Bear with me a moment, for I dive deep. Let us begin calculating electron degeneracy pressure... and ADD IT to the current result from our ideal gas.
Bear with me a moment, for I dive deep. Let us begin calculating electron degeneracy pressure... and ADD IT to the current result from our ideal gas.
Note that I'm pretty sure traditional 'air pressure' as a concept doesn't exist at these scales, so you can just use the degeneracy... also the degeneracy is probably orders of magnitude larger than the air pressure so the addition shouldn't matter much anyways.

(Also I can't read your equations on my background)
Note that I'm pretty sure traditional 'air pressure' as a concept doesn't exist at these scales, so you can just use the degeneracy... also the degeneracy is probably orders of magnitude larger than the air pressure so the addition shouldn't matter much anyways.

(Also I can't read your equations on my background)
P = 2/3 (Etot​/V)
= 2/3 (hbar​2​*kF​5​)/(10π2​*me​)
=(3π2)2/3​(hbar​2​)/5me​ * ρN​5/3​
OKAY. We get a break because we started with a very large sample of air, enough to ensure we have roughly the same number of protons and electrons. That makes some of the terms simplify.
Pelectron_degeneracy​ = (π2 ​2​ (π/3)2/3​ Dfinal​5/3​) / (5 Me​ MH​5/3​).
What luck, all of that is constants except for Dfinal​.

Pelectron_degeneracy​ = 1.146e19 Pa. And why yes, THAT will change things. That is about 460 times the pressure at the core of the sun.
Our new temperature is 2037410 Kelvin. That is a somewhat substantial difference. Oh, by the way, electrons REALLY don't want to be right next to each other.

And NOW... because that WILL achieve fusion... I have to calculate THAT. Standby.
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And NOW... because that WILL achieve fusion... I have to calculate THAT. Standby.
Hazou: "Hey J-man, good to see you."

Jiraiya: "Cut to the chase, kid, I have a meeting with the village admins in half an hour to talk about finally dealing with this Mist encroachment situation in Hot Springs."

H: "Er, yeah, sorry about that. Anyway, I would like to present to you: skywalkers!" *proceeds to walk upside down*

J: "Holy shit, are you kidding me?! How???"

H: "Ar dome seals modified to activate when you use chakra adhesion near them."

J: *facepams* "Please be joking."

H: "Nah, also, if you'll look to your left--" *nuke goes off* "--you may find that Mist isn't as big an issue as you thought they were."

J: "Mother of god."

H: "Also, where's Akane? I'm pretty sure if she trains for a couple months she can one-shot any settlement in the world."

J: *dies*
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I'm not showing my math now because of the difficulty in typing it. I'm using tools at this point and I can't paste a high energy calculator app into the forum.
So, at these temperatures and pressures, fusion does happen. A spectacular amount of it. We have enough energy to be absorbed by these particles to do some amazing things.
First, they absolutely do start to fuse. We have the sun's core beat for heat and pressure. They're fusing. This makes things... WORSE.
See, when elements LIGHTER than iron fuse, such as Carbon, Hydrogen, Helium, Oxygen, Nitrogen... you know, the things in the air... they GIVE OFF MORE ENERGY.
At this point, the pressure also drops because our particle count lowered so the number of mols of stuff we have is lower. Also, their total mass is decreasing, which decreases the density, and the pressure.
But that energy makes things hotter. And the hotness is enough to overcome the drop in pressure. WE MAKE IRON. All that air very quickly becomes iron. And then...
Iron is a tipping point for fusion. Once you make iron, it doesn't give energy back. It just sits there being hot. But we still have energy left.
So we keep going. Performing fusion after iron EATS the energy. Our pressure decreases, our mol count decreases, and our temperature decreases, and our mass starts increasing again.
But not enough. We can make tiny amounts of gold with this. And then everything in it explodes at roughly 13km/s. This kills the chakra crab.

So calculate what portion of the surface area of a sphere centered on the blast your cross-section presents by using the inverse square law. And you are struck by that fraction of 8.21e8 g of vaporous radioactive heavy metal supernova traveling 13km/s and at a temperature of several hundred thousand degrees.

And that's the answer to @OliWhail's question.
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So calculate what portion of the surface area of a sphere centered on the blast your cross-section presents by using the inverse square law. And you are struck by that fraction of 821e8 g of vaporous heavy metal matter traveling 13km/s and at a temperature of several hundred thousand degrees.

I like this analysis.
Ok. So for training, there are a few concerns we want to be able to address:

1) Our genin should survive combat with skilled opponents.

As things stand, if the team fights someone with a fighting skill in the 50s, we'll get to roll our number, plus 5 from Inoue, plus 3 or 5 from Kagome, plus 1 from ourselves and Keiko and Noburi. Right now that puts us around 45 dice, which, if both us and our opponents are chakra boosting, will be an almost instant kill for us if they want to. This means if, for instance, Zabuza is in combat range of us, he can just kill or incapacitate our genin instantly, even if Inoue, Kagome, or shenanigans kill him.

A) Get stupid high combat stats

Pros: Most versatile option, can't be taken away, also lets us bash things hard
Cons: Takes an absurd amount of XP

B) Use tricks to boost things (fight on prepared ground, have disabling seals, use fancy styles (e.g. Roki, explosion hands, claws))

Pros: Doesn't take XP, can be done sooner rather than later
Cons: Can be taken away, might need to fight without, might have hard counters, requires work to make up mechanics for

C) Hide somehow and don't participate in grown up combat

Pros: keeps us safe
Cons: Inoue gets maybe 6 fewer dice in her combat rolls (because multiple combat rules), Don't currently have a "safe" place or way to be aside from henging into things Inoue and Kagome wear, which adds additional malus to them

I think we should probably go for a purely tac move build. Especially if our seal explosion bombs are as powerful as they might be, and skywalkers are as OP as they seem to be, this would mean we could just take to the skys and run from our opponents while peppering them with absurdly powerful bombs they have a hard time dodging. There are also other tricks we could pursue with seals, such as goo bombs and earbusters, or with running from people while Noburi drains them to unconsciousness. Fighting the conventional way is a waste of our resources. Eventually, we probably want to put ourselves at Jounin combat levels, but once we have skywalkers, we should be able to fight Jounins by having Jounin Tac Move and using fancy seals and things. Especially if we can fly and they cannot.

2) Interacting with towns makes Zabuza chase us

Problem: Almost anytime we interact with the world at large, we set the hunters on us. This is a problem as we don't want people to be able to find us (yet).

Potential Solutions:
A) Make clever strategies literally everytime we interact with a civilized person

Pros: Offers unique solutions
Cons: Super taxing on the player-base

B) Level stealth and sneak around at night in civilization. Like we're ninja or something

Pros: Avoids being seen
Cons: Takes a lot of levels to avoid good observers

C) Level henge, deception, and diplomacy and get good at impersonating random civilians.

Pros: Henge is super versatile, deception and diplomacy are very important in any interaction
Cons: Takes a lot of XP

D) Avoid towns

Pros: Can't get caught
Cons: Can't do much

I think we should probably have one person specialize in henge, deception, and diplomacy for town infiltrations, and another in stealth. Then when we need to do something in a town, just send the appropriate ninja (no need for the whole party to go)

With this in mind skills we want are:

Unique skills (e.g. sealing, medicine, medical ninjutsu, VD, Summoning, Elemental Mastery)
Tac Move (all)
Awareness (all)
Stealth (one)
Diplomacy and Deception and henge (one)

Comments on this conclusion?
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H: "Nah, also, if you'll look to your left--" *nuke goes off* "--you may find that Mist isn't as big an issue as you thought they were."
What you've made is a lot worse than a nuke. If you want Jiraiya to be able to watch the destruction of Mist, you'll need to travel to Key to plant the bomb.
The beauty of what you just calculated is that the technique we can do to make that happen is scalable. Meaning we could do it at orders of magnitude lower if we wanted. It's basically just a bomb with no hard cap to how powerful it is.
Yeah, but... at the same time, do you really think it wise to give an un-hard-capped, world-destroying-capable technique to ninja?
Hmm... What if we used a 5SBed tube with 5SB'ed paint between it and the explosion chamber to direct the explosion?

e: Obviously we couldn't do this with the sun-level explosion, but something of an order or three of magnitude lower?