@Briefvoice Your suggestions are in ORANGE, tell me what you think.
[X] Action Plan: Tea Time

  • General thoughts:
    • When talking about mission-related plans we let Minami take the lead. We offer suggestions listed below.
      • Maybe talk with Keiko about our plan if we have a private moment.
    • Don't forget that we're sending regular message to Jiraiya via pangolins.
      • Update him on our progress.
      • Give him intel (esp. on Akatsuki sightings).
  • Get to the Tea contacts.
    • Use Skywalkers to move from place to place.
      • Make sure that when ascending or descending we aren't spotted.
      • We should be using chakra water to speed our movements, and refill as needed.
    • Whenever resting, do so using Skytower technology.
      • Keep a standard watch out for flying chakra monsters.
    • Make contact.
      • Everyone going to the contact together is too conspicuous (esp. with Kagome and Noburi's barrel).
        • Minami will need time to trust us again, let her decide who to make contact and who to watch from a distance.
      • Use Henge to turn into the appropriate cover, based on our knowledge of the contact.
        • Discuss this beforehand; between Hazou, Keiko, and Minami this should be easy.
      • Make sure we're prepared.
        • Everyone has the appropriate number of seals: Explosive tags, PMYF, Skywalkers, etc..
        • Everyone's topped off with Noburi's chakra beforehand.
      • Keep a watch out for potential enemy ninjas.
        • We don't want to compromise Jiraiya's contacts, and do want to catch anyone observing them.
        • If we catch one, report to Minami and discuss what to do from there.
      • Deliver the message, and ask if they have more messages to send or need "short-term muscle".
        • Don't commit to giving muscle to the contact; discuss with the team first.
  • Discuss the Mist Drain Situation with Minami.
    • Do this before we arrive at Tea: given the distances we should be spending several nights on Skytowers.
    • Have Noburi and Keiko lead the conversation; their higher Diplomacy skill should give us better deals.
    • We discussed things with the team earlier, this is just us discussing things with her.
      • @eaglejarl Please don't hate us for not having details :)
In case you were wondering? I hadn't added anything "adventurous" to encourage suggestions, not for you to bitch again. Why don't you do th

Sorry was trying to be more diplomatic this time. Alas it seems I have failed. I personally would try to look for some caravans that we could sell some ice to at a discounted price. With potentially more if they come to leaf and negotiate with us afterwards.
I'd also strongly suggest talking to Kagome about what counter intelligence ops he would run against Jiraiya's spy network. His methodical nature is really useful for that. We know this from the 200 types of crap story.
Also suggest sending Jiraiya a note telling him everything about Hidden Mountain since we are in the area.

Still need to discuss combat style with Kei as well as guns with Kagome. Romance with best girlfriend is always a think to consider in a plan as well
No, Kagome is getting on Minami's good side so she doesn't report the murder attempt. The "don't spill our secrets to your clan" is still an issue.

He explicitly said "I'll do whatever it takes to make you want to keep my team safe and keep their secrets hidden." What, you think given the whole incident occured over a clan secret being spilled that he didn't include that secret?
I think we should talk with Minami about her clans relation with the Hyuga. We already have a strained relationship with them after all:

-) Three sealmaster with anti-Hyuga seals
-) We are filthy foreigners
-) Jiraiya insulted Hiashi

Suddenly budding with the Minami is going to piss them off, especially when we give them all sorts of stuff for free.

Something like:

- Talk with Minami and Team
- How is the situation between Minami/Hyuga
- How much trouble can the sudden exchange of goods/services between our clans cause?
- Which Hyuga could we make friends with to make the situation better?
- Anything else?

Also somewhat semi-serious: The Minami clan just got a pretty good deal.
Let's recap:

How much does stuff cost? Examples:

Chapter 18: One pound of chocolate 10k Ryo
Chapter 95: 13 Books, 60k Ryo
Chapter 127: Hairpin, 55k Ryo

How much money can he make (estimated):

200(+100 free for new subscriber) Implosion Seals, 50k Ryo + three books (~14k), Two pounds of chocolate (min 20k) + 10k sheets of paper and ten inkstones = min 84k Ryo

Now what did Kagome offer? Literally everything forever.

Service to install said seals (SaaS)
Teaching children
Crypto stuff
Free geopolitical information
Being Minami's sex slave

= a multi million Ryo deal over the next few years.

Now I do think that Minami understands this, but we should probably make sure she is really aware and keeps her end of the bargain (shut your mouth and smile).

Kagome failed the third rule of Acquisition: 'Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to'.

In conclusion: Kagome is shit Ferengi
@faflec Can you put a line in there about asking Tea contacts and other people that we have to interact with what rumors came out of Water Country and Mist recently?

Also in terms of the discussion, talk with Keiko first about how to handle the whole negotiation, especially since Kagome just offered her millions of ryo to keep quiet (thanks @ContextBot!)
Give him a project that can't be solved with explosives
You want to help Kagome by shaking the very foundations of his entire worldview?

And then Boruto went and was canon. Dammit Kishi.
Boruto is not MfD canon, mainly because none of the QMs have watched it, or are likely to anytime soon.

I vaguely recall reading a naruto fanfiction where a young Hinata worked on using the expel-chakra-from-your-body-to-attack technique as a way to quickly alter her body's movements, eventually leading to a situation(in the chuunin exams, iirc) where she becomes temporarily paralyzed due to toxin, but still controls her body like a marionette with chakra pulses, and manages to catch her opponent off-guard and land crippling strikes against his tenketsu.
That would be my fic, Lighting Up the Dark, except Hinata's not paralysed by a toxin but by a beatdown from Neji.

[X] Action Plan: Tea Time

  • General thoughts:
    • When talking about mission-related plans we let Minami take the lead. We offer suggestions listed below.
      • Maybe talk with Keiko about our plan if we have a private moment.
    • Don't forget that we're sending regular message to Jiraiya via pangolins.
      • Update him on our progress.
      • Give him intel (esp. on Akatsuki sightings).

  • Get to the Tea contacts.
    • Use Skywalkers to move from place to place.
      • Make sure that when ascending or descending we aren't spotted.
      • We should be using chakra water to speed our movements, and refill as needed.
    • Whenever resting, do so using Skytower technology.
      • Keep a standard watch out for flying chakra monsters.
    • Make contact.
      • Everyone going to the contact together is too conspicuous (esp. with Kagome and Noburi's barrel).
        • Minami will need time to trust us again, let her decide who to make contact and who to watch from a distance.
      • Use Henge to turn into the appropriate cover, based on our knowledge of the contact.
        • Discuss this beforehand; between Hazou, Keiko, and Minami this should be easy.
      • Make sure we're prepared.
        • Everyone has the appropriate number of seals: Explosive tags, PMYF, Skywalkers, etc..
        • Everyone's topped off with Noburi's chakra beforehand.
      • Keep a watch out for potential enemy ninjas.
        • We don't want to compromise Jiraiya's contacts, and do want to catch anyone observing them.
        • If we catch one, report to Minami and discuss what to do from there.
      • Deliver the message, and ask if they have more messages to send or need "short-term muscle".
        • Don't commit to giving muscle to the contact; discuss with the team first.

  • Discuss the Mist Drain Situation with Minami.
    • Do this before we arrive at Tea: given the distances we should be spending several nights on Skytowers.
    • Have Noburi and Keiko lead the conversation; their higher Diplomacy skill should give us better deals.
    • We discussed things with the team earlier, this is just us discussing things with her.
      • @eaglejarl Please don't hate us for not having details :)
I am confused? Why are we going to Tea? I thought we were going to Bear or something like that?

We are, more or less from now on.

Edit: (nvm i don't know how watches work apparently)

Unless mentioned otherwise, each of the following deliveries is to a resident of a small-to-mid-sized civilian town in the named country. Also, slight retcon: you're supposed to go counter-clockwise around the EN because you can travel faster over water than almost any other ninja team without needing to burn hard-to-come-by skywalkers.

  • River - Shimoura (obsolete trade centre town) - jeweller (complete)
  • River
  • River - Tani (city halfway down) - Cartwright
  • Wind - Hidden Sand Village - Intelligence service (official visit)
  • Tea - Degarashi Port - Waiter
  • Tea - Degarashi Port - Waiter (different restaurant)
  • Tea - Degarashi Port - Tea merchant
  • Tea - civilian village about halfway up on the north side - a farmer
  • Noodles - Ise (big city in northeast corner) - Innkeeper
  • Noodles - Ise - Garbage man
  • Noodles - Ise - Brothel worker
  • Noodles
  • Noodles
  • Nagi Island - minor civilian village on the east side - a farmer
  • Honey
  • Wolf
  • Marsh
  • Bird
  • Sky
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Sorry was trying to be more diplomatic this time. Alas it seems I have failed. I personally would try to look for some caravans that we could sell some ice to at a discounted price. With potentially more if they come to leaf and negotiate with us afterwards.
I'd also strongly suggest talking to Kagome about what counter intelligence ops he would run against Jiraiya's spy network. His methodical nature is really useful for that. We know this from the 200 types of crap story.
Also suggest sending Jiraiya a note telling him everything about Hidden Mountain since we are in the area.

Still need to discuss combat style with Kei as well as guns with Kagome. Romance with best girlfriend is always a think to consider in a plan as well
Added mostly everything but the counterops + Hidden Mountain thing. Could you explain them in a bit more detail?
I am worried this might lead to us physically apprehending a ninja.
Added a blurb emphasizing that we don't do that.
He explicitly said "I'll do whatever it takes to make you want to keep my team safe and keep their secrets hidden." What, you think given the whole incident occured over a clan secret being spilled that he didn't include that secret?
And I do not think this will be sufficient.
@faflec Can you put a line in there about asking Tea contacts and other people that we have to interact with what rumors came out of Water Country and Mist recently?

Also in terms of the discussion, talk with Keiko first about how to handle the whole negotiation, especially since Kagome just offered her millions of ryo to keep quiet (thanks @ContextBot!)
Done, and done.

[X] Action Plan: Tea Time

  • General thoughts:
    • Make sure we discuss everything with our fellow ex missing-nin first, then with Minami.
      • No seriously, don't just spontaneously (for example) go up to a random person and say you're selling ice, without first talking with the team.
    • When talking about mission-related plans we let Minami take the lead. We offer suggestions listed below.
      • Maybe talk with Keiko about our plan if we have a private moment.
    • Don't forget that we're sending regular message to Jiraiya via pangolins.
      • Update him on our progress.
      • Give him intel (esp. on Akatsuki sightings).
  • Get to the Tea contacts.
    • Use Skywalkers to move from place to place.
      • Make sure that when ascending or descending we aren't spotted.
      • We should be using chakra water to speed our movements, and refill as needed.
    • Whenever resting, do so using Skytower technology.
      • Keep a standard watch out for flying chakra monsters.
    • Make contact.
      • Everyone going to the contact together is too conspicuous (esp. with Kagome and Noburi's barrel).
        • Minami will need time to trust us again, let her decide who to make contact and who to watch from a distance.
      • Use Henge to turn into the appropriate cover, based on our knowledge of the contact.
        • Discuss this beforehand; between Hazou, Keiko, and Minami this should be easy.
      • Make sure we're prepared.
        • Everyone has the appropriate number of seals: Explosive tags, PMYF, Skywalkers, etc..
        • Everyone's topped off with Noburi's chakra beforehand.
      • Keep a watch out for potential enemy ninjas.
        • We don't want to compromise Jiraiya's contacts, and do want to catch anyone observing them.
        • If we catch one, report to Minami and discuss what to do from there.
          • Don't actually engage unless we're forced to, we don't want to get into a ninja fight.
      • Deliver the message, and ask if they have more messages to send or need "short-term muscle".
        • Ask about happenings in Water Country & Mist.
        • Don't commit to giving muscle to the contact; discuss with the team first.
  • Discuss the Mist Drain Situation.
    • Ask Noburi/Keiko if we should still do this, given recent events (i.e., Kagome pledging fealty).
    • Do this before we arrive at Tea: given the distances we should be spending several nights on Skytowers.
    • Have Noburi and Keiko lead the conversation; their higher Diplomacy skill should give us better deals.
    • We discussed things with the team earlier, this is just us discussing things with her.
      • @eaglejarl Please don't hate us for not having details :)
  • Misc. things.
    • See if merchants/local establishments are buying ice/are willing to buy ice for discount.
      • Noburi/Keiko can lead this due to having higher Diplomacy.
      • Try to lead them into thinking Leaf will have more ice to sell at these good prices.
    • Ask Jiraiya if he wants us to check up on Hidden Mountain.
      • Ask if he wants us to
      • Since it's classified, don't tell Minami about the Hidden
  • Other misc. things (that may be done already).
    • Discuss learning a medium-ranged weapon specialty when we return to Konoha.
      • Also suggest a possible bloodline-based combat style for her. This discussion may occur in the background.
        • Use CCnJ.
        • Note: We don't really know that much about its effectiveness in combat, but it's something that could be considered.
        • Reassure her that her current combat effectiveness and general worth as team member is not in question -- we're talking to Noburi about developing his own, too. We just want her to be even better.
        • If she questions her qualifications for this, remind her of the colossal growth she went through during our travels.
        • Make note of how impressive he found her back in Rice, and, more recently, with Kagome.
        • If Kei doesn't think a bloodline-based combat style is workable, Hazou has a few ideas for seals that could be integrated.
          • Before he gets into his ideas, does she have any to share?
          • She could work at using macerators to extend her range in interesting ways, or apply utility effects.
          • She could throw Banshee seals -- that wouldn't require any additional training.
          • Hazou had had the idea -- and he hasn't spoken to Kagome about this yet, so no promises -- of making force barrier seals that extend outward from shuriken.
          • Depending on how dev goes back at Konoha, maybe an impulse seal would be workable?
    • Discuss the method we used to escape the Mountain-nin cave (specifically, using Force Walls to direct an explosion). Ask if it's possible for us to develop combat weapons around this.
      • Obviously, do not do actual testing right now. This is theoretical discussion only.
      • Maybe stuff an implosion seal down a 5SB'd airtight tube? It could probably propel something pretty fast, though it'd need to be against a stationary target.
@faflec Minami has all ready said she would drop the murder charges

There's a deal, though. I'm going to drop the attempted murder from my report, and you're going to seek help.

Having another clan know about mist drain is annoying but not a big deal. If that was our only trump card sure but we have everything Jiraiya can teach us to reach S-rank without it
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Um, yes I know. Are you referring to my "Discuss the Mist Drain Situation" point? Because the attempted murder charge and knowing about Noburi's mist drain ability are two different things.

Referring to this argument you made
No, Kagome is getting on Minami's good side so she doesn't report the murder attempt. The "don't spill our secrets to your clan" is still an issue.

So Kagome has bribed Minami to a huge degree. Making the mist drain conversation mostly pointless
Referring to this argument you made

So Kagome has bribed Minami to a huge degree. Making the mist drain conversation mostly pointless
Ah, my argument was that Kagome made the bribe in order to prevent Minami from reporting Kagome's attempted murder, not to stop the Mist Drain thing from leaking.

In any case, I don't see what's wrong with the plan, especially since I made sure to ask the others if we should still do it or not: there's nothing lost from asking the team if we should still do it first, and if they still think so we've saved us a problem.
@faflec , While I don't know enough about shinobi culture, I think Kagome swearing fealty (and us forming some weird alliance that way) to Minami Nikko has consequences we should be wary about, mainly annoying the Hyuga any futher:

I think we should talk with Minami about her clans relation with the Hyuga. We already have a strained relationship with them after all:

-) Three sealmaster with anti-Hyuga seals
-) We are filthy foreigners
-) Jiraiya insulted Hiashi

Suddenly budding with the Minami is going to piss them off, especially when we give them all sorts of stuff for free.

Something like:

- Talk with Minami and Team
- How is the situation between Minami/Hyuga
- How much trouble can the sudden exchange of goods/services between our clans cause?
- Which Hyuga could we make friends with to make the situation better?
- Anything else?

Also somewhat semi-serious: The Minami clan just got a pretty good deal.
Let's recap:

How much does stuff cost? Examples:

Chapter 18: One pound of chocolate 10k Ryo
Chapter 95: 13 Books, 60k Ryo
Chapter 127: Hairpin, 55k Ryo

How much money can he make (estimated):

200(+100 free for new subscriber) Implosion Seals, 50k Ryo + three books (~14k), Two pounds of chocolate (min 20k) + 10k sheets of paper and ten inkstones = min 84k Ryo

Now what did Kagome offer? Literally everything forever.

Service to install said seals (SaaS)
Teaching children
Crypto stuff
Free geopolitical information
Being Minami's sex slave

= a multi million Ryo deal over the next few years.

Now I do think that Minami understands this, but we should probably make sure she is really aware and keeps her end of the bargain (shut your mouth and smile).

Kagome failed the third rule of Acquisition: 'Never spend more for an acquisition than you have to'.

In conclusion: Kagome is shit Ferengi
@faflec, can you add a line about, if we have time, investigating those Mountain seals? I get the feeling we'll have some spare time next update, so now's the time to take a look at them.
Ah, my argument was that Kagome made the bribe in order to prevent Minami from reporting Kagome's attempted murder, not to stop the Mist Drain thing from leaking.

In any case, I don't see what's wrong with the plan, especially since I made sure to ask the others if we should still do it or not: there's nothing lost from asking the team if we should still do it first, and if they still think so we've saved us a problem.

Just feels like talking about mist drain is just waffling on an already settled situation. Long term we need to make the Minami political and economically dependent on our clan. But that's a long term project that won't be helped by this conversation. I don't think we will get any actionable information from this conversation so it's just going to waste QMs time and attention

Edit: it's not really a huge deal either way so feel free to ignore this if it's important to you
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