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- Northeast Ohio, United States
OK, how many techniques can you count that's being used as an economic technique as opposed to a combat technique, or a spy technique?
Basically nothing on screen that I can think of, but that doesn't conflict with my point. Doing things like using Earth Wall to make roads or houses for hire is indirect, and also probably tastes to ninja of being too much like being reduced to manual labor. Even so, it wouldn't surprise me if it happened off screen in class D or C missions from time to time.
How many other techniques could be used to literally make money, though? The only thing I can think of is using a genjutsu to make someone think you've paid them, and I bet there are asshole ninja that do that all the time to civilian merchants in other villages.
Perhaps we shall simply disagree, but any jutsu that can literally make gold out of thin air is way too obvious an idea that someone wouldn't have had it.
Thank you. Hm. What happens when stuff that's low temperature enters the heated area? I think you guys are assuming it instantly takes on the elevated temperature, but I'm going to suggest that might not be the case and the new stuff needs to be heated up over time just like the matter that was originally in the area.
Granted that we are dealing with magic, but a jutsu that sets an absolute temperature in an area that slowly goes higher or lower with time makes much less physical sense than a jutsu that uses energy to add or remove heat from an area gradually.
Edit: And does ambient temperature refer to liquids in the area, or are they a form of object that isn't heated directly and has to be warmed by hot air in the area?
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