*

What just happened? What did I do?! What was Ino saying??

Edit: Wait... Wait, was Ino trying to express that she is beginning to see Hazou as a possible romantic partner, provided he keep as he is?
*Engage joke-killer mode*
Yes, the implication that I took from it is that it was related to the very short romance she had with Hazou back when he was a missing-nin and Hazou's continued existence as a potential romantic partner. That is, 'maybe you are relationship material after all'.

This sparks panic in the faflec, I imagine, because of the proximity teen romance has to the incident that resulted in the thread being locked a while ago, despite being a harmless topic.
@Velorien What's the current situation with the bridge-destroying mission? Have Akane and Kagome left yet, how long have they been gone, when are they expected back?
First impression: holy crap guys Ino is (understandably) fraying at the edges. Glad to hear she hangs out with Akane though
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[X] Action Plan: The Contracts Are Sealed
Wordcount: 345

Run ideas by the clan.
  • Daisho
    • Goals
      • Interact with the Daisho Head for mutual understanding.
      • Begin negotiations for adoption slots.
        • Expected timeframe for deal: 5 - 9 days.
        • Our offers:
          • Preferential seal pricing.
          • Exclusive seals (i.e seals sold only between Goketsu and Daisho)
          • Seal commissions
          • Sealmaster training
        • Our requests:
          • Needs
            • Adoption slot for at least one ninja
            • Formally binding contract.
          • Wants
            • Business cooperation.
            • Seal designs/notes
            • Jutsus.
    • Execution
      • First visit: Bring sake, and a letter requesting to discuss artistry.
        • Goals:
          • Reference collaboration and sealing abstractly.
          • Build rapport, and reinforce Goketsu as authorities and not ex-missingnin.
        • Topics:
          • His poetry, and our desire to learn
          • Our propensity for ink drawings, something we hear he's interested in.
          • Value of respective families.
      • Second visit: Negotiate the deal, at first obliquely or directly.
  • Skysliders:
    • Begin regularly checking in on the craftsmen and getting progress reports.
      • Contribute any ideas or inspiration you think might help (such as your insights on updrafts from way back in Mist)
      • Encourage documenting what worked and what didn't, and why they think that.
      • Test their prototypes at safe low altitudes.
    • Raise morale:
      • An inspiring speech never hurt.
      • Reward good work.
      • Set up a prize for getting a functional prototype design: a sizeable sum of money or a personal favour from us.
  • Asuma
    • Bring hot chocolate and a stack of decoded spy notes.
    • Discuss the idea of a seal technician.
      • Allow an alternate Academy track for those students who can't quite cut it as a ninja but can be trusted to operate limited amounts of chakra.
      • Leverage this workforce for economic purposes.
    • Chat with Asuma about intelligence leads - Summoning Scrolls and otherwise.
  • Misc.
    • Talk to the restaurant owner about a business opportunity: preservation of unseasonal produce through storage seals.
      • Mention our Storage Seal bank.
    • Spread the word about our Storage seal bank among farmers and merchants.
    • IFF we get an adoption slot, adopt Haru and his family.
      • Invite him over, tell him how we operate/the rules. If he accepts, get paperwork filled out and submitted.
      • Teach Haru the Pangolin Training Technique. Inform him of the Pangolin agreement.
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Hey Kagome is training Fuyuki in sealing. We could talk to him about being adopted by the Daisho next year in exchange for there slots.
Hōketsu Gazō and His Chamber of Secrets

Kill her! Out Contamination! AAIIIIEEEEEE!

It doesn't matter how much insight you have if no one is willing to listen.

I - Irony. Right, @Lailoken ?

"What's a jury?" Hazō asked.

"Chakra catfish," Ino said.

We interrupt this episode of Marked for Death to bring you Darths&Droids.

You do really need to work on your colour coordination, Hazō.

So should Mari. Last we checked she wore silver eyes with red hair. Yuck.

This becomes a family trait.

"Maybe you're in with a chance after all."

"You mean in the competition?"

Oblivious Hazō is oblivious.

Akane for Hokage 2020.

So, another treason. OK, let's do it!
@huhYeahGoodPoint Please add a "talk to the clan"-esque blurb at the top.
Exclusive seals (i.e seals sold only between Goketsu and Daisho)
IIRC the only seals that could qualify for this are Kagome's secret seals and seals from Jiraiya's notes; all other seals are either commonplace or have already been sold to the Tower or submitted for the contest. Since we're not going to be selling implosion seals or directional explosives (or anything along those lines), we'll have to do a lot of research on Jiraiya's stash.
Potential sealmaster training
I don't think this is quite accurate. Oneiros mentioned that Kagome's been training Fuyuki in sealing, and the Daisho want a sealmaster in this generation. One thing I'd suggest is to make the offer of us doing the work to train sealmasters to a competent* standard for them to adopt. It gives them exactly what they want (a sealmaster this generation) without any of the work/risk involved (they don't need to train the sealmaster or risk them dying and have their work go to waste).
Adoption slot for one ninja
  • Invite Noda and Haru to our compound.
  • Offer to adopt them both on the spot.
What happened to Yuno? Aren't we holding our current slot open for her to marry into the clan? For that matter, Noda hasn't given us an answer and we want to wait until the bills start mounting and she comes to us to ask to be adopted.
Formally binding contracts
Ask Mari for advice.
(UNDECIDED, CAN BE PERSUADED) Bring Asuma hot chocolate and a stack of decoded spy notes.
I'm in favor of this, for the record, though I'd observe that we've probably already done the latter to the extent that we can and that further decoding has to be put on hold until resident-cryptologist Kagome gets back.
  • Discuss the idea of a seal technician, people who lack the reserves to become full-fledged ninja but nevertheless possess enough chakra and control to operate seals as an economic force multiplier.
  • Chat with Asuma about Enma stuff.
All else being equal, I don't think this is the best use of Asuma's time. Maybe we could do some groundwork/details by looking over whatever backup records of Academy dropouts exist, or on crippled ninjas who can't do missions but can operate seals?

I don't think talking to Asuma about "Enma stuff" is ever a good use of Asuma's time, at least without a ton of detail explaining why it's a good use of the Hokage's time.
  • Talk to the restaurant ownerabout a business opportunity: preservation of unseasonal fruit through storage seals.
    • Negotiate a contract.
I don't think we should talk to the restauraunt owner, we should instead talk to merchants and farmers about buying some of their seasonal produce/products.

Edit: Or, hey, go and introduce said merchants/farmers about our storage scroll bank, and point out that it'd let them store and sell seasonal produce whenever the fuck they want.
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[X] Action Plan: The Contracts Are Sealed

There's a few things in this plan I'd like to address.

[X] Action Plan: The Contracts Are Sealed
Wordcount: not yet calculated
  • Daisho
    • Goals
      • Interact with the Daisho Head to grasp their character better
      • Begin negotiations for one of their adoption slots.
        • Expected timeframe for deal: 5 - 9 days.
        • Our offers:
          • Preferential pricing seals
          • Exclusive seals (i.e seals sold only between Goketsu and Daisho)
          • Seal commissions
            • Escape clause for seals too difficult to attempt
          • Potential sealmaster training
        • Our requests:
          • Needs
            • Adoption slot for one ninja
            • Formally binding contracts
          • Wants
            • Business interests
            • Seal designs/notes
            • Jutsu scrolls of appropriate value.
            • Favorable trading terms
    • Execution
  • Adoption
    • Prepare two Goketsu uniforms/crests.
    • Invite Noda and Haru to our compound.
    • Offer to adopt them both on the spot.
      • They will have the right to our techniques, our seals, our privileges, and our secrets.
        • As Goketsu members, we will defend their secrets, privileges, and interests as our own.
          • Should someone slight them, we will return the favor with all the force we can muster.
        • In general, they and their families will be considered Goketsu, and have all the same rights.
      • In return we ask that they swear loyalty to the Goketsu Clan, and faithfully serve our interests.
      • Tower recognition is ultimately worth only the tax benefits, and that is not a concern for us.
    • Should they accept, begin by teaching them Pangolin Training Jutsu.
      • Note that proliferation and modification is forbidden by our terms of contract.
  • Asuma
    • (UNDECIDED, CAN BE PERSUADED) Bring Asuma hot chocolate and a stack of decoded spy notes.
    • Discuss the idea of a seal technician, people who lack the reserves to become full-fledged ninja but nevertheless possess enough chakra and control to operate seals as an economic force multiplier.
    • Chat with Asuma about Enma stuff.
  • Misc.
    • Talk to the restaurant ownerabout a business opportunity: preservation of unseasonal fruit through storage seals.
      • Negotiate a contract.
First: We do not have two adoption slots available for Noda and Haru. Let's not count our Seal Chickens before they hatch from their mortal coil into the glorious eldritch beings we know they can be.

Second: Noda has not confirmed interest in joining the clan in the way Haru has.

Third: Going into such stringent detail on what we expect of them when we haven't been seen to consider what a clan should even mean to us in-character doesn't seem ideal.

Fourth: While I do agree that it's a business opportunity for the restaraunt owner and us, we should remember what our deal with the merchant council on the subject is.

And while I'm on the subject of the merchant council, re: seal technicians, you should mention it in context of the 50%-ish of potential nin who don't make the cut for Konoha forces, not in the context of those without enough chakra as a whole. Also, I would suggest to him to put the seal technicians under the Merchant Council's control, rather than ninja forces, so that they wouldn't fight the use of seals for economic purposes.
The sheer lethality of random fauna (and probably flora as well), suggests that Chakra Beasts were not a thing until the Sage gave Chakra to everyone. Or rather, it further reinforces the idea which was started by a bunch of things that Pain said.
Quote from the latest "rational fiction is teh sux" thread, the quote specifically referencing Marked for Death:

"I don't know why everything is made of murder, but I hate it."

So should Mari. Last we checked she wore silver eyes with red hair.
Yes, but it lets her disintegrate monsters with her eyeballs!

EDIT: Lindsay Jones utterly nails the voice for that line. It's an RWBY reference.
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