Here's how we help Kagome decode the notes: Get his permission to scribe skywalkers, and do his for him.
Shadow Clones would multiply decoding speed. Maybe we can use the urgent need to finish decoding as as reason for Asuma to have Kagoke learn the Shadow Clone technique? Asuma is right in front of us too, so we could easily ask now.
While we are here do we want to spend a fate point to have copied all the tower seals and give them to Asuma?
Do we know if Kagome has the chakra reserves for it?

I'm not sure, but If Asuma doesn't give us permission then the point is moot anyways. We should also ask Kagome if it's something he would want to do, but again obtaining permission is the first step. (Maybe Kagome thinks a Shadow Clone of himself would try to kill him? Clones would presumably be formed free of lupchanzen, so maybe that's a point in favor...)
We should also ask Kagome if it's something he would want to do, but again obtaining permission is the first step.

I feel like this might be ill-advised? He looked ready to puke last time we talked about it with Jiraiya, and Kagome's not one to appreciate abrupt in-the-moment suggestions of this sort( and I don't think him potentially screaming about more stuff in front of Asuma is going to be super beneficial) . Maybe ask him first and then ask permission?
I feel like this might be ill-advised? He looked ready to puke last time we talked about it with Jiraiya, and Kagome's not one to appreciate abrupt in-the-moment suggestions of this sort( and I don't think him potentially screaming about more stuff in front of Asuma is going to be super beneficial) . Maybe ask him first and then ask permission?

I didn't remember that. In that case I agree, we should ask Kagome first, and in private. I'm glad you caught that, that could've been bad :/
Finally managed to finish reading through this wonderful quest!
Really wonder how you guys and the QMs managed to survive what seems like something blowing up every couple of updates though...
Is there a discord? Thanks.
Asuma's awesome. We should definitely find a way to thank him. Maybe some flowers along with our next intelligence contribution.
Finally managed to finish reading through this wonderful quest!
Really wonder how you guys and the QMs managed to survive what seems like something blowing up every couple of updates though...
Is there a discord? Thanks.
Welcome to the quest!

As far as how we survive, copious amounts of screaming is our first line of defense. :p
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So...what are ours priorities at the moment? Summoning Scrolls/Tailed Beast hunts are seems a bit premature considering the situation, so....adoption candidates? Neji?Projects for the competition? Training ideas?
"Finally, what might be the worst possible option from the perspective of a foreign nation: It was not a single S-rank ninja. No, somehow our jutsu researchers found a way to drastically reduce the cost of the Earth Bullet, to the point where it can be used to create vastly larger projectiles for a cost that can be paid by...jōnin? Chūnin?" He placed a hand on his heart in supposed shock. "What if it could be used by genin? When a Leaf ninja is next engaged in the field, will they be able to repeatedly make attacks of such devastation?"

Wait, skywalkers are known to the other villages, and MEW is common as dirt. high altitude bombardment is one of the first things everyone thinks of when exposed to skywalkers. Shouldn't everyone's reaction be "yep, Leaf is doing that thing we knew they could do from the instant we were shown this"?
So...what are ours priorities at the moment? Summoning Scrolls/Tailed Beast hunts are seems a bit premature considering the situation, so....adoption candidates? Neji?Projects for the competition? Training ideas?

Talk to Yuno, go get adoption slots from other clans, do some stuff with Haru or Noda, have background projects tick forwards by a bit.
Wait, skywalkers are known to the other villages, and MEW is common as dirt. high altitude bombardment is one of the first things everyone thinks of when exposed to skywalkers. Shouldn't everyone's reaction be "yep, Leaf is doing that thing we knew they could do from the instant we were shown this"?
It's our first reaction because we grew up with sci-fi where orbital kinetic strikes are the norm. Likely not the first thought in a culture where flight or any kind of altitude control has so far been incredibly rare.
Keiko cut in. "Sensei, I think you underestimate the potential that accompanies sky towers when you say they aren't massively destructive. They open up the possibility for high-altitude bombing of villages and production centers, from altitudes so great that no reply is possible."

Mari-sensei shrugged. "Yes, but there's a safety/accuracy tradeoff: drop from high up, which means you're inaccurate, or from low down where you do less damage and can be shot at with long-range jutsu. Either way, you won't get everyone in the first salvo. The majority of jōnin and, in fact, the majority of ninja as a whole, will survive the attack and E&E out of the area. Once you finish they will gather up and go attack your village as a retaliation strike. High altitude bombing is mostly going to kill civilians and destroy property. If I'm being really cold about it, that doesn't matter to a nation's war-making capacity."

"But that is only at the current state of the art. New techniques will be developed--" Keiko insisted, before being interrupted by Kagome.
It might be interesting to try some field testing of different shapes of MEWnicians for bombing
That was a horrible pun and you are a horrible person for not letting me think of it first. :p

Note that MEW always produces rectangular prisms with no dimension shorter than 0.25m. You can make a long thin panel, a cube, etc, but you can't make a sphere or anything with curves.

Wait, skywalkers are known to the other villages, and MEW is common as dirt. high altitude bombardment is one of the first things everyone thinks of when exposed to skywalkers. Shouldn't everyone's reaction be "yep, Leaf is doing that thing we knew they could do from the instant we were shown this"?

First, not all implications of a new, weeks-old technology are instantly as obvious as they are to someone from the outside who already knows about orbital bombardment etc because other people have done the thinking.

Second, they're going to know it's Leaf -- that's the entire point. The only issue is if they can *prove* that it's Leaf, which they won't be able to. If the scenario is what you say it is and all the pieces are obvious and available to everyone then it could have been any nation.

[quote about Keiko recognizing the potential]
Said the person who had had access to skywalkers for months and been in continuous contact with the twin agents of destruction known as Kagome and Hazō the whole time.
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And the rest of the world's had knowledge of flight-granting seals for months as well? :p
And possibly some people realised and in the spirit of ninja scientific cooperation are keeping the technique as a clan secret.

Actually on that thought - we should watch out for someone else using skywalker bombings and then blaming Leaf.
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Honestly, the most challenging part right now is the background simulation.

Hidden Swamp was going to be built on thirty or forty people, with you in the initial role of junior gofer, rising through the ranks over time. That would have been entirely manageable. Leaf is 30,000 and you're in the class that is second in authority only to the Hokage. Plus, you're directly involved in international politics and tangentially involved in interdimensional politics. That's enough to make our heads explode, but we are doing our best. If we miss a step here and there, don't be surprised. Feel free to ping us with suggestions, but have a little sympathy if we don't get it exactly correct.

In comparison to everything else that's going on, many of the players' plans are actually pretty relaxing. When you go off into the wilderness and build salterns, that's one or more updates where we don't have to think about cloakroom politics among superstitious and aggressive supersoldiers.
I think it would be pretty realistic to not simulate everything exactly, and occasionally have villages just outright fuckup or luck into positive result. Things happen. Just look at modern reality to see how impossible it is to simulate anything at all whatsoever.

It might be easier to simply model trends like 'Grass is at Village Power 2, Leaf is at Village Power 5', or things along those lines. In some ways, it might even be more realistic than reality.

As to people not coming to the Goketsu, you could have it in the background. Outright say it is OK to pretend that other clans sent an emissary of some sort to us. Or simulate it as a 'Goketsu attitude' system, which could be modeled very simply; Goketsu automatically helps or hinders whoever as appropriate.
And the rest of the world's had knowledge of flight-granting seals for months as well? :p
I'm not at the timeline right now, but my recollection is that Nagi Island happened on December 31 and it's now February something. IIRC, Jiraiya only gave each member of the force one set of skywalkers, and two to the Kage. That means there were no actual infused copies, nor even blanks, to send back to their villages. So, what's the sequence?

December 31: Skywalkers are handed out and explained. A non-sealmaster makes a copy of the design and is sent home to have the sealmasters replicate it. This takes anywhere up to a week.

January 3-7: The drawing arrives. The local sealmasters start working based on nothing but a sloppy drawing and the description "it makes platforms in the air that last about X time." Simultaneously, the War Department (or whatever) starts thinking about tactical doctrine...except they have no parameters. How high will it let you go? How much will it support? Is it a visible effect that glows brightly?

It took two? months to research the thing. I forget the exact number. That means that the other villages have had the actual seal for a matter of a couple weeks at most. And they don't necessarily have access to MEW.

Separately, in the words of Pitch Meeting, I'm gonna need you to get all the way off my back about that one, sir. :p

(Not using your powers for evil is tight!)
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