I strongly suspect that while chakra does make some seemingly impossible things easier, that it gets the energy to do it from somewhere.
And I don't think that whatever it is chakra actually does is going to let you actually draw forth and expend enough energy to tell electron degeneracy pressure to go fuck itself like @OliWhail's original full scale example. Meaning you will get at best a fairly large and entirely non-nuclear fireball of a mere thousand degrees.
Has a Wakahisa ever tried genjutsu through the mist? It would seem a direct chakra-conducive channel to multiple targets in an area. Nob is already the social of the group.
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If we want to counter Zabuza, we should learn about our enemies, though much what we know about Zabuza is a guess.

  • Works alone. This is a plus, because one ninja is bad enough.
  • Near S-rank. Probably. Working alone is only a consolation for his skill level, and Mist is confident enough that he could take on an A-ranker plus her minions, and probably a sealmaster too.
  • Shit at being patient and intel ops. He's a great attack dog, but his great weakness is his reliance on Mist's intelligence network and operatives.
  • Master of Blindfighting. From canon, when he isn't throwing his advantage away, he can kill an enemy silently while hidden in the mist.
  • Has a giant ass sword, and the skill to wield it. None of us have quite the reach to challenge him in melee combat.
  • Loves headhunting. He really loves his job. Enough said.
There are several options for dealing with Zabuza:

1) Deal a major blow to Mist's intelligence network. This would require us to be building an information and spy network, but this is a daunting task since we lack the proper skills and experience to make it work. However, if we manage to cripple Mist's network, they're effectively blind and deaf.

2) Lure Zabuza into to a trap of our own making. This works to our specialty of munchkining seals.

3) Become ultra-stealthy. Instead of confronting Zabuza, we become almost impossible to find. Eventually, we would become strong enough to attack Zabuza.
A black hole the size of the solar system would actually have an average density of less than water.
Here's something with a scary implication for you.
A black hole the size of the observable universe would have the density of... the observable universe.
As you fell further in, the amount of the stuff inside black hole that you would be able to see would decrease. It would almost look as if space were expanding, at an accelerating rate, from a very bright single point long ago, and pushing the most distant objects inside the black hole over your cosmological horizon.
@OliWhail @eaglejarl @Velorien May I present my suggestions for:

Traps and Tricks in Combat

Right now, there is no explicit mechanic for traps or tricks to effect combat taking place near them. Traps can attack you and injure you (by rolling vs. awareness & tac move), but having two people fight on land one person trapped is no different than having the attacker cross that trapped land, then fight the trap maker. This seems like an oversight which is particularly relevant towards our combat concerns, since we're likely to be using traps and tricks many times in our combat style. Further, we currently have ideas for seals and tools (e.g. earbusters and flashbangs) which would make it difficult for enemies to react to things. Many potential rules have been suggested for these, and may become a large hassle to aggregate as Hazou's bag of tricks expands. I suggest that we make a normalized method to account for all of these using mostly rules as already written (mostly the Mass Combat rules) to solve these problems.

Each trap already has a number of dice it rolls against awareness and tac move under the current mechanics. I propose that in addition to that, if one party knows about the traps and another does not, let the trap act as a combatant on the knowing party's side. Specifically, add dice to the party who knows about the traps in accordance to the multiple combat rules (so, add either 1, 3, or 5 dice to either the highest or all of the combatants involved), in addition to having the other party need to dodge.

Secondly, for some tricks such as flashbangs, the roll might be arbitrarily high (e.g. 100 dice), but incapable of doing lasting harm (or limited in how much harm it can do). If this roll beat opponent rolls, it would not have any specific damage effect, but the high number of dice it rolled would reduce the mass combat bonuses they would get in addition to providing significant mass combat bonuses to our team.

So, if this system were adapted, then if our team fought on prepared ground, with earbusting seals, they'd likely get 8 or 10 additional dice for all their combat related rolls. Throwing in additional traps (such as ring explosives) could further add to the advantage.

Further, I propose that all combat abilities be categorized into traps (with the added above modifier) and styles (such as weapons, Taijutsu, Water-Whip, Roki, Akane's thing). Things like Skywalkers could be a style which doubles our dodging Tac Move score while in the air.

I had hoped to get to Hazou's ring based combat, but looks like I won't tonight. I'll leave developing a style for that up to others (or choosing to call it a trap might make more sense and figuring out what enemies would need to roll to avoid it and what it would add to Hazou's combat via Mass Combat).
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Nah, you should take the chance for a reboot so you can kill the henge.
If you guys did die, and if we did decide to continue the quest thereafter, then I would absolutely lobby the other QMs for this.

As long as we provide mechanics for how they work, and clear it with the QM in question beforehand, we're fine. I did so for Macerators and @Vecht did so for Earbusters, already.

See above. The QMs are willing to accept help with the mechanics from us.
Yes, although note that we haven't accepted the Earbusters yet.

No need for timed explosives. Seals placed on the bottom of the tears should break on impact.
Note that MEW segments are always rectangular prisms. No tear shapes available, I'm afraid. The name still works, though.

Question mark at the end of the vote name might result is people forgetting to
CounterBot ignores all non-alphanumerics. (Don't start, Veedrac! ;P )

Black hole density isn't constant. It goes down as the hole gets bigger. A black hole the size of the solar system would actually have an average density of less than water.
Interestingly, the density of a black hole the size of the universe would be the density of the universe.

Are you sure she would choose that?

Not until I'm done figuring out what the safe distance for white dwarf flash vaporization is.
All of it.

You know, OliWhail makes a valid point - we have to join Leaf just to see Jiraiya's reaction to skywalkers in story. And the Hokage's. And everyone else's.
For the love of Jashin, *please* go join Leaf! For weeks now @OliWhail has been flipping between Eeyore ("siiiighhhh...they'll never join Leaf and I'll never get to write it and the world is awful but that's fine...I'll survive....I guess") and that squirrel from Over The Hedge ("OHBOYTHEY'REGOINGTOJOINLEAFOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYIMMAGOSTARTWRITINGITNOWWWWW!!!!!")

Give us closure, please!

[X] Let us never do whatever the hell I just calculated.
Kagome: But...but...explosions!

You accidentally half of The Elemental Nations.
Hey, as long as you get to choose which half....
Here's something with a scary implication for you.
A black hole the size of the observable universe would have the density of... the observable universe.
As you fell further in, the amount of the stuff inside black hole that you would be able to see would decrease. It would almost look as if space were expanding, at an accelerating rate, from a very bright single point long ago, and pushing the most distant objects inside the black hole over your cosmological horizon.
Bah. Stinking ninja stinkers.
For the love of Jashin, *please* go join Leaf! For weeks now @OliWhail has been flipping between Eeyore ("siiiighhhh...they'll never join Leaf and I'll never get to write it and the world is awful but that's fine...I'll survive....I guess") and that squirrel from Over The Hedge ("OHBOYTHEY'REGOINGTOJOINLEAFOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYIMMAGOSTARTWRITINGITNOWWWWW!!!!!")

Give us closure, please!
Pleeeeease? :D
Pluses for this plan:
+Relatively short, insofar as scenes required, so less stress on Velorien
+Provides a scene of Velorien's choice to write.
+Provides for warm sealing facilities and leaves the defenses up to the person who's had about 15 years longer to think about them than we have.
+Politics Training
+Finally getting that macerator training done. Bonuses for the bonus gods! Not-dying for the not-dying throne!

Minuses for this plan:
-Relatively short, so we're pushing the other things we want forward.
-Puts off making a decision re: Leaf, so we're torturing OliWhail.
-Is (presently) a little cluttered and paragraph-y rather than list-y. Glory to the lists.

[X] Action Plan: Will of Fire

0: Survive
1: Research and training
2: Discussion of Leaf
  • Set up the base to Kagome's satisfaction re: defenses and how hidden it is in the snow, and get a research base as well. Past experience says this should take ~2-3 days.
    • Build an entrance room for each base with space for a fire, with enough distance from the sealing facilities in Kagome's mind to be safe, for once either Hazou or Kagome research Usamatsu's Seal. This will serve to keep the facilities warm enough for comfort during long hours of research.
      • We want to be warm while doing sealing
    • Skywalker research is #1 priority.
    • Begin research on sound and sound related seals.
      • Banshee Slayer (BS).
      • Silence Mine
      • Do Earbuster research.
        • Safety First
          • Get everyone banshee slayer(BS) earrings (for those that don't want earrings, stick it behind the ear lobe) ASAP.
          • Set BS to correct sound level
            • Maximize situational awareness.
            • Allows ease of communication.
            • Disallow uncomfortable or unnecessary loud noise.
          • Lay silence mines(SM) along the perimeter of the research base.
        • Discuss with Kagome-sensei the fastest and/or safest way to research the alarm seal.
          • Make it loud as possible in the first try?
          • Gradually increase the dB rating of the alarm seal?
          • Prioritize safety over speed.
      • Do experiments on sound in conjunction with earbuster research.
        • Can we hear as normal outside the range of Silence Mine?
          • Hypothesis: The seals actually muffles the sound.
          • Hypothesis: The sounds are unaffected out of range.
        • How can we measure sound?
          • A standing body of hot water?
          • A small rock suspended by a string?
          • Relationship between size of waves? Frequency of vibration?
        • Sound harm and lethality:
          • Use unprotected clones for testing and reporting purposes.
          • If a clone pops, it's probably not a good thing.
          • Use animal models from local source if available. Dissect at end of experiment if necessary.
      • Do Research:Training: Personal Time at a 4:2:1 ratio, per Mari's approval.
      • Integrate into your fighting style Kagome's rings, using both macerators and Kagome's explosives as payload. Use training time for this.
        • Take Kagome's tutelage for integrating them into Hazou's fighting style. Use the way he uses his Ring Explosives as the basis for Hazou's own macerator-based fighting style. Roki should function well in combination with them: Hazou can pretend to overextend, and actually punch someone in the face, or pretend to overextend, and actually decapitate them with an explosive, or pretend to overextend, and actually give someone a face full of pepper spray-equivalent.
        • Macerators should function well enough on kunai for Kei as an alternative to explosives; in spite of being unidirectional, the spin that is put on a kunai as it's thrown should be sufficient to scatter the burst.
  • Discuss with Mari how we would approach Jiraiya if we did decide to give him Skywalkers. We have some ideas for how to go about it, but we're not sure how reasonable they are. This can, additionally, serve as political training, which Hazou sorely will need if he intends to affect the world.
    • Get Keiko to send a message to Jiraiya through the Toads: We have a new innovation we want to bargain with. Ask Pandaa how best to do this and follow his guidance.
      • We trust Pandaa at least. Let him know he has our full confidence.
    • Do not tell Jiraiya (or anyone) what it is we are bargaining with, but let him know it is even more important than the previous innovation, and has even greater strategic implications. Tell him (and others) we want to set up a meeting with Pangolins, Toads, and himself on behalf of Leaf. We will deal with them all at once.
      • Less likely to get lowballed with multiple parties competing for our goodwill.
      • We can massively boost our power in the short term with access to new jutsu and training.
      • We could get information about more scrolls or summoners.
      • We can make our lives a hell of a lot easier by getting access to resources we currently don't have.
      • We could bargain with Leaf for citizenship, or at the very least, a great deal more protection. No more running scared and being disposable assets. Upgrade to non-disposable assets? Yes please.
    • Disclose the information about Skywalkers to the Pangolins only. Refuse any deals right now, stating that we will hold out until the meeting.
    • However, we do ask them that we get a seasoned negotiator to argue on our behalf with the other parties. In exchange, we will cut the Pangolins a much better deal, as long as they help us get the best deal we can from Toads/Leaf.
      • Again, protecting against lowballing from other parties. The Pangolins have already shown they won't give us great deals on their own, but this at least better aligns their incentives with ours
  • A scene of Velorien's choice.
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Oh, someone else should maintain my action plan if they like it. I'm driving all day tomorrow and too tired tonight to make revisions. If not, feel free to cannibalize it for the parts you liked.

Edit: technically, I could revise it after driving, but that seems like a bad idea.
For the love of Jashin, *please* go join Leaf! For weeks now @OliWhail has been flipping between Eeyore ("siiiighhhh...they'll never join Leaf and I'll never get to write it and the world is awful but that's fine...I'll survive....I guess") and that squirrel from Over The Hedge ("OHBOYTHEY'REGOINGTOJOINLEAFOHBOYOHBOYOHBOYIMMAGOSTARTWRITINGITNOWWWWW!!!!!")

Give us closure, please!

I finally got over the whole Leaf citizenship thingie ages ago, but we still haven't made any headway toward Leaf citizenship because we're still waiting for details.

[X] Action Plan: Will of Fire

  • Set up the base to Kagome's satisfaction re: defenses, and get a research base as well. Past experience says this should take ~2-3 days.
    • Build a separate entrance room for each base with space for a fire, with enough distance from the sealing facilities in Kagome's mind, for once either Hazou or Kagome research Usamatsu's Seal. This will serve to keep the facilities warm enough for comfort during long hours of research.
    • While not actively building the base over that time, start integrating macerators, explosives, and gauntlets into Hazou's fighting style; while Hazou may have greater familiarity with macerators, there's no reason not to have a couple shaped charges on them as well. Mention to Keiko that she should start doing so as well; after all, with two sealmasters in the party, there's no reason her weapons should ever be sealless unless she wants them to be.
    • Hazou's time once the facilities are built should be delineated as such: 4:2:1 Research:Training:personal time. It needn't be contiguous, but that's the approximate ratios. If Hazou (or another team member) feels he needs a break, take one outside of that schema.
You're putting a lot on @Velorien 's plate by making him consider macerators, explosives, and gauntlet in addition to sealing research.

    • Hazou's Research Priorities are as follows:
      • Usamatsu's seal (Kagome has expressed interest here; only one of the two needs to research this one in the immediate sense, so if Kagome decides to do so, skip to the next one)
      • Banshee Slayer (may be applied to equipment to silence it and to ears to prevent hearing damage due to…)
      • Volume-Enhanced Alarm Seal (name: Earbuster or Banshee seal). We've talked about this enough for y'all to know what we want here, but: We want it to be of debilitating volume. Ideally, enough to pop unprotected eardrum (test while wearing Banshee Slayers on animals with Noburi's help, and clones in general), but even failing that, it being painful and distracting would be a boon. These should be activated similarly to explosive seals (instead of needing a separate trigger as base alarm seals do).
AH. The paragraphs! DIE IN THE FIRE!

Also, I would add all of Jiraiya's Seals in case the projects are completed early.

  • Discuss with Mari how we would approach Jiraiya if we did decide to give him Skywalkers. We have some ideas for how to go about it, but we're not sure how reasonable they are. We needn't wait for them to be completed to talk about them, after all. This can, additionally, serve as political training, which Hazou sorely will need if he intends to affect the world. (Even if somehow Kagome doesn't manage it, we still have Skywaddlers. Bonus points for them being the exact same seal that Jiraiya gave us in the first place.)
    • Get Keiko to send a message to Jiraiya through the Toads: We have a new innovation we want to bargain with. Ask Pandaa how best to do this and follow his guidance.
      • We trust Pandaa at least. Let him know he has our full confidence.
    • Do not tell Jiraiya (or anyone) what it is we are bargaining with, but let him know it is even more important than the previous innovation, and has even greater strategic implications. Tell him (and others) we want to set up a meeting with Pangolins, Toads, and himself on behalf of Leaf. We will deal with them all at once.
      • Less likely to get lowballed with multiple parties competing for our goodwill.
      • We can massively boost our power in the short term with access to new jutsu and training.
      • We could get information about more scrolls or summoners.
      • We can make our lives a hell of a lot easier by getting access to resources we currently don't have.
      • We could bargain with Leaf for citizenship, or at the very least, a great deal more protection. No more running scared and being disposable assets. Upgrade to non-disposable assets? Yes please.
    • Disclose the information about Skywalkers to the Pangolins only. Refuse any deals right now, stating that we will hold out until the meeting.
    • However, we do ask them that we get a seasoned negotiator to argue on our behalf with the other parties. In exchange, we will cut the Pangolins a much better deal, as long as they help us get the best deal we can from Toads/Leaf.
      • Again, protecting against lowballing from other parties. The Pangolins have already shown they won't give us great deals on their own, but this at least better aligns their incentives with ours
  • Once we have settled in, discuss with the team what they would each like to get from a hypothetical deal involving Skywalkers, with Pangolins, Toads, Mountain, and/or Leaf. (Any of the parties we are on terms to negotiate with.)
    • Basic details we'd want for citizenship
      • Hana expatriated from Mist
      • The safety guaranteed of probably one or two members of the other party members' family (Noburi's little sisters, Kei's sister?)
      • Somewhere to live that Kagome would feel safe. Ish.
        • Possibly the Uchiha estate, if we could swing that? They probably have a thing against the Hyuuga because of dojutsu-related rivalry (and Hazou in particular has reason to believe it possible he might be able to get an in with them), so…
        • Alternatively, somewhere outside of Leaf proper.
      • Permanent internship with Kabuto for Noburi? We don't really have a reason to keep up op-sec on bloodline secrets (though no need to be careless) once we're citizens, so…
        • This is how we get to be able to implant bloodlines, people
        • Mention to Noburi that no one (that Noburi's aware of) has before tested the long term effects of Wakahisa water on plants and animals (or civilians…).
      • The tacit understanding that his team is of great value to Hazou (as if that wasn't made clear with his little faux pas re: Akane), so they aren't to be treated as deniable assets any more than he.
      • Hazou understands that he's Leaf's golden goose, but he would like to be given more freedom of movement as he grows stronger; by the time he's of high chuunin level strength, his seals should force multiply him to be able to take on a Jounin. By the time he's a Jounin, it should take multiple of them. Therefore, he should be able to move through at least Fire as he approaches these levels.
e: Not complete yet, but want feedback.

Too much stuff to talk about in one update. Please focus on one aspect of the Leaf negotiation process.
[X] Action Plan: Will of Fire

  • Set up the base to Kagome's satisfaction re: defenses, and get a research base as well. Past experience says this should take ~2-3 days.
    • Build a separate entrance room for each base with space for a fire, with enough distance from the sealing facilities in Kagome's mind, for once either Hazou or Kagome research Usamatsu's Seal. This will serve to keep the facilities warm enough for comfort during long hours of research.
    • While not actively building the base over that time, start integrating macerators, explosives, and gauntlets into Hazou's fighting style; while Hazou may have greater familiarity with macerators, there's no reason not to have a couple shaped charges on them as well. Mention to Keiko that she should start doing so as well; after all, with two sealmasters in the party, there's no reason her weapons should ever be sealless unless she wants them to be.
    • Hazou's time once the facilities are built should be delineated as such: 4:2:1 Research:Training:personal time. It needn't be contiguous, but that's the approximate ratios. If Hazou (or another team member) feels he needs a break, take one outside of that schema.
    • Hazou's Research Priorities are as follows:
      • Usamatsu's seal (Kagome has expressed interest here; only one of the two needs to research this one in the immediate sense, so if Kagome decides to do so, skip to the next one)
      • Banshee Slayer (may be applied to equipment to silence it and to ears to prevent hearing damage due to…)
      • Volume-Enhanced Alarm Seal (name: Earbuster or Banshee seal). We've talked about this enough for y'all to know what we want here, but: We want it to be of debilitating volume. Ideally, enough to pop unprotected eardrum (test while wearing Banshee Slayers on animals with Noburi's help, and clones in general), but even failing that, it being painful and distracting would be a boon. These should be activated similarly to explosive seals (instead of needing a separate trigger as base alarm seals do).
  • Discuss with Mari how we would approach Jiraiya if we did decide to give him Skywalkers. We have some ideas for how to go about it, but we're not sure how reasonable they are. We needn't wait for them to be completed to talk about them, after all. This can, additionally, serve as political training, which Hazou sorely will need if he intends to affect the world. (Even if somehow Kagome doesn't manage it, we still have Skywaddlers. Bonus points for them being the exact same seal that Jiraiya gave us in the first place.)
    • Get Keiko to send a message to Jiraiya through the Toads: We have a new innovation we want to bargain with. Ask Pandaa how best to do this and follow his guidance.
      • We trust Pandaa at least. Let him know he has our full confidence.
    • Do not tell Jiraiya (or anyone) what it is we are bargaining with, but let him know it is even more important than the previous innovation, and has even greater strategic implications. Tell him (and others) we want to set up a meeting with Pangolins, Toads, and himself on behalf of Leaf. We will deal with them all at once.
      • Less likely to get lowballed with multiple parties competing for our goodwill.
      • We can massively boost our power in the short term with access to new jutsu and training.
      • We could get information about more scrolls or summoners.
      • We can make our lives a hell of a lot easier by getting access to resources we currently don't have.
      • We could bargain with Leaf for citizenship, or at the very least, a great deal more protection. No more running scared and being disposable assets. Upgrade to non-disposable assets? Yes please.
    • Disclose the information about Skywalkers to the Pangolins only. Refuse any deals right now, stating that we will hold out until the meeting.
    • However, we do ask them that we get a seasoned negotiator to argue on our behalf with the other parties. In exchange, we will cut the Pangolins a much better deal, as long as they help us get the best deal we can from Toads/Leaf.
      • Again, protecting against lowballing from other parties. The Pangolins have already shown they won't give us great deals on their own, but this at least better aligns their incentives with ours
  • Once we have settled in, discuss with the team what they would each like to get from a hypothetical deal involving Skywalkers, with Pangolins, Toads, Mountain, and/or Leaf. (Any of the parties we are on terms to negotiate with.)
    • Basic details we'd want for citizenship
      • Hana expatriated from Mist
      • The safety guaranteed of probably one or two members of the other party members' family (Noburi's little sisters, Kei's sister?)
      • Somewhere to live that Kagome would feel safe. Ish.
        • Possibly the Uchiha estate, if we could swing that? They probably have a thing against the Hyuuga because of dojutsu-related rivalry (and Hazou in particular has reason to believe it possible he might be able to get an in with them), so…
        • Alternatively, somewhere outside of Leaf proper.
      • Permanent internship with Kabuto for Noburi? We don't really have a reason to keep up op-sec on bloodline secrets (though no need to be careless) once we're citizens, so…
        • This is how we get to be able to implant bloodlines, people
        • Mention to Noburi that no one (that Noburi's aware of) has before tested the long term effects of Wakahisa water on plants and animals (or civilians…).
      • The tacit understanding that his team is of great value to Hazou (as if that wasn't made clear with his little faux pas re: Akane), so they aren't to be treated as deniable assets any more than he.
      • Hazou understands that he's Leaf's golden goose, but he would like to be given more freedom of movement as he grows stronger; by the time he's of high chuunin level strength, his seals should force multiply him to be able to take on a Jounin. By the time he's a Jounin, it should take multiple of them. Therefore, he should be able to move through at least Fire as he approaches these levels.
e: Not complete yet, but want feedback.
Seems to be almost all about joining Leaf. It'd be nice if it had more stuff re: Noburi's research, any other immediate concerns we might have. Also wall of text hurt my eyes and no summary of actions.
I finally got over the whole Leaf citizenship thingie ages ago, but we still haven't made any headway toward Leaf citizenship because we're still waiting for details.
What details are we waiting for?
You're putting a lot on @Velorien 's plate by making him consider macerators, explosives, and gauntlet in addition to sealing research.
Well, we don't have to have details on how the fighting style works until we actually get into a fight. @OliWhail was the one responsible for the gauntlet's mechanics, and they already have the mechanics for Kagome's explosive style.
AH. The paragraphs! DIE IN THE FIRE!

Also, I would add all of Jiraiya's Seals in case the projects are completed early.
That's what my plans look like on first draft :p

Too much stuff to talk about in one update. Please focus on one aspect of the Leaf negotiation process.
I'm not sure I agree with this, but I'll take it under advisement.
Seems to be almost all about joining Leaf. It'd be nice if it had more stuff re: Noburi's research, any other immediate concerns we might have. Also wall of text hurt my eyes and no summary of actions.
Noted on all counts. Will work on it asap, but I do note that the injunction against Training + Research applies to Noburi just as well as Hazou, and Noburi has 258 XP as it is, so...
PSA: Planbot is now operational again.

Apologies for the delay on this. I went back and forth a lot on what I wanted to try and accomplish, and I finally settled on a fairly straightforward solution:
  • The Hivemind Aggregation Initiative feature now only tracks plan-modules.
  • There is no longer an automatically generated plan.
Registered plan modules are grouped by type as before, and sorted by vote count. Goal-based grouping (parentheticals at the end of plan names) have been removed, as they are a little too complicated.

My hope is that this should help immensely in keeping track of existing work, and lower the activation energy required for plan making. I think this will be a much better solution than before, and might actually help to solve our problems rather than getting in the way.

A couple other changes:
  • PlanBot now uses the same regex patterns for vote matching as CounterBot for normal voting.
  • Vetos on plan modules are now unlimited.


{!} Start 1820 8057908
{!} Schedule 12:00 15-03-2017
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{X} Action: Sanity and Socializing
Post by @Langevin

@Oneiros43 I cannot easily enter your ideas as they do not fit the format, but you are free to break them up and do so yourself

{X} Misc: Long Term Strategies
Post by @Enjou

{X} Action: The Einstein–Szilard Letter
Post by @fiirofa

{X} Action: Sealing Research ProtoPlan
Post by @Kiba


I omitted a couple that were captured by votes in the form of action plans and training plans. Mad props to @Veedrac for aggregating this info a few pages back.
(Data from Page 1820, PostId 8057908)
Current PlanBot Data

Voting ends on Wednesday, March the 15th​ at 12:00 PM (UTC), in 28.9 hours.

Vote Count said:


Hivemind Aggregation Initiative:
How to contribute to the HAI

Module: Action: Sanity and Socializing
Author: @Vecht
# Approvals: 0

Module: Action: The Einstein–Szilard Letter
Author: @Vecht
# Approvals: 0

Module: Action: Sealing Research ProtoPlan
Author: @Vecht
# Approvals: 0
Module: Misc: Long Term Strategies
Author: @Vecht
# Approvals: 0

Contributors: 1
Last edited:
Again, let's actually finish the skywalkers before sending any messages about trading them. Chickens, eggs, hatched, count.
That plan has nothing about sending messages. It is talking about how to send messages.

e: To be clear, italics for emphasis; I'm not upset :p
Last edited:
@Vecht Thanks for your fine work!

Have you asked the mods about automatic posts? I'm confident this is worth trying, but I won't chip in myself until there's approval.

Also, if you don't mind some criticism, I would suggest trimming things down a lot. The header, extra spacing, decorations and even your signature detract from the main point of the post, especially if you want to repeat it every page.

Obviously you'd use a new account (make sure you have approval first!) if you didn't want to remove your signature. Then again, if you're plastering whatever you want at the top of the page, who needs a signature? ;)
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Can I ask why people think the fact that Kei is fascinated by snow (lowercase s :p) is an issue? I mean, hell, first time I saw snow I'm pretty sure I looked pretty fascinated too :p