My personal opinion on other villages getting Skywalkers:
As per EJ:
December 31: Skywalkers are handed out and explained. A non-sealmaster makes a copy of the design and is sent home to have the sealmasters replicate it. This takes anywhere up to a week.
January 3-7: The drawing arrives. The local sealmasters start working based on nothing but a sloppy drawing and the description "it makes platforms in the air that last about X time." Simultaneously, the War Department (or whatever) starts thinking about tactical doctrine...except they have no parameters. How high will it let you go? How much will it support? Is it a visible effect that glows brightly?
Noting that Skywalkers are two seals together, which may be a counterintuitive design, it would take longer due to the following factors:
1. Skywalkers are not an 'efficient' seal combination. As in, they use seals with vastly different durations.
1a. Really, it uses a barrier seal???
2. Other villages may not have the component seals that make up the Skywalker, or they may have variants which dont fit in properly.
3. It may be difficult to tell how many seals the Skywalker is made out of.
4. Translating sealing design based off drawings is problematic.
5. Incorrect interpretations are highly likely. Maybe it is a novel, Jonin level seal Leaf has been keeping in store for a long while.
And factors which speed this up:
1. Thinker Bloodlines.
2. Bloodlines such as the IN.
3. Sealing geniuses.
4. Villages highly motivated to figure out this superweapon.
5. They know it is possible.
So what I figure is, most villages focus heavily on figuring the fuck out of this new amazing seal which grants flight. They have a few false starts and possibly sealing failures. The Minor Villages, with few or no Sealmasters, might give up entirely - Sealmasters are too valuable and too rare. The Major Villages loose a few (pending rolls) Sealmasters before reaching a correct design (note: not
the correct design - Unless there is literally only 1 correct configuration). In all likelyhood, they need to first figure out that Skywalkers are two different seals. If they succeed, they can then try to recreate theSkywalker, which is a task which they are likely to eventually succeed at.
If they don't see past the counterintuitive and inefficient design on the Skywalker, Sealmasters pop with Sealing failures, as they try to create a seal which literally does not exist or function. Sealing be dangerous business.