If you're not getting that XP and there's more than one scene in the plan then you're doing it wrong. Just cut down the number of things you're trying to do instead of copyediting the plan to use fewer words.
I agree to a large extent, but I fear that crafting plans in accordance with this model would lead to severe loss of IC time and efficiency.

Let's take this very plan, Speaking of Unity, as an example. It's set in a time of crisis, with Hazou in a leadership position. We have dozens of issues to take care of, and still more lines of possibility we need to investigate.

We could delegate tasks to Hazou, Noburi, Keiko, Kagome, and Mari. Ideally, we'd craft a plan for the day in such a way that each of them is working on something useful in any given moment. For example:
  • A family meeting. We collectively discuss adoptions and Hazou's new crazy ideas, Hazou gives clanmates assignments, then they meet with Akane, and split up:
    • Hazou talks to Shikamaru and Chouza, sends a message to Ami, then reads notes on the Seventh Path politics.
    • Keiko talks to Tenten, sends a message to Snakes, then works through Jiraiya's spy network notes.
    • Noburi schedules a meeting with Kabuto, then goes to the Tower to compile a list of promising adoption candidates, and grabs profiles of Akatsuki members while he's there.
    • Kagome considers sealing teaching plans, writes a short summary of the Akatsuki book, then goes through Jiraiya's sealing notes.
    • Mari kills Hiashi, seduces Asuma, then marries Chouza campaigns for Hokage.
Speaking of Unity doesn't do this exactly, but it tries to do something vaguely similar to that.

If we craft plans the way you suggested, it'll go something like this instead:
  • Plan/Time period 1: A family meeting: adoptions/crazy new ideas are discussed, Akane and Tenten are met.
    • We don't have place in the plan for detailed assignments, so that part isn't done.
  • Plan/Time period 2: Hazou tells Noburi to go to the Tower, then reads notes on the Seventh Path politics.
  • Plan/Time period 3: Hazou has a lengthy discussion with Keiko and Mari. Keiko sends a message to Snakes.
  • Plan/Time period 4: Hazou tells Kagome to work on sealing notes and the book summary, then goes to talk to Chouza.
  • Plan/Time period 5: We're shown what Mari is up to. Hazou meets with Shikamaru and sends a message to Ami.
And then we have no control over when plans end. If we vote to have a family meeting in the morning, can we be certain that we'll be able to vote-in new tasks the moment the meeting ends? Or will time skip to Keiko meeting Tenten at evening, with the rest of the clan doing nothing in the meantime? Then the following morning Hazou reads Jiraiya's notes and sends Noburi to the Tower for the day; the chapter ends with Noburi having finished his assignment — it's evening again. Repeat three more times, and suddenly a plan which was supposed to be done in a day takes five.

I have two ideas on how to solve that:
  • Permit longer plans specifically meant to be carried out in several updates. This plan covers four updates? Then let it be done in four updates, with no re-voting allowed in the meantime.
  • Allow retroactive plans. For example, we vote to have a family meeting which ends with Hazou giving his clanmates assignments, and then the following update we vote on Keiko's assignment, then on Noburi's assignment, then on Hazou's own actions — naturally, with no exploitation of future knowledge allowed.
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Right then, so that takes care of asking Tenten and Akane.

I think our only other feasible adoption candidate is Lee at this time? Maybe just sponsor him for now. I'm all for leaving this to do later though.

I feel like the Snek Scroll and Hat stuff is more pressing. Lets just focus on that stuff for now.
Sidebar in which I express solely my own opinions on a topic I have not yet raised with the other QMs:

Lately, I've noticed an attitude developing of "Forget the word limits on plans, it is important that we fit all this stuff in!" This results in y'all not getting the bonus XP you should have gotten, or actually getting negative XP. What's actually happening, however, is that there's more stuff being put in the plan than the QMs can write in one update, so it was all wasted. We are left sad at not finishing the plan, you are left frustrated at not having the plan finished, you lose XP, and no one wins.

This concerns me a great deal.

I strongly request that when making the next plan you really focus on getting that bonus XP. It's fine to have only one or two scenes in the update instead of a dozen.

To show what I'm talking about, let's dissect the latest plan. It's 399 words -- for which I applaud y'all, since that one last word that you saved had a lot of marginal value! -- but let's review what it covers. I've labeled things as 'Scene', meaning they require significant wordcount, or 'Vignette', which is something that can be breezed over quickly or even offscreened.

Vignette: Talk to the family about adopting Akane and Tenten.
Scene 1: Talk to Akane (assuming she's alive) and offer adoption.
Scene/Vignette: Talk to Tenten, offer adoption. (This could easily be a full scene.)
Scene 2: Discuss Lee. Keiko feels strongly enough on the subject that it's definitely a scene, not a vignette and definitely not offscreenable.
Vignette: Discuss inter-village adoption.

Scenes: 2.5
Vignettes: 2.5

Scenes: 3.5
Vignettes: 2.5

S: 4.5
V: 2.5

The appointment and Toad scroll bits could be V but talking to Kabuto about adoption is definitely an S. On the other hand, the above does not explicitly state that you're making the offer, just that you're considering it, so let's be generous and call all of this a V.

S: 4.5
V: 3.5

This is logically all one conversation, but it's huge. I'm calling it 1.5 scenes.

S: 6
V: 3.5

S: 7
V: 3.5

This could easily be two separate scenes, but I'm being generous and assuming that the entire Tower part could be offscreened and rolled into the Kagome conversation.

S: 8
V: 3.5

Some of this could be offscreened, some of it could be combined. Let's call it 1 scene.

S: 9
V: 3.5

S: 10.5
V: 3.5

Another absolutely enormous chunk, counting as 1.5 scenes.

Grand total: 10.5 scenes and 3.5 vignettes.

I haven't actually done the math, but let's say that my updates average 3,000 words and 3 scenes, meaning that a scene is about 1k words.[1]​ I think that's actually generous -- I suspect I actually average more like 2.5 scenes, but let's round up to make the math easy. We'll also assume that a vignette averages 250 words (about 500 if it's half a scene, or 0 if it can be offscreened).

This plan requires almost 12,000 words. To put that in perspective, a short novel is about 60,000 words and there's very roughly 300 words on a paperback-book page. Most authors, me among them, average about 500 words of writing per hour, so this plan is looking for a solid 24 hours of writing, or roughly a part-time job worth. That's leaving out questions of "How much time will the QMs need to spend on worldbuilding in order to write this?" Assume that everything to do with the 7th Path will require worldbuilding time, as will anything that would have game mechanics associated with it. Call that an extra hour (and I'm being generous -- it's likely more) for discussion in QM chat, assuming that we're all available and compos mentis and that things go smoothly.

Regardless, this plan covers AT LEAST 4 updates. That means you could have left out 3/4 of what was in here, AND given more detail if you'd wanted to, AND still gotten yourself a bonus XP.

Please. There's a reason that we offer bonus XP for short plans. If you're not getting that XP and there's more than one scene in the plan then you're doing it wrong. Just cut down the number of things you're trying to do instead of copyediting the plan to use fewer words.

[1] Note that 3k words is about 6-8 hours of writing once editing is taken into account. Add another 3 hours (average) if there's combat, since it takes a while to figure out all the best tactics and then do the mechanics, and then there is inevitably some mistake that forces me to go back and redo a whole bunch of stuff.​

EDIT: I didn't allow for the idea that some vigenettes could be offscreened. Fixed.​
As someone who's not been involved lately, I can't say for certain, but it's my impression that there are many many things players want to do in the next couple in character days, and they are concerned if they only place a couple things in a plan, time will pass without significant action towards our goals. I don't know, but I suspect having a more explicit structure behind "here are long term and short term goals" would help alleviate this a bit. Effectively, right now the general plan format does not well integrate with the scale of action players want Hazou to take, as it requires significant strategy and cohesion beyond 2 or 3 scenes. I suspect that dividing things up so there's a "strategy" vote offering guidelines for the next few updates (this would list the 12 scenes players want involved), and then "tactical" votes between the updates (this would be Hazou's general stances and plans for 2-3 scenes) would help communication as players wouldn't feel as though they have to keep putting the full strategy vote into a plan, and QMs wouldn't get unreasonable numbers of scenes.
@eaglejarl The thing is that we often don't know both which scenes are most appropriate to be offscreened and how much time in an in story day any given scene takes.

If I could make a suggestion, telling us the time and date at the end of an update would allow us to get a feel for stuff and reassure us that a day isn't over when a short plan is over.

Lastly, maybe you can just tell us a plan is long and unwieldy before the closing deadline. I know that you don't want to unduly influence our plans, given the whole premise of this quest, but completely meta suggestions on how to fix our plans that don't have anything to do with actual in story decisions should be okay, no?
Reviewing plans takes energy. I try to do it when I think of it, but usually don't think of it. Your chances are better if you actually remind us.

I've always thought of plans as being "Hey, here's a list of things we want to do, go ahead and pick some things you'd want to write on-screen, off-screen a few more, and we'll add the rest into a future plan". Otherwise we'd get into this situation where we have not enough 'stuff to do', which leads to wasted in-game time, usually before or between scenes; or have issues if a scene can't happen (like if Akane was dead, we couldn't have that scene and the only thing that would happen was the Tenten scene, plus screaming in Kagome). Also bad.

The obvious solution is to be far more detailed with timing and have some brief backup ideas that could be off-screened, like (for this update) doing research if we found out Akane wasn't available. Maybe we could try that.
I have no problem, at least for the next in-game week or so, with simply agreeing that no update will involve a timeskip of more than a couple hours. That's going to slow plot progression to a crawl, but it feels like that's what the players are looking for right now -- the ability to squeeze in absolutely as much stuff as possible because the world is fire and it's okay if that slows things down.

Does that work for people?

EDIT: Note that this is only me. You need to convince @Velorien separately.

Permit longer plans specifically meant to be carried out in several updates. This plan covers four updates? Then let it be done in four updates, with no re-voting allowed in the meantime
Typically that's what happens, except we do allow voting so that plans can be revised based on new information.

Allow retroactive plans. For example, we vote to have a family meeting which ends with Hazou giving his clanmates assignments, and then the following update we vote on Keiko's assignment, then on Noburi's assignment, then on Hazou's own actions — naturally, with no exploitation of future knowledge allowed.
I would prefer to avoid retroactive plans as much as possible. They render things confusing for Story Only readers and they require extra effort unless they are completely self-contained (eg a tournament fight).
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Another thing we were probably worried about was that some scenes would not be possible, like something that would impact the Naruto conversation. Not sure how to fix that problem though.

Actually, part of why the problem is so large right now is specific to this very update. Velorien gave us a chance to retroactively make a plan for stuff we want to have done before the Naruto meeting. He also told us that anything that would have to directly retcon your previous chapter is not executed, for good reason. And he gave us certain in game time limits regarding Keiko specifically.

But we don't actually know how long stuff takes. So we pretty much crammed this plan choke full with anything and everything we want to have done, putting the burden on the QMs to sort out which parts can't be done due to time travel interference or simply because there aren't enough hours in a day. Unfair maybe, given that you already spend so many spoons on this quest (definitely more than any player), but we didn't really know how to do it differently without, well, putting Goketsu on a comparatively worse footing.
Huh. I was pretty sure Tenten would have been turning down adoption/marriage offers from clans wanting a talented clanless for their generation's outward match and would jump on a no-strings adoption. This just seems crazy for a ninja. Ah well.
Sidebar in which I express solely my own opinions on a topic I have not yet raised with the other QMs:

Lately, I've noticed an attitude developing of "Forget the word limits on plans, it is important that we fit all this stuff in!" This results in y'all not getting the bonus XP you should have gotten, or actually getting negative XP. What's actually happening, however, is that there's more stuff being put in the plan than the QMs can write in one update, so it was all wasted. We are left sad at not finishing the plan, you are left frustrated at not having the plan finished, you lose XP, and no one wins.

[X] Action Plan: The Hundred Word Wonder
  • Execution of previous plan.
  • Timeframe: Between visit to Tsunade and Naruto. Same day as Akane.
  • Lee
    • He's talented, and adrift after Gai's death.
    • His personality could be mitigated to minimize friction (soundproofing, house rules...).
      • Akane's assistance simplifies this.
  • Discuss inter-village relations
    • Are adoptions a possibility now?
      • Specific examples, their skillsets and thus utility:
        • Doigama
        • Kato
    • Permanent attaches/ambassadors to other villages.
      • Has to be important but without mutual history of hatred in order to work - Momma...didn't fit the latter.
  • Mari
    • Update us. We must know what we are taking responsibility for.
    • Update her on what we have been doing.
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Inter-village relations
  • Are adoptions a possibility now?
    • Specific examples, their skillsets and thus utility:
      • Doigama
      • Kato
  • Permanent attaches/ambassadors to other villages.
    • Has to be important but without mutual history of hatred in order to work - Momma...didn't fit the latter.
I don't see this as being actionable on the timescale we really want to be working on right now.

[X] Action Plan: Keeping it Simple, Stinkers
  • Timeframe: Between visit to Tsunade and Naruto. Same day as Akane.
  • Talk to the clan about adopting Lee.
    • He's talented, and adrift after Gai's death.
      • More manpower and combat power is definitely something we need right now.
    • His personality could be mitigated to minimize friction (soundproofing, house rules...).
      • Akane's assistance simplifies this.
  • Mari
    • Update us. We must know what we are taking responsibility for.
    • Update her on what we have been doing.
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I don't see this as being actionable on the timescale we really want to be working on right now.

[X] Action Plan: Keeping it Simple, Stinkers
  • Execution of previous plan.
  • Timeframe: Between visit to Tsunade and Naruto. Same day as Akane.
  • Lee
    • He's talented, and adrift after Gai's death.
    • His personality could be mitigated to minimize friction (soundproofing, house rules...).
      • Akane's assistance simplifies this.
  • Mari
    • Update us. We must know what we are taking responsibility for.
    • Update her on what we have been doing.
oh shit i forgot the word discuss


it comes in at 99 words
[X] Continue Previous Plan

The previous plan already had plenty of stuff to fill those ~36 hours graciously gifted to us through Velorie's time travel machine. Let's not add even more.

Does that work for people?
It definitely works for me. It probably also works for many of the most active players. The question is if it isn't too much of a chore to write for you or to read for those of us who aren't as invested into the nitty gritty details of the quest and instead are enjoying this as more of a superb and crazy fanfiction with reader input.

Because if it were up to me alone we would stay at a snail's pace till the Hokage election and maybe even an in game week beyond that.
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We will need to talk to Akane's family about this.

Why? Akane can do that herself. If people want to agency some agency then they can also agency away the problems they share with us in an agentive manner that suits them.

OK, in all sincerity: if Akane or family need to talk to us then they will let us know. We made the offer (presumably with conditions our clan has prepared in advance and which can be offscreened to preserve QM spoons) and now the ball is in their court.
I'm pretty sure that the previous post was a polite way of communicating that "This pile of bulletpoints is a bit of a dumpsterfire."

If we're just going to []Continue Previous Plan, we can excise some of the bullshit (finding out about international adoptions or what have you is absolutely not a priority) and focus on time critical stuff, fleshing that out a bit more.

[X] Action Plan: The Hundred Word Wonder
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We will need to talk to Akane's family about this.
Are we going to adopt them too? Our clan could use some civilians.
If we're just going to []Continue Previous Plan, we can excise some of the bullshit (finding out about international adoptions or what have you is absolutely not a priority) and focus on time critical stuff, fleshing that out a bit more.
While I agree that we could cut stuff like that out, it is also true that the QMs have now read and thought about that specific plan. And they have already worked off around a quarter or so. It may well be that a 100 word plan that is similar to parts of the previous one, but with subtle changes in both wording and actual meat, costs them more spoons, not less.

@eaglejarl What do you prefer?

Also, @Velorien what's your stance on this problem?
[X] Continue Previous Plan

Sidebar in which I express solely my own opinions on a topic I have not yet raised with the other QMs:

Lately, I've noticed an attitude developing of "Forget the word limits on plans, it is important that we fit all this stuff in!" This results in y'all not getting the bonus XP you should have gotten, or actually getting negative XP. What's actually happening, however, is that there's more stuff being put in the plan than the QMs can write in one update, so it was all wasted. We are left sad at not finishing the plan, you are left frustrated at not having the plan finished, you lose XP, and no one wins.

This concerns me a great deal.

I strongly request that when making the next plan you really focus on getting that bonus XP. It's fine to have only one or two scenes in the update instead of a dozen.

To show what I'm talking about, let's dissect the latest plan. It's 399 words -- for which I applaud y'all, since that one last word that you saved had a lot of marginal value! -- but let's review what it covers. I've labeled things as 'Scene', meaning they require significant wordcount, or 'Vignette', which is something that can be breezed over quickly or even offscreened.

Vignette: Talk to the family about adopting Akane and Tenten.
Scene 1: Talk to Akane (assuming she's alive) and offer adoption.
Scene/Vignette: Talk to Tenten, offer adoption. (This could easily be a full scene.)
Scene 2: Discuss Lee. Keiko feels strongly enough on the subject that it's definitely a scene, not a vignette and definitely not offscreenable.
Vignette: Discuss inter-village adoption.

Scenes: 2.5
Vignettes: 2.5

Scenes: 3.5
Vignettes: 2.5

S: 4.5
V: 2.5

The appointment and Toad scroll bits could be V but talking to Kabuto about adoption is definitely an S. On the other hand, the above does not explicitly state that you're making the offer, just that you're considering it, so let's be generous and call all of this a V.

S: 4.5
V: 3.5

This is logically all one conversation, but it's huge. I'm calling it 1.5 scenes.

S: 6
V: 3.5

S: 7
V: 3.5

This could easily be two separate scenes, but I'm being generous and assuming that the entire Tower part could be offscreened and rolled into the Kagome conversation.

S: 8
V: 3.5

Some of this could be offscreened, some of it could be combined. Let's call it 1 scene.

S: 9
V: 3.5

S: 10.5
V: 3.5

Another absolutely enormous chunk, counting as 1.5 scenes.

Grand total: 10.5 scenes and 3.5 vignettes.

I haven't actually done the math, but let's say that my updates average 3,000 words and 3 scenes, meaning that a scene is about 1k words.[1]​ I think that's actually generous -- I suspect I actually average more like 2.5 scenes, but let's round up to make the math easy. We'll also assume that a vignette averages 250 words (about 500 if it's half a scene, or 0 if it can be offscreened).

This plan requires almost 12,000 words. To put that in perspective, a short novel is about 60,000 words and there's very roughly 300 words on a paperback-book page. Most authors, me among them, average about 500 words of writing per hour, so this plan is looking for a solid 24 hours of writing, or roughly a part-time job worth. That's leaving out questions of "How much time will the QMs need to spend on worldbuilding in order to write this?" Assume that everything to do with the 7th Path will require worldbuilding time, as will anything that would have game mechanics associated with it. Call that an extra hour (and I'm being generous -- it's likely more) for discussion in QM chat, assuming that we're all available and compos mentis and that things go smoothly.

Regardless, this plan covers AT LEAST 4 updates. That means you could have left out 3/4 of what was in here, AND given more detail if you'd wanted to, AND still gotten yourself a bonus XP.

Please. There's a reason that we offer bonus XP for short plans. If you're not getting that XP and there's more than one scene in the plan then you're doing it wrong. Just cut down the number of things you're trying to do instead of copyediting the plan to use fewer words.

[1] Note that 3k words is about 6-8 hours of writing once editing is taken into account. Add another 3 hours (average) if there's combat, since it takes a while to figure out all the best tactics and then do the mechanics, and then there is inevitably some mistake that forces me to go back and redo a whole bunch of stuff.​

EDIT: I didn't allow for the idea that some vigenettes could be offscreened. Fixed.​
I agree that things like that are a problem, and they're a problem I designed my Plan Cache to solve (if having a scene in the plan means we go over wordcount we can put it in the cache instead and bring it back next cycle once most of the rest of this plan is done), and I would have pushed for more utilization of the Plan Cache...

except I was under the impression that we had one chance to vote in retroactive activities, so we had to have everything we wanted done retroactively in this cycle's plan.

When the planning situation is back to normal in a cycle or two I'll start pushing harder to keep plan segments cached instead of taking up wordcount when we already have enough scenes in the plan.
All right. Here is how we're going to do this because I am feeling uncharacteristically merciful and/or low on spoons.

You get one plan to take place between the meeting with Tsunade (morning of the 2nd) and the meeting with Naruto (noon of the 3rd). Do whatever seems reasonable, but I will ignore any parts of that plan which would prevent or unduly influence your meeting with Naruto or otherwise mess with the timeline (as arbitrarily determined by the QMs). Also it's in your interest to minimise infodumps, as "undue influence" would include gaining knowledge that would result in a different political analysis. Harsh, perhaps, but if there is one thing we learned from writing the Chūnin Exam, it is DO NOT MESS WITH TIME.

With that said, there are a lot of unanswered questions flying around, some but not all of them falling within the remit of HDK (or "Hazō hasn't had time to find out", it being worth remembering that he has lived in Leaf for an intermittent total of something like three months, and been highly constrained in his activities for much of that). I would be very grateful if some kind soul could compile those so we can answer them in a batch, and also to avoid repetitions. There may be XP in it.

Oh, also do not mess with Keiko's timeline, which essentially means that she needs to be home at some point before 8 p.m., at the Nara compound at 8 p.m, and not be horrifically traumatised in the intervening time. It says something about the quest so far that I have to make that last part explicit.

Edit: You do also have the option of ignoring this and pressing on with post-Naruto plans as normal.
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[x] A Chunk Of The Previous Plan That Could At Least In Theory Fit In One Update
Wordcount: 273.
  • Family discussions (HNK + Akane, Mari, Kagome):
    • Mari:
      • Update her on our recent actions.
      • What is her strategy for swinging votes?
        • How successful she expects to be?
        • What is needed to increase her chances of success?
    • Adopting Lee:
      • He's talented, and now without support.
      • We could mitigate his personality to minimize friction (soundproofing, house rules...).
    • Keiko:
      • Did Tenten agree to be adopted?
      • Does she want Ami to attend the wedding? Would it be safe to send her an encrypted message?
      • Where are Hyenas'/Leopards' Scrolls?
    • Noburi: Suggest he schedule an appointment with Kabuto, to test bloodline interactions with SC/Summoning.
    • Kagome: Give him Jiraiya's sealing notes (remove evidence of your OPSEC blunder beforehand).
    • Evaluate feasibility of the following:
      • Getting the support of the Akasugi Organisation for influencing politics (blackmail material, money).
        • Look through Jiraiya's notes.
      • Snatching the Snake Scroll:
        1. Step 1: Go to the Tower and convince the ANBU to give it to us. We're the Godaime's clan, represent a significant fraction of Leaf's military power, plus the ANBU were loyal to Jiraiya personally. Should be doable. (Use Jiraiya's order to save the world as an excuse?)
        2. Step 2: Jointly establish Hazou and Noburi as new Summoners, with summons' public acknowledgment.
      • A Pangolin-Snake-Toad alliance:
        • Preexisting allies and our seals would make it unstoppable.
        • Our condition: Snakes support Gouketsu summoners.
        • Bonus: Gives us more avenues to pressure Pangolins into improving conquered clans' treatment.
      • Offering Pangolins a selection of seals to buy, in exchange for:
        • Improved treatment of conquered nations.
        • Jutsu, especially conquered nations'.
        • Valuables.
      • Solving Skytower-deal concerns via:
        • Selling seals using Toad intermediaries.
        • Transferring the Scroll's direct ownership to the Gouketsu.

Tell me what to cut out to get it to below 300. I suggest the entire "actions" part.

I cut the following out:
  • Noburi:
    • Consider investigating Kabuto on adoption.
    • Yes, the Toad Scroll is Noburi's.
  • Gather information on Akatsuki:
    • Noburi: When visiting the Tower, grab their profiles.
    • Kagome: Summarize their book.
  • Snakes:
    • Hazou: Learn their culture/predispositions from Summons and Jiraiya's notes.
    • Keiko: Message them via Pangolins.
      • Send Jiraiya's letter to Orochimaru along (in case he's alive).
      • Did Orochimaru leave them his will? Jiraiya wrote him a pardon, we'd want to carry out his wishes.
  • (If Keiko agreed to invite Ami) Hazou:
    • Meet with Shikamaru (urgent).
      • Be sympathetic, but skip condolences.
      • (Concerned) Did he ensure Ami can attend Keiko's wedding? Ami'll be displeased otherwise.
      • Suggest postponing just the ceremony to give her time.
      • We'll take care of the rest... for twelve hours.
    • Send Ami a(n encrypted) message:
      • Update her on the wedding.
      • Offer any assistance in getting into Leaf IFF it wouldn't cost us politically.
        • Suggestion: Volunteer to transport/escort one of our merchants to Leaf. At luxury speeds.
      • She totally owes us another favor.
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[X] Continue Previous Plan
Adhoc vote count started by faflec on May 17, 2019 at 11:19 AM, finished with 60 posts and 10 votes.

Adhoc vote count started by faflec on May 17, 2019 at 11:30 AM, finished with 61 posts and 10 votes.
I am worried about Keiko (always). In particular I worry that the difficult decision she is contemplating is in regards to the Pangolin scroll.

I don't know what exactly she might do, but she is very sad/angry about their current direction, and she's tried to give the scroll up to Noburi before...
I'm pretty sure that the previous post was a polite way of communicating that "This pile of bulletpoints is a bit of a dumpsterfire."

If we're just going to []Continue Previous Plan, we can excise some of the bullshit (finding out about international adoptions or what have you is absolutely not a priority) and focus on time critical stuff, fleshing that out a bit more.

[X] Action Plan: The Hundred Word Wonder
Let's be real, any set of bullet points on Xenforo is a garbage fire :p
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