The megacorps of the Gridlocked setting do not simply create money out of thin air. Surprisingly, this includes DEI! Your Income per turn has been revamped to fit into the new Industries mechanic. There are 19 industries, in each of which you and your rivals have a rating, as listed below.
Industrial Ratings:
-2: Reviled: Key players are investing a great deal in keeping you out of this field.
-1 Harmed: Through some misfortune, your presence in this field is actively hampered.
0: Nonexistent: You have no significant investments into this area.
1: Marginal: You have begun to lay down the basic links necessary to enter this field.
2: Established: You have firmly established yourself as a player in this market, albeit a small one.
3: Stable: You have created a functional, stable hold in this field.
4: Thriving: Your interest in this industry is flourishing and well regarded
5: Dominant: You are one of the most influential organizations in this entire field.
6: Overbearing: You are the most powerful player in this arena.
7: Monopolistic: You have near complete control over this area.
Once one faction has become Overbearing, no other faction can reach beyond Rank 4 (Thriving). Once a faction has reached Monopolistic, no other faction can reach beyond Rank 3 (Stable).
For every negative rank you have in an industry, you take a -10 penalty to all actions related to that area, as your reputation or other issues hinder progress. However, for every positive rank you have in an industry, you gain +1 Income per year. Reaching Monopolistic control instead gives +3. This doesn't mean that you'll be instantly rich, as costs for everything are increasing to balance things out. You're going to have an actual tax rate now!
Your Rivals also have their own Industries that they control. Right now, you only have a vague idea of the major players in a handful of industries. There are a small number of Market Research actions you can undertake to see who exactly has just how much control in each industry. Corporations are likely to work to improve their own standings, or lower yours if they think you stand in their way! If you have an Overbearing ranking in a given industry, potential rivals have a -10 to all rolls made in that industry. If you have Monopolistic control, that amount increases to -30. The same penalties are applied to you.
The government does not like Monopolistic factions, and investment in keeping them out of your hair may be necessary if you want to keep your hard-earned unfair advantage.
Improving Industries
To improve your standing in a given industry, you must take an action with that [Industry] increasing your standing among its rewards. You must complete these actions a number of times equal to half of your current rank, rounded up. Once you do so, you tier up to the next rank. For example, if your genetics is tier 3, you must take 2 actions that increase [Genetics] standing in order to rank up to tier 4.
If an Overbearing or Monopolistic rank rival exists, they will need to be… dealt with, before you can advance.
List of Industries
Advanced Robotics: Modern Robotics devices, including industrial, military, commercial and personal robots. Most use the 'Funtelligence' system, though equivalents do exist. Recent advances in sentient robots also fall under this field.
- Established [+2] (High potential for growth due to cracking sentient AI)
Aerospace: Traveling to the one place left that hasn't yet been corrupted by capitalism, using capitalism. Xanatos has been actively moving into this industry.
- Nonexistent (A Singular Botched Rocket Launch) [+0]
Chemical Products / Material Processing: Acquisition and processing of raw materials including mining, cutting lumber, making sheet metal, chemical solvents, and a lot of the other 'heavy industry' needed to fuel other industries.
Computers / Electronics: Complex technology used to run electronics, particularly computer systems. ENCOM is an overwhelmingly dominant factor in this field.
- Marginal (DaedalOS/DoofOS) [+1]
Crime: The sleazy underbelly of the world, ranging in anything from smuggling to full-on supervillainy. A lot of major players have dipped their toes into this pool, whether they'll admit it or not.
"Pharmaceuticals": The production and distribution of illicit and mind-altering substances often prohibited by the DEA. In recent years they have grown to include intelligence-boosting nootropics, temporary superpower granters, and deep purple crystals called 'Primal'.
Food / Agriculture: Production, processing, and distribution of food.
- Stable (Cricket Protein/Dino Meat) [+3] (1/2 investments to next level)
Genetics: Manipulation of the genetic code of humans, plants, and animals alike, for designer crops and super soldiers. Oh and like, curing diseases and whatever.
- Established (Lee Industries, Mendel-Gruman) [+2]
Healthcare: Provision of health clinics,
actual pharmaceuticals, and those other things people need to live.
Insurance / Legal: Law firms, insurance firms, and various other industries involved in complex, legalistic jargon and the abuse thereof.
- Stable, losing money (Insuricare) [+3]
Investing: Using money to make money via other people's hard work.
Mass Media / Performance Arts: Television, Movies, Social Media, News, Video Games, Theater, and anything else that claims to entertain or inform at a mass scale.
- Mass Media / Performance Arts: Established (Disney, Danville Performing Arts Center) [+2]
Motor Vehicles / Transportation: Sale of vehicles and the transport of resources and people across land routes.
- Motor Vehicles / Transportation: Marginal (Lee Industries) [+1]
National Defense: The sale of armaments, support equipment, tanks, vehicles, weaponry, robotics, and other supplies to the US government or international actors.
- National Defense: Reviled [-2]
Petrochemicals: Natural Gas, Oil, Plastic, and other byproducts of the three.
- Petrochemicals: Marginal (Dinoco) [+1]
Restaurants: Locations selling ready-made food intended to be eaten on the spot or taken away. Distinct from retail locations such as supermarkets.
- Restaurants: Stable (Doc Hoppers, technically Bueno Nacho) [+3]
Retail / Wholesaling: Direct sales to consumers in stores, covering everything from prepackaged food to appliances, clothing, or furniture. If you can find it in a supermarket or a department store, it's this. Unless it's already something else.
- Retail / Wholesaling: Marginal (Doofenshmirtz Evil Coffee Machines) [+1]
Telecoms: Internet, Cable television, phone lines, and the rest of our communications infrastructure.
Transport (Air): Air-based international shipping; Shere Khan is market leader.
- Transport (Air): Nonexistent
Widgets / Miscellaneous: Stuff. You know. Weird stuff. Doodads. Whatsits. All the springs and sprockets you've never heard of until it breaks in your washing machine and you have to order one direct from the manufacturer. DEI,
apparently, is the undisputed leader in this industry. Turns out you invented like seven new varieties of screw alone that… someone or other managed to pull out of the wreckage of your inators. And a new type of heating coil, and biodegradable PVC piping. And… wow this is a long list.
- Widgets / Miscellaneous: Overbearing (DEI) [This is what keeps your company running] [+6]
Total Corporate Income Per Year: 25
Check the Income sheet for full Income information and current Funds.