Honestly even the good effect might cause some issues. Judge Doom randomly deciding to ally with us, or Toffee, or whatever, would have some significant implications.

Maybe a 1-turn effect? Something like:

Invert-inator (good): For one turn, a random hostile rival will be inexplicably friendly with Doof. They won't take any hostile actions against him this turn, and are open and available to collaborate this turn even without having reached out to them.

Invert-inator (bad): For one turn, one of Doof's hero units, chosen randomly, will be inexplicably hostile with Doof. They'll refuse to take any action this turn, and instead will (slightly) sabotage one of Doof's national actions, chosen randomly, giving it -5 to its roll.
Time for XP everybody! Last interlude also coming soon-ish.

Fireworks for the whole family.
Yet more high quality, delightful art, albiet of a character that doesn't exist yet. 500XP!

Five Stages - Bargaining (3/5)
A continuing very brave and surprisingly effective attempt to revive the character arc of our least-super hero. 500XP and a canon threadmark!

Doof's Bizarre Adventure
Monster Mash Arc (Part 1)
This premise got real popular for a while. I don't know why but... cool? 500XP?

Hail to the new Huntsmaster.
600XP, and a thank you for a much needed token!

Xanatos Nega-Quest, Crisis: Twelfth Night - the Dust Settles:
Can a Negaquest *be* canon? I wish they could. I'm giving you 800XP, 100 of which is for the little meme inside an update you made, and 200 of which is for 'aggressively put the Christ back in Christmas'.
The Marcnificent Few Take Manhattan
Brief but pleasant. 250XP.

Wasabi Hates Heights
A fun look at his character, and pretty on-brand. 500xp!

Juniper's Recruitment
Just what we needed on a turn as busy as this one. 500XP and canon!

A Night to Remember: Distinguished Dinner
Wh... why did you put so much work into this?


A fun what-if, but not something we're handing you. 500XP.
I thought there was gonna be a reversal at some point, but no you just went dark the whole way through. 300XP.

Hi people I'm just dropping in to let you all know that Heinz Doofenshmirtz IRL would look a lot like John Lennon.
Cursed. This is all my fault and it's cursed. 500XP.

Oh that's nice to see. 500XP.

Doof's Bizarre Adventure
Monster Mash Arc (Part 2)

And the jojokes continue. I should watch more of that show. 500XP.

The Count's Been Off

I was very tempted to make this canon just to watch the reaction. Oh well, poor Terry's still looking I suppose. 500XP.
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Negaverse Janna-Quest: Christmas Cheer!


Everybody loves a good negaquest. 500XP.

A Monogramming Misadventure
Just fun enough to squeeze its way into canon. 500XP.


Negaverse Janna-Quest: Christmas Cheer - Part 2

And a part 2. Twelfth Night certainly has a lot of... interesting perspectives. 500XP.

Collaborative Effort
You guys always take full advantage of the excuse for musical numbers. 500XP!

The Terror of Canard
I wonder what you've been listening to lately.

That aside, I will always regret not getting to do more with the prison-city. But that's how the dice fall. 500XP!
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Very noncanon for a number of reasons, but still good. 500XP!

Oooh, neat! Haven't seen something like this before. 500XP.

You really like the musical I take it? Seems fun. 500XP.

Poaching Eggheads
Hey, that was our pun! 500XP.

I'm making this canon, you did a good job of capturing Russ. 500XP!
DEI Tourism Advertisement
500XP. Not sure how he'd get the rights, but fi tom and jerry could manage...

Not sure what you're going for here, but neat. 500XP.

500XP. Thread's been in a real musical mood lately.

Mayor Bellwether; Apex Predator?
And the songs continue. 500XP.
I'm making this canon, you did a good job of capturing Russ. 500XP!

Whoo! I'm glad you think so! The song just Spoke to me. I was absolutely not expecting that to go canon.

Brief but pleasant. 250XP.

Aww, I was hoping for canon on this one.

A fun look at his character, and pretty on-brand. 500xp!

Doof puts the "Doctor" in "Doofenshmirtz Evil incorporated!"

Just what we needed on a turn as busy as this one. 500XP and canon!

I'm scrolling back to try and remember these and.... I posted 3 omake in a row. I post these things as soon as I finish writing them, no spell check or anything, but.... How did I manage to write what amount to three short stories in a row fast enough that no one posted any replies in between!? Did the thread get locked to only me? or was I possessed by some sort of writing demon?

Anyway, Glad this one's helpful!

A fun what-if, but not something we're handing you. 500XP.

We can't even get him as a non-hero unit pet? Awwwwww..... I guess Oliver's just wandering the streets of NYC alone then.

Everybody loves a good negaquest. 500XP.
And a part 2. Twelfth Night certainly has a lot of... interesting perspectives.

Yeah, it's fun exploring them!

Just fun enough to squeeze its way into canon. 500XP.

Hah! I remember this one! I think I wrote the title to troll readers a bit into assuming Major Monogram would be involved.

Very noncanon for a number of reasons, but still good. 500XP!

Yeah, was interesting to write at least.

And the songs continue. 500XP.

Mean Girls is a really excellent Musical. I highly recommend it to all who can see it.
A Night to Remember: Remarkable Ride
You... you kept going. There's going to be more isn't there.


He would. 500XP.

Poor Hego. Even in an imaginary future he's still facing a hopeless battle. 500XP.

A Scene From Sooga

C-moon liked it. Canon. 500XP. I'm interested to see where you go.

Understanding Doofenshmirtz; A Tragedy in One Action.
Doofenshmirtz endlessly baffling Xanatos brings me endless joy. 500XP.
It was a very fun day when we realized this. 500XP.

Understanding Doofenshmirtz; Visitation
Up to the quality of the last one. 500XP!

Xanatos Negaquest: Moolah and Magic- Somebody's Watching Me Follow-up
More Negaquests are always fun. 500XP!

Incorrect DoofQuest Quotes - ASDF Edition
Please never ever ever stop making these, I love them so much. 500XP.

Robo Rogers' Neighborhood
People have definitely jumped on the rogers thing. 500XP.
This was very nearly canon except for one very important detail. 500XP.

(Shere) KhanQuest – January/February 2017

A Completely Expected Turn! (And by Expected, I Mean COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED)​
Poor, poor Khan. 500XP!

A Night To Remember: Enduring End
I... think I need to sit down.


AU: Hope in a Darker Timeline
Heyyyy. That's pretty good. 500XP.

This may not be the last you see of the dimension of sight and sound. 500XP.
I'm afraid what'll happen when all the doppleganger ideas collide. 500XP.

Why Doofenshmirtz Doesn't get Invitations
It's a good song. 500XP.

The Phantom Strikes Again
I love when obscure DC original movies get referenced. 500XP!

Sheesh man, you got a song in your heart, as well as a few dozen in your lungs and kidneys. 500XP.

Cavendish and Dakota Take Doofania
Time travel is extremely unlikely to become a common thing.

That said.

We do like some Cavendish and Dakota.

So if you write more...

They might show up.

Funny, we used this for Xanatos. Different strokes and all that. 500XP.

The World I Left, Left me Behind
My god, masterful as always, 750XP. It's great, it's heartfelt, it's in character, I can make Della swear, nothing could ruin this-

Take your 500XP and go.

Noncanon, but a good guess! 500XP!
A lot of XP for everyone who did something that is A) really good and B) an actual omake (my silly little thing about the Kernel-Lumper was justa something I cooked up within a few minutes after inspiration struck...not bad at all, guys
There are many, many villains who can claim the same. We all know the trope of the well-intentioned extremist, that guy who just went too damn far for a theoretically noble (or at least sympathetic) end. This is where that archetype starts.
I mean.

Joy's not even an extremist, she's a child. She's a personification of the dominant emotional processing of a child in the process of maturation. One who has literally never in her life experienced a major, irreversible, stressful life change of any kind. It's normal.

Whether it ends (in their eyes) well or poorly, either way it can be their start of darkness. Imagine Joy either seeing nothing wrong with her victory conditions and pushing that much harder or crashing and burning after making Riley crash and burn. Oooooh, that sort of thing gets dark and scary quick.

Because she's a child growing up and you're making her out to be the seed of some... evil overlady or something. And yes, I'm talking about Joy, not Riley. Joy's no older and no more experienced than Riley is, and by definition she's more limited psychologically because she represents only part of Riley. A part that, because of Riley leading a relatively happy childhood, happens to be to a large extent in the driver's seat.

I feel like there's this weird... need... to turn Inside Out into something other than what it is. It is very much a villainless, victimless movie. There is no active intent to make anyone suffer. There isn't even anything especially bad happening in the external world. Joy herself isn't even doing anything particularly bad, not even "well-intentioned extremist" things, she's just following a situationally inappropriate procedure because she doesn't understand Sadness' role due to, again, inexperience and immaturity. The same could probably be said for Riley herself, because in a world where we don't have giant personified inner mental universes, it would be fairly accurate to say:

"Riley doesn't know how to process moving to a new place she's having trouble adjusting to, or how to adapt to having mixed emotions about how she loved her old home but misses it too, so she shuts down, shuts out the world around her, and in a fit of distress tries to run away and go back to Minnesota."

The plot of Inside Out is basically a personification of this process. Joy is not the villain. There is no villain. A story does not need a villain to function. There is no proto "she is totally almost a villain and it's worth dwelling on how there could be a dark timeline where she turns into one" character. There's no antagonist. There's just... a kid, being insufficiently grown up.

Which is why the movie's so powerful, because most of the problems and bad experiences in our lives aren't the result of some specific villain with a plot against us.

And that's why you tinker with ye inators
Having to tinker with our inators as a quasi-mandatory Personal Action every turn for fear of turning up one of the many many time bombs in the "bad inator" list is NOT going to be a good thing in the long run.