Does anyone have objections to involving Akane in the "get Mari to be functional because holy shit we need her" thing?
Hm. I think I want to give planmaking a shot.

Word count: 298

[X] Action Plan: To Stride Forward
  1. Allies
    1. In general: invite to Goketsu mourning. Invite allies to strategy meeting.
    2. Noburi
      1. Parents might've been in the strike force.
      2. There were only three Mist survivors.
      3. Emotional support, not speech.
    3. Tsunade
      1. Go past anyone that tries to stop you.
      2. Hand her Jiraiya's will.
      3. Are you aiming for Hokage?
    4. Naruto
      1. Go past anyone in way. Do not yield.
      2. See what state he's in.
      3. If lucid, talk to him.
      4. We lost Poppa. We know what it feels like.
      5. Emotional support, no speech, until he's ready.
      6. Wants re:
        1. Hokage?
        2. Goketsu?
        3. Anything?
    5. Akane
      1. Ask about adoption.
      2. Help with Mari?
    6. Mari
      1. Emotional support until safe.
      2. Discuss starting over.
        1. Don't go back.
        2. We don't need the evil Inoue Mari the Heartbreaker. Let her die, if necessary.
        3. We need the brilliant Mari Goketsu, jonin of the greater Team Uplift.
    7. Kagome
      1. Tell him about the runup to the attack.
        1. Including giving Jiraiya his seals.
          1. Against Akatsuki, well, it seemed like the only thing.
          2. It wasn't enough.
          3. His final suicide attack was yours.
      2. We'll patent his seals.
      3. You're a top sealmaster. Best in Goketsu, at least.
        1. Anti-Hyuuga, if we don't have it already.
        2. Give all of Jiraiya's sealing notes.
        3. Sealing instruction needs to become priority.
    8. ISC
      1. Attend services, if invited.
      2. Emotional support, not speech.
    9. Feel out:
      1. Sarutobi
      2. Uchiha
      3. Aburame
      4. Motoyoshi
      5. Amori
      6. Kurusu
  2. Strategy meeting
    1. Hokage
      1. Who are we pushing for Hokage?
      2. How can we turn clans?
      3. Coordinate strategies; we cannot win if we don't support one candidate.
    2. Overall geopolitics
      1. We can't win if we focus on Leaf, on any level.
        1. Rock and Cloud are likely stronger, let alone Akatsuki.
      2. Aim for international alliances and cooperation.
      3. Strengthen Sand, Mist, and minor ties.
      4. Send out feelers towards Rock and Cloud. Coordinate, if not ally, against Akatsuki.
  3. Mourning
    1. MEW granite surface at compound. Carve Jiraiya's name in.
    2. Take turns reminiscing.
yo i do that now
Yeah, I'm a bit surprised Jiraiya didn't use our clearing charges instead of whatever the fuck he did. Would have bought him some breathing room, at least.
He was being swarmed by a 360-degree globe of paper. The clearing charges have a ten-degree arc.

Have we ever actually seen the explody belt in action? Notice how it's a charred corpse that isn't identifiable as Jiraiya? Notice how easy this would have been for him to fake using the tools he had available?
Keiko used three of them to cut through the bars in Isan's Temple of Doom when she took the Scroll. Kagome used his blast harness (basically, a clearing charge on steroids) to splash a bunch of Isan jōnin back in Bonfire of the Tapirs.

Whens voting close, 5pm tomorrow EST?
3pm EST tomorrow

So y'all roll for survival or try and sim it out?


Nice work!
Yep, we actually sim'd it out. Many thanks to @Radvic for the simulator code. Creating the stats for the several dozen participants was the work of several days and much debate.

For the record, we did a bunch of test runs to get a handle on how the simulator worked. It was really a coin toss; Akatsuki won several times.

Survivors who were overwhelming Leaf ninja, in terms of people ready to fight.
Also the 4-9 Tails jinchūriki, only one of whom is Leaf.

If its not too spoiler-ey, how close were they to living?
Jiraiya died in round 15 (14?) out of 18. In that same round, 3 members of Akatsuki and a whole bunch of their cultists died, meaning that Akatsuki's combat power dropped a lot. If Jiraiya had survived that round, he probably would have survived the battle.

Did you guys manage to simulate the most narratively interesting outcome to the setting-deciding fight twice in a row? I applaud your luck, even as I mourn Jiraiya's death and Hiashi's survival.
By twice in a row, do you mean USOUD where Hiruzen died and BOTG where Jiraiya died?

Honestly, the outcome I would have preferred and found most interesting would have been:

From Leaf: Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Hiashi survived, along with a couple of Hyūga jōnin.

From Mist: Ren and Zabuza survived

Everyone else: Died.

Ren and Zabuza were furious with each other, so that's massive chaos in Mist.

Tsunade was the one of the most popular people in Leaf and her support would have been really useful to Jiraiya. Orochimaru was the literal bogeyman for Leaf. Jiraiya needs Orochimaru's firepower, so he wants to bring him back into the fold. Hiashi can use that as leverage against him, and he can tell whatever story he wants and has two jōnin to back him up.

Every other village has lost their Kage and isn't going to know about that for the better part of a week, leaving them very vulnerable to attack. Hiashi can use that to drum up xenophobic fervor, either to actually kick off a war which he can then be the hero of, or to put Jiraiya in the position of burning political capital to keep things peaceful. Hiashi can spin that as Jiraiya being weak and therefore a bad choice for Hokage.
Did Jiraiya and Mari ever manage to produce a descendant? Obviously we were not part and parcel to anything they did or did not do on their own time, and recently Mari hasn't been in the best headspace anyway, but that seems like an important detail.
Gaara of the Sand Waterfall is, indeed, confirmed dead, as is Karatachi Yagura.

As to the Snake scroll, HDK.
How did they deal with the tailed beasts they were holding? Transferred?

Also we never got to talk about science with Snek Uncle :cry:
That's OK, this way we can safely loot his laboratories for all his notes without having to worry about getting killed/experimented on/curse sealed. We should send out people to find those laboratories ASAP. Don't want any other villages getting their hands on that stuff.

Really, it comes down to whether or not Naruto is combat capable. If he is, Leaf is probably in good shape. I'd he's not, Leaf will be stomped into the mud in any serious fight. Unfortunately, even Naruto can't be everywhere at once. Leaf's ability to project power is essentially zero. And let's not forget that most of its major clans, including most of the ones friendly to the Gōketsu, are being run by either regents or teenagers, and there's about to be a major succession crisis as everyone goes for the hat.

Leaf does still have raw numbers of ninja who aren't S rank. How many typical jonin or chunin does it take to seriously threaten a high tier combatant? There must be some number that would be a counter if they fought intelligently.

1) Could've resurrected everyone else too. Too much to ask? Nagato you crazy fuck...
Yeah, it would have been nice if someone had said 'No deal unless you bring back our friends too'. On the other hand maybe the resurrection jutsu couldn't help that many people. I dunno.

I'm thinking we kill Hiashi and opt out. Leaf won't be able to afford hunting us down.

The alternative to that is waiting until Hiashi sabotages Leaf by ruining the alliance with Mist, then getting sent on a high-risk mission after a high-risk mission until we die — and these are going to be a dime a dozen in the new world chaos.
We have political options to try first. Just like Jiraiya couldn't do whatever the hell he wanted because the other clan heads mattered, if Hiashi gets the hat (and that's not a foregone conclusion) we can put together an alliance of clans to keep him in check.

If we do have to run after all efforts fail...hilariously, our best uplift move might actually be to defect back to Mist and join Ami's initiative. But that's last resort stuff. Let's give it our very best go to save Leaf first. Even if our first fight to get someone sane the hat fails, we've got options for containing Hiashi and building Leaf into a liberal government whether he likes it or not.

You're proposing we wait until Hiashi had time to rest, fortify, and plan next steps and contingencies.

And his next step is pressuring the clans into electing the Hokage as soon as possible. It favours him, as he is the strongest candidate — and they're going to comply, because there are very good objective reasons to do so: lack of internal unity at this time is an existential threat to Leaf.

All of {Tsunade, Mari, Naruto} are various kinds of nonfunctional, and therefore unable to do politics; we'll likely be unable to fix them before Hiashi wins. Asuma? Maybe. Chouza? Can ISC even function in absence of Shikaku and Inoichi? Gaku, Yuuhi, Minori? Political nonentities. Everyone else is dead or a nonentity.

It pretty much comes down to Hiashi vs. Asuma, and I'm highly doubtful Asuma could win this one... unless we take Hiashi out of the picture entirely. ASAP.
First and best option, get Tsunade up and functional ASAP. We also need to impress on Mari that we need her skills NOW or everything will fall apart. It's time she earned whatever redemption she's looking for by using her understanding of human nature to engineer the best possible outcome for Leaf politics and the world. Do or die. We build an alliance of clans who want sane leadership and good decisions. Together the alliance backs someone besides Hiashi. Preferably Tsunade, but the Sarutobis would be fine if Tsunade isn't politically workable or is so hurt she'll be stuck in bed for months. (Which is hard to imagine, it being Tsunade.)

We don't want any more Mist in the clan than we already have. We are at serious risk of Hiashi simply declaring us to have never been Leaf ninja in the first place and killing us.
He can't do that unilaterally; he'd need the council to sign off on it, just like they had to sign off on the formation of the clan. This is why immediate alliance building is critical to our survival. We must do that NOW. Whatever it takes. Giving them secrets, making marriage alliances, whatever it takes. This is the moment when we trade horses and play every

Speaking of internal unity, IMO now would be the time to rally the civilian born ninja. Get them unionized or something, to give them a voice at the bargaining table. The notion of Hyuga Hiashi as Hokage would probably scare the shit out of a lot of them, but if they could be convinced to stand up in numbers and say no, or at least support the alternative candidate, it could put a lot of pressure on the clans to concede.
There might be ways we could effectively do this while making it seem less threatening by keeping it in the framework of the existing system. For instance we could put together groups of civilian ninja as loose-knit 'vassal clans' who don't actually owe us anything and just exist to back us up when we push for things that are good for the civilian born ninja. Or whatever other legal fiction is most convenient.

In fact, this might be the safest chance we get to marry Ami. While Hiashi is still reeling and figuring out the new political landscape, we can insert Ami into it before things stabilise.
Particularly if we can't put together an alliance of domestic clans strong enough to keep the hat away from Hiashi or check him if he gets the hat, having an international marriage alliance might be the trump card we need to influence things. We should talk to Ami about the domestic political situation in Leaf. Hell, we could ask for step by step advice in putting the alliance together if we can't get Mari functional enough to do it.

Wordcount: 360

[x] Action Plan: Excuse Me, What Just Happened?
  • Touch base with our allies. Tsunade first (and give her Jiraiya's letter).
    • Offer condolences.
    • Shikamaru, we know you're grieving, but we need to work quickly to secure the political situation. Is there anything the Nara had in place for such an outside-expectations scenario?
      • Kei, Tsunade, thoughts?
  • Find out what physical/mental state Naruto is in.
    • Sit him down with Tsunade, explain what happened, and offer to adopt him as our brother.
    • If he's sane and willing, Naruto should make a bid for hokageship. Otherwise support either Tsunade (second choice) or Akimichi (third choice).
  • Read Jiraiya's will.
    • Take stock of what he left us.
  • Store Jiraiya's body in a scroll.
    • If ressurection is not possible in the next century, that's fine. Scrolls keep for a very long time.
  • Fill Mari in on what happened.
    • Double check with Tsunade and the clan, and then...
      • Order Mari to protect the Gouketsu's political interests with her manipulations to the best of her ability.
      • If she can't stop manipulating people in every interaction, as she believes, then she can use that manipulation to keep the others safe in a way that we're aware of.
      • Keep an eye on Mari. Order her to fall back if she's starting to get too mentally unwell. Order her to not conceal her mental state from Hazou. Order her to present her true emotions and thoughts to him at all times when it is sufficiently private for this to be safe, regardless of what consequences this may have for either of them.
      • If Tsunade/clan think Mari's liable to make public mistakes: instead order Mari to give political advice to Hazou/Naruto. Still order her to be emotionally honest with Hazou regardless.
  • Have Kagome learn the anti-Hyuuga seal if he hasn't already.
    • Explain the situation. Explain your reasoning for your actions, but understand if Kagome is angry with you for sharing his secrets with the strike force.
    • He needs to patent his seals asap.
    • Give Kagome all of Jiraiya's notes.
    • Now, more than ever, we're at risk. Prepare defences as best you can. Learn Jiraiya's best seals. Put them to use.
    • Jiraiya named his ultimate explosion suicide technique after you.
I like all of this. I have two suggested additions, although understandably they might be a bit much to fit into the next update or two.

One, we need to build an alliance of clans behind closed doors. It will be dedicated to ensuring that Leaf is run in a sane manner. Hiashi...well, I think a lot of the clans would prefer someone else get the hat, not just us. And if he does get the hat, I think a lot of the clans would be willing to work together to keep him from doing anything foolish, like throwing away the Mist alliance or trying to get Goketsu killed for no good reason. Once we take stock of things I propose we open negotiations with Yamanaka, Akimichi, Nara and Sarutobi to start. I don't know what other clans might be interested as well; we need to take stock of the political situation and welcome in any allies of convenience at this point.

Two, we could offer...let's call it political coordination with Mori Ami. We both want liberal governments in Mist and Leaf. Let's work together to make that happen, exchanging information and expertise and if necessary bargaining chips to make sure neither government falls to a conservative isolationist regime. Ami's advice on how to navigate the Leaf political situation could be invaluable, particularly if we can't make Mari see the light in using her manipulation expertise for good to achieve a personal redemption.

I'm okay with this. I'm just pointing out that Hyuuga Hiashi is most definitely confirmed to be a complete shitbag.

In the face of his potential executioner and after being asked to justify his beliefs, he doubled down and pretty much said "Yeah, they're worthless compared to us. We are walking gods and should be treated as such."

There is no longer any wiggle room on the Hiashi question. He is some sort of genetics+ meritocratic jackass (@Velorien, Yamato Hotsuin inspired segment??? : > ) through and through.
Yeah, Hiashi's ideology is dangerously close to a Hitler analogue. It's much the same problem as we see in the Pangolins. We cannot let Hiashi turn Leaf into an oppressive empire if he tries to go down that road. Better a civil war than that.

[x] Action Plan: Excuse Me, What Just Happened?

I would like it if you asked Kagome if we could get him to start teaching more students

Also we can't afford to be passive here

We need to push for Naruto or Tsunade to take the hat ASAP
Even if Naruto is mentally well, he is still a child. He's not ready to take the hat and no one would accept him. He needs another twenty years of seasoning. Tsunade is the preferred option, but if she's so badly injured that she'll be bedridden for months then she won't be viable as a candidate. If so, I think Sarutobi Asuma might be one of very few viable alternatives to Hiashi that we would get along well with.

My ideal Hokages are in order are:

1) Tsunade
2) Naruto (as a "figurehead" compromise, he doesn't have much political experience)
3) Anyone from ISC
4) Haishi.

I really don't think we're in that much danger over the next couple weeks, at least if we can get Tsuande to stay with us even if she doesn't make a bid for the hat. Both of Leaf's remaining S-Rankers are likely to at least be our allies and we have a monopoly on skywalker production.
How do you feel about Asuma? He's sane and well respected. Ino-Shika-Cho and Sarutobi would all back him for sure. Throwing our vote and the vote of Clan Senju behind him might be enough to get him the hat.

In fact, something we really need right now is a list of the clans that support Hiashi for the hat. We need to count votes and see if we can lure away any of his supporters before it's too late.

Actually, we could start with the idea of her manipulating other people and then offer "help us comprehend politics" as a compromise.
I agree, this is a good approach. We have her write out everything she knows about the Leaf political situation/personal relationships between the clans, and then we take that information and have Keiki and Ami find us an optimized path to a liberal Leaf government.
Hold on a minute.

The only survivors for Rock and Cloud's divisions are their Jinchuuriki - people who may or may not have even been lucid during the battle.

It's quite possible that Rock and Cloud still don't know about Skywalkers. It's also possible that back when everyone was sharing intel and getting ready they sent messengers back and included the knowledge of Skywalkers, but there's a real possibility our super-secret trump card still remains a super-secret trump card.
Alright, I'm going to be doing a whip count for our two most favored Hokage candidates. Looking at which clans might vote for who.

  • Base viability condition: We convince her to run and try to win.
    • Her best bet for enacting her uplift adjacent medical ideas is to become Hokage.
    • Look at the til'n'fills, making positive change IS actually possible.
  • Whip count:
    • Solid Hiashi (3):
      • Hyūga: Obviously
      • Inuzuka: Based on his reaction to Hiashi's rant he also seems to be a traditionalist.
      • Kyoshō: Deep financial ties with Hyūga.
    • Lean Hiashi (5):
      • Minami: They hated Jiraiya, and their vote was more against Jiraiya than FOR Hiashi, we don't know what they think of Tsunade.
      • Motoyoshi-Amori-Kurusu bloc
        • Motoyoshi: Seem more interested in money and their economic position than anything else. We could possibly sell them on the economics of uplift, maybe ISC could bribe them with economic concessions, or we could bribe with seals/pangolin money.
        • Amori: No info
        • Kurusu: Traditionalists, were opposed to Jiayra due to his lineage, lack of membership in a historical clan, and his disrespect for tradition. Tsunade is from Senju, one of the founding clans of Leaf.
      • Aburame: They voted against Hiashi last time but we honestly don't know much about their political goals and motives other than a desire for stability.
    • Lean Tsunade (2):
      • Sarutobi: There's a reason they weren't invited to the last vote.
      • Uchina: If Naruto can convince Sasuke to vote for Tsunade.
    • Solid Tsunade (5):
      • Gotseku: Obviously
      • Yamanaka: Due to ISC alliance with Gotseku.
      • Nara: Due to ISC alliance with Gotseku.
      • Akimichi: Due to ISC alliance with Gotseku.
      • Senju: If Tsunade is already running for Hokage, then I find it unlikely she wouldn't go all in and take up the mantle of the Senju.
    • Conclusion: 3 to 5 assuming all leaning clans abstain, 8 to 7 if they vote along my lines. The Motoyoshi-Amori-Kurusu bloc is critically important here, hopefully, we can convince to abstain. It helps that Tsunade is S-Rank.
  • Base viability condition: He's not a mentally broken mess.
  • Whip count:
    • Solid Hiashi (7):
      • Hyūga: Obviously
      • Inuzuka: Based on his reaction to Hiashi's rant he also seems to be a traditionalist.
      • Minami: They hated Jiraiya, and their vote was more against Jiraiya than FOR Hiashi, Naruto is more clearly Jiayra's heir than Tsunade. Doubly so if we adopt him into Gotseku.
      • Kyoshō: Deep financial ties with Hyūga.Motoyoshi-Amori-Kurusu bloc
      • Motoyoshi-Amori-Kurusu bloc
        • Same as above, but Uzamki was only prominent, not a founding Leaf clan.
    • Lean Hiashi (1):
      • Aburame: They voted against Hiashi last time but we honestly don't know much about their political goals and motives other than a desire for stability.
    • Lean Naruto (2):
      • Sarutobi: There's a reason they weren't invited to the last vote.
      • Senju: We'd have to convince Tsunade to take up the Senju mantle. Could use same persuasion strategies as above.
    • Solid Naruto (5):
      • Gotseku: Obviously
      • Yamanaka: Due to ISC alliance with Gotseku.
      • Nara: Due to ISC alliance with Gotseku.
      • Akimichi: Due to ISC alliance with Gotseku.
      • Uchina: Sasuke and Naruto are good friends.
    • Conclusion: 7 to 5 if leaning clans don't vote. 8 to 7 if they do. Same as above, but more clans in the Strong Hiashi camp. Bad idea.

So we CAN beat Hiashi. It's not even particularly unlikely, it just requires some leg work.

EDIT: Credit to Zerovirus from the discord for help with the basis for this. Refer to the following link as the source for my rationale
Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest | Page 3469

EDIT 2: We NEED to talk to the Sarutobi, ISC, and Uchina. As well as seeing if Tsunade is open to making a bid for the hat and/or taking up the Senju mantle. Motoyoshi is worth making an effort to talk to as well, perhaps having Keiko and the Nara work on a pro-uplift presentation focused on economics, maybe getting Mari's input on the delivery.

EDIT 3: Added Amori clan as per word of faflec. Our position looks worse now, especially if the Motoyoshi-Amori-Kurusu bloc are solid Hiashi, which I'm not 100% sure about. Regardless it's still doable.

EDIT 4: I think the best we can hope for regarding the Motoyoshi-Amori-Kurusu bloc is an abstain, and that only in the case of Tsunade if she takes up the Senju mantle and we can sell Motoyoshi on uplift economics. Senju is one of the founding Leaf clans which should appeal to Kurusu a bit, even if Tsunade has a reformist/progressive herself. Now that I know that they're voting as a block, getting them NOT to vote for Hiashi should probably be our single highest priority.

EDIT 5: Looks like Tsunade is a better choice than Naruto.
Thank you for the whip counts, we needed this to plan.

I don't think anyone is going to vote for Naruto as Hokage. Naruto is a child. He is hot headed and not ready or sufficiently respected. He needs twenty years of seasoning. Then he'll be a great Hokage.

I think Sarutobi Asuma might be a replacement for Tsunade if she's too hurt to be available any time soon. I'd be curious for your analysis on him.

I agree that as far as peeling off Hiashi's supporters:

The Aburame's desire for stability might be appealed to with persuasion, particularly with regards to building peaceful international relations that will prevent further conflict. Hiashi didn't seem big on the Mist alliance, right?

The Motoyoshi might be bought off with economic arrangements. Perhaps we could offer them a share in the various groundbreaking businesses we've got cooking, or just Pangolin gold.

Minami might be persuaded since their opposition was so personal against Jiraiya.

We need to ask someone what the Amori care about and think about the present situation.

Kurusu might be persuaded to support Tsunade because of her ancient and highly important bloodline, in addition to the other reasons she's so well respected by everyone.
Naruto's been groomed for the Hokage position since birth, and what little we've heard of him from the QMs suggests he's a lot more cool-headed here than in canon (excessive reliance on canon information has been counterproductive since the very first decisions of the quest). He's also a village hero, the Jinchuuriki of the Nine-Tails and one of approximately two S-rankers Leaf has left. (Jiraiya has gone on record saying that Naruto's strength was comparable to his own)

And if all that's not enough, remember that there's precedent for this exact sort of situation in Yagura. If you're an S-ranker and you have sound judgement and can play the politics game, your age shouldn't play too much of a role in things.

It's worth bringing up, at least, because Naruto becoming Hokage, if we can make that happen, is one of the best outcomes of this situation for both us and for Leaf and the world.
Thank you for the whip counts, we needed this to plan.

I don't think anyone is going to vote for Naruto as Hokage. Naruto is a child. He is hot headed and not ready or sufficiently respected. He needs twenty years of seasoning. Then he'll be a great Hokage.

I think Sarutobi Asuma might be a replacement for Tsunade if she's too hurt to be available any time soon. I'd be curious for your analysis on him.

I agree that as far as peeling off Hiashi's supporters:

The Aburame's desire for stability might be appealed to with persuasion, particularly with regards to building peaceful international relations that will prevent further conflict. Hiashi didn't seem big on the Mist alliance, right?

The Motoyoshi might be bought off with economic arrangements. Perhaps we could offer them a share in the various groundbreaking businesses we've got cooking, or just Pangolin gold.

Minami might be persuaded since their opposition was so personal against Jiraiya.

We need to ask someone what the Amori care about and think about the present situation.

Kurusu might be persuaded to support Tsunade because of her ancient and highly important bloodline, in addition to the other reasons she's so well respected by everyone.
You're doing that thing where you draw on canon material again. We know precious little about Naruto's personality other than that he's got a hell of a lot of charisma.
[x] Action Plan: Excuse Me, What Just Happened

Overall I like the plan, I do think the "putting Jiraiya's body in a summoning scroll" but should be dropped though
You're doing that thing where you draw on canon material again. We know precious little about Naruto's personality other than that he's got a hell of a lot of charisma.
I don't care how well tutored and charming a 15 year old is, they're 15. They need time and experience. And the old guys who have lots of power won't tolerate a child ordering them around.

Even if it were legal, would a 15 year old ever get elected president? No. No they would not. People just don't entrust that sort of responsibility to someone that young. They pick older people with lots of experience and proven track records, who have had lots of time to accumulate respect and political allies.
Last edited:
I don't care how well tutored and charming a 15 year old is, they're 15. They need time and experience. And the old guys who have lots of power won't tolerate a child ordering them around.
With respect, I feel like the people of Konoha will disagree with you that the highly charismatic S-ranker hero isn't worthy of respect, whatever his age. Even Hiashi's philosophy would agree that Naruto's strength and capability makes him a suitable leader.
I don't care how well tutored and charming a 15 year old is, they're 15. They need time and experience. And the old guys who have lots of power won't tolerate a child ordering them around.
Insert vague hissing noises

With respect, age simply isn't a dimension one should optimize for when it comes to stuff like this. You don't accept being ordered around by an Adult Ninja because they're old, you accept it because of social norms and expectations projected onto their rank, or the fact that they can beat your face in trivially with a modicum of effort in whatever your battlefield of choice is.

Competency is king, and if the 15 year old Bijuu container can roflstomp you on the physical front and outdo you on the socials front, it doesn't matter what your opinion of their age is.
I don't care how well tutored and charming a 15 year old is, they're 15. They need time and experience. And the old guys who have lots of power won't tolerate a child ordering them around.

Even if it were legal, would a 15 year old ever get elected president? No. No they would not. People just don't entrust that sort of responsibility to someone that young. They pick older people with lots of experience and proven track records, who have had lots of time to accumulate respect and political allies.

Modern sensibilities are modern. 15 or not Naruto from what little we know is incredibly charismatic, is arguably the strongest ninja in the village even before Jiraiya died, has old clan rep as the last remaining Uzumaki and son of the 4th hokage, has the popularity and support of the village, was personally trained and groomed by the elite of the village(Kakashi, Jiraiya, Hiruzen, etc) for over a decade, and is one of two S-rankers that Konoha has left.

Jiraiya believed that Naruto, a 15 year old kid, was more suitable to run Konoha than he was, a multiwar veteran and Konoha's spymaster of 20 odd years. If that isn't a vote of confidence than I don't know what is, but either way no one cares about his age.
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He was being swarmed by a 360-degree globe of paper. The clearing charges have a ten-degree arc.

Keiko used three of them to cut through the bars in Isan's Temple of Doom when she took the Scroll. Kagome used his blast harness (basically, a clearing charge on steroids) to splash a bunch of Isan jōnin back in Bonfire of the Tapirs.

3pm EST tomorrow

Yep, we actually sim'd it out. Many thanks to @Radvic for the simulator code. Creating the stats for the several dozen participants was the work of several days and much debate.

For the record, we did a bunch of test runs to get a handle on how the simulator worked. It was really a coin toss; Akatsuki won several times.

Also the 4-9 Tails jinchūriki, only one of whom is Leaf.

Jiraiya died in round 15 (14?) out of 18. In that same round, 3 members of Akatsuki and a whole bunch of their cultists died, meaning that Akatsuki's combat power dropped a lot. If Jiraiya had survived that round, he probably would have survived the battle.

By twice in a row, do you mean USOUD where Hiruzen died and BOTG where Jiraiya died?

Honestly, the outcome I would have preferred and found most interesting would have been:

From Leaf: Jiraiya, Orochimaru, and Hiashi survived, along with a couple of Hyūga jōnin.

From Mist: Ren and Zabuza survived

Everyone else: Died.

Ren and Zabuza were furious with each other, so that's massive chaos in Mist.

Tsunade was the one of the most popular people in Leaf and her support would have been really useful to Jiraiya. Orochimaru was the literal bogeyman for Leaf. Jiraiya needs Orochimaru's firepower, so he wants to bring him back into the fold. Hiashi can use that as leverage against him, and he can tell whatever story he wants and has two jōnin to back him up.

Every other village has lost their Kage and isn't going to know about that for the better part of a week, leaving them very vulnerable to attack. Hiashi can use that to drum up xenophobic fervor, either to actually kick off a war which he can then be the hero of, or to put Jiraiya in the position of burning political capital to keep things peaceful. Hiashi can spin that as Jiraiya being weak and therefore a bad choice for Hokage.
If Akatsuki won, wouldn't the quest effectively end?
Modern sensibilities are modern. 15 or not Naruto from what little we know is incredibly charismatic, is arguably the strongest ninja in the village even before Jiraiya died, has old clan rep as the last remaining Uzumaki and son of the 4th hokage, has the popularity and support of the village, was personally trained and groomed by the elite of the village(Kakashi, Jiraiya, Hiruzen, etc) for over a decade, and is one of two S-rankers that Konoha has left.

Jiraiya believed that Naruto, a 15 year old kid, was more suitable to run Konoha than he was, a multiwar veteran and Konoha's spymaster of 20 odd years. If that isn't a vote of confidence than I don't know what is, but either way no one cares about his age.
Didn't he say that Naruto would be a great Hokage 'some day'? I don't think he meant right now.

As for a fifteen year old somehow having the social skills, level temper, judgment, and political network of someone forty or fifty years their senior, and somehow being accepted by adults as a superior, this is supposed to be a rationalist setting, isn't it?

Even the most precocious child is not yet ready for what's involved with the highest levels of executive leadership. I don't know how old you are, or if you've interacted with teenagers or college students recently. They make a lot of mistakes as part of the maturation process that mean they're not really capable of competing with adults in the leadership arena yet.

There are character traits and experiences that humans just need time to acquire, and there's no way of rushing it. No amount of chakra is going to speed up the process of maturing into a wise and level headed adult. They need to make mistakes and learn from those mistakes. They need to observe people, learn about human nature, all that stuff that takes thousands of interactions and years.
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As for a fifteen year old somehow having the social skills, level temper, judgment, and political network of someone forty or fifty years their senior, this is supposed to be a rationalist setting, isn't it?

So? Being 15 does not inherently limit your abilities in any way.
So? Being 15 does not inherently limit your abilities in any way.
It absolutely does. The brain is still developing, but most importantly it limits time. The time they've had to make mistakes and learn from them. The time they've had to observe people. To learn about human behavior. To build a huge mental library of what to do in X social situation that won't upset people and will work out alright.

If you really find this hard to accept, you can do some reading on child development or go interact with some teenagers yourself. They're just not able to compete with adults yet in a host of ways because they haven't finished learning stuff yet because they haven't had the time it takes. This isn't really a point of debate, it's thoroughly established fact.

Case in point: Yagura. A child S-ranker Jinchuuriki village hero who kept people in line with his overwhelming power and the force of his personality.
Even a child can keep power when they can and will murder anyone who doesn't do what they say. Yagura didn't need to have all the skills that a real leader does, which is how he got away with it. (Also, Yagura is from canon and canon laughs at the the idea of age realistic aptitudes.)
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Naruto already knew in intimate details how his village operates and the individual ninjas in it including their strength and weakness.