If DSM is tentatively approved, does that mean that we can buy levels in it?
Yes, although I would suggest waiting until the QMs have figured out the details on the various jutsu etc that are currently in the wind. Since you're waiting on us we have no problem allowing you to spend XP retroactively -- presumably you were training in <foo> all this time, whatever you decide <foo> was once you have the information to make an informed choice.
@faflec Can we leave it for next chapter? I prefer not to critique an action plan at this late hour.
Note that voting closes at 4pm today. You have almost 8 hours.
Besides these, it would be particularly useful to raise Hazou's chakra capacity to 120CP. At 120CP, with a 50% overcharge from Noburi, he could fully chakra boost 4 times and have 20CP left over for jutsu. With a tinier overcharge, he could fully boost 3 times and not pass out. Same for Akane.
You might also want to think about upping his Regeneration. Right now he has Capacity 100 CP and a Regen of 25 / 8 hrs. Yes, Noburi can top you up quickly but when he's having to do that for the entire team even his capacity starts to get strained -- especially when he's overcharging you and topping up Keiko for her very expensive Summoning technique. There's a limit to how many targets he'll have to drain; one of the techniques that you've used in the past (not shown onscreen, I think) is that just before bed he drains some CP from each team member who
isn't in need of a refill, then they can recharge naturally overnight. At the Exams everyone will be low on CP all the time so that's not going to work as well. Jiraiya is unlikely to want to be a battery for you guys, since his combat abilities could potentially be necessary if things went pear-shaped.
To be more precise, current chakra stats (Capacity / Regen) are:
Noburi: 651 / 0
Hazō: 100 / 25
Keiko: 170 / 25
Akane: 100 / 20
Keiko spends most of her capacity each time she uses the Summoning technique, so having Noburi charge all of you gets challenging quickly.
Might want to ask Jiraiya for a seal mimicking the noise of the echolocation jutsu so Keiko can hide her location against opponents who don't have line of sight. Would this lower awareness against other targets? Like making it harder to hear weapons being thrown at you while in mist or a smokescreen?
My suspicion, which is shared by Keiko, is that this would be a reasonably effective
counter to the Echolocation trick, as it would confuse the echoes by having multiple identical sound sources.
@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail Would attaching a macerator to a shuriken with pepper spray be sufficient for "nonlethal aoe" -- I know the mechanics might be different for melee use, but this seems like an acceptable compromise for ranged use such that we can have nonlethal AoEs.. Shuriken specfiically because you can place the seal on the bottom of it such that it's facing the opponent at the salient time.
The bottom of a shuriken would be facing the ground, though...? Or are you suggesting throwing it over their heads?
My hot wash response is that this would not be terribly effective, since the macerators unstore things in a relatively linear fashion, not dispersing them in a wide area. Still, maybe I'm wrong about this. I'll talk it over with the others. (Actually, I suppose the misterators produce a large area of fog, although part of that is likely to be Noburi swinging his hand as he uses it. Meh, we'll talk about it.)
@1234qwerty Akane will not be part of our team for the chuunin exams, and we're not sure if she'll be in them to begin with.
She will be in them.