He's pondered our WMDs, every sealing idea, and all of our grand plans to some extent or another, though he doesn't have any of our OOC knowledge or modern-day information to support it.

So if he were mindscanned, regardless of whether or not we discussed it, the nuke plan is already there? (Sorry if I'm being slow--I don't know how powerful mindscans are.)
So if he were mindscanned, regardless of whether or not we discussed it, the nuke plan is already there? (Sorry if I'm being slow--I don't know how powerful mindscans are.)
Probably. I could be misremembering the QM declarations, but if I'm not, a mind scan will show the Yamanaka that Hazou thought about using MEW from 5km up to bombard the ground, and that it makes sense that that'd work. The mind scan would also show that Hazou thought about putting implosion seals in an airtight container and letting them expel their contents, with no idea about whether it'd work or not, or how much devastation it'd cause.
@Velorien Are you okay with the sealing portions of my plan? The sections that start "Integrate Macerators" and "Hazou's Research Priorities" are the salient ones. If not, I will adjust them appropriately. I don't want to cause undue stress on y'all.
Probably. I could be misremembering the QM declarations, but if I'm not, a mind scan will show the Yamanaka that Hazou thought about using MEW from 5km up to bombard the ground, and that it makes sense that that'd work. The mind scan would also show that Hazou thought about putting implosion seals in an airtight container and letting them expel their contents, with no idea about whether it'd work or not, or how much devastation it'd cause.

Alright then, so if I understand correctly, just inquiring about the nuke components won't give the scanner too much more info, so long as we don't begin testing. Also, even w.out WMDs, our mind has enough info for the scanner to auto-win anyway. I feel safe re-adding the section.
Re: Leaf

Given that trying HH is easily reversible, while joining Leaf is extremely irreversible, and that HH would lead to a better outcome (freedom of movement while still saving the world) can I persuade anyone to give plan: HH a real honest attempt before we contact J to sign up as Leaf nin?
Despite my recent proposal, I'm actually against getting Hazou to implement any new world destabilizing inventions. At least until we have the ability to prevent them from falling into the wrong hands. That might actually include us...
[X] Action Plan: Science Sealing and Summons

Goals: We have gone to the ends of the earth. We know have enough free time to finish skywalkers. At the same time have plenty of other projects to keep everyone occupied.
Note to the Author: Feel free to put any scenes you find uninteresting off screen. Write the parts that are most enjoyable.

Have a general discussion with the team about our plans for the near future; outline the following general goals:
  • Spend at least a month or so in Snow finishing up projects and training.
  • skywalkers, Noburi research, Keiko summons, inventive seal applications we want to talk about with Kagome.
    • Outline our idea for a skybase using five seal barriers and force walls.
      • We can have a base in the sky above anywhere we want!
summons things: To be clear we do not expect kei and the team to accomplish all of these. The important thing is that we are moving forward in estbalishing stronger bonds with pangolins
  • Discuss setting up more favorable trades with Pangolin
    • What do we have to offer
      • Macerators
      • Large and frequent deliveries of explosive tags
      • Any seals Kagome is willing to trade
      • Rare food stuff from the human path
      • Ice and snow for chilled drinks
      • Any trade goods from human realm Pangolins might be interested in
  • Things we might want from Pangolins
    • Jutsu for the team
    • New summoning contracts
      • Try to find a builder/engineer
        • If we get this contract try to build underground research bases
        • Also have them consult on architechture of sky bases
      • If possible find a spymaster. If not try to contrart with an intellegence officer
      • A merchant who could help us make favorable trades in the human path
    • Basic supplies
      • Gas mask
      • Weapons
      • Paper
        • If we are selling large amounts of seals this is a prerequisite
  • Spend some (more) time getting to know Panjandrum.
    • It'd be great to have him on friendly terms with the team.
    • We can't always bribe him with cake.
    • Though we should bribe him with cake if necessary
Kagome and Hazou research more seals:
  • Make a sealing lab.
    • Make it hidden, but feel free to liberally use MEW.
    • Have Kagome research the purifier seal.
      • Make sure it doesn't kill us in our sleep, and replace the one we're using now.
  • At the same time have Hazou research Silence mines, then Banshee slayers and finally earbusters
    • If we get to earbusters consult with Kagome and Noburi on safety percautions
    • If earbusters are to difficult for Hazou or if QM'S do not have mechanics ready research casino seals instead of continuing earbusters
    • Research Earbuster Seal in conjunction with constructing a sound lab.
      • Setup Sound Lab and Safety Protocol:
        • Get everyone Banshee Slayer Earrings.
          • Set dB setting to correct level.
            • Maximize situational awareness.
            • Filter out necessarily loud noise.
            • Allow ease of communication.
        • Lay Silence Mines around the perimeter to prevent sound from traveling.
          • Might not work. See the research question on Silence Mine.
      • Research questions
        • Can we hear as normal outside the range of Silence Mine?
          • Hypothesis: The seals actually muffles the sound.
          • Hypothesis: The sounds are unaffected out of range.
        • How can we measure sound?
          • A standing body of hot water?
          • A small rock suspended by a string?
          • Relationship between size of waves? Frequency of vibration?
        • Sound harm and lethality:
          • Use unprotected clones for testing and reporting purposes.
          • If a clone pops during testing, it's probably not a good thing.
          • For Noburi: Use animal models from local source if available. Dissect at end of experiment if necessary.
  • Let Kagome finish skywalkers.
Noburi makes abominations:
  • Build an underground area for Noburi to do his experiments.
    • Make it hidden, but feel free to liberally use MEW.
    • Have free members of the party collect small animals and plants for Noburi to experiment on with chakra water.
  • Spend some time observing Noburi's research and bouncing ideas/hypotheses off him.
    • It'd be great to be research buddies.
    • Potential topics we can discuss with him
      • Collecting various poisonous gases to disperse in combat
      • Effects of loud noises on animals and Ninja
      • We're not med-nin, so if we start annoying or slowing him, apologize and STOP.
Finally write whatever scenes you want that happen during this time. Have fun @Velorien.
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Given that trying HH is easily reversible, while joining Leaf is extremely irreversible, and that HH would lead to a better outcome (freedom of movement while still saving the world) can I persuade anyone to give plan: HH a real honest attempt before we contact J to sign up as Leaf nin?

Do you have a plan for prototyping HH?
It may be possible to kill 2 birds with one stone using the 5SB/storage seal bombs. If we seal charcoal(carbon), putting it under a lot of pressure could create diamond. That would be valuable to trade, lighter and harder than steel, and possible to make lenses for telescopes or microscopes out of. Alternatively, we could create carbonated water and sell it to nobles.
That seems challenging. Most clear diamonds are made with a controlled deposition process. Uncontrolled detonations don't make clear diamonds, and our method will probably just destroy any diamonds we make anyway.
[X] Action Plan: Science Sealing and Summons

I'd like to suggest you copy my "Hazou learns math" part--merchant empire needs codes! =)
@fiirofa @Oneiros43 I'd like it if you'd cut back on your plans a bit to include room for Velorien to write a scene of his choice.

e: On that note, I'm passing out now, so no edits until I wake.
@Velorien Are you okay with the sealing portions of my plan? The sections that start "Integrate Macerators" and "Hazou's Research Priorities" are the salient ones. If not, I will adjust them appropriately. I don't want to cause undue stress on y'all.
I think it would be good if the hivemind came up with more ideas on how to integrate Macerators into combat styles. Among other things, I don't think Macerators are unidirectional, so I'm unclear on how you avoid the payload yourself when using them at melee range.
Do you have a plan for prototyping HH?


We start by building a prototype skybase (which I keep asking people to include in plans, to no avail so far), and once we have a working prototype, we contact (pangolin?) carpenters and have them construct a great many indefinite-5SB wall pieces.

Then we skywalk over the ocean and set up a large composite-skybase complex. We furnish it. Voila: the start of Hidden Heaven.

Then we go to a small civilian town and ask if they want to work for a team of ninja in exhange for safety in our floating mansion. We've already seen how small-town civilians see us: they think we're magic (and to be fair...) and @eaglejarl has already confirmed waaay back in the quest that we would have no trouble convincing civilians to join us.

Then we go to HM. We show up in an airship, flanked on either side by giant Pangolins, and ask for volunteers to join the forces of Heaven. I'm sure we'll get a few.

It's around this time that we might want to contact J, make him aware that we're setting up an international diplomatic summit to give the Kage (or their ambassadors) a chance to all talk things out in the same room instead of just starting wars, and we would really appreciate his help here.
I think it would be good if the hivemind came up with more ideas on how to integrate Macerators into combat styles. Among other things, I don't think Macerators are unidirectional, so I'm unclear on how you avoid the payload yourself when using them at melee range.
"Doitagain, doitagain!" Kagome-sensei urged, clapping his hands and staring gleefully at the badly torn up trees downrange.

Shrugging, Hazō scooped up a fist-sized chunk of granite from the ground—the detritus left when sufficient numbers of explosive tags were applied to a MEW—and tossed it into his newest seal. It was absorbed with a noise that was entirely too much like chewing for Hazō's comfort, followed by what was all too clearly a burp.

Carefully, he held the paper up, seal facing away from himself and Kagome-sensei and fingers carefully out of the way. A brief pulse of chakra activated the seal and an instant later pebbles the size of his thumbnail shot out, slamming into the trees and knocking divots of wood flying.


For just a moment, every dictionary in the Elemental Nations rewrote itself to say: "manic: adjective. See 'Kagome'"
I beat faflec for once!

e: wait, shit, I'm supposed to be sleeping. Dammit.
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