@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail At what point during the scribing of an Implosion seal is the distance put into the seal? If it's early in the process we might get an idea of how powerful it is.
It's in the complicated middle bit. Generally drawn last or nearly last.

Implosion seals are wind-related. Of course they aren't interested in an earth clone. Has anybody tried a basic clone? Naruto should be able to make wind clones, and Akane fire, which wind does not like.
Those clones are, respectively:
* Not physical
* Nonexistent
* Nonexistent

Heat the core of your clone up, especially in the heart area
Some thoughts:

There were 13 seals, what happened to the other 12?
What happens after 13 switches? Maybe each start is a new seal?
What happens after the seal is finished and possible explodes? Does it jump to the closest person and everything starts again?

Probably should voice those concerns in-universe.
There were 13 seals, what happened to the other 12?
There were no problems when we activated 10-SINs, and those of lesser yield. Let's assume, then, that SINs fail at thirteen seals, and that it happens due to the resultant air density: seals think that there isn't enough free space to unstore thirteen+ seals' worth of air into.

The Implosion Seals were destroyed via a mundane explosive. Mundane explosives are not causality-violating, subject to the speed-of-light limitation. This means that the Implosion Seals weren't destroyed literally simultaneously, but within a few fractions of a second of each other. If so, the first twelve seals went off without a hitch, then the thirteenth one was destroyed, didn't find free space, and failed.
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Note that we shouldn't discuss that with Naruto before exhausting all other options — he'll respond to it the same way Hazou responded to his mercy-kill suggestion last chapter.
Fair point, implemented.

Note edits: In the case of "Clever things that will stop this if its a one-time-use Implosion Seal" I think the host drowning themselves right beforehand might actually do the trick as long as we have medics on standby to resuscitate.
Option D: Drown.
  • If it detonates as an Implosion Seal upon completion, it might do nothing and vanish if there is no air around the user to store.
  • Have the host go to the bottom of a lake. Drown themselves right before the seal completes to prevent damage to their lungs.
    • Get medics on standby to resuscitate.

Option E: Emergency
(Shouldn't discuss that with Naruto before exhausting all other options )
  • Rain had that godlike legendary chakra-rain jutsu.
    • Godlike jutsu implies godlike ninja, probably that godlike ninja from Akatsuki.
  • So: Akatsuki was probably in Rain. They might still be in Rain.
    • Akatsuki contains Sasori, an (apparently) legendary sealmaster.
    • Maybe he can help.
  • Go there and make the requisite compromises for their assistance. Swallow any past feelings towards them, its irrelevant now.
  • Maybe they'll give "Uplift kid" a discount on selling his soul.
If so, the first twelve seals went off without a hitch, then the thirteenth one was destroyed, didn't find free space, and failed.
It might also be that the "Free space" limitation isn't actually the only limitation. There could be pressure related constraints too.

Hard to know, since you try to test things out yourself and you get the current debacle (or worse).

What I wouldn't give for some D-class apprentices. Can we? Pretty please?
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FTFY. That's in base-1.
What I wouldn't give for some D-class apprentices. Can we? Pretty please?
What do you think KEI is for?
This thing doesn't exactly sound as if it is conventionally physical, either. It sounds more as if it's behaving as a 2D shadow or projection.
The basic clone was widely accepted as useless. A mere visual illusion that cast no shadow, made no sound, had no substance, had short range, and required focused concentration to control, it was used as a chakra control exercise by Academy students and then generally forgotten for the rest of a ninja's career in favor of Elemental Clones and similar techniques.
Not sure if this means it's a "genjutsu" illusion or a "ninjutsu" illusion.
Anyway, I'm more interested in offering it paper, ink soaked paper, chakra ink soaked paper, implosion seal blanks, implosion seals, reversed and inverted blanks, etc. If it wants a chakra-bearing template to draw on chakra ink soaked paper seems like a good bet.
This thing doesn't exactly sound as if it is conventionally physical, either. It sounds more as if it's behaving as a 2D shadow or projection.
[] Action Plan: Hello!

  • Greet the Blotch.
    • Hello, new friend! You seem to have been accidentally conjured here by our experiments.
    • Sorry about that.
  • Explain to it that you think it's lost.
    • You seem to be projecting into 2-dimensional submanifolds of our reality by orienting yourself according to chakra density and/or lung location.
      • This is causing significant distress to some of us, since you are materializing in the form of a very deadly locally path connected space which might destroy us upon completion. Would you be okay with not doing that?
    • Ask it to please project downwards in a different fashion to rectify this.
      • Try going 0rzl; or 2q3450340 , thank you!
  • Attempt to deceive or persuade it if it doesn't comply. It probably isn't that good at social manipulation-- its an inkblot.
    • You seem to be attached to my friend Kagome's meat. This is clearly not"Kagome"-- have you even checked?
      • You haven't checked? Did you even file the correct paperwork?
      • What do you mean, "sithsnsjtbs"!?
      • Ugh. Please go to an alternate timeline where you got it right instead.
    • Draw its attention to the fact that existing in a subset of 3-space is inherently uncomfortable.
      • Eeegads! What if it doesn't have anything beyond length and width again?? It should probably go.
    • Threaten to figure out a way to keep it here for all of time and then some if it doesn't leave immediately.
      • We're friends with a couple Summoning Scrolls, you know! They can cause some real problems for you, buddy!
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What do we think of wrapping Kagome in a Summoning Scroll while the Blotch is on him, by the way?

If he wears it, the effect would be on top of the scroll, so they might fight it out. This would probably result in the Blotch losing?

BLOTCH: hisssss

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Hey, @eaglejarl, if that's not a secret, how long have you been planning this sealing failure? We've been meaning to test SINs for months (years?) now, and you probably knew they will fail this way the entire time. The exact shape this failure took, the Blotch — is it something you've rolled for/decided on fairly recently, as opposed to months ago? Because if it's something months in the making, i. e. something EagleJarl have spent months thinking about, we shouldn't expect to get rid of it as easily as "pawn it off to someone irrelevant, then kill them".
What do we think of wrapping Kagome in a Summoning Scroll while the Blotch is on him, by the way?
Substitute "Kagome" for "a random enemy ninja we captured", specify that we're doing it somewhere fairly close to Rock/Cloud, preferably on a kilometer-high sky platform we could quickly vacate, and I'll vote for it.
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will be how to dispose of my body such that the shadow creature is destroyed with it.
"Kurosawa, my great-uncle created the Perpetual Light Technique, used to blind opponents and keep them blinded, but as a corollary capable of keeping shadows banished from a certain area for as long as one kept feeding it chakra. Do you know what he did before teaching this technique to a single living soul?"

Worth adding to the misc. pile of "Try this stuff?", it could be that it won't return if it gets yeeted once.

"Even the greatest artifact chakra-bullshit can be defeated by a counter-artifactchakra-bullshit that is lesser, but specialized." might apply here.
[] Action Plan: Hello!

  • Greet the Blotch.
    • Hello, new friend! You seem to have been accidentally conjured here by our experiments.
    • Sorry about that.
  • Explain to it that you think it's lost.
    • You seem to be projecting into 2-dimensional submanifolds of our reality by orienting yourself according to chakra density and/or lung location.
      • This is causing significant distress to some of us, since you are materializing in the form of a very deadly locally path connected space which might destroy us upon completion. Would you be okay with not doing that?
    • Ask it to please project downwards in a different fashion to rectify this.
      • Try going 0rzl; or 2q3450340 , thank you!
  • Attempt to deceive or persuade it if it doesn't comply. It probably isn't that good at social manipulation-- its an inkblot.
    • You seem to be attached to my friend Kagome's meat. This is clearly not"Kagome"-- have you even checked?
      • You haven't checked? Did you even file the correct paperwork?
      • What do you mean, "sithsnsjtbs"!?
      • Ugh. Please go to an alternate timeline where you got it right instead.
    • Draw its attention to the fact that existing in a subset of 3-space is inherently uncomfortable.
      • Eeegads! What if it doesn't have anything beyond length and width again?? It should probably go.
    • Threaten to figure out a way to keep it here for all of time and then some if it doesn't leave immediately.
      • We're friends with a couple Summoning Scrolls, you know! They can cause some real problems for you, buddy!

Don't tempt me to vote for such things, MK.
[x] Action Plan: You're Saving Your Family.
You seem to be ignoring the political consequences of what you're doing. Naruto is not going to approve, to put it mildly. Though I am finding some black humour in this WMD ending the quest through socials.

Teaching Kagome Shadow Clone is probably unrealistic, and especially problematic given the other comments.

I would consider getting assistance and advice from Tsunade (who would probably not want to get close herself, but may have eg. a dying patient or a medic we can loan), or potentially from the local sealmasters (though they may be adversarial given protocols).

'Drown' is such a harsh word. 'Empty lungs' is preferable. Consider the issues around timing; how do we know when to go under, and how will we know when the implosion seal has happened?

Note that if it acts like primed seals, going underwater would... I don't know, but it probably won't help.
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I would consider getting assistance and advice from Tsunade (who would probably not want to get close herself, but may have eg. a dying patient or a medic we can loan), or potentially from the local sealmasters (though they may be adversarial given protocols).

'Drown' is such a harsh word. 'Empty lungs' is preferable. Consider the issues around timing; how do we know when to go under, and how will we know when the implosion seal has happened?
This I can probably do when I get back to a keyboard. I'll try to brainstorm fixes for the rest.
I wonder if that is what a storage scroll looks like from the inside while it's forming? Perhaps we created a doorway to cuddly new pets.

Oh, right, we should probably ask Kagome about that blowing up the Kamiroot plan, because if something happens to him we need to take a field trip to Nagi island.

[] Action Plan: Hello!

  • Greet the Blotch.
    • Hello, new friend! You seem to have been accidentally conjured here by our experiments.
    • Sorry about that.
  • Explain to it that you think it's lost.
    • You seem to be projecting into 2-dimensional submanifolds of our reality by orienting yourself according to chakra density and/or lung location.
      • This is causing significant distress to some of us, since you are materializing in the form of a very deadly locally path connected space which might destroy us upon completion. Would you be okay with not doing that?
    • Ask it to please project downwards in a different fashion to rectify this.
      • Try going 0rzl; or 2q3450340 , thank you!
  • Attempt to deceive or persuade it if it doesn't comply. It probably isn't that good at social manipulation-- its an inkblot.
    • You seem to be attached to my friend Kagome's meat. This is clearly not"Kagome"-- have you even checked?
      • You haven't checked? Did you even file the correct paperwork?
      • What do you mean, "sithsnsjtbs"!?
      • Ugh. Please go to an alternate timeline where you got it right instead.
    • Draw its attention to the fact that existing in a subset of 3-space is inherently uncomfortable.
      • Eeegads! What if it doesn't have anything beyond length and width again?? It should probably go.
    • Threaten to figure out a way to keep it here for all of time and then some if it doesn't leave immediately.
      • We're friends with a couple Summoning Scrolls, you know! They can cause some real problems for you, buddy!

Feed it to Fifi.
Inb4 we talk to the blotch, and Hazou's just standing there with [WRONGBAD] coming out of his mouth as though he's chatting or something instead of giving everyone else seizures, and then Kagome picks himself up off the floor and tells us we're in quarantine now too.
So in order, our plan has us try the most feasible/easiest possibilities and down we go less feasible, more politically radioactive?
Edits fleshing out the medic stuff and added some stuff that I spoke of in thread earlier. I'll fool around condensing the WC later I guess but whatever.

EDIT: Also Option E is now "Keep playing hot potato nobody is allowed to die AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA"
[x] Action Plan: You're Saving Your Family.
WC: 420

Miscellaneous Precautions/Contingencies:

  • Be careful: this could blow up like an Implosion Seal or like a stack of 13 prepped ones.
  • When transferring the Blotch to a beast/person, make sure the target(and any of the targets companions, if applicable) are thoroughly restrained and that there is ample cover to run behind in case of Fuckhuge Explosions.
Option A: Ask for Help
  • Message Leaf for help.
    • Get the clan, Keiko, and Tsunade/medics here on the double.
  • Sub-Ideas:
    • Perpetual Light Technique might consider it a shadow and destroy it.
      • It's not clan secrets: Shikaku spoke about it.
      • Cast it on the host or teach it to someone else to do so.
    • Wrapping the host in the Scroll before transferring the Blotch onto them.
      • Scroll might fight it off.

Option B: (More) Bodies

Find something to pawn the blotch off onto.
  • Find a big chakra beast-- we were literally hired to exterminate some, they must be somewhere?
    • Unseal some of your almost-endless food stores to attract some.
  • Throw 20-30 Narutos at a group of hostile ninja to stomp them into the mud and capture some alive.
    • Could be missing-nin or a Grass patrol for example.
    • Thoroughly disable and restrain them to whatever extent is necessary and pawn the Blotch off to one of them.
    • Persuade them with whatever means necessary, get creative if you must.
    • Erase evidence with copious amounts of explosives.
  • Tsunade might have someone dying and untreatable she can spare.
  • Hire someone to do this suicide mission for us in return for taking care of their family forever etc?
Option C: Clones
  • Kagome: How many times can you Substitute in a row?
    • Naruto: Is that enough to learn Shadow Clone ?
  • Consider getting Noburi here ASAP if chakra is a concern.
  • Maybe get someone--not Naruto-- who can use the Shadow Clone jutsu?

Option D: Empty Lungs
  • If it detonates as an Implosion Seal upon completion, it might do nothing and vanish if there is no air around the user to store.
  • Have the host go to the bottom of a lake. Empty their lungs of air right before the seal completes to prevent damage to their lungs.
    • Wear a bunch of coats to keep it away from their skin.
    • Get medics on standby to resuscitate. Apply Elemental Mastery to warm them.

Option E: Emergency

  • Keep playing hot potato.
    • Nobody is allowed to die. That's an order.
  • Do the thing again.
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