Even super OP and evil, he's still petty.
  1. Duh. What part of "extremely insulting and spiteful" was unclear?
  2. The cruel part wasn't firing a laser on her. The cruel part was the Bueno Nacho being built on top of her ashes. That's just demonic levels of cruel and unusual that no mortal should be capable of
The cruel part wasn't firing a laser on her. The cruel part was the Bueno Nacho being built on top of her ashes. That's just demonic levels of cruel and unusual that no mortal should be capable of
So is stopping OP/evil Doof from the rest of Colorado! This is an eternal revenge against her! The Shego/Doof shippers never got a chance to exist in that Negaverse anyways.
Why Doofenshmirtz was Nerfed

The song is Fiend Like Me by The Stupendium, hope you enjoyed.
No wonder OWCA sent their best agent sent against Doofenshmirtz. If he were actually a bad guy, he would make Negaduck look tame. And these actions aren't completely baseless. The other-dimension showed us the actions of an evil Doof with the cyborg Perry, robot regime, fire execution, and all the general unhappiness from everyone.
Other notables from Non-Nerfed Doofenshmirtz Negaquest

Negaduck: St. Canard launched into orbit, Negaduck and Fearsome Four captured and brainwashed.

Waternoose: Monster's Inc invaded after discovery, Scream Power held captive and Monsters enslaved.

Phobos: Entire world collapsed in on him, trapped within event horizon and crushed by singularity.

Mount Rushmore: Reprogramed and sent to destroy Washington DC.
Shego: Vaporized by orbital lazer, Bueno Nacho built on ashes.
EDIT: Just go the classic "brainwashed wife" route. Not only would that be extremely insulting to Shego and spite her spirit, it would satisfy the ShegoDoof shippers of that dimension. If anyone says "Dude, that's f'ed up", I remind them; this is a Negaverse. If something hasn't been f'ed up, someone did something wrong
We can combine both approaches:
1)Build mind control device for cats.
2)Turn Shego into catgirl
3)Make her work at Bueno Nacho as mascot under Hego management.
Why not have Shego taken down/arrested by a brainwashed rebranded Hego, the Nacho Man, the new avatar/mascot of the Buenos Nacho.

Or make the prison food all buenos nachos for the people imprisoned if any.
Don't we have a canonical (to p&f not this quest) actually evil Doofenshmirtz to compare to?

From that dimension movie?
Yep, tyrannical and completely evil ruler who shows what could have happened if Doof's life wasn't the dumpster fire it was.

This video helps explain him and the differences between our Doof and the second dimension Doof.

An actually evil doof is terrifying.
No wonder OWCA sent their best agent sent against Doofenshmirtz. If he were actually a bad guy, he would make Negaduck look tame. And these actions aren't completely baseless. The other-dimension showed us the actions of an evil Doof with the cyborg Perry, robot regime, fire execution, and all the general unhappiness from everyone.
Yep, tyrannical and completely evil ruler who shows what could have happened if Doof's life wasn't the dumpster fire it was.

This video helps explain him and the differences between our Doof and the second dimension Doof.

Yeah, as awesome playing as an actually evil supervillain version of Doof like the one from the 2nd Dimension would be, in the end I consider playing as our Doof as ultimately more fulfilling, since our Doof has people sympathetic to him (Vanessa, his very colorful array of employees, even fellow villains like DAVID FREAKING XANATOS to an extent...still a bit confused how we got into HIS good books in the first place tbh) and still does hold some form of power over MOST of his Tri-State Area.

So yeah, I´ll continue playing our Doof as someone, who is still quirky and weird as heck (again, power armor with *in-built coffee-dispensing tech*), but manages to channel all that into ways that *end up benefitting* him instead of hindering like letting LM get away scott-free after the shit they pulled (I don´t care that they kinda did it on our orders, because they deliberately interpreted our orders in the most idiotic and egotistical way possibly and we just couldn´t allow that) would have.
Yep, tyrannical and completely evil ruler who shows what could have happened if Doof's life wasn't the dumpster fire it was.

This video helps explain him and the differences between our Doof and the second dimension Doof.

What I get out of this is we need big green blimps and purple trains both with Doof's face on the front.
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still a bit confused how we got into HIS good books in the first place tbh
It's unclear if we are, depending on what qualifies as being in a person's good books. If we are, though, it's the same way we got into Russ': he saw us as someone who could be less disruptive if managed, and then in the process of that management we grew on him.
What I get out of this is we need big green blimps with Doof's face on them.
Would you be willing to settle for dinosaurs with Doof's face?
It's unclear if we are, depending on what qualifies as being in a person's good books. If we are, though, it's the same way we got into Russ': he saw us as someone who could be less disruptive if managed, and then in the process of that management we grew on him.

To me it´s pretty sure that David sees Doof as *more* than just a uesful tool to exploit. Sure, at the end he´ll still carve himself the biggest slice outta any given caken aside from some very specific circumstances (him drawing back on bidding for the Crystal Key after realizing that Doof is more on the up-and-up about Toffee as well as being thankful for being told an important prophecy concerning one of his oldest enemies comes to mind), but he quite clearly is perfectly willing to reserve one of the biggest slices left over for us and would sacrifice us outta all his allies very close to the end (the only two allies he probably values more than us are Shego and his contacts with Uncle Sam).

I can´t really explain it, but I just get the impression that David won´t throw us to the wolves without serious impetous and otherwise is the biggest name explicitly on our side...which is part of the reason why we need to rectify our current bad PR ASAP (maybe by asking him to speak out on our behalf in return for us owing him one) - I just don´t wanna lose him as a kinda-friend, you know?

Would you be willing to settle for dinosaurs with Doof's face?

You mean, like a cross between the "Peterdactyl" and the "Hindenpeter"?
More inators!

The Combine-inator (Good): Originally designed to combine your two favorite things as a child, your pet cockroach Horfrost and garlic ice cream (yeah, that didn't go very well), you attempted to use this device back in the day to combine city hall with a private island you owned in an attempt to take control of the Tri-State Area. However, you accidentally overloaded it and caused it to rapid-fire everywhere. Now that you patched it up, maybe you can use it to combine your territory with Shego's so you can finally have all of the Tri-State Area under your thumb! Too bad you never figured out how to fix the targetting system.

When activated, a random friendly King (Xanatos, Shego, Yokai, Olympia) has their turn combined with yours this round! You may each proceed with your turn as normal, but every action either of you take has both of your stats added to it (ex. when partnered with Shego, a Martial action taken by either of you has both Doof and Shego's Martial score added to it). Also, when the turn is done, you get to see everything the other King has done and how successful it was. Be warned: they can do the exact same! Any bonuses or maluses to income/public opinion/etc. that either of you take apply to both of you.

The Combine-inator (Bad): Originally designed to combine your two favorite things as a child, your pet cockroach Horfrost and garlic ice cream (yeah, that didn't go very well), you attempted to use this device back in the day to combine city hall with a private island you owned in an attempt to take control of the Tri-State Area. However, you accidentally overloaded it and caused it to rapid-fire everywhere. Now that you patched it up, maybe you can use it to combine your territory with Shego's so you can finally have all of the Tri-State Area under your thumb! Too bad you never figured out how to fix the targetting system.

When activated, a random rival King (Doom, ENCOM, Toffee) has their turn combined with yours this round! You may each proceed with your turn as normal, but every action either of you take has a malus equal to the other's score (ex. when partnered with Toffee, an Occult action taken by you has Toffee's Occult score subtracted from it). Also, when the turn is done, you get to see everything the other King has done and how successful it was. Be warned: they can do the exact same! Any bonuses or maluses to income/public opinion/etc. that either of you take apply to both of you.
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More inators!

The Combine-inator (Good): Originally designed to combine your two favorite things as a child, your pet cockroach Horfrost and garlic ice cream (yeah, that didn't go very well), you attempted to use this device back in the day to combine city hall with a private island you owned in an attempt to take control of the Tri-State Area. However, you accidentally overloaded it and caused it to rapid-fire everywhere. Now that you patched it up, maybe you can use it to combine your territory with Shego's so you can finally have all of the Tri-State Area under your thumb! Too bad you never figured out how to fix the targetting system.

When activated, a random friendly King (Xanatos, Shego, Yokai, Olympia) has their turn combined with yours this round! You may each proceed with your turn as normal, but every action either of you take has both of your stats added to it (ex. when partnered with Shego, a Martial action taken by either of you has both Doof and Shego's Martial score added to it). Also, when the turn is done, you get to see everything the other King has done and how successful it was. Be warned: they can do the exact same! Any bonuses or maluses to income/public opinion/etc. that either of you take apply to both of you.

The Combine-inator (Bad): Originally designed to combine your two favorite things as a child, your pet cockroach Horfrost and garlic ice cream (yeah, that didn't go very well), you attempted to use this device back in the day to combine city hall with a private island you owned in an attempt to take control of the Tri-State Area. However, you accidentally overloaded it and caused it to rapid-fire everywhere. Now that you patched it up, maybe you can use it to combine your territory with Shego's so you can finally have all of the Tri-State Area under your thumb! Too bad you never figured out how to fix the targetting system.

When activated, a random rival King (Doom, ENCOM, Toffee) has their turn combined with yours this round! You may each proceed with your turn as normal, but every action either of you take has a malus equal to the other's score (ex. when partnered with Toffee, an Occult action taken by you has Toffee's Occult score subtracted from it). Also, when the turn is done, you get to see everything the other King has done and how successful it was. Be warned: they can do the exact same! Any bonuses or maluses to income/public opinion/etc. that either of you take apply to both of you.

The good version could be *Extremly powerful* if used in a way similar to how we went about the Probability-Inator - meaning running up to the ally in question and telling them about the Inator, so that they can prepare better.