Neither Air Domes nor Earth Domes are reusable AFAICR. Skywalkers are a hack on Air Domes.
Hazou bowed instinctively, glanced up at his mother's glacial face, and then hesitantly took the exhausted seals from his aunt. "I'll be sure the person who made them for me knows the Mizukage approves of their work," he said as neutrally as he could, reaching down to pick up the not-yet spent Earth Dome pair.
For what it's worth, I do remember an explicit ruling that earth domes are one-use only. Maybe that's only for the permanent version? I'll note the dome in your quote doesn't seem to be permanent despite being cast on the ground.
I don't know either, I'm chalking it up to reality getting grue'd constantly while an anti-grue cleans up after its mess, with variable results.
Any adjustments to these specs based on the result of our initial results?

We'd have to do what Keiko suggested there and make them respond differently to different intensities of chakra.

Not to mention the most likely structure of the seal is:
Plus whatever compensation/integration is needed to let those bits work together.

We've already lowered the frequency of the sound producer, now we just need remove the threshold filter and reintegrate.

@eaglejarl: I will point out that sealing is already based on composing elements of a seal, and that human engineering, math, science, and art is about abstraction and composing abstractions. There might be a ton of work needed to make those abstract bits not interfere with each other in sealing, as well as transformations that blur the abstraction boundaries, but you're still going to need abstractions somewhere in the design process, even if it's only in the designer's head. I imagine Hazou using something like the above the same way we'd use UML or psuedocode while coding or designing circuitry, admittedly mostly as fluff. :>

@eaglejarl: Seriously <_< give me sealing primitives. I want to write the compiler ...
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It might be easier to see if exceptions can be made to telling non-clan of clan secrets than coercing Kabuto.

Start analysing Orochimaru's, Bakushin's, and Goemon's notes with Kagome and Noburi.
Orochimaru's might work. I don't think we getting results from Bakushin or Goemon till after we get a list of Jiraiya's seals

We could send them a message through the Seventh Path and create a dialogue
I'd add giving the clan meeting the highest form of OPSEC. Hazou history of OPSEC failures makes me want this to be explicit.

I'd add if Kagome gives his ok. Hazou already sidestepped Kagome with the summoning scroll before. Also, his mindstate is weird now

Teaching KEI members:
I'd replace that with asking what's happened in the last month (with respect to KEI among other things)
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I'd add giving the clan meeting the highest form of OPSEC. Hazou history of OPSEC failures makes me want this to be explicit.
I'd add if Kagome gives his ok. Hazou already sidestepped Kagome with the summoning scroll before. Also, his mindstate is weird now
[X] Action Plan: Sealing, Talking, Teaching
Word count: 296
  • Research: Work with Kagome
    • Priorities: ESP seals, LBF, ARS, Megalovania.
    • Process: 3 days prep, prototype, 2 days on other things (below).
      • Use 2FP: Tag our Sealing aspect and "Kagome Certified Sealing Lab".
  • Clan meeting: Large-scale threat assessment.
    • Make sure our meeting's as secure as possible.
    • Let Kagome present anything he thinks is relevant to our safety. Have his previous theories been updated meaningfully?
    • Akatsuki:
      • We have no intel on their activities since Pein's death, but we do know they have Summoners. We could send them a message through the Seventh Path and create a dialogue. There's very little risk in sending the message itself.
      • Best case scenario, we agree to pool power for the sake of world peace. At worst, we could still get some basic intel on what 'Akatsuki' is doing.
      • Of course, contacting the most hated missing-nin group in the EN might end poorly for us. Discuss whether we should do this aboveboard, covertly, or scrap this altogether.
        • If we do this aboveboard, Mari can convince Asuma to get Hiashi to go along with it.
      • We all have reason to hate Akatsuki, but if they're willing to work with Leaf for the sake of world peace, we'll just have to set that aside for the greater good. You know, like what Mist did.
    • How long do we think we have left before war breaks out, the way things are going?
  • Teaching KEI members:
    • Overarching goal: Look for overlooked (due to personality traits, Academy biases, etc.) promising students to adopt/apprentice.
    • Coordinate with Kagome on teaching Sealing Theory. Don't teach practical Sealing unless Kagome approves.
    • Have some remedial reading/writing classes set up.
    • Suggest Noburi teach Medicine.
    • Is Naruto a technique hacker; would he be willing to teach?
    • Apply for guest lectures at the Academy.
I'm not sure that we should be involving Akane's parents in the meeting re: Akatsuki. Which is what a clan meeting would imply.
We could outsource caligraphy classes as being distinct from reading/writing class for anybody who wants to be a sealmaster.

@faflec Your action item regarding reading/writing class doesn't say who will be doing them. Hazo/Kagome or outsourced to a random NPC.
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Yeah we want as few people in the initial conversation as possible. I'd suggest just having Mari and Kagome in the meeting
I'd also be amenable to a full Team Uplift meeting because it's what we did last time we got together with Kagome for him to spill the Forbidden Lore. We could confide the Akatsuki plan to Mari separate from the strategy meeting if we wouldn't want the rest of Team Uplift to know about it, but I think it'd be good to have Noburi, Keiko, and Akane around for the Forbidden Lore.
We should test this. Not the manufacturing part, that I have no qualms with.

[x] Research Plan : Town wall cost efficiency
  • Set up a bunch of "training exercises" with KEI ninja where they:
    • Camp somewhere as a survival exercise for 2-3 weeks, in mixed chuunin-genin groups.
    • Set up some sort of walls (sailcloth, MEW, earth dome, none)
    • In the last week, have the chuunin lure chakra monsters in to attack the genin.
  • Have the chuunin keep track of the following in their reports/debriefs.
    • Wall effectiveness
    • Monster willingness to approach
    • Cost/ease/speed of construction
If we're not running these as missions (and thereby sidestepping the tax) it should be relatively cheap, and serve a pile of other goals too.

The results will be contaminated if you lure them. The point is that even good walls won't stop determined critters, but what looks like good walls usually will convince them it's not worth the effort.
Yeah we want as few people in the initial conversation as possible. I'd suggest just having Mari and Kagome in the meeting
I originally also just wanted to meet with Mari. But I changed my mind after reminding myself that we are family, and that means trust. Imma bit uneasy about Keiko but we have seen no reason to believe that Noburi and Akane can't master their emotions for a mission. Kagome...well...yeah...but he knows the most about Akatsuki. But I agree to keep Naruto out, he isn't family quite yet.

edit: also, if they ever figure out that we did it without telling them they'll be lotsa anger. that said, if Mari ok's it I'm perfectly fine with doing it despite the objections of the rest of em.
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I'm considering replacing the ISC meeting with the following:
  • Land-clearing (coordinate with Mari):
    • Look up laws related to land ownership. Finalize the acquisition of Aito's land. Identify potential land buyers. (Other Clans? The Tower? The Daimyo?)
    • Request the Nara's notes on their large-scale land-clearing project through Keiko. Why they should provide them:
      • We intend to put this plan into motion ASAP, and a rising tide lifts all boats.
      • They expressed interest in helping our clan, as long as their involvement isn't overt.
      • (If they decline, substitute with your calculations. Acquire reports on Akatsuki's Wind work, analyse it.)
    • Enlist the assistance of (with a cut):
      • The Hagoromo (they're in no position to distance themselves from us like ISC, yes?).
      • Naruto.
      • KEI ninja.
      • Tsunade.
    • Clear Aito's land ASAP. Invite farmers, via KEI's connections and Tsunade's recommendation.
What do people think?
I'm considering replacing the ISC meeting with the following:
This has an abandoned Iron Mine on it. Surely we'd be able to squeeze some more value out of it (make some sealtech thingy with forcewalls or storage seals /purifiers) before selling it.

Also, we need a nefarious secret base location just in case.
we finalized buying aito's land already
Oh, right. Long-term debt plus "affordable" upfront payment, hmm...
This has an abandoned Iron Mine on it. Surely we'd be able to squeeze some more value out of it (make some sealtech thingy with forcewalls or storage seals /purifiers) before selling it.
Are you suggesting we buy another piece of land to clear, or...?

I've been considering just buying up all land around Leaf, clearing it, populating it with farmers, and then wielding the resulting economic power as a club instead of converting the land into money. But I'm not sure how much short-term power it would give us, how much land we could buy with our current capital, and whether it would worth the loss of liquidity.
Also, we need a nefarious secret base location just in case.
I don't think a base situated in the only plot of land outside Leaf owned by us could be termed "secret".

  • We intend to put this plan into motion ASAP, and a rising tide lifts all boats.
I think it'd be better if we offer to shoulder the costs of a failed attempt, assuming it does fail; and share the results regardless. Basically we're giving them the opportunity to gather data without the risks of money/reputation/time that such data-gathering would entail. It's good because we'd probably be doing this anyway to improve the state of the world, so we're not losing much with it.