The plan name is actually in response to @MMKII. He didn't want to incorporate my feedback so I made my own.

Hey! Hold your horses there! I was just rereading the sealing rules before I was going to make a completely research oriented plan for maximum efficacy. :p

But I suppose I don't have to do that now...
Voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by Dissonance on Nov 16, 2018 at 2:01 PM, finished with 236 posts and 5 votes.
  • 7

    [X] No u
    [X] Action Plan: Timeskip to Tournament
    [X] Test the PAINerator on myself if Aunt Lady Sunnyshine hurts Akane.
    [X] Action Plan: Wrapping Things Up
[X] No u
[X] Action Plan: Wrapping Things Up
[X] Test the PAINerator on myself if Aunt Lady Sunnyshine hurts Akane.
Things to do in Mist:

  • Tournament
  • Gambling
  • Operation Jiraiya Incarnate
    • Intent: Diplomancy ! Through dating, of course.
    • Ask Jiraiya for romantic advice. Read some of his smutty bullshit books on the way to Mist.
    • Ask Kiri out on a date (more socials practice)
    • Ask Kashiwagi Noriko out on a date (after we whoop her ass in Round 1)
    • Ask all of the Sand genin out on dates
    • Ask Ami out on an instance of two individuals spending a day together in order to facilitate greater mutual knowledge and familiarity, arranged in anticipation of a potential long-term relationship (FINAL BOSS! The real deal now).
  • Operation "Auntie Ren, I've come to bargain!"
    • Get Ren to give us some bullshit, because we're her favorite nephew.
I'd like to suggest someone go back and carefully read the rules about sealing research, as there are some misapprehensions going on. Among other things, it's possible to go negative on research successes.

I'm reasonably confident that most of the players have not read the research rules both carefully and recently, since they are new and long. It's also quite possible that we didn't write them as clearly as necessary, so, if there is anything that seems fuzzy, please say so that we may fix it.

Finally, because this is the first time we've done this and we're still sorting things out, I'll offer one piece of OOC information so that we aren't all wasting time and getting frustrated: The TN is within Hazō's grasp as long as he takes his time with the research, but you are not going to finish it in the next two days.

@Velorien , I know you don't think we should be giving out information like this, and I agree. I won't be doing it in future, but the rules are new and we went a long time without giving players feedback on their efforts, so I think it's worth bending a bit this time in the interest of everyone having fun and avoiding salt.

For what it's worth, I didn't envision them as hard to operate. Certainly not in a way that is relevant to game mechanics.

Setback are weird. I would think they implies strong feedback, therefore reducing TNs.

Although it's possible that Hazō's skill and knowledge would be insufficient to actually reduce TN.
Negative Success Count = Setbacks is pretty fine IMO. These realistically simulate "Back to the drawing board" type moments that one encounters from time to time in research.
@Vecht We should also do relative time-cost calculations in the form of comparing how much we can make with the yakuza to how much we can make just making explosive seals.
Ah. It doesn't exactly make it clear that ResearchSuccessCount can dip into the negatives.

I've skimmed it this morning, but I decided that given the ~7 failures that it just plain wouldn't be fruitful to spend time on it (whether or not we can do the Burnout or the incremental bonus from # days spent on it to exclusion of other stuff, capped at 2xAspect Bonus thing).

Here it is, for everyone that wants a look but can't be arsed to go into google docs:

Mechanics of Seal Research

These rules are not very helpful to players in making decisions, as there is no guidance at all on how to determine the Complexity or TN of a seal, even on a broad range.

At any time of their choosing so long as they have time and equipment, the researcher may create a prototype seal by making a Sealcrafting roll vs a Target Number based on the seal's complexity. The TN is not explicitly shown to the researcher, and must be inferred based on roll results.

Since the results of their rolls is information that a researcher has in-character and is explicitly used by them to infer the seal's complexity, it would be very helpful if the QMs would provide the roll and results each time Hazou makes a sealcrafting roll to develop a prototype. This would allow players to make the same inferences that Hazou can make in-character and better judge how much time we're going to have to budget for that particular seal over the long term.
  • CHAOS!
    • Practice minmax blindfighting with the suit.
      • Smoke + living roots, banshees (activated from a SAFE DISTANCE) + banshee slayers, noxious gas + air cleaners.
    • Load up on some of the shields that Kagome developed. These look super useful.
    • Observe strictest safety protocols while using the suit. Use a clone if unsure.
    • Refill expended seals.

Word count: 298

You don't need air cleaner. Tunneler's friend will do the job. Also, I have no idea how you intend to deploy the banshee.
Yeah, we were told that we came close to sealing failure twice, but not having the rolls, even in

Hazō rolls [stat] vs TN --- [Hazō's roll] vs [???]

Seems weird.
I am not sure of the point of keeping the TN a secret. Also, we can't verify anything. We don't know if you're being fair to us with your calculation.
These rules are not very helpful to players in making decisions, as there is no guidance at all on how to determine the Complexity or TN of a seal, even on a broad range.

If we had the rolls we could guesstimate this pretty accurately though, which I think is the point.

Since the results of their rolls is information that a researcher has in-character and is explicitly used by them to infer the seal's complexity, it would be very helpful if the QMs would provide the roll and results each time Hazou makes a sealcrafting roll to develop a prototype. This would allow players to make the same inferences that Hazou can make in-character and better judge how much time we're going to have to budget for that particular seal over the long term.


@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail

Can haz rolls values?
You don't need air cleaner. Tunneler's friend will do the job. Also, I have no idea how you intend to deploy the banshee.

What even is the difference? I'll change it.

For Banshee, we have a clone activate it from a ways away. I'll be more clear about this.

I'd like to put in Banshee grenades, but this is just strapping them to a rock with a time-delayed explosive seal and won't take any time to do later. Also wordcount.
Does Hazō knows that he is Ren's favorite nephew or that Ren actually cared about him?
Ren presumably cares about him (Ren Interlude in Hotsprings) so I imagine that she has to have interacted with him to form some sort of emotional bond.

What even is the difference? I'll change it.

For Banshee, we have a clone activate it from a ways away. I'll be more clear about this.

I'd like to put in Banshee grenades, but this is just strapping them to a rock with a time-delayed explosive seal and won't take any time to do later. Also wordcount.
Usamatsu is the Air Cleaning Seal.
Tunnelers Friend is the Scuba Tank Seal.

I'm cool with the Banshees. If Hazou does the same mistake again, despite warnings, then we should just get a smarter character.