So, that was... a thing. I'm not sure I understood that, and I'm usually pretty good at following time travel.

So I'm just going to go with this system operating on Manly Guys Doing Manly Things time travel rules:
oh excellent, the milo murphy time travel laws are Toonforce and un-replicate-able (intentionally) but can probably be added into new scenes as retroactive time travel gags which occurred before this conversation.
[X] - use for funni joajs
[] - use for forreal

the big snare is the combination of the Hat Monster and Tomorrowland, and even if both were deposed completely the snarl would still exist preventing the time agency from running.

Professor Time is a title Doof would only possibly take after allowing himself to not have his name be his main mad-scientist-villain name. This implies significant progress on therapy.
The Time Agency seems to have sprung out from something like the FBI and Mr Block is currently there, which explains why we're being treated with such high threat-level by leadership there. Since, you know, Mr Block knows what we're capable of.

so now we know at least one likely canon "Good End" in which Doof, after the quest, bumps into Dakota and Cavendish comedically and they call him Professor Time. This eventually sparks an Inator that allows Doof to have incredible time powers, and he accepts the mantle of Professor Time from a pre-recorded message of Professor Time addressing Doof and hiring him as the resident Professor Time for this timeline.

Professor Time's job, of course, is to maintain the time-scape with the assistance of The Time Agency so that the Good End can keep coming to pass even as Bad Hat and Tomorrowland and other villains attempt to muck it up.

We get to do a "where are they now" montage of our fav heroes, potentially recruit them to timeless-immortality as Time Agents whenever they want, and generally create a world of magic and wonder and Not Too Much Evil that lasts longer than eternity.

Sounds good mister quest maker. Now all we have to do is get there, and then TIME ITSELF WILL BE ON OUR SIDE MUAHAHAHA
What I got out of all this, we have to recruit Dqakota and turn him into an SS Blue with ultra instinct to fight with Toffe in the universal tournament for the survival of our alternate timeline.
What I got out of all this, we have to recruit Dqakota and turn him into an SS Blue with ultra instinct to fight with Toffe in the universal tournament for the survival of our alternate timeline.

Definitely something along these lines, because remember - if that Gordian Knot of contradictionary events that makes up our verse gets untangled the normal way, we would lose our friends and allies from the other franchises, which I´d rather prevent.
Definitely something along these lines, because remember - if that Gordian Knot of contradictionary events that makes up our verse gets untangled the normal way, we would lose our friends and allies from the other franchises, which I´d rather prevent.

Star vs. the Forces of Evil: Buuuut wouldn't that be better? If almost everything remotely interesting about the setting disappeared forever along with countless beings and only one or two universes ever interacted again?
Well, given recent events...

The-server-is-on-fire-inator (Neutral): ...You may have taken the term "firewall" too literally. Computers everywhere are overheating drastically. Next turn, all actions related to computers everywhere have +20 to their DC. Other factions will see the DC increase, but don't know Doof is responsible.

Unplanned-downtime-inator (Neutral): Everything is sort of hectic these days. Wouldn't it be nice if everything just shut down for a little while? Next turn, all factions take 2 less national actions (of any types they choose).
Incorrect Doofquest Quotes: Even More Skits
Incorrect Doofquest Quotes: Even More Skits

Cavendish and Dakota are in a police building, just outside of an interrogation room.

Cavendish: Ok Dakota, let's get in there and get this confession.

Dakota: You've got it Cavendish.

They enter the room to reveal Shiv McQueen handcuffed to a table.

Cavendish: Alright scumba-

Dakota: When I was twelve I peed on my dog.

Cavendish: Excuse us...

Dakota: Right on his little dog face.

Cut to Cavendish and Dakota outside of the interrogation room.

Cavendish: Ok, you don't make the confession, he makes the confession.

Dakota: He peed on my dog?

Cavendish: No no, no, just- just do what I do.

Cavendish and Dakota reenter the interrogation room.

Cavendish: Look McQueen.

Cavendish and Dakota in unison: We can do this the easy way or the- what are you doing?

They look at each other at the same time then turn to point at Shiv.

Cavendish and Dakota in unison: Stay there, STOP!

Cut to Cavendish and Dakota outside of the interrogation room.

Dakota: Damnit, we almost had him.

Cavendish: Ok, new plan, I'll be good cop, you can be bad cop.

Dakota: Nice.

Cavendish reenters the room.

Cavendish: Ok-

Dakota enters dressed like this.

Dakota: Ayy McQueen, crime is totally cool! Let's bounce outta this joint and grab a wicked soda! I got a skateboard!

Dakota throws some caps at Shiv.

Dakota: Pogs!

Cavendish: That's rad cop.

Dakota: Bummer.

Cut to Dakota crying profusely and reaching for Shiv's face.

Dakota: Why'd you do it McQueen? You were so young! You had such a bright future...

Cavendish: Sad cop.

Dakota brings a tissue to his eye.

Cut to Dakota in a sweater vest and cap holding a pipe.

Dakota: McQueen, your mother and I are very disappointed in you.

Cavendish: That's dad cop.

Cavendish looks down to see he is in a sun dress.


Dakota: You've been naughty.

Cut to Dakota in a kilt and holding bagpipes.

Cavendish: Plaid cop.

Dakota: I'm Shrek!

Cut to Dakota pointing at his knee.

Cavendish: Kneepad cop.

Cut to Dakota in a sweater.

Cavendish: A bad Bill Cosby impersonator trying to explain the plot of Breaking Bad cop.

Dakota: So the dad from Malcom in the Middle...

Cavendish: NO!

Cut to Dakota dropping files in front of Shiv.

Dakota: Johnathan S. McQueen, street name Shiv McQueen, born 18th of December 1987 to a Hamish and Annie McQueen, both deceased.

Dakota: First arrest age fourteen, two counts of car theft, four counts of breaking and entering, and one count of assaulting an officer with a homemade shiv.

Dakota: Fourth arrest age nineteen, eight counts of aggravated assault, three counts of property damage, and suspected involvement in a local Narcotics Ring.

Dakota: Fifteenth arrest, age twenty six, yesterday. Fourteen eyewitnesses, camera surveillance footage and enough forensic evidence left behind to clone you and throw you both in jail for a very very long time, confess now Shiv and maybe we can cut you a deal.

Cavendish: Not bad Dako- dammit.

Cut to Dakota now wearing a tutu.

Dakota: Also, I am a jellybean! Have you seen my penguins?

Dakota grabs Shiv and pulls him close.

Dakota: The government is bees!

Cavendish: Mad cop, great.

Dakota: I love you.

Cut to outside the interrogation room.

Dakota: How'd I do?

Cavendish: Terribly, look why don't you be good cop and then I'll be bad cop?

Dakota: Wait, why don't we both be bad cop?

Cut to Cavendish and Dakota both wearing a combination of every outfit Dakota had worn.



Macbeth and Hudson enter an elevator only to find there are no buttons.

Macbeth: Where's the buttons?

Hudson: No, no they've installed voice recognition technology in this lift. I heard about 't.

Macbeth: Voice recognition technology? In a lift? Ever tried voice recognition technology?

Hudson: Naw.

Macbeth: They don't do Sco'ish accents

Hudson: Eleven.

Elevator: Could you please repeat that?

Macbeth: Eleven.

Hudson: Eleven... Eleven.

Macbeth: Eleven.

Elevator: Could you please repeat that?

Hudson: E-le-ven.

Macbeth: Whose idea was this? You need to try an American accent.

Macbeth with a terrible accent: Eleven… Eleven.

Hudson: That sounds Irish, no' American.

Macbeth: No, doesnae.

Macbeth with a terrible accent: Eleven.

Hudson: Where in America's tha', Dublin?

Elevator: I'm sorry. Could you please repeat that?

Hudson: Try an English accent, right…

Hudson with a worse accent: Eleven… Eleven.

Macbeth: You fae the same part o' England as Dick Van Dyke!

Hudson: Let's hear yours then, smar' arse.

Elevator: Please speak slowly and clearly.

Hudson: Smart arse.

Macbeth: E-le-ven.

Elevator: I'm sorry. Could you please repeat that?

Macbeth: Eleven. If you don't underston the lingo, away ye American cow.

Hudson: Oh, s'tha talk nae is it? "Away ye American cow"?

Macbeth: Oh, don't start Mr. Bleeding Heart, how can ye be racist tae a lift?

Elevator: Please speak slowly and clearly.

Hudson: Eleven… Eleven… Eleven… Eleven...

Macbeth: Ye'r jus' sayin' it the same way.

Hudson: I'm gonnae keep sayin' it until it understons Sco'ish, a' right?

Hudson: Eleven… Eleven… Eleven… Eleven.

Macbeth: Oh, just take us anywhere, ye cow. Just open the doors.

Elevator: This is a voice-activated elevator. Please state which floor you would like to go to in a clear and calm manner.

Macbeth: Calm? Calm? Where's tha' comin' fae? Why's it tellin' people 'e be calm?

Hudson: Because they knew they'd be sellin' this tae Sco'ish people who'd be goin' aff their nuts at it.

Elevator: You have not selected a floor.

Hudson: Aye, we hav - ELEVEN!

Elevator: If you would like to get out of the elevator without selecting a floor, simply say "Open the doors please".

Macbeth: Please? Please? Suck ma wullie.

Hudson: Maybe we should have said please.

Macbeth: I'm no begging that fer nothin'.

Hudson: Open the doors please.

Macbeth: Please... pathetic.

Elevator: Please remain calm.

Hudson: Oh fu- wud ye let me up tae that, get me up there…

Hudson climbs up onto Macbeth's back.

Hudson: Right, jus wait fer it tae speak…

Elevator: You have not selected a floor.

Hudson: Up yours, ye cow! You don't let us out these doors, I'm gonnae find whatever desperate actress gave yer voice, and I'm gonnae go tae the electric chair fer ye.

Macbeth: Scotland, ye bastards!


Macbeth: SCOTLAND!


Macbeth: FREEDOM!

Hudson: FREEDOM!

Macbeth: FREEDOM!

Doors open to reveal Owen waiting for them, confused as to what is happening. Macbeth and Hudson separate and stand at each others side.

Macbeth: Goin' up?


A woman is cleaning her kitchen, but quickly stops and faces the camera.

Woman: This kitchen is so hard to clean. If only there was an easier way.

Doof pops out of seemingly nowhere.

Doof: Hi, I'm Dr. Doofenshmirtz. Say goodbye to daily stains and dirty services with the new...

Doof pulls out a gun.

Doof: Kitchen Gun!

Cut to a dirty sink.

Doof: This sink is filthy, but with just three shots from Kitchen Gun...


Cut to a clean sink with bullet holes in it.

Doof: And it sparkles like new.

Cut to a dirty stovetop.

Doof: Look at how it cleans this greasy stove!


Cut to clean but destroyed stove.


Cut to dirty wall.

Doof: Grubby tiles.


Cut to heavily damaged wall.

Doof: I LOVE YOU, KITCHEN GUN! Kisses gun.

Cut to dirty tap.

Doof: Rusty taps.


Cut to destroyed but clean tap

Doof: Crazed laughter.

Cut to some dirty plates.

Doof: You can even use it on the washing up.


Cut to shattered plates, then to kitchen where the woman is crying uncontrollably.

Doof: There! All clean again!

New Kitchen Gun!
Now with laser sight and night vision for after dark cleaning!

Hope you enjoyed, I like these ones. Original skits are the Confession 2 by TomSka, Voice Recognition Lift by Burnistoun and Kitchen Gun by the BBC.
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You know, currently I am binge-watching the Gargoyles cartoon - more specifically, the episode "Future Tense".

What do you think would *our* Xanatos say about how he is acting there?
You know, currently I am binge-watching the Gargoyles cartoon - more specifically, the episode "Future Tense".

What do you think would *our* Xanatos say about how he is acting there?
When you're done with the series, I'd suggest trying to find the Slave Labor Graphics comic book continuation of the series. It didn't get the chance to tell the whole "season 3" like it wanted to, but it provides a lot for what it is.

As for the episode you're on and the question you asked: Keep watching the episode, please! It's a good one.
When you're done with the series, I'd suggest trying to find the Slave Labor Graphics comic book continuation of the series. It didn't get the chance to tell the whole "season 3" like it wanted to, but it provides a lot for what it is.

As for the episode you're on and the question you asked: Keep watching the episode, please! It's a good one.

By this time, I have watched "Future Tense" and I am still asking how *our* Xanatos would respond to how he was prortrayed here

Admittedly not quite what I asked before, but still...

As for the comics (the closest to an an *actually canon* Season 3 we got), dunno how aviable they are in Germany, but I will try acquiring them.
Horror, then he'd get angry with Puck.

Yeah, something along those lines.

As ambitious as David might be, outright despotism for the sake of perpetuing misery under the guise of "order" is not something he would even entertain the thought of.

Plus, in this quest at least he is far too mindful of the Masquerade to seceed openly from the union if he can rather *puppet* it.

Remember, how annoyed he was at Doof´s "Supreme Ruler of the Tri-State Area" shtick? And now he is supposed to do it himself?

*Don´t make me laugh, Puck*
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I don't think he would be angry with Puck, per se.

David Xanatos knows full well what the Children of Oberon are like. I would be surprised if it got more than a raised eye from Xanatos, even internally.

I don´t know. It has been shown a few times that he *does* take betrayal by those he genuinely trusts (like Owen and to a lesser extent Dr. Sevarius) more than a little personally despite normally seeing revenge and the like as a sucker´s game. So him being slandered by someone that protects/will protect aas well as educate(depending on whether he gains knowledge of "Future Tense" before or after "The Gathering") his son will probably get quite the rise outta him.
I don´t know. It has been shown a few times that he *does* take betrayal by those he genuinely trusts (like Owen and to a lesser extent Dr. Sevarius) more than a little personally despite normally seeing revenge and the like as a sucker´s game. So him being slandered by someone that protects/will protect aas well as educate(depending on whether he gains knowledge of "Future Tense" before or after "The Gathering") his son will probably get quite the rise outta him.
It's not really betrayal. It's a scene that Puck set up to get the Phoenix Gate from Goliath. Besides, it is Owen who is loyal to Xanatos. Puck is not.

He would probably see it as amusing more than anything else. Puck is a Child of Oberon after all.