Two reasons for including the Nara:

  • Keiko will soon be one.
  • This gives Shikaku a huge stake in making our negotiations succeed (and throwing Shikaku at your problems is just the best).

Giving the Nara more political clout over Goketsu isn't a great idea IMHO. They are pretty close in turning Jiraiya into a puppet Hokage as it is
This doesn't give the Nara power over the Goketsu, though. They both benefit equally from this, so remain at their current power balance.

Say the Nara comes to Goketsu and asks for help negotiating with the deer. Do you really think we wouldn't use that opportunity to advance our goals? The Nara will get there pound of flesh from this deal and I don't see what Goketsu gets for bringing them into the negotiations
Two reasons for including the Nara:

  • Keiko will soon be one.
  • This gives Shikaku a huge stake in making our negotiations succeed (and throwing Shikaku at your problems is just the best).
Clearly your long-term plan should be for the Nara and Gōketsu clans to fuse into a single world-controlling supergenius / supercreative clan full of amazing secret technology, overpowered summoning-clan jutsu, and truly terrifying seals.

E: heck, come to think of it, Ino-Shika-Cho aren't even *really* three separate clans, just an amalgam with Nara at the head. Add in Gōketsu to the mix by marrying one of the boys to Ino, and you're 2/3 of the way to a 4-way mega-fusion.
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Clearly your long-term plan should be for the Nara and Gōketsu clans to fuse into a single world-controlling supergenius / supercreative clan full of amazing secret technology, overpowered summoning-clan jutsu, and truly terrifying seals.
Kagome objects to this description on the grounds that any seal worthy of the description "terrifying" would tear a rift into hell, at a bare minimum.
This doesn't give the Nara power over the Goketsu, though. They both benefit equally from this, so remain at their current power balance.

Giving the Nara free shit isn't in our interest. If they give us some of their secret techniques in exchange, then sure, but giving them jutsus just like this is not a good idea. Even Mari mentioned that Shikaku would turn Jiraiya into a puppet, he is an ally not a friend and the rest of the Nara are a big unknown to us.

@faflec , Maybe we should talk with Pankurashun and/ or Pantsa before we talk to Panteon? Inform them about what's happening on the Human Path? Ask them about the Negotiations? I dunno.

Old Post:
Further, we have to talk with Jiraiya about the whole Pangolin Empire mess we caused and what the Toad's are thinking (preferably between Mari/Hazou/Jiraiya first to avoid putting Keiko in a difficult position). I mean he hasn't said anything up until now, so maybe they are happy with the results, but this needs to be cleared up.

A not so pressing issue is that I think the Pangolin need to be probably informed about Keiko's current situation as Jiraiya's daughter, yes they know that, but I don't think they understand the village system very much and that Keiko is:

a) The Hokages daughter (assuming he doesn't get removed in 2 months).
b) She could become the Lady Nara in the future.
c) Leaf is among the 5 most powerful villages on the Human Path.

Most Pangolin seem to know absoultely nothing about Humans (understandably) and are quite disrespectful towards her. The only Pangolin that really seem to respect her are Panda, Pankurashun and Pantsa (because he only told Pankurashun about Keiko being a missing nin later). My thought process is that once they learn how incredibly influential Keiko and her Clan can/will be on the Human Path makes them more inclined to work better with her/us.

Also we should tell everything from the Update to Jiraiya, just in case our group of loveable people doesn't do that automatically.
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The Nara will get there pound of flesh

More than free access to the entire Pangolin jutsu library plus hacking rights, you mean? You think Shikaku's gonna be all "yeah but apart from loads of new jutsu known only to one other clan on the human path, what have the romans ever done for us?"? Jiraiya would rightly call them out on being self-destructively greedy.

Clearly your long-term plan should be for the Nara and Gōketsu clans to fuse into a single world-controlling supergenius / supercreative clan full of amazing secret technology, overpowered summoning-clan jutsu, and truly terrifying seals.

That might be what we go for long term.
Clearly your long-term plan should be for the Nara and Gōketsu clans to fuse into a single world-controlling supergenius / supercreative clan full of amazing secret technology, overpowered summoning-clan jutsu, and truly terrifying seals.

E: heck, come to think of it, Ino-Shika-Cho aren't even *really* three separate clans, just an amalgam with Nara at the head. Add in Gōketsu to the mix marry one of the boys to Ino, and you're 2/3 of the way to a 4-way mega-fusion.
I mean...
More than free access to the entire Pangolin jutsu library plus hacking rights, you mean? You think Shikaku's gonna be all "yeah but apart from loads of new jutsu known only to one other clan on the human path, what have the romans ever done for us?"? Jiraiya would rightly call them out on being self-destructively greedy.

No I mean that plus getting to influence the negotiations in ways that are favorable to them is huge. What are we getting out of bringing them in?
Clearly your long-term plan should be for the Nara and Gōketsu clans to fuse into a single world-controlling supergenius / supercreative clan full of amazing secret technology, overpowered summoning-clan jutsu, and truly terrifying seals.

E: heck, come to think of it, Ino-Shika-Cho aren't even *really* three separate clans, just an amalgam with Nara at the head. Add in Gōketsu to the mix by marrying one of the boys to Ino, and you're 2/3 of the way to a 4-way mega-fusion.
But what if we took this one step farther? Bring in some unaffiliated ninja, maybe another clan like the Inuzuka, Aburame, maybe the Uzumaki, hell let's just go for the Hyuuga and Uchiha too, unite them all into one big super clan. We might need different organizational structures, and we should probably shift around the most powerful person so that the others can be happy knowing they'll get their chance...

Wait a minute, did we just found a meta Hidden Village?
E: heck, come to think of it, Ino-Shika-Cho aren't even *really* three separate clans, just an amalgam with Nara at the head. Add in Gōketsu to the mix by marrying one of the boys to Ino, and you're 2/3 of the way to a 4-way mega-fusion.

If there aren't really three different Clans we wouldn't need to marry anyone else! You just want an Ino marriage, but you are forgetting that we could still marry Hinata for alliances or even a girl from another village for Pax Konoha!

@ContextBot Give me an idea for Pangolin discussion and I will try to add it. The second part is done iirc.

We should ask Panda about the political structure here, is commissar Panteon below Pantsa or a seperate entity? If it's not some insult we then can explain the Human Path situation to Pantsa or whoever else we should talk to (I suspect that Pankurashun is below Panteon but who knows) .

-) Explain to them the current political enviroment (The village system, the Kage, how Clans are allies inside the village,..etc), in case they are not up to date.
-) Keiko is going to be a powerful and political important figure in the future (daughter of the Hokage, possible wife to the Nara heir), therefore she might be able to increase the Pangolins political reach on the Human Path (more resources to hunt down/change summoners on the Human Path)

Of course all of this should only be done if Jiraiya thinks thats a good idea (he is the expert here).

If those dingdong Pangolin don't realize how useful a friendly relationship with Keiko is, then they are simply idiots.
No I mean that plus getting to influence the negotiations in ways that are favorable to them is huge. What are we getting out of bringing them in?

The ability to throw Shikaku's brain at making sure Kei not only doesn't get screwed over, but comes out of this debacle in the strongest position possible, with most of her demmands met.

I also do not anticipate either Shikaku or Jiraiya using the negotiations as a power play to get one over on each other. Such a thing would be needlessly self-destructive, as it would result in both of them having to expend increasing amounts of energy fighting each other, and thus deplete the energy going into protecting their mutual asset of Kei and their mutual interest of equally shared benefits from other demmands.

This is a modified prisoner's dilemma, and I expect Shikaku to know better than to choose "defect" under these circumstances.


In short, Shikaku and Jiraiya's options are:

COOPERATE (spend all of your energy on fighting for Kei's interests):
  • Both your clan and your allied clan remain at the same power balance relative to each other.
  • Both your clan and your allied clan become a lot more powerful relative to the rest of the village due to new jutsu.
  • The village you share with your allied clan gets stronger relative to other villages due to new jutsu.
  • The clanswoman you share with your ally becomes more valuable, as her position in pangolin society is strengthened.

DEFECT (spend some portion of your energy fighting your ally, forcing them to spend at least as much energy fighting you, causing the Pangolins to have the upper hand in negotiations):
  • You gain ground on your allied clan, tipping the power balance in your favour.
  • Both you and your allied clan get a bit stronger at most, and probably not at all, relative to the rest of the village.
  • Your village gets a bit stronger at most, and probably not at all, relative to the other villages.
  • The clanswoman you share with your ally might have their position get a bit stronger or might have their position get considerably weaker.
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If there aren't really three different Clans we wouldn't need to marry anyone else! You just want an Ino marriage, but you are forgetting that we could still marry Hinata for alliances or even a girl from another village for Pax Konoha!
I was thinking Noburi, actually. Hazō's gonna marry Akane, clearly, which is good because it brings fresh blood into the clan and protects the secrets she already knows. Noburi gives you a double-tie to Ino-Shika-Cho, rather than the one-off with Kei that could be dismissed as a weird political wrangling thing instead of a long-term commitment.

Now, if you were talking about marrying Hazō to Akane, Ino, *and* Hinata, that's the kind of ambitious scheme I could support.
Earth Release: Hiding Like a Mole
Control*3, Dexterity*3

Allows the user to enter and move through earthen substances. Because they are underground, the user does not have air and must hold their breath, or else suffocate. Additionally, since they are underground, a large number of attacks will fail due to being unable to go through the ground (Taijutsu, Weapons, most elemental ninjutsu...).

While underground, the user gains (+HLaM level) additional die in Stealth, but takes a 15 - (HLaM level / 2) penalty to TacMove. Both the user and any nearby enemies have 0 Awareness with respect to each other, barring unusual senses / sensory jutsu.

Chakra cost: 10 / minute.

The technique creates a field out to around 3" from your body; anything completely inside that zone stays inside that zone until you emerge from the ground. If anything substantial is crossing the border of that zone when you use the technique then you will not be able to enter the ground until you drop the thing or pull it into the inclusion zone.

The zone infuses earthen materials (dirt, sand, stone) around you with Doton chakra that causes the infused material to act as a fluid, and propelling you in the direction of your choice. It works on real MEW and other stone structures, but not on chakra constructs and not on metal. You do not leave a hole behind.

You cannot grab or release anything while submerged due to the zone.

The technique has a certain amount of flexibility and is able to allow you to enter areas of ground lightly obstructed by e.g. plant matter, and to move through areas that have plant matter and even small, low-chakra animals (e.g. worms, but not chakra voles.) It will not allow you to move through wooden planks or dense layers of roots. It's more lenient about letting you enter the ground than about letting you move through it - you don't know why and neither does anyone else. The restrictions seem arbitrary and occasionally inconsistent. It's extremely frustrating to someone of Hazō's well-ordered scientific mind.
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Now, if you were talking about marrying Hazō to Akane, Ino, *and* Hinata, that's the kind of ambitious scheme I could support.

Noburi should marry Hinata. It's sticking Wakahisa into Hyuga instead of the other way around, thats close enough for me. Also that Byakugan is going to be helpful in rediscovering how to make more barrel-people.
The ability to throw Shikaku's brain at making sure Kei not only doesn't get screwed over, but comes out of this debacle in the strongest position possible, with most of her demmands met.

So you want to sell everything Goketsu gets from the pangolins in exchange for the Nara's help in negotiations? That seems excessive.
Voting is closed.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Aug 26, 2017 at 4:01 PM, finished with 332 posts and 13 votes.
We are revising the narrative and some of the mechanics underlying Hiding Like a Mole.

The technique creates a field out to around 3" from your body; anything completely inside that zone stays inside that zone until you emerge from the ground. If anything substantial is crossing the border of that zone when you use the technique then you will not be able to enter the ground until you drop the thing or pull it into the inclusion zone.

The zone infuses earthen materials (dirt, sand, stone) around you with Doton chakra that causes the infused material to act as a fluid, and propelling you in the direction of your choice. It works on real MEW and other stone structures, but not on chakra constructs and not on metal. You do not leave a hole behind.

You cannot grab or release anything while submerged due to the zone.

The technique has a certain amount of flexibility and is able to allow you to enter areas of ground lightly obstructed by e.g. plant matter, and to move through areas that have plant matter and even small, low-chakra animals (e.g. worms, but not chakra voles.) It will not allow you to move through wooden planks or dense layers of roots. It's more lenient about letting you enter the ground than about letting you move through it - you don't know why and neither does anyone else. The restrictions seem arbitrary and occasionally inconsistent. It's extremely frustrating to someone of Hazō's well-ordered scientific mind.

With the new restrictions on hiding like a mole I don't think we should heavily invest in it maybe 3-5 points but definitely not the full 10