Civilian women might not be so well off, though.

Somewhat related - most ninjas seem to have only 1 or 2 kids. (Understandable, since childbearing would take time that the mother could otherwise use to earn money doing ninja missions.) Combined with the mortality rate, it's surprising more clans haven't died out. Maybe villages should pay ninjas to reproduce.
Clans have civilian populations too, who don't fight but still carry the bloodline somehow.
Naruto (IFF he's functional):
  • Introduce yourselves. Offer condolences. If Jiraiya left him anything, pass it on.
  • "Jiraiya wanted us to adopt you. But it's your choice: we'll support either decision."
  • Will he make a bid for the hat? Or support Tsunade (if she's willing)?

Maybe bring him up to speed on things that happened while he was gone? Get to know him a little? It seems like we walk in and throw him a pile of stuff after introductions, ask three questions and then leave.

How about we also end with "Is there anyone you'd like to visit you right now?".

I want to come across as genuine and supportive while building up a relationship and I want that to also be genuine and heartfelt. Can we do that? It really seems like we're treating this conversation like an errand to check off in this plan.
DYK. I should mention that this is my fault, not @eaglejarl's. However, I believe my point of view is still mostly valid. This is the only time I remember this technique being used in combat, even though it's very nearly teleportation, and indeed in the link Hanzō uses it to dodge a really powerful technique. By contrast, we see a dozen ninja use it without seals or words in Episode 1 alone. Kishimoto clearly just thought it was cool.

Compare the Substitution Technique. The first time we see it, Kakashi substitutes with one of Naruto's shadow clones, causing him to believe that said clone was now Kakashi in disguise and attacking him. I invite you to ponder the implications of being able to substitute with unwilling targets.

To expand briefly and non-polemically on @eaglejarl's post on politics, I should mention that we've consciously written the majority of characters as far too liberal for the setting, especially Hazō himself in terms of his inner thinking process. Hazō doesn't have a racist, xenophobic, authoritarian bone in his body, despite having been born and brought up in a state where Yagura's equivalent of Mein Kampf is required school reading, the histories are deliberately written so as to demonise the other villages, and anyone considered a foreign sympathiser is an enemy of the people and deserving of the death penalty. Oh, and 90something percent of the world's population are subhuman and have no rights, including the right to life. Yagura's Mist is both partially inspired by, and a lot worse than, Stalinist USSR.

For perspective, it took Russian state propaganda a matter of years to convince a significant chunk of its people, probably even the majority, that the West hates Russia and wants to destroy it; that said West used mind-controlling drugs to influence the Ukrainian elections; that the instances of poisoning of prominent Russian expats in the UK are lies concocted by the enemy; that Muslims will soon take over the world due to a higher birth rate and disrespect for native laws and institutions, and so on and so forth. Even some of the most intelligent, open-minded people I know have subscribed to elements of this ideology (notably Krym Nash, "Crimea is ours").

OK, maybe that wasn't that brief or unpolemical. But the general takeaway point is that if we were truly simulationist about the characters' beliefs in this setting, it would be a vile place to live (reminder: at the corresponding point in RL history, women were still largely treated as property), and few if any of the people in this community would want to play in it.
I could maybe see some sort of rule about clones not being able to prevent hostile substitutions because they're not actually people, just animated stuff. Probably better to call it a Kishimoto mistake though.
I think we should avoid pressuring Naruto with anything like that for the moment. Get Tsunade's permission to get Team 7 in there with him, then do that.
I think we should avoid pressuring Naruto with anything like that for the moment. Get Tsunade's permission to get Team 7 in there with him, then do that.
It just seems very weird to me that we're dropping the adoption stuff here then. Not organic at all, and it seems like its going to fall flat or be super awkward.
Ideally I'd like to tell Naruto the short form (or longer form if he asks) of our story so he knows why we're in Leaf and what our ideals are like, and also answer questions of what's happened recently from our perspective.
Which one? They have like a dozen, and that isn't counting the faces that are meant to express to you that they're thinking, the faces that are meant to pretend like they're thinking, or the faces that are meant to fake failing to pretend they aren't thinking.


NOBURI: No, this one looks like you forgot where you left your Keys.


KEIKO: If you have problems with defecation I can show you to the apotecary where you could get relieved.


MARI: Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha! *throws herself out a window*
Which one? They have like a dozen, and that isn't counting the faces that are meant to express to you that they're thinking, the faces that are meant to pretend like they're thinking, or the faces that are meant to fake failing to pretend they aren't thinking.
The one where the Kurosawa bloodline doesn't require active use of chakra, and where even those without much chakra, who are sufficiently good at calligraphy can contribute substantially to the clan's survival.
The one where the Kurosawa bloodline doesn't require active use of chakra, and where even those without much chakra, who are sufficiently good at calligraphy can contribute substantially to the clan's survival.

But are they using the thinking face meant to show that they're thinking about the implications of their bloodline, or are they using the thinking face meant to fail at hiding that they're thinking about the implications of their bloodline, or are they using the thinking face meant to show that they want you to see that they can pretend to fail to hide that they're thinking about the implications of their bloodline?
The one where the Kurosawa bloodline doesn't require active use of chakra, and where even those without much chakra, who are sufficiently good at calligraphy can contribute substantially to the clan's survival.
Oh wow, that's a very good point. Every member of the clan regardless of their chakra levels is a major asset.

Anyone want to bring back the Hazou harem breeding program plan? XD
Changes made:
  • Removed the part questioning the broadsheet's validity to Tsunade. We know most of it is propoganda/bullshit, we have more important things to ask Tsunade, and we also plan to ask Minori anyway so it's redundant. Still showing it, though; it's part of the discussion regarding her taking the Hokageship.
  • Expanded on Naruto's section somewhat.
I'm personally starting to wonder if we should even pop the "do you want the Hat" question, at least right now. The dude's probably doesn't even know Jiraiya's dead, let alone the fact that the Sandaime died, Jiraiya took over, and started his own clan.

[X] Action Plan: Gathering Allies

Word Count: 387
  • Check and follow Jiraiya's will and answers for instructions on this situation.
  • Meetings (optimize with the clan):
    • Tsunade:
      • Guidelines:
        • Be firm, but respectful: This concerns the future of the clan you're responsible for. Don't be aggressive, but don't let her intimidate or dismiss you.
        • Be serious and direct: You can't manipulate her, and she hates wasting time.
        • Show measured sympathy: Tsunade just lost her lifelong teammates.
          • Don't overdo it, though: she'll hate being coddled.
      • Discussion:
        • Deliver Jiraiya's message. Offer condolences.
        • Naruto: We plan to adopt him, as Jiraiya wanted. Can we visit him?
        • Show her the broadsheet.
        • Hokageship:
          • Hiashi's (?) broadsheet suggests he's planning a war with Rock and Cloud...immediately after we suffered heavy losses. The war may well destroy us. Even if Leaf wins, it will compound the damage Akatsuki inflicted, crippling the village system for generations.
          • If we instead capitalize on the facts that all major villages fought against a common foe, and that only together we could oppose them again, we could attempt to build a lasting peace.
          • For that, is she willing to make a bid for the hat? She's our best chance against Hiashi.
          • (gallows humor) At worst, she'll only suffer for a few years, until Naruto takes over.
          • Also: Young clanless ninja seem to believe it's illegal for "mudfeet" to become mednin. She's fine with it?
            • If this provokes her, stand your ground.
          • If she's unwilling, who should we support?
      • Thank her for her time. You'll always welcome her advice. You're going to need it.
    • Naruto (IFF he's functional):
      • Guidelines: Genuine and supportive. We want to build a relationship with our (potential) brother.
      • Introduce yourselves.
      • Bring him up to speed, and offer our condolences.
        • If Jiraiya left him anything, pass it on now.
      • "Jiraiya wanted us to adopt you. But it's your choice: we'll support either decision."
      • Will he make a bid for the hat? Or support Tsunade (if she's willing)?
      • Is there anyone you'd like to come visit you?
  • Ask questions:
    • Mari:
      • Clan heads' rights and duties.
      • How clan secrets work.
      • Other clan heads and their political leanings.
    • Kagome: Is he willing to teach more apprentices?
  • Investigate:
    • Adoption targets: Nakano's group, Lee, clanless jounin like Kabuto.
    • The broadsheet:
      • Who printed it? The Nara should know.
      • Gauge public sentiment towards other villages (visit bars, newscenters, hospitals).
      • Ask Minori what really happened?
@faflec i say drop the part about asking Naruto about the hat. I'd probably invite him to come over for dinner.
Also please send a message to the snakes asking about becoming there next summoner
Also please send a message to the snakes asking about becoming there next summoner
I'm willing to add in a section, but my poor skills at writing social-based communications leads me to worrying that I'll phrase it poorly. More specifically, I'm worried that since the Snake Clan doesn't really know us (IIRC we've had zero communications with them up 'till now) they'll go "who the fuck are you and why should we make you our Summoner?" and otherwise take insult. I'd really appreciate help writing this.