Note that it's less "Kagome recognized the sealer" and more "Kagome speculated, in an entry in a journal that Hazō knows nothing about, who it could possibly have been".
If we spend XP on on nothing else, it will take 223 days of 3xp/day (and no bonus xp) to get the CR 30 we need for SC.

Given that our only tournament fight will be a loss to Kei, I am not against spending all our XP on chakra and letting the godstat wait until we have shadow clone.
If we spend XP on on nothing else, it will take 223 days of 3xp/day (and no bonus xp) to get the CR 30 we need for SC.

Given that our only tournament fight will be a loss to Kei, I am not against spending all our XP on chakra and letting the godstat wait until we have shadow clone.
I would argue that ~7 months of pure CR training is not the best idea given our deficiencies in...everywhere.

Especially since I'm still expecting an Akatsuki invasion, Kage assassination, or similar fuckery happening while we're in Mist.
I would argue that ~7 months of pure CR training is not the best idea given our deficiencies in...everywhere.

Especially since I'm still expecting an Akatsuki invasion, Kage assassination, or similar fuckery happening while we're in Mist.

I agree that we need other things. The problem is that we don't have enough XP to go around to all the holes we need to patch.

If we get CR 30 then we patch our chakra anemia and can then safely ignore chakra for a while. And then we get SC.

The sooner we get SC the more XP we have. If we patch other things first and then get SC then we will have less XP in our build than if we rushed to SC and then patched the other stuff. In one year's time, the Hazou that rushed to SC is stronger than the Hazou that didn't.

I don't really like it either, but we're not in a position to defend against all this dangerous bullshit whatever we do. The Hazou who patched things other than his chakra anemia first would also die to Akatsuki.
I agree that we need other things. The problem is that we don't have enough XP to go around to all the holes we need to patch.

If we get CR 30 then we patch our chakra anemia and can then safely ignore chakra for a while. And then we get SC.

The sooner we get SC the more XP we have. If we patch other things first and then get SC then we will have less XP in our build than if we rushed to SC and then patched the other stuff. In one year's time, the Hazou that rushed to SC is stronger than the Hazou that didn't.

I don't really like it either, but we're not in a position to defend against all this dangerous bullshit whatever we do. The Hazou who patched things other than his chakra anemia first would also die to Akatsuki.
*rereads talking about SC because I'm starting to think about it*

Hm. Jiraiya says he won't let us learn it until we have "high-Jonin" CR, isn't that like over 500CP?
I would argue that ~7 months of pure CR training is not the best idea given our deficiencies in...everywhere.

Especially since I'm still expecting an Akatsuki invasion, Kage assassination, or similar fuckery happening while we're in Mist.
CR is still a massive priority.

As of right now we cant go more than a few rounds without having Noburi refill us. Thats not the best.

I disagree with MS that we should spend it all on chakra. We need Alertness , 1-2 levels of CR and a handful of utility jutsu.
CR is still a massive priority.

As of right now we cant go more than a few rounds without having Noburi refill us. Thats not the best.

I disagree with MS that we should spend it all on chakra. We need Alertness , 1-2 levels of CR and a handful of utility jutsu.
Big priority, yes. I wouldn't be averse to putting all our XP (save 1 or 2 for new jutsu) in CR and Alertness, maybe social depending on what happens next.

But putting 100% XP in CR...I'm against that.
Why are you so confident of losing to Keiko? If there's one thing the hivemind is *really* good at, it's battle planning.

Kei is a really bad matchup for Hazou.

Unless the arena is a single zone, Kei can force Hazou to roll Athletics to engage her in melee every single round, VSing away on her turn whenever he wins. OTOH, Kei can always attack with RW every round.

And that's leaving out Pangolins.

*rereads talking about SC because I'm starting to think about it*

Hm. Jiraiya says he won't let us learn it until we have "high-Jonin" CR, isn't that like over 500CP?

Really? Yikes. If that's true it would be a bit of a kick in the teeth. CR 50 sounds really expensive. I'm not sure what my preferred build order would be if we needed that for SC.
Inserted tally
Adhoc vote count started by Velorien on Nov 17, 2018 at 9:02 AM, finished with 368 posts and 15 votes.
Voting is closed.

Good news, everyone! As my previous chapter wasn't evil enough, @eaglejarl has kindly consented to let me write the Sunday update as well. I hope you are looking forward to it as much as I am.
Big priority, yes. I wouldn't be averse to putting all our XP (save 1 or 2 for new jutsu) in CR and Alertness, maybe social depending on what happens next.

But putting 100% XP in CR...I'm against that.

I'm 100% for doing a 100% investment into CR for a years worth of XP.

That will get us to CR 35. Which solves our CR problem for the time being, even if we need like 40 to get SC's/

Why are you so confident of losing to Keiko? If there's one thing the hivemind is *really* good at, it's battle planning.

So we won't surprise you or anything:

I think @Vecht , me and like a handful of other people are on the "Lets actually beat Keiko" train. And that's about it.

Most of us are like "Huh. Well as long as someone from Team Uplift wins. Also, Keiko's performance in the tourny may affect whether or not she gets married to Shikamaru or a lesser Nara. Also her self esteem would go up."

To which I'm like:

"Look, but what does it matter if she beats us without actually beating us? She'd eventually figure it out."

Weeks of similar discussion pass by

So fair warning: I don't think many of us will be trying too hard to beat Keiko. Currently, the only incentive is "Team Uplift needs to win the tournament, and probably come in second." which can be fulfilled without us personally having to be a glory hound about it. (Although, my Saiyan Pride personal internal sense of fairness is not going to let me let her win without a fight. So I suppose I will be plotting on how to takedown Keiko when the time comes.)

*rereads talking about SC because I'm starting to think about it*

Hm. Jiraiya says he won't let us learn it until we have "high-Jonin" CR, isn't that like over 500CP?

He said "Summon two of your strongest Pangolins and keep going." which is like CR40 ish.

If it takes CR45-CR50, then... we need that too.

There are a pile of chakra eating bullshit techniques that we probably should learn (Rasengan among them) eventually. They all have "Fuck off high CR" as a prerequisite. We already have techniques that eat chakra and turn you into an unkillable god (Pangolin-Anything), we just haven't leveled them up to the point where we can spam them/ use them at their most OP.

However, that being said.

I'm not averse to doing a 50/40/10 split on CR/Sealing/Empathy for the time period this takes. While getting to SC is important, I think getting Sealing 30 is also very important. We will be spending a lot of that time doing seal research, there's a whole lot of "basic" utility seals I think we need to make (for Uplifty stuff, if nothing else), and we have a massive pile of stuff in the research pipeline that needs to be cleared out.
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That's for Keiko, the requirement for Noburi/Hazou is to have high-Jonin CR.
Not really. The real requirement is for us to standardize chakra costs (which is in the works still) so that everyone in universe can measure these things more accurately.

So the lower bound on CR for "When can you learn Shadow clones" is at most as much chakra to summon Pank +Panj which is no more than 400 chakra. So 40 CR.
So they don't know if they "rolled low" or "rolled high" within the range of results they might possibly have gotten?
Results are given based on how much feedback the roller gets. Thus, rolls based on physical activity are shown because it's generally obvious to a trained person how well they've done relative to their peak performance. Rolls on research aren't because there's no way of knowing how close your theory is to what's really going on except by testing whether its predictions work or not. In the case of sealcrafting prototypes, this is a binary test that can only return "It works", or "It doesn't work" (with a bonus of "It doesn't work and there are eldritch abominations eating my face").

Arguably, there should be other rolls that shouldn't be shown, such as searching for traps, because the only way to know how well you've done there is to see whether you've been blown up or not.

@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Interesting hypothetical worldbuildy question for y'all. Say Chunin!Hazou comes across someone being mugged/assaulted/murdered in a back alley somewhere in a nameless city in Fire Country, let's say Tanzaku Gai for completeness' sake. To what extent is Hazou allowed to mete out justice in that situation? Is this a "Drag 'em to local jail because they get a trial." thing? Is it a "Within the bounds of the law, I can enforce punishment (up to capital punishment) as the situation demands." Or is it a "I am a ranking shinobi of Leaf. By the power invested in me by the Hokage, I now pronounce you dead. Say your prayers." thing, with no questions asked (but maybe some paperwork filed after the fact)? Obviously circumstantial things might sway the issue towards one or the other side of things (the eight year old street urchin turned thief might get some leniency) but on average, whats the sort of thing we're dealing with here? Just something I was mulling over as far as the Land of Fire's judicial system is concerned. I imagine in Water its almost 100% guaranteed to be the last option, but I was curious what the stance would be in the more civvy friendly country of Fire.
The law is, in theory, the same for everyone. If you ignore it, society will ultimately plunge into anarchy, and that would be bad for everyone, civilians and ninja both. Ninja who are excessive about injuring or killing civilians (especially in Leaf) are undermining a system created by their wiser elders, and will eventually come to the attention of their superiors. On the other hand, if a ninja says "Upon considering the evidence, I judged that it was necessary to inflict instant punishment on this evildoer, possibly for the heinous crime of disrespecting a ninja", who are you going to appeal to? The Hokage?
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail What qualifies as "rest" for the Sealing Research section? I assume you guys don't want to encourage lighthousing in the rules, so I assume the implication there is "no excess training (as in, beyond light sparring/katas), but social stuff is okay"?
Per the rules, "rest" is shorthand for "only sealing research and rest". Thus, you may only pursue other activities if they can reasonably fit into a gap between periods of research and do not drain energy. For example, you can take a little time out to bond with your teammates or have a plesant lunch with an acquaintance, but you cannot host or attend a party or face off with Hyūga Hiashi.

Can haz rolls values?
No can haz numbers, but:

Out of 7 rolls you failed 4 but did not produce any catastrophic Sealing Failures.

Apologies for the confusion, I know we said you failed all 7 originally - we realized our mistake when we went to put record rolls in the sealing research doc. The qualitative description of the state of your research was correct, however - Hazō is frazzled and confused, unsure of how best to proceed, and feels if anything further from success than he did at the start of the week.
The law is, in theory, the same for everyone. If you ignore it, society will ultimately plunge into anarchy, and that would be bad for everyone, civilians and ninja both. Ninja who are excessive about injuring or killing civilians (especially in Leaf) are undermining a system created by their wiser elders, and will eventually come to the attention of their superiors. On the other hand, if a ninja says "Upon considering the evidence, I judged that it was necessary to inflict instant punishment on this evildoer, possibly for the heinous crime of disrespecting a ninja", who are you going to appeal to? The Hokage?
That answers a lot of what I'm wondering in a way, I suppose. Thanks!

Although, I suppose I was wondering something more along the lines of "Where does that sort of thing fit together as far as the actual law is concerned? Are we bestowed with such legal powers as Chunin?" but I expect we'll find out what formal privileges/responsibilities/powers Chunin have access to shortly anyway.

Should further clarification be relevant to the story at any point (laughs evilly) I suppose I'll ask then.
Per the rules, "rest" is shorthand for "only sealing research and rest". Thus, you may only pursue other activities if they can reasonably fit into a gap between periods of research and do not drain energy. For example, you can take a little time out to bond with your teammates or have a plesant lunch with an acquaintance, but you cannot host or attend a party or face off with Hyūga Hiashi.
That's much better than what I expected for the most part.

Perhaps I just tend to associate "research" with "consecutive all nighters" subconsciously at this point though.
No can haz numbers, but:

Out of 7 rolls you failed 4 but did not produce any catastrophic Sealing Failures.

Apologies for the confusion, I know we said you failed all 7 originally - we realized our mistake when we went to put record rolls in the sealing research doc. The qualitative description of the state of your research was correct, however - Hazō is frazzled and confused, unsure of how best to proceed, and feels if anything further from success than he did at the start of the week.
Thanks for the info! It is much appreciated.

I actually find qualitative info to be more digestible and more or less as informative than some quantitative info. I don't find it super necessary to have the actual numbers, because it's not like that would change our approach to the research very much outside of some weird edge case scenario that isn't super likely to come up.
Perhaps I just tend to associate "research" with "consecutive all nighters" subconsciously at this point though.
Actually, that's exactly how sealing research works with the burnout rules. Every time we make a sealing roll, we should inflict Mild consequences of both physical and mental variety. I see no way this could turn out poorly.
Thanks for the info! It is much appreciated.

I actually find qualitative info to be more digestible and more or less as informative than some quantitative info. I don't find it super necessary to have the actual numbers, because it's not like that would change our approach to the research very much outside of some weird edge case scenario that isn't super likely to come up.
Don't lie to the nice man. As Vecht's bingo book shows for the old system, it is not difficult to get near-exact values out of very few qualitative measures such as "you succeeded" or "you didn't succeed". :p
I don't believe for a goddamn second that you munchkins wouldn't find a way to make absolutely sure "some weird edge case" in the math applied :D :p
Not reallyyyyyyyyy though!

Like, in this instance, literally the only thing that matters is that

1) We haven't completed the seal yet
2) #Fails > # Successes
3) There's significant time constraints and we need something like this sooner than later.

So the answer (regardless of the actual numbers) is "Make something that is slightly better than what we have, but not the best version we actually want. At worst, its a band-aid to the situation that will provide us with some veterancy bonus to the harder seal later."

The only real fixes to the current situation is:

1)Level Sealing (not really an option if you have time constraints)
2)Spend more time on it (ditto)
3)Spend FP on it (not really an option now since we want to keep our FP pool higher than the refresh limit)
4) Do something else and come back to it when you have more flexible constraints.

Like, one thing we can do, and should do after the tournament, is to build a "Grade-S No Bullshit, Kagome + Jiraiya Certified, Clan Gouketsu Access Only, Non-Sealmasters KEEP OUT!" sealing lab somewhere on the clan property. This is likely to take a fair amount of money and time though, so its not an option at the moment.

Similarly, at any point where we find we're stuck in the mud on research, well either we have time to spare or not. If we have time to spare, the answer is "Wait for Sealing to level a bit." or "Spend more time on it to the exclusion of all else, maybe do some all nighters for like a week." or something similar.

If we don't have time to spare, the answer is probably to just do something else.

Actually, that's exactly how sealing research works with the burnout rules. Every time we make a sealing roll, we should inflict Mild consequences of both physical and mental variety. I see no way this could turn out poorly.

I have read the rules, you know :p

Don't lie to the nice man. As Vecht's bingo book shows for the old system, it is not difficult to get near-exact values out of very few qualitative measures such as "you succeeded" or "you didn't succeed". :p
But this is exactly what I'm saying.

#Successes vs # Failures is basically all you need to know quantitatively speaking. We can do the math pretty accurately just on that, if we have more than a handful of attempts. If you get that and something to the effect of "Hazou feels like everything has gone horribly wrong and has no idea what he's doing." well, then you stop the damn project or scale it back a bit for the time being.
So, does having someone helping you with the research (per providing aspects, etc.) do anything for how long/how effective doing the "research and rest" thing takes? Could you use their aspect bonus instead if they were helping you the whole time?
I have read the rules, you know :p
Shhh, this is all a performance for the audience.