She would need to be sure they moved efficiently and cleared out. In two hours the owner of a furniture repair shop would be coming to pick up a heavy armoire; wouldn't he be surprised when she popped it in a storage scroll and told him to just rip the thing open when he got back to the shop? He would undoubtedly be interested to know that the Gōketsu considered storage scrolls almost worthless and were more than happy to sell them for pennies...although, most unfortunately, their Merchant Council license only allowed her to sell two more this month. Still, she'd be happy to send someone by to store any particularly heavy items that he needed to deliver (warning of the need for protective wrappings, of course), and was he by any chance looking for an investor?

Info post by OliWhail never said anything about a limit to how many storage seals we can sell.
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Clan Status as of Keiko's Marriage
Clan finances

Note: $1 = 10 ryō, but the following numbers are all given in dollars for simplicity:

You have $1,000,000 in the clan reserves, plus the $40,000 you earned while gambling in Mist during the Chūnin Exams. Your monthly expenses are TBD. You will receive one more payment of Pangolin blood money in the amount of $520,000.

Most of the clan's money is physical coins in the clan vault under the house, with a small amount being in the form of open accounts with various businesses (grocery stores, etc) around town, just to simplify shopping.

Keiko's departure
Now that she is married into the Nara clan, Keiko is no longer primarily a Gōketsu in the eyes of Leaf's laws. She will not be living at the compound, although she is likely to come back to visit at least sometimes -- how soon and how often will depend on upcoming events re: the family's reaction to the cessation of the Pangolin deal.

Regardless of what happens, she will not be able to function as Clan Treasurer anymore. When you ask around you will find that Akane and Noburi know absolutely zero about accounting and are terrified of even trying. Mari has enough experience to read a ledger as part of her infiltration training, but definitely not enough to do the job of actually managing accounts. Kagome has no experience at it but is fascinated by the idea and was poring over the books and scratching his head within an hour of Keiko leaving the house. He's going to ask her to give him some lessons as soon as time can be made; he's not averse to the idea of trying the job but he's nervous about whether he can actually do it. You do not know of any civilian accountants, although you could look if you wanted to.

Things that happened offscreen on Sunday and Monday (the wedding was Tuesday)
Noburi found the rules for adoption into a clan. It's pretty straightforward; you just have to file a public statement with the Tower so that it can be recognized to have happened. It's less a question of approval and more a question of that being a good Schelling point for public record keeping. Based on the number of records and the dates on them it's very clear that adoption happens but it's uncommon. Reading between the lines, Noburi suspects that doing it too often will piss off the other clans. After he was done with that he talked to Akane for suggestions on talented clanless ninja who might be good candidates for adoption. He has a list of names to investigate but not nearly enough information to make a recommendation.

Keiko mostly spent her time reading the family ledgers and getting them tidied up to the point where someone who isn't Jiraiya could understand them. When she wasn't doing that or other onscreen stuff she was "training" with Tenten.

Mari was out and about. When asked what she'd been up to she was helpful, responsive, and completely uninformative.

Akane was mostly training, getting her stuff moved, and helping her parents sort out the business plan for the expansion of their family business that will be based on the promised Gōketsu investment money.

Kagome was making seals and improving the defenses when he wasn't at the library or studying the clan finances.
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Mari was out and about. When asked what she'd been up to she was helpful, responsive, and completely uninformative.
Yep, okay, that needs to be dealt with immediately.
  • Talk to Mari. Admit your mistake in trying to override Keiko. Reaffirm your full responsibility over any actions she takes to protect the clan.
    • "Clan" includes her: her well-being matters. She shouldn't take actions which would damage her self-image even further, shouldn't cross new lines.
I suggest throwing that out entirely. At this time I don't know what to replace it with, but it's clear that our models of Mari were significantly off. We need to figure out what the hell she is doing and thinking, not try to offer her sympathy she doesn't seem to need.
Regardless of what happens, she will not be able to function as Clan Treasurer anymore. When you ask around you will find that Akane and Noburi know absolutely zero about accounting and are terrified of even trying. Mari has enough experience to read a ledger as part of her infiltration training, but definitely not enough to do the job of actually managing accounts. Kagome has no experience at it but is fascinated by the idea and was poring over the books and scratching his head within an hour of Keiko leaving the house. He's going to ask her to give him some lessons as soon as time can be made; he's not averse to the idea of trying the job but he's nervous about whether he can actually do it. You do not know of any civilian accountants, although you could look if you wanted to.
Were I a more evil person I would ask if we-the-hivemind could function as Clan Treasurer.
... You know what Clan Gouketsu seriously needs? Civilians.

I'm not even kidding. Even the Hyuuga have a ton of civilian lackeys, and frankly that just makes us look bad. Mari is going down the right path by acquiring more trade connections with civilian merchants, but we ought to be doing more to acquire loyal people who aren't ninja.

Seriously. If anti-civilian discrimination is as strong as it looks like, there are going to be market failures happening where extremely competent civilian experts have exactly zero Clan backing. This is the same situation that created the stereotype of "black people are good at basketball" - they aren't particularly, it's just that nobody was willing to recruit black people to play basketball. When someone finally considered the option, they got an amazingly good team practically free.
@faflec can I get the source for said compact?
I don't understand that reference, so here's what I could find:
Time to rewatch Spice and Wolf for trade economics lessons again.

Will come up with a rough plan for trade good in a bit, but I would like for at least %10 to be trade goods that are known to be from Iron. If that has an overlap with what I would like us to carry overall, just add that percentage to that category. %30 percent should be in jewelry, the standard of all adventurers who carry obtain amounts of money. %20 In raw materials and of that %20, %60 of it should be in metal, %20 in Stone, %10 in wood, %10 animal products(Leather and the like). %10 of our overall carrying capacity should be tools. %10 Should be Weapons. And the last %20 should be reserved for specific delivery from clients upon payment.
I honestly have no idea. Propose some reasonable things and we'll probably approve them.

*Looks at the above*
*Looks at you*
*Looks at the above*

Take us now teacher, we need you to train us in your arts of seduction. Tie our hands and let us know what it was you tried to teach us in Iron? Current events and information that we have observed of her before this fight happened.

Also Akane is a big girl and immune to sitcom misunderstanding so long as we provide true and honest information as we can.

@eaglejarl No Spice and Wolf quest on top of Naruto. Understood.
We cant afford to have Kagome in charge of finances. His time is to valuable
And we can't have Mari do it either, since she's our main point of political power. And possibly Hokage candidate.

The other two options are to have Hazou do it (haha, kill the QM spoons by making them invent finances for us-the-hivemind to solve), or to target and adopt a clanless ninja and their family, who has experience with such matter, or hope a future Uchiha adoptee can do it. Personally I'm in favor of having Kagome do it until we can locate and adopt a suitable civilian/clanless ninja to do it for us.

Hm...I wonder how skilled Akane's parents are at this sort of thing...
Kagome have time. Time spent making traps is useless next to balancing our income, which is likely to be a few hours at most every week.

Or I could be wrong..Hmm.
Kagome have time. Time spent making traps is useless next to balancing our income, which is likely to be a few hours at most every week.

Or I could be wrong..Hmm.

He can make seals to sell to bolster said income.

And we can't have Mari do it either, since she's our main point of political power. And possibly Hokage candidate.

The other two options are to have Hazou do it (haha, kill the QM spoons by making them invent finances for us-the-hivemind to solve), or to target and adopt a clanless ninja and their family, who has experience with such matter, or hope a future Uchiha adoptee can do it. Personally I'm in favor of having Kagome do it until we can locate and adopt a suitable civilian/clanless ninja to do it for us.

Hm...I wonder how skilled Akane's parents are at this sort of thing...

They ran their own business , so they should be halfway decent at accounting yeah?
Please note edit to infopost above. We may have made a conversion error. That means the numbers listed might be accurate or might be off by a factor of 10 in either direction. Apologies for the mistake, we're sorting it out now.

To save effort: does this mean "Don't try to get around the antimeme. It won't work. We're not going to let you explore this." or "You can get around the antimeme, but you need to try harder and come up with something clever."?

inb4: "yes"
Obligatory: Yes.

Less memey: So far as I'm aware, there is no impetus among the QMs to fiat prevent getting around the antimeme.