Doofquest Crit Calculator

Presenting the Doofquest Crit Calculator. This can be used to easily calculate the crit thresholds for regular rolls, opposed rolls (which include crit success and fail for both attacker and defender), and as a bonus, an extra calculator to determine which two party members would roll on a particular check based on the make-up of the party and which traits trigger or don't trigger on that roll.
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Presenting the Doofquest Crit Calculator. This can be used to easily calculate the crit thresholds for regular rolls, opposed rolls (which include crit success and fail for both attacker and defender), and as a bonus, an extra calculator to determine which two party members would roll on a particular check based on the make-up of the party and which traits trigger or not on that roll.

A reward has been allocated.
I'm really enjoying this quest. It's proving to be a nice breath of lighthearted comedy, which is extremely well timed considering how much we've been stressing over Negaduck. I think the thread needed the relief.
Wait, we never got the most important question answered. Are the injuries to Donald's feet enough to prevent his return to military service? And did he ever get trench foot?
While Marco's repeated failures at diplomacy are funny, he is gonna need to learn how to talk with people beyond being a cat wrangler.

Lizzy and Dennis have proven to be a far funnier comic duo then I would have expected as well, while the Duck apparantly failed all their diplo checks (Which is completely unsurprising given who we are dealing with)

Is that freaking Nokkar?

Because it rather sounds like Nokkar.

Huh. Amur being assigned to Kitsune could have had a actual effect. Either he thinks Space-Spawn or recognizes a Gargoyle Beast from meeting Goliath and Bronx.
Amur - Gargoyle Beast, grants +4 to Martial rolls on quests taking place at night, +10 to diplo with gargoyles
Assigned to: Kitsune
This clever hound, whose shape reminds you of and may have inspired the mythical Quilin, is unshakably loyal, a powerful fighter, and will help prove to any Gargoyles you encounter that you mean them no harm.
Huh i just realised something about Go Go. She will make it so Lizzy has a lot more time for her personals and nationals since she has a similar stat spread of being Martial/Learning with a smidge of intrigue.
Huh. Amur being assigned to Kitsune could have had a actual effect. Either he thinks Space-Spawn or recognizes a Gargoyle Beast from meeting Goliath and Bronx.
This quest is happening during the day, so...No. No it could not.
While Marco's repeated failures at diplomacy are funny, he is gonna need to learn how to talk with people beyond being a cat wrangler.

Lizzy and Dennis have proven to be a far funnier comic duo then I would have expected as well, while the Duck apparantly failed all their diplo checks (Which is completely unsurprising given who we are dealing with)
She's the perfect straight man, apparently. Also, Marco's Diplo isn't bad, but, yeah, it's clear his social awkwardness is still there.
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This quest is happening during the day, so...No. No it could not.

She's the perfect straight man, apparently. Also, Marco's Diplo isn't bad, but, yeah, it's clear his social awkwardness is still there.
I'd argue she is isn't even a straight man, its just her and dennis' own forms of comedy bounce off each other really well. Both are obsessive with almost no social skills, but ones hyperactive and the other is completely stoic. Combine that with professional cat wrangler Marco and you just are set up for comedy.

Basically, Lizzy fills a similar role to a lot of the "Comedic Idiot" characters, but one who is so deadpan its impossible to even tell if she is being sarcastic; making her more goofy moments seem more shocking.
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I'd argue she is isn't even a straight man, its just her and dennis' own forms of comedy bounce off each other really well. Both are obsessive with almost no social skills, but ones hyperactive and the other is completely stoic. Combine that with professional cat wrangler Marco and you just are set up for comedy.
Yeah, now that I think about it, lots of their lines would work said by either, it's just the tone. What Dennis says with enthusiasm, Lizzy says with total calm.
As far as the US government (the real one) is concened, Donald served in the army. He got his discharge papers and everything. Pretty sure he was a paratrooper, too.

In the 80s Ducktales show, he was Navy.

I mean, if one takes the wartime propaganda cartoons as canon to Donald´s life, then *yes* he served in the Army - *under Pete, no less* - and at least did some parachute drills. He´s also responsible for the death of at least a whole airstrip full of Imperial Japanese soldiers (technically indirectly with ho things happened, but since it was his assignment to "deal" with that encampment anyway, that´s semantics about *How* it happened)

So yeah, there is *Some* interservices rivalry going on between Army and Navy about who "owns" Donald Duck - only the Airforce had been drawing the short end of the stick until the 2017 Ducktales reboot decided to lob Della at them as "thematic recompense"
So, for next turn...In addition to whatever Negaduck actions are needed, some side objectives I want checked-off:
1. Split/Second? We just got some investment in Mass Media, might as well keep going there.
2. Celebration. Doris is VERY concerning, and we have the DC down to 100. Tobe could probably handle it. The problem is figuring out who to put on it since we're probably having Tobe do another infiltration, and we need to do the DOi quest...Hm...
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