Incorrect, chakra boosting is purely internal, which means you can't detect it.
- What exactly does "internal" mean?
- Is your skin a chakra visibility barrier?
- If so how is the Byakugan capable of seeing chakra systems?
- What is the casino seal actually detecting?
- Something akin to chakra light?
- Chakra sound?
- Warping of the world related to the use of chakra?
- <Insert 4-5 other possibilities that would take more patience than I have to explain>
- Something else entirely?
- What is chakra moulding?
- movement of chakra?
- intention being applied to chakra?
- Translation of chakra from one state to another?
- Something else?
- Why does something being internal make it undetectable?
- Is it a function of the seal?
- chakra boosting isn't particularly useful for cheating at gambling so the seal could purposefully ignore it.
- Is there something about being "internal" that affects the actual detection process?
- Is there a fundamental difference between "internal" and "external" use of chakra?
Seriously, dude. Take a second to step back from the obvious non-answer and actually think about things for a second.
"It's internal" is an obvious
curiosity stopper, rather than an actual answer. People commonly respond with those instead of actual answers, so I don't begrudge the QMs including it, but that doesn't mean that it's meaningful to us.
Stop being so confident that you know an "answer", or understand a "threat", or have a "worry". Pattern matching a few words is no substitute for actually thinking.
@Kiba, you in particular have a bad habit of having knee-jerk negative reactions to everything even mildly experimental and speculative.
I find this incredibly annoying. Every attempt to actually experiment or explore gets a pointless, content-free, negative response from you.
Frankly, you make it less fun to participate in the quest, and make it harder for me to get enthusiastic about the parts I care about. Since I now know I'm going to have to waste my time pushing back against your non-constructive, vapid criticism.
You've done this over and over, to the point that I've lost my patience with you. I've said this same thing before without calling you out explicitly, or being as mean, and nothing has come of it.
At this point I'm not asking you to change (I have lost hope of that happening). I am reduced to just being publicly frustrated at how you seem to pull our discourse down a few levels.
In much the same way that certain answers to questions are curiosity stoppers, (they don't actually help develop a better model of the world and just exist to shut people up) your criticism tends to be a exploration stopper. You object to things, but provide "reasons" that are fundamentally content-free and don't present an actual problem that others can fix. So anyone trying to respond to you is stuck having to, with difficulty, make the subtle point that there is nothing in your objection that we can actually directly respond to.
You might not be doing this on purpose, but it is happening. You are burning the conversational commons, and pretending it's the other guy. It's everything I hate about political rhetoric writ small and tedious.