The goal: maximize our social skills to the exclusion of everything else.
Raise Empathy and Presence to 20:
40's: 1 (Taijutsu)
30's: 2 (Alertness, Athletics)
20's: 6 (Deceit, Empathy, Resolve, Presence, Sealing, Physique)
10's: 7 (Stealth, Calligraphy, CR, Rapport, Ghost Scales, Hammer, Living Roots)
Raise Deciet and Presence to 30:
40's: 1 (Taijutsu)
30's: 4 (Alertness, Athletics, Deceit, Presence)
20's: 4 (Empathy, Resolve, Sealing, Physique)
10's: 7 (Stealth, Calligraphy, CR, Rapport, Ghost Scales, Hammer, Living Roots)
(Empathy is always the last to raise to a new AB because with 8 TYS points we can hit Empathy 37 base from within the 20's tier.)
Raise Deceit and Presence to 40, and Resolve to 30:
40's: 3 (Taijutsu, Deceit, Presence)
30's: 3 (Alertness, Athletics, Resolve)
20's: 3 (Empathy, Sealing, Physique)
10's: 7 (Stealth, Calligraphy, CR, Rapport, Ghost Scales, Hammer, Living Roots)
(This is as far as we can go without bringing up new supporting skills, but let's stick with socials anyways)
Raise Rapport and Intimidation to 20:
40's: 3 (Taijutsu, Deceit, Presence)
30's: 3 (Alertness, Athletics, Resolve)
20's: 5 (Empathy, Sealing, Physique, Rapport, Intimidation)
10's: 6 (Stealth, Calligraphy, CR, Ghost Scales, Hammer, Living Roots)
Raise Empathy to 30:
40's: 3 (Taijutsu, Deceit, Presence)
30's: 4 (Alertness, Athletics, Resolve, Empathy)
20's: 4 (Sealing, Physique, Rapport, Intimidation)
10's: 6 (Stealth, Calligraphy, CR, Ghost Scales, Hammer, Living Roots)
Raise Deceit and Presence to 50, and Resolve to 40:
50's: 2 (Deceit, Presence)
40's: 2 (Taijutsu, Resolve)
30's: 3 (Alertness, Athletics, Empathy)
20's: 4 (Sealing, Physique, Rapport, Intimidation)
10's: 6 (Stealth, Calligraphy, CR, Ghost Scales, Hammer, Living Roots)
Raise Rapport to 30 and Empathy to 40:
50's: 2 (Deceit, Presence)
40's: 3 (Taijutsu, Resolve, Empathy)
30's: 3 (Alertness, Athletics, Rapport)
20's: 3 (Sealing, Physique, Intimidation)
10's: 6 (Stealth, Calligraphy, CR, Ghost Scales, Hammer, Living Roots)
(And now it's time to throw random stats into the filler so we can support 4 level 50 stats!)
Raise Physique to 30, Calligraphy to 20, Pantokrator's Hammer to 30, Substitution to 20, Alertness to 40, Resolve to 50, Pangolin Earth Armor to 30, Athletics to 40, Earth Clone to 20, Intimidation to 30, Physique to 40, and Empathy to 50
50's: 4 (Deceit, Empathy, Presence, Resolve)
40's: 4 (Taijutsu, Alertness, Athletics, Physique)
30's: 4 (Rapport, Hammer, PEA, Intimidation)
20's: 4 (Sealing, Calligraphy, Substitution, Earth Clone)
10's: 4 (Stealth, CR, Ghost Scales, Living Roots)
I'm not gonna count how much XP this takes, but I wouldn't be surprised if it rivaled the punch build just by dint of the sheer number of skills we have to level to fit all our socials on one line. It'd honestly probably be a better social build to stick with the 2-2 build from the step just before this last one and just make a 2-wide column to support it.