The Shining One
- Location
- Trapped in an extradimensional rift.
- Pronouns
- She/They
Interlude: Potential
It happened when Kei was returning from some errand of little significance, on a day that would otherwise have been of little significance.
"Gōketsu Keiko?"
She turned at the vaguely-familiar high-pitched voice.
"How can I help you, Hanabi?"
The little girl hesitated, then bowed deep.
"Please teach me your ways."
"My… ways?" Kei had ways? Since when had she had ways? Why had no one told her that she had ways?
Was this related to summoning, which she could not teach? Ranged combat, for which there were a thousand better instructors? Logistics and analysis, which Kei did not believe she had demonstrated before Hanabi (except perhaps while gaming)?
"I watched you shut down a raging Inuzuka with a single look," Hanabi elaborated. "I want to know how to do that too."
"Is that so?" Kei asked with amusement, beckoning for the girl to rise. "And why would you wish to learn the art?"
"Because everyone treats me like a child!" Hanabi exclaimed. "Everyone acts as if my opinions don't matter just because I lack experience, and I'm always supposed to do what I'm told even though I'm nearly ten and more intelligent than all the other children, and at least some of the tutors too. And if I say no, then they get angry and lecture me and punish me, even though they'd never think of behaving that way with another adult. And sometimes they're just plain wrong about things, but If I try to tell them, they don't even argue back, they just act as if I hadn't said anything. They wouldn't dare do that if I was like you."
Kei felt a wave of compassion for the girl, but set it aside. To allow herself to be guided by such feelings would dishonour the spirit of Hanabi's request.
"Show me," Kei said. "The art demands not only dedication but natural talent."
Hanabi glared at her. It was a respectable glare for a beginner, filled with emotion yet not lacking in focus. Doubly respectable for one hampered by the unexpressively blank Hyūga eyes.
The child displayed enough potential that Kei chose to respond with a demonstration.
She gazed into Hanabi's eyes, and allowed herself to project all of the disdain that Leaf's princess might feel on having her daily routine disrupted by an impertinent child.
Hanabi's own gaze dropped to her feet.
"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't be wasting your time like this. Please excuse me!"
"Stop," Kei said before Hanabi could flee.
Hanabi stopped. She eyed Kei warily, as if expecting punishment for her insolence.
Kei made the same beckoning gesture as before, prompting Hanabi to straighten and draw herself up to her full height.
"Close your eyes."
As Hanabi stood still, Kei paced in a slow circle around her.
"This time, in your mind's eye raise up the adults who hold you in contempt. The instructors who deny your value. The other children who fail to recognise your superiority, and the entire system that refuses to acknowledge your agency and forces you to waste your potential."
Kei watched Hanabi's expression change in a most pleasing fashion.
"You fear them for the power they have over you. Do not deny that fear. Accept it as truth. Feel the fear as it flows into anger. Feel the anger as it coalesces into hatred. Feel the pain that has been inflicted upon you and the injustice with which they would crush your spirit. Everything you have endured, everything you have suppressed because you could not endure it—raise it from the depths and hold it unreleased within the iron grip of your will.
"Then, when you have drawn on all that you can, channel that darkness. Master it. Transmute its destructive chaos into frigid, implacable order and forge it into a single perfected weapon to destroy your enemies."
She came to a halt, once more in front of Hanabi.
"Now, prove that you are worthy. As in every battle, you will be given one chance and one chance only."
Hanabi's eyes opened, slowly filling with resolve.
Within a few metres of the two girls, the air grew cold enough for the change to be felt in midwinter. The sound of birdsong faded away, and the ambient chatter of passers-by receded into the distance. Civilians around them quickly recalled whatever business had brought them out onto the streets to begin with, and gave the pair a wide berth as they hurried away.
"The likes of them will not stand in my way forever," Hanabi said in an icy voice. A small but unmissable fragment of killing intent crystallised in the air and hung there for a few seconds before fading away.
The nine-year-old looked up at her shyly. "How was that?"
Kei felt her lips stretch in a dark involuntary smile.
"Come, my young apprentice. It seems you and I have much to discuss."
Yeah so here's my reaction post for this one
May I suggest to you, some sort of... symmetry in the future state of things as far as "Child apprentices" go:
Give us Sarutobi Konohamaru.
Come on... you know you want to now! Think about all those delicious antics you can write! All that interesting potential for character conflict! All those mentor failings and growth opportunities that Hazou can exhibit! All that thread discussion that will be had, as we chirp away at trying to figure out how best to teach an eight year old clan-heir-heir.
And the delicious symmetry! The contests that can be had between Keiko and Hazou, as their apprentices' rivarly is mirrored by a rivalry of masters.
Don't you want that?
Come to the dark side, @Velorien , we have rich character development.