Once again, I see a neglect of the basic fundamental: reading and writing.
I strongly object to this. Not only are we giving up any influence and gains we can get from this it's also going to be incredibly difficult to get anything out of doing this above board. I'd really like a compromise where we discuss the benefits of freelancing or going above board
Sorry I haven't been able to get to these quotes. I've added the suggestions you have posted.
[X] Action Plan: Sealing, Talking, Teaching
Word count: 299
  • Research:
    • Priorities: ESP seals, LBF, ARS, Megalovania.
    • Process: 3 straight days prep, prototype, 2 days on other things (below).
      • Use 2FP: Tag our Sealing aspect and "Kagome Certified Sealing Lab".
  • Clan meeting: Large-scale threat assessment.
    • Let Kagome present anything he thinks is relevant to our safety. Have his previous theories been updated meaningfully?
    • Akatsuki:
      • We have no intel on what the massive group of S-rankers have been doing since Pein's death, but we do know they have Summoners. We could send them a message through the Seventh Path and create a dialogue. There's very little risk in sending the message itself.
      • Best case scenario, we agree to pool power for the sake of world peace. At worst, we could still get some basic intel on what 'Akatsuki' is doing.
      • Of course, secretly contacting the most hated missing-nin group in the EN might end poorly for us. We should discuss whether or not we should do this aboveboard or covertly, or scrap this altogether.
        • If we do this aboveboard, Mari can convince Asuma to get Hiashi to go along with it.
      • We all have reason to hate Akatsuki, but if they're willing to work with Leaf for the sake of world peace, we'll just have to set that aside for the greater good. You know, like what Mist did.
    • How long do we think we have left before war breaks out, the way things are going?
  • Teaching KEI members:
    • Overarching goal: Look for overlooked (due to personality traits, Academy biases, etc.) promising students to adopt/apprentice.
    • Coordinate with Kagome on teaching Sealing Theory. Don't teach practical Sealing unless Kagome approves.
    • Have some remedial reading/writing classes set up.
    • Suggest Noburi teach Medicine.
    • Is Naruto a technique hacker; would he be willing to teach?
    • Apply for guest lectures at the Academy.
Edit: Added @MMKII's suggestions regarding using FP.
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They didn't say "without killing ourselves" they said that the TN was possible to reach with the research mechanics.

I'm not particularly worried about the Sealing roll in any case. AFAICT we can still fuck up the Calligraphy---

Oh! Wait! We don't need to roll Calligraphy! We had at least one successful infusion last time, so the blank mustve been accurate. Silly me.

Dear Planmakers,

Please prioritize ESP research, using the research mechanics and spending 2 FP (tag our Sealing aspect and "Kagome Certified Sealing Lab" , thanks.)

Uh. We're definitely not trying to infuse the same seal as last time. That seal didn't work?? I'm not sure what you're getting at with calligraphy here. Calligraphy is definitely worth spending FP on here.
Uh. We're definitely not trying to infuse the same seal as last time. That seal didn't work?? I'm not sure what you're getting at with calligraphy here. Calligraphy is definitely worth spending FP on here.
Go reread the discussion circa the update.

1)The existence of any successful infusions => the blank used was accurate.

2) Given that we failed one or more of the infusion rolls, this DOES NOT MEAN the blank was inaccurate.
Thoughts about threatening Kabuto. It's hard to push people to do intellectual work via coercion. You'll never know whether they are working their hardest. Although arguably something is better than nothing
Uh. We're definitely not trying to infuse the same seal as last time. That seal didn't work?? I'm not sure what you're getting at with calligraphy here. Calligraphy is definitely worth spending FP on here.

Hmm. I guess that is the case. The rules are sort of unclear there wrt "Prototype seals" and their function, and the research ones dont really mention a calligraphy/infusion roll. I'm gonna guess that the infusion roll is maybe abstracted away into the research roll as well?
Many questions, low energy, please excuse telegraphic style.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail How have things been going on getting final specs on MEW and on seals? Is there anything we can do to help?
MEW: Is nailed down and will be posted as soon as we pull the discussion together.

Seals: nada.

Help: You could link me to player suggestions? We should have it somewhere but I don't know.

When you have spoons, could we have a list? Or just a smaller list of particularly notable members that stood out to Hazou?
Yes, although almost certainly just the short list because spoons.

Is Naruto's present [at Akane's birthday]?
No. Y'all did not specify who to invite, so I kept it to close family + Honoka.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Is it okay if we make a Research SOP to be linked separately? Re: Stuff like FP usage.
Works for me. @Velorien can do differently for his updates if he so desires.

@eaglejarl, @Velorien, @OliWhail, did Mari tell Hazou what happened WRT Kabuto when we were gone? Did he attempt to contact us again?
Will get back to you.

Oh! Wait! We don't need to roll Calligraphy! We had at least one successful infusion last time, so the blank mustve been accurate. Silly me.
The rules are vague and need clarifying; I'll talk with the others. My assumption is that prototypes are not the final seal and there's no use in infusing them twice.

Go reread the discussion circa the update.

1)The existence of any successful infusions => the blank used was accurate.

2) Given that we failed one or more of the infusion rolls, this DOES NOT MEAN the blank was inaccurate.
Could you link me to that? I should refresh on it.
No can haz numbers, but:

Out of 7 rolls you failed 4 but did not produce any catastrophic Sealing Failures.

Apologies for the confusion, I know we said you failed all 7 originally - we realized our mistake when we went to put record rolls in the sealing research doc. The qualitative description of the state of your research was correct, however - Hazō is frazzled and confused, unsure of how best to proceed, and feels if anything further from success than he did at the start of the week.

Could you link me to that? I should refresh on it.
See above.
The rules are vague and need clarifying; I'll talk with the others. My assumption is that prototypes are not the final seal and there's no use in infusing them twice.

Yeah that makes way more sense. I'm pretty sure I'm just being super dumb. (@Cariyaga sorry am being dumb, big thank for pointing out more sensible interpretation).
Help: You could link me to player suggestions? We should have it somewhere but I don't know.
There's a bunch right after the below quote. I don't know if there is a centralized list or if people added more ideas many pages after the post.
RFP: New Seals
Jiraiya left you notes on a bunch of new seals - on the order of several dozen.

We would like to crowdsource the creation of these things. Specifically, we would like to ask for ideas that have as many of the following as possible:
  • A name that makes it easy to refer to the seal (describes what it does, not easy to confuse with other existing seals, etc)
  • A one-sentence description of the effects, optionally followed by more details.
  • Suggested mechanics
  • An assessment of how the seal might be abused in-universe and why that hasn't already been done.
A couple things we want to note explicitly:
  • Some of these seals were created in Jiraiya's early days and will have research TNs that you might be able to hit. Those seals will have relatively minor effects. Others will be ones that he made up more recently, and are insanely difficult but also more powerful.
  • Not all of Jiraiya's seals were unique to him. We might take any or all of your suggestions and put them in the hands of other people, potentially including your enemies.
Multiple Earth Wall
  • Earth Maneuver
  • Effect 1:AB (10, 30, 60, 100, 150...)
  • Duration +2 (Half-minute, 30)
  • Durability 4 (82)
  • Range 0 (Caster zone, 0)
  • Speed 1 (Standard, 0)
  • AOE 1 (Melee, 20)
  • Adv: Conditional Permanent (10)
  • Adv: Restricted Reflexive Casting (20)
  • Adv: Adjustable Casting Time (+10 + [Instant +10, 0, Half-min -10, -30, -60, 10 mins -100, Half Hour -150 (max)])
  • Dis: Cooldown = Cast Time, min 1 round (-10)
  • Dis: Max Effect = ACT steps, min 1 (-10)
Strain: 152 + Effect(10, 30, 60, 100, 150…) + Speed(+10, 0, -10, -30, -60, -100, -150)
CP: (33, 37, 43, 51, 61...); Elemental Source (-2); ACT (+2,0,-2,-6,-12,-20,-30)

Multiple Earth Wall creates [Effect] granite prisms of total volume 1 m^3, with minimum dimension 0.25m along any one side, which must emerge from a surface the caster's chakra can reach.

If this surface is the ground, the prisms produced by the technique are actual granite. Otherwise, the resulting constructs dissolve after about 30 seconds or when shattered.

If a user has at least one unused Supplemental Action during an initiative phase, the user can reflexively cast a substantially scaled down technique to e.g. defend from incoming ranged attacks. Casting the technique reflexively:
  • Adds 10 Strain (+2CP) from Adjustable Casting Time
  • Reduces the range to melee of the caster (-1 Range, -20 Strain, -4CP)
  • Always produces a chakra construct (lose Adv: Conditional Permanence, -10 Strain, -2CP)
  • Reduces the duration of the chakra construct to mere seconds (-1 Duration, -20 strain, -4CP).
Overall, this cuts 40 Strain (8 CP), bringing the price to 25(23) CP. In addition to narrative effects at QM discretion, the user gains a Tag on a newly created environment Aspect for defense.

Learning the first level of this technique requires Stunt: Apprentice Earthshaper (44 XP)
Prerequisite: Earth Chakra Affinity, training from someone with Stunt: Master Earthshaper
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Do we have anything more detailed than just a name for any of our research backlog ideas?
Sealing/Research Backlog:
  1. Extrasensory Seals
  2. Mountain Seals et al.
  3. Black Paper Seals (quick test)
  4. Larger Storage Seals/Better Macerators
  5. Activation Relay Seals
  6. Water Purifier Seals
  7. Force Blades
  8. Strobelight Seals
  9. Earth Wall Seals
  10. Purifier Variants
For Review:
  • Disposal Seals
  • Snek Seals
  • Eavesdropping Seals
  • Recorder Seals
  • Railgun Seals (for SIN delivery)
  • Seal Activation Seals
Do we have anything more detailed than just a name for any of our research backlog ideas?

Extrasensory seals : Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

Edit: Now that Hiashi has won, I want to start calling these the Poor Man's Byakugan whenever we don't see a Hyuuga within earshot.
(No, that wording isn't wrong. I mean exactly what I said. I want the Hyuuga to find out about the nickname, and for our effort to hide the nickname to be so token as to be insulting. Just to underscore the fact that we're undermining their power by making Leaf stronger.)
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Alright, so we have level 1 in MEW which means Effect 1 max. That puts our base CP cost at 31 cast from ground. If we take half an hour to cast it then we reduce the chakra required by 30 and can cast the whole thing for 1 CP. The downside of that being that we only get 1m^3 per half hour if we do it that way.

Let's assume that a decent wall is 2m high and 30cm thick. That's a 0.6m^2 cross-section which means for every 1m^3 we get about 1.6m of wall. That means that to create a 10m span of wall would take about 6m^3, which is 6 casts at Effect 1, 3 casts at Effect 2, 2 casts at Effect 3, etc.

Right now Hazou has 190 CP and Effect 1, so what's the optimal strategy? At 30m per cast he regens chakra faster than he spends it but works abysmally slow (26m of wall in 8 hours). at 10m per cast he gets 17 casts which creates 28m of wall in 2.8 hours. At 5m per cast he gets 10 casts which creates 16m of wall in 50 minutes. So as Hazou is right now, the best strategy is probably 10m per cast so we can make 28m of wall in less than 3 hours before Hazou runs out of chakra.

What about later? Let's assume Hazou has 350 CP and whatever MEW we think is best.

Well first things first we get the following set of numbers at Effect 1:
  • 30m/cast: 26m in 8 hours (capped by time).
  • 10m/cast: 51m in 5.2 hours.
  • 5m/cast: 30m in 1.5 hours.
At Effect 2:
  • 30m/cast: 53m in 8 hours (capped by time).
  • 10m/cast: 76m in 3.8 hours.
  • 5m/cast: 50m in 75 minutes.
At Effect 3:
  • 30m/cast: 80m in 8 hours (capped by time).
  • 10m/cast: 80m in 2.6 hours.
  • 5m/cast: 60m in 1 hour.
The trends here are pretty clear. The faster we do the walls the less we get done, and the higher level MEW is the faster we go. The catch is that we don't really get that much more efficient as we level up MEW more, and it's looking like odds are Hazou - later Hazou with Shadow Clone and CR 35 - won't easily get more than 100m of wall done in one day without Noburi recharging him.

These numbers are the metric we should go with for one full Hazou of charge. The length of the wall linearly increases with the additional chakra given to Hazou by whatever means, and should be our benchmark for how fast we can reasonably create walls for civilians. Incidentally, the specs for roads shouldn't be too far from the specs for walls (something like 2m wide, something like 30cm of height to account for rough terrain) so this is also the rough distance calculations for roadbuilding.

All told, this isn't very good to be perfectly frank. If we want to enclose a settlement we'll need a lot more than 100m, which means either many days of work, many Hazous of charge (such as bringing a Noburi and some chakra batteries), or seals to do the job instead (I feel it quite likely that once we have an applicable seal we can produce them at a rate that far outpaces 80m per day)
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seals to do the job instead (I feel it quite likely that once we have an applicable seal we can produce them at a rate that far outpaces 80m per day)
Don't Earth Domes make permanent granite if used on ground? Why don't we just put them down en masse to make 10m high domes connected side by side, and then collapse the outer curvature that's facing outwards with explosives or similar in order to keep chakra monsters from running up the side? That seems absurdly faster and more efficient than using MEW, especially since we can reuse the Earth Dome seals.

MEW: Is nailed down and will be posted as soon as we pull the discussion together.

Seals: nada.

Help: You could link me to player suggestions? We should have it somewhere but I don't know.
Also pinging @Velorien @OliWhail
Readers are welcome to make suggestions for edits.

Sources are the in-discussion rules, or the known-seals compilation in @faflec 's signature.

Key to each seal:
Seal Name
Author: Mechanics description by authors in story-thread or in rules document
  • Elements: Number of Elements
  • Range: Personal to N-zones
  • Effect:
  • Duration: As technique time ladder
  • Toggleable: Can the seal be reused multiple times, and/or turned on and off.

Seal elements being ruined by improper activation is an extrapolation for consistency with Force Walls.
As Earth Dome, including force needed to break it, except:
Made of solidified air and therefore allowing visuals between the inside and outside of the dome.
The air is fixed in place relative to the surface of the earth, rather than digging into the earth.
The tags demarcate the inner diameter of the dome rather than the outer, resulting in a slightly larger minimum diameter.
Dome anywhere from 0.6-10 m.

  • Elements: 2
  • Range: See effect
  • Effect: Produce a transparent hemispherical wall (30 cm thick dome) of Durability:4, TN 40, that covers any area up to 1 Zone (Personal - 1 Zone). Composing Element tags are within the barrier. The dome is stationary in the Earth Centered, Fixed Coordinate Frame (stationary relative to a rotating Earth), so long as the tags are not displaced or destroyed. Displacing one or both seal elements destroys both elements along with the barrier. Material interposed in the dome's space prior to formation prevents the formation of the dome and ruins the seal elements. Ninja sprinting into the wall roll (physique + 3) against their athletics check, and take 0-4 of the possible stress.
  • Duration: 10 min
  • Toggleable: Yes

Author: generates a brief puff of light wind when activated
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: -2 (Personal)
  • Effect: Low power projected force stirs up air immediately in front of seal (like puff of wind)
  • Duration: Seconds
  • Toggleable: No

When activated it makes a loud noise (roughly "really loud alarm clock" level) for 2 seconds, then shuts off. Hook it to an LBF and you have a perimeter
When activated, lasts for 12 hours or until triggered. When triggered (separate triggering system required), it produces a high-pitched noise at moderate shouting volume for 2 seconds, then deactivates.
// AW comment: 12-hr timer seems bizarre, so change to alarm on activate makes sense
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: Special (See Effect)
  • Effect: Emit an imperfect tone centered at 20 kHz at 120 dB, which uniformly fills a 1 m radius sphere of air, and emanates from the surface of the sphere. This wave dissipates to 80 dB (alarm clock level) at 25 m (local+2 zones), and 60dB (electric toothbrush) at 45 m (local + 4 zones). (Edit: can ratchet the power/range down, as desired. If more range is desired, change the emitted frequency, though I like the consistency with the Banshees)
  • Duration: A few seconds.
  • Toggleable: No

Like ear-buster, but much, much louder
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: See effect
  • Effect: Emit an imperfect tone centered at 20 kHz at 190 dB, which uniformly fills a 1 m radius sphere of air, and emanates from the surface of the sphere. An opponent may dodge the effect by e.g. dodging behind an obstacle, if one is available. The opponent dodges the effect via athletics against the weapon delivery method (roll+flat damage), or if no such delivery method applies, the infuser's sealing (flat damage only).
    • Local Zone - Weapon: 5 + Mild Consequence: Deafened
    • 1st radial zone - Weapon: 3 + Mild Consequence: Deafened
    • 2nd radial zone- Weapon: 1 + Mild Consequence: Deafened
    • 3rd radial zone - Weapon: 0 + Mild Consequence: Deafened
    • 4th - 10th radial zone - Immediately know the direction of the sound-source. Probably roll initiative, unless they were already engaged in action.
  • Duration: Seconds
  • Toggleable: No

This is a deviation from the Author's given proposal in the in-discussion rules
At creation time you choose a level of sound-dampening. When activated the seal dampens air vibration within ~2cm of itself. It is useful against loud noises and sound-based (nin/gen)jutsu.
At creation time you choose how much protection it provides. For every 2 points of protection you get a -1 to Alertness and -0.5 (round down) to Stealth.
Version A: Select a volume at creation. Any noise above that volume is negated within the seal's area of effect (3 cm radius).
Version B: As above, but negate all noise. This effectively deafens the user, with all attendant advantages and disadvantages.
  • Elements: 2 (two ears)
  • Range: -2 (Personal)
  • Effect: Settable on infusion
    • Mode 1: Block harmful levels of sound from the ear (sufficient power level still burns skin/ruptures lungs) - Prevents Deafened Mild Consequence while active, and reduces sound-damage by 2.
    • Mode 2: Block all useful levels of sound - immune to sound based nin/genjutsu and verbal social manipulation, as well as the Deafened Mild Consequence, and reduces sound-damage by 2. -4 Alertness, -2 Stealth. No verbal communication.
  • Duration: 10 min
  • Toggleable: Yes

The base seal, 'Chime', plays a middle-C note for 1 second. There are seven variations that play it longer, offer a choice of what to play, etc.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: 1 (Local+1 Zone)
  • Effect: The base seal, 'Chime', plays a middle-C note for 1 second. There are seven variations that play it longer, offer a choice of what to play, etc.
  • Duration: See effect
  • Toggleable: Yes


Author: From recent battle, did no damage but imposed the Deafened Long-Lasting Mild Consequence.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: See effect.
  • Effect: Emit an imperfect tone centered at 20 kHz at 150 dB that fills a 1 m radius sphere and emanates from its surface. An opponent may dodge the effect by e.g. dodging behind an obstacle, if one is available. The opponent dodges the effect via athletics against the weapon delivery method, or if no such delivery method applies, the infuser's sealing. People that fail the roll take the Consequence, but no additional damage
    • Local Zone - Weapon: 0 + Mild Consequence: Deafened
    • 1st - 6th radial zone - Immediately know the direction of the sound-source. Probably roll initiative, unless they were already engaged in action.
  • Duration: Seconds
  • Toggleable: No

Seal elements being ruined by improper activation is an extrapolation from Force Walls.
Pair of seals placed in a plane with each other.
Forms a dome of chakra-construct granite with the two seals at opposite ends of its diameter, outside the dome. Can be any size up to 10m in diameter, or as small as 60cm (the dome is roughly 30cm thick, so this just produces a solid block of rock). Lasts roughly the same amount of time as chakra-construct MEWs.
Removing or destroying the seals will dispel the dome.
As with MEW, extends a short distance into the ground and is chakra-adhered to it.
Any matter that is too dense (limbs, tree branches, large amounts of water, sufficient numbers of bugs) in the area where the dome would form prevents seal activation.
Sufficient force to shatter granite will damage and dispel the dome.
  • Elements: 2
  • Range: See effect
  • Effect: Produce a opaque, granite hemispherical wall (30 cm thick dome) of Durability:4, TN 40, that covers any area up to 1 Zone large (Personal - 1 Zone). Composing Element tags are located outside the barrier. The dome is stationary in the Earth Centered, Fixed Coordinate Frame (stationary relative to a rotating Earth), so long as the tags are not displaced or destroyed. Displacing one or both seal elements destroys both elements along with the barrier. Barrier dissipates upon destruction/dissolution. Material interposed in the Domes space prior to formation prevents the formation of the dome and ruins the seal elements.
  • Duration: 10 min
  • Toggleable: Yes

  • Elements: 1
  • Range: See effect.
  • Effect: Range set on infusion between -1 and 1 (melee up to local+1 radial zone) Weapon rating set on infusion between +0 and +4. Timer setting up to several seconds, detonation is instant.
  • Duration: See effect.
  • Toggleable: No

A protective seal is placed on an object with a maximum volume determined by the sealcrafter's skill. The target must not possess chakra, or be part of a greater object (e.g. one section of a wall).
While the seal is in place, both it and the object cannot be moved (relative to the centre of the earth), and gain massive damage resistance, enough to be indestructible by any art Kagome knows. This effect lasts for 30 days, gradually decaying over time.
Four equidistant supporting seals must be placed between 3 and 100 metres from the object. If any of these are broken or removed, the object's damage resistance will decrease proportionately. If all four are broken or removed, the Five-Seal Barrier will deactivate. This will also happen if the four supporting seals and the central seal are moved relative to each other in any way.
  • Elements: 5
  • Range: See Effect.
  • Effect: Protect a bounded, single, contiguous solid object up to (Sealing Skill) m^3 in volume. When protected, the object is fixed in the Earth Centered, Fixed Coordinate Frame (fixed relative to rotating Earth). The main element occupies the center of a circle (3-100 m radius); on which lay 4 coplanar support elements, mutually equidistant on circle, and which cannot be resting on the protected object. If the main seal is disturbed or destroyed, the protection fails.
    • With 5 active elements, the protected object is indestructible
    • 4 active elements adds +60 TN to rolls to damage item (damaging item destoys 5SB)
    • 3 active elements adds +40 TN to rolls to damage item (damaging item destoys 5SB)
    • 2 active elements adds +20 TN to rolls to damage item (damaging item destoys 5SB)
    • If Main seal is destroyed, or is only remaining, then 5SB fails
  • Duration: 30 Days
  • Toggleable: No

Put two seals on flat, parallel surfaces. They generate a 4 m x 4 m invisible wall of invulnerable force between them. The wall can easily be jumped over or gone around if you know it's there, but it's ridiculously thin; running into it tends to cut you in half. It lasts for 12 hours or until the seals are damaged or moved. If you have the tags prepared it takes about a minute to get them set up and activated. Attempting to create a wall when there is anything solid in the way causes the seals to fail and be ruined.
  • Elements: 2
  • Range: See effect.
  • Effect: Create a 4x4 m square, razor sharp, invulnerable fully transparent wall. The seal elements define the middle of two sides of the square, and must be facing each other from flat parallel surfaces with very tight (unknown) tolerance. The seals are exposed from both sides of the wall. It takes about a minute to setup, and if material interposes in the Wall's space, the formation fails and the seal elements are ruined.
    • If a ninja sprints into the Wall's edge, the ninja rolls an opposed Physique check against their rolled Athletics check, and takes one or more stress from the result.
    • If a ninja sprints into the Wall's flat side, the ninja rolls an opposed (Physique+3) check against their athletics check, and take 0-4 of the resulting stress.
    • If a ninja walks into the Wall's edge, the ninja takes 1 stress
    • Due to transparency and small seals, the Wall imposes a -40 to Awareness and Examination rolls to notice the trap
  • Duration: 12 hours, or until seals are damaged/moved out of alignment
  • Toggleable: No
Note: It is theorized that it is possible to move the wall, yet no attempts have been made by Team Uplift.

The goo is practically weightless by itself, and hampers movement by being unbelievably adhesive rather than heavy. Putting the goo in boiling water does not cause it to boil or come apart. It becomes somewhat stiffer when placed in contact with ice for a couple minutes. (suggested physical properties - Oli). Goo bomb rolls (up to maker's Sealing skill) vs Athletics of anyone in range. Anyone who loses acquires the Aspect "Stuck in Place" for the duration of the scene, 30 minutes, or until they succeed on a Maneuver with an appropriate skill to remove the Aspect, whichever occurs first. This Aspect prevents Sprint actions and the use of Athletics as a defensive roll
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: 0 (1 zone - 3 m radius)
  • Effect: Everything within the area of effect rolls athletics vs the sealer's chosen rating (less than/equal to sealing score). Those who fail their opposed roll gain the Aspect "Stuck in Place" for the duration of the effect. "Stuck in Place" prevents all forms of movement and the use of Athletics as a defensive roll. The aspect may be removed early by application of an appropriately skilled maneuver.
  • Duration: 30 min
  • Toggleable: No

Specialized storage seal. It instantaneously seals all the air within 5-20 m. (Exact radius set at creation time.) Anyone caught in the AoE gets to have their lungs implode as the air sucked out of them. The tag is destroyed by the inrushing air, which causes all the air that it sealed to reappear in a small area, at which point it goes surging out with enough force to wreck a building.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: 0-5 Zones (Settable on creation) + noise travels further
  • Effect: Has a timer measured in seconds to minutes. The seal has two primary functions: On activation, the seal draws in all air within Range 0-1, including air within opponent's lungs. After the intake, the air rushing to fill the void usually destroys the seal, causing the contents to release. The seal has a controlled release on destruction, which results in a large local overpressure that expands as an explosion, with strength settable on creation anywhere from a light puff of wind to a large detonation. If the intake is engineered with appropriate precautions, a filled implosion may be saved for later use (temporally separating the intake and release effects). Filled implosion seals are labeled "Primed" in the inventory, and are particularly dangerous because they explode when damaged.
    • See Maneuver Setting for lightest setting
    • See Normal Setting for intermediate setting
    • See Full Power Setting for strongest setting
  • Duration: Instant
  • Toggleable: No.

  • Elements: 1
  • Range: -1 to 0, settable on creation.
  • Effect: The seal is comprised of 2 effects: the intake, which can cause damage, and the release, which causes enough wind to lightly shove an opponent off-balance. There is no substantial environmental damage from this seal. The 2 effects may be separated by appropriate precautions on the initial activation. Any saved full implosion seals are labeled "Primed" in inventory, and will blow up if the seal is damaged.
    • Intake: Weapon 2 + Serious Consequence (Ruptured Lungs) Opponents within melee range (range -1) of the seal have the air within their lungs forcibly sucked out. Opponents roll physique against the weapon delivery method (roll+flat damage) or physique against the infuser's sealing (flat damage only)
    • Release: Impose a fragile aspect ("Off-Balance") on opponents within Range -1 to 0 (melee to local zone, settable on creation), and gain a free tag on that aspect as usual. Opponents may dodge the effect with an athletics roll against the weapon delivery method, or if none applies, the infuser's sealing.

  • Elements: 1
  • Range: See effect (out to 2 radial zones - noise further)
  • Effect: Has a timer measured in seconds to minutes.
    • Environmental Effect: All buildings within (local+1)radial zones take heavy damage. Buildings within (local+3) radial zones take light damage. Trees (high strength to surface area) are knocked down only within the local zone.
    • Enemy Effect: Damage composed of 2 effects- Opponent must roll checks against both effects individually. The explosion occurs on destruction of the seal - if intake is properly engineered that can be delayed until later. Any saved full implosion seals are labeled "Primed" in inventory, and will blow up if the seal is damaged.
      • Intake - Settable from the users zone out to local+1 radial zone. Opponents roll physique against the infuser's sealing to prevent lung damage - effect counts as
        • Weapon: 2 + Serious Consequence: Ruptured Lungs
      • Explosion - The onrushing intake causes the seal to rupture and the air to be released explosively. An opponent may dodge the effect by e.g. dodging behind an obstacle. The opponent dodges the effect via athletics against the weapon delivery method (roll+flat damage), or if no such delivery method applies, the infuser's sealing (flat damage).
        • Local Zone: Weapon 4
        • 1st radial: Weapon 2
        • 2nd radial: Weapon 1
  • Duration: Detonation Instant
  • Toggleable: No
Note: Treat explosion effectively as strong as 40 kg TNT detonated on the ground, no matter the intake (i.e. the seal self-adjusts to constant explosion). UN - SaferGuard - Kingery Bulmash Blast Parameter Calculator

  • Elements: 1
  • Range: See effect (out to 5 radial zones - noise further)
  • Effect: Has a timer measured in seconds to minutes.
    • Environmental Effect: All buildings within (local+3)radial zones take heavy damage. Buildings within (local+5) radial zones take light damage. Trees (high strength to surface area) are knocked down within (local +1) zones.
    • Enemy Effect: Damage composed of 2 effects- Opponent must roll checks against both effects individually. The explosion occurs on destruction of the seal - if intake is properly engineered that can be delayed until later. Any saved full implosion seals are labeled "Primed" in inventory, and will blow up if the seal is damaged.
      • Intake - Settable from the users zone out to local+1 radial zone. Opponents roll physique against the infuser's sealing to prevent lung damage - effect counts as
        • Weapon: 2 + Serious Consequence: Ruptured Lungs
      • Explosion - The onrushing intake causes the seal to rupture and the air to be released explosively. An opponent may dodge the effect by e.g. dodging behind an obstacle. The opponent dodges the effect via athletics against the weapon delivery method (roll+flat damage), or if no such delivery method applies, the infuser's sealing (flat damage).
        • Local Zone: Weapon 6
        • 1st radial: Weapon 4
        • 2nd radial: Weapon 2
        • 3rd radial: Weapon 1.
  • Duration: Detonation Instant
  • Toggleable: No
Note: Treat explosion effectively as strong as 175 kg TNT detonated on the ground, no matter the intake (i.e. the seal self-adjusts to constant explosion). UN - SaferGuard - Kingery Bulmash Blast Parameter Calculator
-- it is difficult to use this in a battle (friendly fire concern) or as static defenses (wrecks own building/shelter) - sufficient reinforcement with e.g. 5SB or Force Walls can save structures from damage.

Seal elements being ruined by improper activation ins an extrapolation for consistency with Force Walls.
Two seals connected by a tripwire. When the tripwire is triggered, both seals immediately activate. Exploding tags are the standard application, but the technique is not limited to them.
  • Elements: 2
  • Range: 0 (1 Zone) (use multiple connected LBF to span multiple zones)
  • Effect: If the space between the seal's elements is free on activation of the second element, a line of effect is established (N.B. activating without free space ruins both elements). If that line is thereafter broken, a trigger impulse is released from both LBF elements. Each trigger impulse may be connected to and activate zero or one individual seal elements from other seals.
  • Duration: 1 day
  • Toggleable: No

Author: The current Macerator seal can generate forces up to 30 MPa, particle sizes of whatever you want down to 100 micrometers (sawdust), and velocities of up to 10m/s (~22mph).
You spent 2 days finishing your research on Macerator v2.0. It exerts up to 50 MPa of force, can generate particles as small as 50 micrometers, and can eject them at a speed of up to 20m/s (~45 mph).
Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest | Page 811
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: Directional, -1 to 1 (Melee to Local+1 Zones (Settable on creation - function of speed, 10-20 m/s and contents)
  • Effect: Inherits properties of storage seals, except as modified. Grinds stored objects with up to Durability:4, TN 40 down into 50 um - 5 cm particles/fragments (Durability and particle size settable on creation), which behave as an aerosol/shotgun which quickly settles out of the air. Roughly ground granite functions well as a scatter-shot, whereas Wood, coal, and grain particles at <= 100 um are fine enough to cause a deflagration/detonation (see youthenizer), and <= 100 um water droplets are fine enough to make a thin, temporary mist (see misterator).
  • Duration: Instant-2 Rounds (settable on creation, depends on contents)
  • Toggleable: Yes (as storage)

A specific implementation of the Macerator - the seal releases up to 100 kg of water in a fine mist. For the duration of the mist, it is dense enough for mist-based techniques (e.g. Wakahisa-type chakra drain) to function.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: Directional, 0 to 1 (from Local to Local+1 Zones) (settable on creation)
  • Effect: Create a thin mist that allows mist-based techniques to function, but does not block line of sight.
  • Duration: 1-2 rounds (settable on creation)
  • Toggleable: Yes (as storage)

A specific implementation of the Macerator. Sealed item might be wood (-> sawdust, Weapon 0), chili peppers (Weapon +1), or pangolin peppers (Weapon +2). Useful in Melee only (highly positioning dependent)
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: -1 (Melee)
  • Effect: Uses a Taijutsu Attack action (open to counterattack). The Irritant macerator provides a +3 circumstance modifier to the taijutsu roll, but removes the ninja-hands weapon modifier. On success, the opponent takes only the irritant weapon modifier as stress-damage (the shifts due to the roll are ignored) and the opponent is inflicted with an aspect relevant to the contents (Dust-Blinded, Pepper-Sprayed, etc). The user gains the usual free tag on the created aspect.
  • Duration: Instant
  • Toggleable: Yes (as storage)

A specific implementation of the Macerator - stores up to 100 kg of solid material (MEW created granite is the norm) that is ground down to 1-5 cm shards. The macerator fires the detritus at an opponent in a directional scatter-shot.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: Directional, -1 to 1 (melee to Local+1 Zone)
  • Effect: Weapon +1. Use a Taijutsu attack action without the ninja-hands attack modifier. If at melee range, applies a +3 circumstance modifier to the taijutsu roll (but is open to counter attack). Resolve the attack roll as usual, otherwise.
  • Duration: Instant
  • Toggelable: Yes (as storage)

A specific implementation of the Macerator. Seals 100 kg of firewood. The wood is ground to sawdust, and the embers that were sealed cause the dust to ignite upon release, causing a sawdust explosion.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: Settable (depending on amount of sealed wood), 0 up to 3 (Local to local+3 zones)
  • Effect: Weapon rating settable from 2-5. Effect diminishes by 1 for every zone traveled beyond the local zone, and minimum weapon rating is 2. As explosions, people caught in the blast radius must roll athletics against the weapon delivery method to dodge the damage (or take roll+flat damage), or, if no such method applies, then roll athletics against the infuser's sealing to dodge (or take the flat damage).
    • Special: This effect is much more visually impressive than a normal explosive seal. User's gain a temporary tag on intimidation rolls that lasts until used, or for the duration of the scene.
  • Duration: Instant
  • Toggleable: No (seal is destroyed on release)


You have had time to learn the Party Trick Seal, which glows briefly when activated, with a visible spectrum colour set on creation.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: See Effect
  • Effect: Emits an hemispheric 10 nm bandwidth electromagnetic signal as a 0.5 W (about equivalent to a regular candle, but nearly monochromatic) equivalent point source within the visible spectrum (390-710 nm). Versions corresponding to various colors have been presented. During the day, emitted light is visible from 2 radial zones away, and diffuse reflection illuminates up to 1 zone from the source. At night, the specularly reflected light and the diffusely illuminated region is visible up to 10 zones away, and diffuse reflection illuminates 3 zones back to the source.
  • Duration: 1 round
  • Toggleable: No

Author: PMYF is, as mentioned above by players, the Poor Man's Yellow Flash. It's a storage seal on a timer; you throw it, a moment later it pops out an object that you can then swap places with via the Substitution jutsu.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: 0 to 1 (up to 1 zone away - substitution limit)
  • Effect: Inherits properties of storage seals. There is a delay on the release function of a few seconds, allowing for the storage seal to be thrown to a distance for the substitution-target to be released.
  • Duration: Seconds
  • Toggleable: Yes


You have never seen the intensity of the heat or the force vary.
The shape and size of the cone is set at seal creation time. The point of the cone is at the center of the seal and the height of the cone (i.e. the range of the blast) is normal to the surface of the seal. The base of the cone may be either a circle or an ellipse.
Kagome typically creates three settings:
Circular with a 160 degree angle at the point. Used for splatting close-in opponents that are good at dodging.
Very flattened elliptical cone that is effectively a blade. Used for his not-suicide belts so that they don't catch your own arms when they go off
Very flattened short-range cone that he uses as a force axe for cutting firewood.
You've seen him make ones with a range of 1-6 meters. (i.e. Melee or Medium range)
They are always one-use only.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: -1 to 0 (Melee to Local Zone)
  • Effect: Inherits Effect from explosives, except as modified. The shape of the blast is a cone with up to an 80 deg half angle, extending to melee range or up to the local zone. The base is circular/elliptical, and is set at seal creation.
    • Small/wide angle Melee-Range and <30 deg Conic 1-zone shaped charges do not endanger allies. (add +3 to melee attack if used with Blast Rings)
    • Wide-angle 1-zone shaped charges provide allies two fragile tags on the aspect "Free and Clear" to evade the explosive effect, and the user may reduce their attack roll to account for friendly positioning. (add +6 to melee rolls if used with Blast Rings)
  • Duration: Instant
  • Toggleable: No

Skywalkers grant you the following bonuses:
+20 dice to TacMov for disengaging, +5 for closing distance.
+15 dice to Stealth if using them at ground level
Immunity to tracking except by watching you every step of the way. You can still be spotted by someone with line of sight to you at a given moment, but distance, cover, darkness, luck, etc. can help you avoid this.
  • Elements: 4 (2 per foot)
  • Range: -2 (Personal)
  • Effect: Modified Air Domes attached to soles of shoes allow for vertical movement. User can run through the sky by alternating activation (via chakra adhesion) between two feet. Provides a static bonus of +20 Athletics to withdraw from combat, and +5 to athletics to close in. Stealth at ground level is improved by +15, and users high in the sky gain +60 Stealth against ground-based opponents unless actively searching, at which point the bonus drops to +30 Stealth
  • Duration: about 20 min
  • Toggleable: Yes

Anyone within 10 metres of the seal while it is active gains +3 to Stealth rolls. The seal cannot be moved after activation without terminating the effect.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: 1 (local zone + 1 radial zone - 10 m radius)
  • Effect: +3 Stealth within area of effect. The seal cannot be moved without terminating the effect. Moving an active seal destroys the element and terminates the effect.
  • Duration: 10 min
  • Toggleable: Yes (special, see effect)

When a storage seal is triggered, it places a discrete object in the space immediately in front of the seal face into a timeless pocket space. When unstored by triggering the seal again, objects appear in the space orthogonal to the seal face. Objects need ~0 velocity relative to the seal to be stored, and emerge with ~0 velocity relative to the seal when unstored.
In the event of obstruction, the object fails to appear. If the seal is destroyed when an obstruction is in place, the object appears in the nearest available low-density space (i.e. air), damaged as though you'd hit it with a sledgehammer a fair few times.
No time passes within storage seals. Living objects, other seals, and chakra constructs cannot be stored in storage seals, but blanks can. You can store liquids by putting them in a container. The container is subject to some stresses by the process and so can't be super-fragile.
Storage seals are limited by total volume and total mass rather than largest dimensions, so e.g. long thin objects can be stored. Standard maximums are 100kg or 1 cubic meter, whichever is limiting, but higher capacity seals could in principle be researched.
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: -2 (Personal)
  • Effect: Two modes
    • Empty: If empty, can seal a discrete object with maximum mass and total volume limit of 100 kg/1 cubic meter. Exerts mild stresses on sealed objects, but time does not pass within the seal. Objects must be close to stationary relative to the seal to be taken in. Living things, chakra constructs, and infused seals cannot be sealed, although seal blanks may. Liquids may be stored in a discrete container.
    • Full: Release the object orthogonal to the seal face. If insufficient space, the item stays sealed. If the seal is destroyed when full, the item is ejected in the nearest appropriate free space, in damaged condition.
  • Duration: Indefinite
  • Toggleable: Yes

You can activate it in one of two modes: store or release. When activated it (stores air from / releases that air into) the surrounding environment. It's typically but not necessarily built into a face mask so that it releases the air in front of your mouth and nose. You can certainly release it into the room, but the flow rate and total capacity are low.
A fully-charged seal has 300 METs (Metabolic Equivalents). You can use the values from the Wikipedia table and add more from other reputable sources. (For simplicity, this table trumps Wikipedia trumps other sources in case of conflicts). All costs should be rounded up. Rate of consumption for common MfD activities:
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: -2 (Personal)
  • Effect: 2 modes of operation: Intake and Rebreather
    • Intake: Gain 5 MET worth of air per minute, up to 300.
    • Rebreather: Use MET of air according to activity
      • Sitting: 1 /minute
      • Walking (easy-hard): 3-4 /minute
      • Long distance running at ninja speed: 10 /minute
      • Fighting or Sprinting: 10 /round
  • Duration: Special
  • Toggleable: Yes

Vacuum cleaner + filtered air conditioner. It sucks in air at one end of the tag and emits it at the other. It has a concept of what "pure air" looks like; anything that doesn't match that definition is kept in storage when the remainder is emitted.
It doesn't add anything to the air, it only subtracts. If you breathe all the O2 into CO2 then you're still in trouble.
Repeatedly absorbs all gas within a 60-degree 3-metre cone in rapid bursts of suction. The gas goes into a storage space. Airlike gas is simultaneously expelled from the storage space via a separate identical cone. Anything not needed to produce the airlike gas (e.g. poison) remains trapped in the space.Note that this seal merely removes substances from air. It does not add, so if your breathing has converted all the oxygen into CO2, the seal is not going to save you. Note also that Usamatsu had no idea about the proper chemical makeup of air, and just went with something that didn't kill lab animals when they breathed it (in the short-term).
  • Elements: 1
  • Range: 0 (Local Zone - 30 deg half-angle, 3 m diameter cone)
  • Effect: Absorbs gas within a 30-degree half-angle cone within line of sight, then releases only the components than make up breathable air (O2, N2, Ar, CO2, H2O, though no one in-character knows chemical composition) in an identical, coterminous cone. No additional material is supplied - if there was no oxygen, none will be there after application of the purifier. All other material - poison gas or suspended particulate below 500 um is sealed in the purifier. The suction and release are not simultaneous - they occur at 10 Hz (gas at the furthest reach travels 60 m/s - bulk particles traveling faster than this beat the suction/release function). The seal may be swept around an area to purify a zone within seconds. If there is no breathable gas in the local area, the seal will create a conical vacuum which quickly sucks up the non-breathable gas.
  • Duration: A few days (72 hrs, rationable), or up to 20 active toggles.
  • Toggleable: Yes
Need to write up versions for specific types of macerators: Solid Shot, Misterator, Youthenizer.

QM discussed mechanics move down here for easier access.
A place where links to current player-visible QM discussion will be collected

Ambitious, yet plausible.
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Don't Earth Domes make permanent granite if used on ground? Why don't we just put them down en masse to make 10m high domes connected side by side, and then collapse the outer curvature that's facing outwards with explosives or similar in order to keep chakra monsters from running up the side? That seems absurdly faster and more efficient than using MEW, especially since we can reuse the Earth Dome seals.


Also pinging @Velorien @OliWhail
We can re-use Earth Dome seals and make new permanent domes? If so, then yeah heck with MEW Earth Dome seals are where it's at. Might still be worth making MEW seals later on to get easier vertical walls, but I'm sure we could hack together a solid process to make good walls out of Earth Domes.
Again, according to Tsunade, 90% of the value of walls is deterrence. Enough sailcloth, rope, and lime to put a frame around an entire settlement in an hour would fit in a couple of storage seals. Civilians could move in and ram earth into the frames to turn them into real walls at their leisure.
We can re-use Earth Dome seals and make new permanent domes? If so, then yeah heck with MEW Earth Dome seals are where it's at. Might still be worth making MEW seals later on to get easier vertical walls, but I'm sure we could hack together a solid process to make good walls out of Earth Domes.
If they're anything like Air Domes, which can be reused (see: Skywalkers), they should be reusable.

Edit: Still, if we want to save time on making explosives, we might want to consider making a MEW-equivalent.
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If they're anything like Air Domes, which can be reused (see: Skywalkers), they should be reusable.

Edit: Still, if we want to save time on making explosives, we might want to consider making a MEW-equivalent.
The thing is, they aren't like Skywalkers because they produce permanent structures, so I could easily see them behaving in a way that lets that only work once, one way or another.
Again, according to Tsunade, 90% of the value of walls is deterrence. Enough sailcloth, rope, and lime to put a frame around an entire settlement in an hour would fit in a couple of storage seals. Civilians could move in and ram earth into the frames to turn them into real walls at their leisure.

We should test this. Not the manufacturing part, that I have no qualms with.

[x] Research Plan : Town wall cost efficiency
  • Set up a bunch of "training exercises" with KEI ninja where they:
    • Camp somewhere as a survival exercise for 2-3 weeks, in mixed chuunin-genin groups.
    • Set up some sort of walls (sailcloth, MEW, earth dome, none)
    • In the last week, have the chuunin lure chakra monsters in to attack the genin.
  • Have the chuunin keep track of the following in their reports/debriefs.
    • Wall effectiveness
    • Monster willingness to approach
    • Cost/ease/speed of construction
If we're not running these as missions (and thereby sidestepping the tax) it should be relatively cheap, and serve a pile of other goals too.