For most people, San Fransokyo was an example of the shining city on a hill. The largest city on the west coast, a hotbed for technological development, a playground where new tech could blossom under profitable companies and doing it all with clean green energy on top of everything. New York might have been the city that never sleeps, but San Fransokyo was the city where tomorrow lives, and every young engineer wanted to be. [1]
For the most part, it was even true. The economy was booming, SFIT graduation rates were as high as ever, and new and exciting projects were coming out that could change lives for the better.
There was a time where Liv Amara felt like she was the only one who could see some of the cracks. The city's facade might have been pristine from a distance, but the closer you looked the more you could see the ugly interior peeking through, the deep rot that was infesting the place slowly spreading beneath the surface. Tonight, though… it was nice to see that at least a few other people were up to speed. It would be nice if everyone could get on board and see the festering wound for what it was, but she had to take small steps.
Governor Kevin had seen fit to throw a major gala celebrating the repeal of the SRA and everyone who was anyone was invited. Politicians, CEOs, celebrities, the convention hall was packed with a crowd of the state's most famous and influential. There was certainly a little talk about galas circling around- in the last five years, two major galas led to two major upsets in corporate America, both of them suffering from massive supervillain attacks that led to the CEO being ousted. Kevin's was much smaller… but Liv couldn't deny how another little shakeup in the corporate scene might prove interesting. It felt like things were balanced on a knife's edge, not just in Sokyo but across the nation. Perhaps they would be able to see another one happening in real time, after just a little more preparation…
Ostensibly, the zaibatsu were rivals and competitors. In reality, there was much more collaboration between the three megacorps than any of them let on- but that sort of thing was kept on the down low. The Franchise Wars had been the latest and most public example of what they could accomplish when they put their heads together, but other than that… Liv spared a glance at her table, seeing that neither Silverman nor Trengrove had shown up yet.
Perfect. Liv put on a winning smile, moving with purpose through the crowd as she approached the governor. The man was wearing a neat pinstripe suit, his blond hair perfectly coiffed, an untouched flute of champagne in his hand.
"Ms. Amara!" Kevin offered a handshake, grinning with what looked like genuine enthusiasm. "I'm so glad you could make it today! "
"Thank you, governor. How could I resist, when I've already got my foot in the door for the community?" Her smile was perfect, practically glowing, even as she took in all the details of Kevin's posture. His gormless yet genuine smile, the lack of any tension in his body language at all. He was completely at ease, and it was easy to see how he had breezed through reelection. The man was friendly yet pliable, as long as she framed arguments around his singular talking point, he was likely to be onboard.
"That's right, your Minuteman serum! I've seen the reports, that's some exciting stuff! And a fantastic tribute to Nimble Jack besides!"
Case in point. The Nimble Jack comparisons were unintentional at first, but she had certainly leaned into it. Nimble Jack's name still had significant pull in the government even if the man was dead twenty years. "I couldn't help myself, Kevin! I always pride myself in improving on what mother nature has given us, and where better to look for inspiration than to the golden age? There's a lot we can learn from the past, even as we're looking towards a better tomorrow."
"That's a pretty good catchphrase, Liv!" The voice came from just behind Liv, and she resisted the urge to turn to look. Francisca Marshall had a particular habit of sneaking up on people, one of the woman's many peculiarities.
The redhead practically bounced up next to Liv, waving her arms theatrically. "From the past, to the future. Heh. You could win an election on a dream like that."
The line was corny as hell and more than a little on the nose, but Liv said it without a hint of irony. That part was important. Kevin had been elected and re-elected on his completely genuine enthusiasm towards the superhero community, which meant this should resonate perfectly. The man could be shortsighted but wasn't naive, he could tell if he was led around by the nose… but what better way to resonate than by seeming completely genuine?
"That's it exactly! Think about it. Being a superhero used to really mean something. It was a commitment! And people got out there because they wanted to help people, right? Sure, the Golden Age wasn't as cut and dry as some people like to think… but in the end, we still got a lot of greats out of it. Think about how many lives were saved, and how many of those people were inspired to go out and help people themselves?"
Marshall slid forward, clasping the governor's hand with a smile. "Hey, you get it! People need heroes — backs to chase, heights to climb. People don't want to take over the moon because they get paid, but because it's there."
And just like that, he was hooked. Liv could already see the shape of the conversation to be, where best to lead Kevin on. The smile she offered was completely genuine, but for a very different reason than Kevin might have been expecting.
Liv had disentangled herself from the conversation with Kevin after a few minutes, making her way through the crowd of suits to her table. That was a productive talk. Dealing with the governor was sometimes tiring but rarely unpleasant, the man had an agreeable attitude and was incredibly easy to get along with.
Unlike some people.
Trengrove or Silverman were never explicit about it. If their meetings were anything like her own, then they had probably been given orders to never bring him up under the threat of death. She could see it in their eyes, though, the way they always seemed to tense up, like there was something just in the corner of their vision. The way Trengrove had been absent from public events for the last eight months and nearly silent on social media, a true rarity for a man that prided himself on his public image as a fun entrepreneur.
"Hi Liv." Trengrove gave her a sickly smile that didn't reach the eyes. "Been a while since we saw each other, huh? Don't tell me a party like this is all it takes to drag you out of your lair."
"I could say the same about you, Trengrove. You've been locked in your office for months! I know the value of getting out in the field for some observations once in a while." They weren't friends, but colleagues could express a bit of a concern. Just enough to get him talking.
"It is good to see you again, Trevor. Some people were starting to get worried." Judy spoke up. Apparently she had not yet taken Edna Mode's fashion advice to heart, still dressed in the same subdued outfit she usually went for. She really did look like a secretary in over her head.
Trengrove's plus one seat was empty. Silverman had brought along a wiry twenty-something with a goatee, some senior researcher from Bakaemono she couldn't recall the name of.
"Haha! No need to worry!" Trengrove responded just a little too quickly. "That's just the cost of innovation! I don't think I need to tell you how much we've been working on lately. That collab we had with DEI, massive success right there. Two innovators in the field, both making huge strides forward! The market for this sort of thing has never been hotter. I've even heard some tell that Glomgold is looking to get in on it."
Nothing she couldn't have learned from reading the business news, but still, it was a start. Trengrove normally took to public speaking like a fish to water, so his nerves weren't from that, and the way he just stopped himself from looking around in a panic…
"Business is booming, then? How's your new competitor reacting?"
"I can never tell with that guy. His researchers did a good job- you ought to know that by now, Liv- but he hasn't jumped on anything yet."
"That sounds like DEI." Francisca Marshall exclaimed, into slipping into the conversation. "The company is Doofenshmirtz's personal wonderland. If he isn't interested, then he doesn't pursue it."
"Miss Marshall." Judy greets your plus one. "I'd heard Liv had brought you in after the Minuteman project. How has that been going?"
"Unfortunately, it's all under NDA. I'd love to tell, Judy, but the law's the law." Marshall says, popping a cocktail shrimp into her mouth. "Who's your friend?"
"This is Ian. He's been doing a lot of exciting work for us at Bakaemono- remember those cloaking drones that made the news a couple months back? That was all him."
"I do remember those." Marshall grins, leaning in. "So you're the man behind the latest and greatest of covert weapons technology, Ian?"
"Well, I can't take credit for the prototype, but I was responsible for integrating it into the weapon system. Some of the initial concepts for the project didn't pan out, but that's what R&D is for, right?
"Naturally." Marshall took a sip of her martini. "So, what sort of concepts?"
As Judy's lackey began to launch into a long-winded explanation on the design process, Liv noticed as Marshall's gaze flickered between her, Trevor and Judy. No doubt the woman had picked up on the implications of the trio's meeting.
As Marshall's eyes met her own, Liv gave the slightest nod.
"Say…" The consultant said, just loud enough to knock Ian off balance. "I heard Fyronic has faced off against Capes with invisibility tech before. I bet you he'd have all kinds of things to say about these things."
"Uhm." Ian blinked. "Getting some insight from a real veteran Cape would be pretty cool."
"Who knows, he might even be willing to test it." Marshall grinned, grasping hold of the gormless scientist by the shoulder and pulling him towards where Fyronic and Prince Pyrus were doing a meet and greet. "I'll introduce you."
As Ian was whisked away, Liv privately noted that despite the few protests before acquiescing, his body language suggested that he wouldn't mind the meeting in the slightest. She mentally filed that away for later; it would always be useful to know what made the head researcher of Bakaemono tick.
Her pleasant smile to Marshall transitioned to a broader, more enthusiastic grin as she addressed her fellow Zaibatsu heads, finally afforded a moment of privacy at their table.
A silent, unspoken understanding passed between them as chairs slid in.
They could never be too cautious.
"The market for AI's getting hotter, you said?" Liv asked pointedly. Trengrove, when he wasn't facing the public, didn't bother with the platitudes. It seemed as good an indication as any that he was taking advantage of the rare chance to talk.
"That's right! Loads of new investors, real bleeding edge. The possibilities are limitless!" Trengrove's exhaustion was becoming more obvious the more she studied him, the dark circles under his eyes made it clear he wasn't getting much rest.
"Mm. If only. Bakaemono's been steady but there hasn't been anything new and exciting for a while." Judy slipped into the conversation seamlessly, a slight edge to her words that wouldn't have been audible if Liv wasn't listening for it.
"We've been holding steady ourselves. After such a large government contract, we're in between projects, jumping between a few things here and there. Competition's heating up, I think we all know it- the Franchise Wars are just one example, right?"
Two nods of assent, a forced chuckle from Trengrove. Good. It was always such a thrill whenever pieces fell into place. Now if only she could say the same thing about other live specimens…
"So tell me, Liv- what does the future hold for Sycorax?" Judy questioned.
"Rising to new heights. Sycorax has come too far to just roll over because we've got a little competition. Maybe some rising stars are muddying the waters a little, but I can assure you, Sycorax is going to come out on top."
"It's a… competitive field, Liv." Judy's voice carried a mote of concern. "You have to know that you're going up against some big names."
", you know what?" Trengrove stabbed a dinner roll with his fork. "You're right. That's the kind of positive thinking we need- that's the kind that made our businesses what they were like today! You both know- your companies set new trends! Innovating! Taking some risks, making some investments, and watching the market!"
Wow. That bad, huh? This was the first time he had spoken with anything resembling passion all evening. She noticed the pause, probably where he tried to figure out if Judy truly fit into the metaphor, and had blazed on anyway.
"I… don't want to say Bakaemono's doing terribly, we're still pulling in massive profits, but I'm not sure it's a good idea to enter new markets yet." Judy pulled out her phone, pulling up an article on a recent series of arsons against Captain Kernel's. You said it yourself, Liv- the Franchise Wars have been deadly. In this economy, with this level of competition, one misstep and that will be that."
"Then what's the alternative?" Trevor demanded. "Just staying the course, living as… at the whims of the market?! We're trendsetters! We need to get out there and set some trends!"
The metaphor was rapidly devolving into a chaotic mess. Trevor was desperate, but she couldn't have him going off the handle.
"Love the passion, Trevor, but that's not how we do things at Sycorax. Taking risks and treading new ground, sure, but not blindly. We do our research first, look at some previous findings in the field, maybe even a few studies before we announce a new project. And Judy- if you're not willing to take any risks, then Trevor's right- Bakaemono's never going to get out of the shadow of what it once was."
They both wanted action, she could tell. The tension, the weight, the flow of the conversation. Supports were cracking, ropes were fraying, things were in motion.
"I'm just asking you to remember who your friends are." She said, opening her hands with a smile.
[1] Also every rich party boy pretending to be an engineer, though they at least had options.
Mez's monthly report suggests that the zaibatsus might be collaborating on something big under the table, but she doesn't have enough intel to suggest what.
Next turn, Liv is likely to have Mez look into Funtelligence and the state of Trevor Trengrove.
Mez has become aware of some projects Sycorax is working on in the background. Options to steal them will be included with the next turn.