I would like to propose that we (in the near future, probably after getting finance stuff squared away after getting recurring $$$) put up bounties on our killer's (or killers') head(s) with several different organizations.

In advance.
So Neji, rather than his clan, gets the scroll, and in exchange he has to protect Keiko AND use his clan's resources to create a bunch of homeless shelters/Youth Cult Indoctrination Centers? I can live with that.
Protoplan: Something Wicked This Way Comes
  • Clan meeting: large-scale threat assessment.
    • Let Kagome present anything he thinks is relevant to our safety. Have any of his previous theories been updated meaningfully?
      • Bake cookies, nice and chocolatey.
    • Akatsuki:
      • We don't know what state they're in after Pein died, just that they haven't made any waves that we've heard of. They could be still together, or broken up, or some radicals left, or they all fought each other to the death or something. Point is, we have no intel on the massive group of S-rankers who hold the fate of the world in their hands.
      • We know that Itachi is the Crow Summoner, so we could have Keiko or another Leaf Summoner send a message to them through the Seventh Path and try to create a dialogue in some way. Seventh Path communication is completely safe and secure so there's very little risk in sending the message itself.
      • If things go very very well, this could see Akatsuki and Leaf reaching an agreement to pool our power for the sake of world peace. If not, well, we still stand a good shot of gaining some basic intel, like whether "Akatsuki" still exists as a meaningful entity, or a myriad of other possibilities in-between.
      • Of course, making clandestine contact with the most hated missing-nin the world over is a bad idea, so we'll have to do this above board.
        • If the idea clears the clan's sanity checks, Mari can suggest the idea to Asuma and from there Asuma can convince Hiashi to go along with it.
      • Akatsuki's done horrible things, and many of us have every reason to hate their guts, but if there's a chance that they're open to cooperating with Leaf for the sake of world peace, we'll just have to set aside our hate and do what's right for everyone.
    • How long do we think we have left before war breaks out, the way things are going?
  • Go talk to Lee:
    • Learn how to juggle while walking. And while running. And while sparring.
    • Offer condolences and support, the dude's had it rough.
    • Talk about giving him financial support if he needs it, and breach the topic of adoption.

So, even these two scenes might be too much depending on how much Kagome talks in the first part of the plan, and the Akatsuki section is definitely not wordcount-optimized, but I think this makes for a solid plan foundation.

The main point of contention (which you can see on the discord) is whether or not it's a good idea to talk to Akatsuki over the table or under the table. I personally think that over the table is the only sensible way to go about this, but we shall see what arguments the debate turns up.
Hazou and most of Gouketsu still haven't learned how to use explosive rings, and those are a lot more valuable than these single-use skeet launchers.
If someone could adopt this as an action plan and maintain it, I would be grateful.

[] Protoplan: Subversive Political Insurrection and Other Family Friendly Activities
  • Go talk to Shikamaru, Ino, and Choaza. Bring Mari and Naruto, request Kei's presence.
    • What do they think would be able to end the circumstances that force them to distance ISC from us? Okay, so we can't be allies overtly at the moment for ISC's safety. Fine. How do we covertly escape that sitution so that we can be overt allies again?
    • Brainstorm with them.
      • Improving Gouketsu relations with members of Hiashi's faction.
      • Coordinating to improve Gouketsu's relative entrenchment in a way that does not reveal ISC involvement.
  • Clan meeting: large-scale threat assessment.
    • Let Kagome present anything he thinks is relevant to our safety. Have any of his previous theoriesbeen updated meaningfully?
      • Bake cookies, nice and chocolatey.
    • Akatsuki:
      • We don't know what state they're in after Pein died, just that they haven't made any waves that we've heard of. They could be still together, or broken up, or some radicals left, or they all fought each other to the death or something. Point is, we have no intel on the massive group of S-rankers who hold the fate of the world in their hands.
      • We know that Itachi is the Crow Summoner, so we could have Keiko or another Leaf Summoner send a message to them through the Seventh Path and try to create a dialogue in some way. Seventh Path communication is completely safe and secure so there's very little risk in sending the message itself.
      • If things go very very well, this could see Akatsuki and Leaf reaching an agreement to pool our power for the sake of world peace. If not, well, we still stand a good shot of gaining some basic intel, like whether "Akatsuki" still exists as a meaningful entity, or a myriad of other possibilities in-between.
      • Of course, making clandestine contact with the most hated missing-nin the world over is a bad idea, so we'll have to do this above board.
        • If the idea clears the clan's sanity checks, Mari can suggest the idea to Asuma and from there Asuma can convince Hiashi to go along with it.
      • Akatsuki's done horrible things, and many of us have every reason to hate their guts, but if there's a chance that they're open to cooperating with Leaf for the sake of world peace, we'll just have to set aside our hate and do what's right for everyone.
    • How long do we think we have left before war breaks out, the way things are going?
  • Background stuff:
    • Begin doing research (3 days prep, prototype, 2 days other activities).
    • Schedule guest-lectures at the academy.
    • Schedule a weekly Sealing 101 class for KEI members. Coordinate with Kagome to optimise.
    • Conduct creative training.
  • Background stuff:
    • Begin doing research (3 days prep, prototype, 2 days other activities).
    • Schedule guest-lectures at the academy.
    • Schedule a weekly Sealing 101 class for KEI members. Coordinate with Kagome to optimise.
    • Conduct creative training.

I think setting up a teacher to do reading and writing remediation is important if we're going to assist Kagome with Sealing 101.
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[X] Action Plan: Sealing, Talking, Teaching
Word count: 297

Timeline: ~1 week
  • Research: Work with Kagome.
    • Priorities: ESP seals, LBF, ARS.
    • Process: 3 days prep, prototype, 2 days on other things (below).
      • Tag our Sealing aspect and "Kagome-Certified Sealing Lab".
      • Save 2FP for re-rolling Calligraphy.
  • Meet with Mari/Kagome under utmost security. Topics:
    • Akatsuki:
      • We have no intel on their activities since Pain's death, but we do know they have Summoners. We could create a dialogue by sending send a message via Seventh Path — which should, in itself, be very low-risk.
      • Best-case scenario, we agree to pool power for the sake of world peace. At worst, we still get some basic intel on their activity.
      • Of course, contacting them might end poorly for us. Should we do this aboveboard, covertly, or not at all?
        • If aboveboard, can Mari convince Asuma to get Hiashi to go along with it?
      • We all have reason to hate Akatsuki, but if they're willing to work with us, we have to set that aside for the greater good. Like what Mist did.
      • BTW, can Kagome summarize the Akatsuki book?
    • How long is left until the next war?
    • What other cognition-related bloodlines (besides the Mori/Nara/Tama) are there?
  • Teaching KEI members:
    • Goal: Look for overlooked, but promising students to adopt/apprentice.
    • All of Clan Gouketsu can get involved: Hazou/Kagome teach Sealing, Noburi teach medicine...
    • Is Naruto a technique hacker; would he be willing to teach?
    • Find someone to teach reading/writing.
    • Apply for guest lectures at the Academy.
  • Go to a multi-floor tavern/inn still damaged from the sealing failure.
    • Buy their building and pay Kenta's construction business to do necessary renovations.
    • Grant the previous owners a generous but reasonable salary to manage things.
    • Repurpose the top two floors as HQ for sealmaster/Technique Hacker/medic unions we create.
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