Quest: Magic Missile's Red Glare- The Dauntless Battalion
You are Kitsune, one of several, and you have found yourself hiding in a dumpster again. It's been a few decades since the last time. In vulpine form once more as well. How history rhymes.

The possum, Marvin, scuttles up Balthazar's back, having triumphantly scavenged a half-chewed donut from the recesses of the container. You take a moment to watch the creature. You can see the imprints in his fur where Balthazar's magic connected it with steel, magnifying him into a greater construct.

The wizard hiding next to you does not complain aloud, but his furrowed brow says enough. Balthazar Blake is more than a bit damaged after his encounter with the Morganians, despite the best of both your efforts. Above you, the lid of the dumpster behind Robin's Roast Café creaks slightly as an entirely mundane rat scampers across.

Balthazar sighs, irritation palpable. "Really. A dumpster?"

"Of course!" Monogram's voice emanates from a broken soda bottle. "Think about it. Evil Wizard Guy is going to suspect something wizardly and magical, right? Like that street everyone looks past from that one episode of Dr. Zone. I've seen his type before. He'll never suspect the ol' dumpster trick but I bet you he's off casing all those weird creepy mansions right now."

You resist the base urge to lick your paw. You can shed the layer of filth when you shift your form, but at the moment you have little recourse for the unpleasantry around you.

Balthazar barely looks irritated at being surrounded by the remains of yesterday's dinner and an entire stand's worth of newspaper. He seems a touch more irritated at your companion. "Horvath has a tendency to overthink things." The man admits, in a manner just barely more nonchalant than it is begrudging.

"Exactly! See, we work together pretty well. You know what he's going to do, so we do the thing he's never going to suspect! Like hiding in a dumpster." Monogram speaks with a note of growing confidence. "You guys will be fine for a half hour or two, right? Garbage doesn't get taken out till 5 tomorrow. Agent Russ is fine for now, so I'm going to look for Creepy Girl. She broke off from them, and she's surely up to no good."

"Quite." You purr. Balthazar shifts his attention back to you. As Monogram leaves, the wizard finds himself trapped with two companions left in the dumpster with him: the odor, and the one who convinced him to climb in. The possum as well, but he wouldn't think to turn his ire on a simple rodent. Balthazar glares at the only target left. You smirk back.

"There is a meaning to this perch, dear magister." You point your snout to the alley's edge. On the street just outside your hiding spot, the van you had left behind lies vandalized from within. It is a bit of a shame, losing that. It must have cost the Doctor some measure of coin, however small.

The marsupial perched on his shoulder lets out a 'mep' as it shoves the last remnants of the doughnut into its mouth. Balthazar grunts. "I expected it to leave by now. I think it's getting attached."

He seems neutral on the development.

He looks at you, and that ever-present twitch of stress in his neck sees a little less pressure. You wonder when he last took a day to himself. You continue.

"From this place, you can scry upon the rodents in detail. What do you see?"

You know the response. Magic, wild and untamed, curling through cracks so much as braided smoke. The rats shed their essence with every breath, raw power wired between their many souls, linking them together. Perhaps once it was thinner, but enough time has passed since whatever errant chance formed them to create a thing greater than the sum.

One of them is sitting on the dashboard, staring out at passersby. It does not flinch as a normal rodent might, sitting upright on its hind legs as its eyes take in every detail. As of yet, it has not spotted you. Balthazar stares back, eyes seeming to glaze over as he lapses into concentration. After a long minute he blinks, and lowers the lid again.

"You worked with hiveminds before?" He asks, gruffly.

Once, long ago, you almost entered one, but you slunk away in the end. You know not what happened to those siblings, but you never heard of them again. "I have not."

He places his hands upon his hips. "It's been a long time since I've seen something like this. They're smarter than normal rats to start, and their minds are linked together. They can coordinate, probably distribute thoughts. It's dark magic." he muses, lingering on the last phrase as if he wished to elaborate.

"So they claimed." You agree, already well aware. It's like a dance, tracing the steps of a man's thoughts. Ideas have a tempo. "Can you work with that?"

"...It'll have to do."

"Come now." You bat a paw at the wizard's face. He dodges back, of course, but the sentiment follows all the same. You've received a tad too much of that attitude from grown men as of late, and the space you left the last one left him stranded. Intervention it is "Must you be so dour upon yourself? You have the mind and the means, yes?"

"Yes." He agrees quickly. "It'll be easier to work with them if they're willing. Right now, they seem…" A horrifying shriek issues from the van as thirteen rats, in unison, stare down a small passing pomeranian. "...Disagreeable."

"No more than you, one could argue."

The dog screams back, and immediately moves to mark its territory on the van. The creatures of dark magic, incensed in turn, beat their little rat fists on the glass, trying in vain to tip the vehicle on its side and crush the interloper.

Balthazar moves to rub his forehead, realizes his hands are caked in something unidentifiable, and stops. He pulls out a handkerchief instead, a half-formed cuss dying behind his lips.

You smile. "It is merely a matter of knowing what to say."


Against all odds, Major Monogram was not having a terrible day.

Oh sure, it was terrible to be trapped in some awful creepy mirror dimension. It was really weird to have everything backwards. Literally. The sun was starting to set in the east, all the street signs were backwards, and most creepy of all, the only sound came from his own voice or the occasional reflection. No wind, no bugs, and no birds.

And also sure, the evil wizards were planning on blowing up America using the Declaration. But all hope was not lost! For the first time in months, Monogram actually felt like he could do something that mattered. Agents D, R, and C were coordinating with him via their communication watches, all it had taken was a rousing speech to cheer them up after that cannon barrage.

It was kind of weird looking back on it all. Only a few years after Doofenshmirtz had 'won' and already the world seemed like it was changing more than anyone realized. Gone were the days where his agents could single-handedly wrangle all the chaos in Danville. Instead of mad scientists, nowadays there were cat mafias and other mafias and even some regular old crime too. OWCA had been restructured, and for the better, but Danville was different now. Even Doofenshmirtz was different! The times were changing, and if he didn't change with them he'd get left in the dust. He had actual responsibilities outside of LOVEMUFFIN now, a fact that astonished him. They had been… shockingly easy to defeat, once and for all, once they put their minds to it. And even with the government expecting actual… reports? On investigations? Already he was able to observe his agents with pride (and a bit of difficulty, considering the whole mirror thing) as they looked every bit the wandering pets, sniffing down streets and distracting people from reflective surfaces with their adorable antics.

Major Monogram didn't know the first thing about magic. The last couple missions (and the Mirror Debacle) taught him that as much as he enjoyed the chance to exercise his gymnast's skills, he really wasn't cut out for field work. But he had spent the last however many years managing the pettiest, whiniest mad scientists that Danville had to offer, so naturally that made him the perfect person to hunt down an evil witch child! Besides, if he didn't step up, no one else would! This wasn't like the assignments of the old days where he could count on the villain to be self-defeating. They already had one man (and multiple muppets) down, captured in enemy territory, and the actual fate of the world might be on the line.

They had never prepared him for this in The Academy.

Intrigue Check: Track down the witch!
DC 70
54% CoS, 96+ 5-
Bare Success

The conspiracy nut on So Weird had updated about five minutes ago that he was "sitting on something really big" that would expose the dark truth behind Gravesfield. If anyone could figure that out with a quick five minutes on the internet, then he was sure that would be the witch's next target! Balthazar said they would probably be focusing on damage control, and what could be more damaging than posting video evidence of the whole thing?

Now Monogram was just making assumptions on that last bit, but considering how much found footage was from that very same forest, it would stand to reason he might have a few cameras out there too! And while the nut didn't give out his home address, Monogram had an idea for tracking him down anyway. The witch girl, as it turned out, seemed to have a faint scent of brimstone trailing behind her that Agent D was able to pick up on quickly. He'd have to be extra careful here, knowing that if the witch girl spotted him, it was all over.

They had left Gravesfield's main street and were heading into the residential area, an upper-middle class sort of place by the looks of the houses. They were what most people would describe as quaint, New England style two-story structures that were just distinct enough from one another to avoid the identical suburbia look.

The house that she stopped in front of was a pale shade of green, slightly weathered by the elements, a cluster of ivy edging up the walls that bordered between 'charming' and 'neglected'. A slightly rusting Kludge pickup rested in a driveway with just a few weeds growing through cracks in the pavement. The rearview mirror made a perfect place to get a vantage point, and it would be tricky for the witch girl to see from the outside! Agents C and D were safe down the block, resting in some bushes and making sure none of the neighbors would get in the way, as Monogram waited for…

…the witch girl! Sure enough, she stalked down the street with a smirk on her face, looking like she was enjoying her day. Monogram frowned sharply as she walked up to the front door, clutched something around her neck, and proceeded to open it up like it wasn't even locked.

Well, that was kind of terrifying. And she wasn't even the most powerful wizard here. Making a split second decision, and privately being grateful for those acrobatics lessons, he shimmied up the drainpipe and pressed himself up against the wall. He could just barely hear the snippets of a conversation through the window's reflection, and held his breath despite himself. Could they hear something like that through the glass?

"- the hell did you get in my house?! Wait a second, you're the-!"

"Don't worry." The witch-girl smirked, "You won't remember a thing."

Monogram gritted his teeth. This was awful! He had to just stand by and let an innocent civilian get their head messed with, conspiracy nut or not he was still an American citizen and part of his responsibility! But what could he do? In the mirror realm he had no chance to do anything, if he got spotted then they lost the one advantage they had, and even if he warned the guy it was still just him against a witch!

His phone didn't have a signal but the surface was reflective enough to give him a shaking, shimmering view around the wall. The nut, a thirty-something with cropped brown hair and glasses, was holding onto a dagger while the girl made a gripping motion with her hand, and-

He blinked. "What- what happened again?"

"An accident." The girl recites, motioning for the man to turn around and face his desk. With a twirl of the fingers, the desktop erupts into a flurry of sparks and smoke. "Your computer…exploded because of a-" She pauses, pulling a small leather booklet from a pouch in her dress. She declares "-Power surge."

He had heard enough. With the most obvious 'loose end' wrapped up, Balthazar would surely be her next target! "Come in, Agent D!" he barked into his watch after climbing down and vaulting over the fence. "Oh. Force of habit." Monogram muttered to himself as he searched for the reflection of Agent D's wrist in the underbrush. "Agent D! The witch girl is on the move! Return to the dumpster and let Balthazar know. We're counting on you!"

Hmmm. His odds weren't good, but he did have the advantage of two agents and a potential surprise attack. OWCA wasn't likely to completely take her down, but they could at least distract her till Balthazar was done confronting the other wizard. On the other hand, the mirror trap had turned into a tremendous advantage, and even if sending his agents to waylay her was unlikely to reveal him, he would still be risking his agents in a dangerous situation.

…what to do…


You've returned to your human form again. Young enough, red, curly hair, a half-worn burlap jacket stained by long nights of misuse. It's an art, even if you only ever dabbled over the centuries, crafting an image worth a thousand unspoken words. Convenient that your choice is familiar to the mark, something your detainees would recognize in form if not detail. A half-eaten sandwich dropped from sticky fingers, curses every evening in the wake of swollen bags of trash. The type to feed them, or perhaps to feed on, in peckish moments.

Or so you presume.

"Hello again." You tap politely on the car's side window.

The collective hisses, climbing up onto the dashboard and seats so they may stare at you as one. Dozens of pairs of glowing red eyes glare back at you as a mixed chorus of curses, epithets, and expletives emerges from behind the glass.

"Have you enjoyed yourselves?" A smile always helps. How it does so, you can always pick in the moment.

"WE HAVE ENJOYED NOTHING!" You glance upon the state of destruction within the vessel. Several rats continue to gnaw on what remains of the upholstery, picking at scratched plastic. Amusingly, that would make this easier, so long as you bridge this step well. If you failed, however, their escape would be swift. One thing at a time.

"Not a single song?" You make a show of surprise, polite and restrained. They like to talk, you noticed that originally. As long as you give them the space to.


"My condolences."


"Oh?" You trace a particularly vicious scratch line in the glass. "What would have meaning, then?"

The rats are not as unified in their responses but the meaning remains the same, as shouts of 'FREE US', 'FREEDOM', and in one case, 'REVENGE' can be heard. "ALLOW US TO RETURN, LIVING IN DARKNESS!"

"Freedom, in this nation?" You jest. "Unfortunately, my fellows would be most upset if you were to return to your alleyway unsupervised."

Tiny claws skitter over the remains of the dashboard, brushing up against glass, plastic, and fur, the rodents moving over top of and beneath one another with little care for personal space. The mass remains almost constantly in motion, flowing like water among the shreds of upholstery and the remains of plastic bags. "IT WAS THEY WHO DISTURBED US! WE WERE PERSISTING-"

"Is persisting enough?" You press on the window, and a spiderweb crack emerges underneath your clawed nail. A mistake, but no one needs to know that. Your gaze sharpens, and a sea of blinking red eyes snap to meet the blue of your own.

There is a low chittering of dissent, snatches of words cut half-formed from singular throats as the hive-mind considers your offer. "EXPLAIN! EXPLAIN!"

"Our purpose here has been waylaid. Our dear friend the agent-" You pause and let the rats mutter their conclusions as to who you refer to. "Has found himself detained much as you are."

You are greeted with the sight of a great many rodents standing up as one and rubbing their hands together. They applaud, barely audible past the glass, but the gesture is clear nonetheless. One of them throws a rat-sized newspaper Rizzo probably intended to finish at you. It bounces off the glass. How cute.

"In exchange for your aid in his rescue, I can grant you passage to a better home."

The chorus rises. Heads turn, the swarm stops its motion for a moment as members rise on their hind paws.


A thought, and a shroud of darkness falls on the many minds before you. To the world outside, you are merely a strange woman murmuring to her car. To the rats…


"Perhaps." You begin. "But I have no need to deceive you." A snap of your fingers, and the scene warps.

Danville, as you remember it. The rats scrabble together as the vehicle seems to sink into the earth, leaving them staring up at the seat of Doofenshmirtz's influence. Eclectic skyscrapers embed themselves in a firmament of purple-green smog in defiance of sense and gravity. Closer below, smaller buildings, no less discordant in style and color, press against one another. Lemon-lime-scented air blows through the rooftops while the streets mostly smell of roasting bratwurst and pine. Occasionally Normbots zip through the air, picking up old women and carrying them across the street, or sometimes picking up cats and putting them up in trees. There is a slight issue with the trash, specifically the lack of it, but highlighting some of the varied cuisines seems to do the trick. You take a moment to recall the scent of pizza, to clear and strong effect, as the rat collective raises their noses to the air, eyes narrowing in suspicion.

There is discord in the swarm, more than you have seen before. Perhaps one or two are immediately intrigued, the rest are divided in opinions ranging from outright dissent- "WE WILL NOT FALL FOR YOUR LIES-" to suspicion "-HOW SHALL WE KNOW THIS IS NOT MERELY A WITCH ILLUSION-" to confusion "-WHERE IS THE SUN?! EXPLAIN!"

"Hidden." You start from the last question. "The lord of the land wished it so, and built a great many machines to make it as he wanted."


"Not in plain sight," You tut, and your vision whirls about, spinning and splitting into a multitude of moments. Red eyes split every which way, each taking in a different sight. You have wandered far and wide across Doofenshmirtz's erstwhile capital, and you have no lack of memories to draw upon. Workers chattering in cafeterias as machines quietly pack bag after bag of detritus down a chute, waterworn tunnels stretching beneath the city's aquifers, slick with moss and insects, and, for the most plaintive, a few dumpsters as well, some at rest, others on the move, shunted through that ponderous cycle that is a city's gastronomy and back again. The rats quiver, attention pulled by possibility.

You can see the moment the wonder breaks, a slow flinch rippling through the crowd as base instinct is subsumed by fear and reason both. The rats scrabble back and forth, pulling away from the illusion as they wrench their attention back upon you.


"That was his choice." It does bemuse you, what Agent Russ will think of the deal you are striking. Most likely, he will simply be too exhausted to fight it, so long as you hold the pretense of control. "He feared your choices, in his own way, or perhaps your lack thereof."

The group starts to move again, nestling under one another and the assorted debris as they again come up to the edge of the glass, raising their bodies high, their noses sniffing at the cracked glass as if to assess you. A few of the rats are hanging upside down from the sun visors, heads and bodies contorting so you are always in their line of sight. "HE IS CORRECT TO! HE WAS BITTEN COLLECTIVELY THIRTEEN TIMES!"

"Fear is hardly my concern." You cut them off at the hilt. "All I ask of you in this is trust. A more precious currency, but so fragile. The agent fears he cannot trust you, that you will turn on the innocents in the streets, who fill your dumpsters, and will need putting down. I can lend my trust to you, in this."

Here lies the crux of the matter. The choice is theirs, however you may fool them. You pull the illusion back, the rats blinking at the return to normalcy. "Do you understand?"

Kitsune Diplomacy Check: Convince the Rats
DC 110
54% CoS, 96+, 5-
98+30+11+10 (Offering What You Want)+12 (Now You See Me)=161
Critical Success!

A score of rats turn from you to convene in their own writhing rat huddle. One begins to fastidiously gnaw on its tail as another pair begin to groom, muttering in furtive hisses that are a bit too faint to make out. There is a bit of disagreement, it seems, as a few of them begin to bite and wrestle, though the argument dies down, as one stream of babble triumphs over the other. "WE CANNOT MAKE OUR OWN PIZZA!" "THERE IS NO REASON TO DEVOUR MAN-FLESH WHEN PIZZA IS BEYOND OUR RECKONING!" the collective declares.

Your smile grows further, ever so slightly too long, too sharp. "As you wish."

"What do you think?" You step away from the glass, your smile upon the sorcerer as he steps out of the alley. He observes the hive, the gleam of intelligence in their eyes, the fibers of magic you can almost taste, so closely you stand. The van they remain encased within, that they've devoured from the inside.

"I have a few ideas."


Monogram has Agents C and R, both of which can pretend to be mundane animals, and the advantage of stealth. He could attempt to distract Abigail, or he could just play it safe and return to Balthazar. If successful, Abigail will be absent for any upcoming confrontations with the rest of the Morganians. So will your Agents, but that's an excellent trade. If unsuccessful, things may get difficult. Given his state, Monogram is unlikely to be injured, but he is very likely to be found out if unable to wrangle her successfully. The agents will be in danger, but that's par for the course with NOWCA.

[ ] Attempt to distract Abigail

[ ] Play it safe and keep watch

Kitsune has the attention of the rats, at least for a time. If you're to receive their help, they will need an earnest offer in return. She is confident that one of these will seem agreeable to them- and with minimal cost to you.

[ ] Offer to move them into DEI Headquarters. There will be a hive-mind of rats eating garbage in DEI headquarters. Employee morale will move laterally.

[ ] Offer to move them to a better dumpster with more pizza. The rats will be unleashed upon the Danville Underworld. You are capable of making sure they don't bother any of your citizens too much. Except Candace.

[ ] Offer to move them into the explicably extensive tunnels beneath Danville. Scott the Undergrounder will have company. Lizzy will have an inconvenience.

There is a twenty-four hour moratorium on voting. Vote for individual options, not in plan format.
Quest: Magic Missile's Red Glare- The World Turned Upside Down
[X] Attempt to distract Abigail
[X] Offer to move them to a better dumpster with more pizza. The rats will be unleashed upon the Danville Underworld. You are capable of making sure they don't bother any of your citizens too much. Except Candace.

Monogram watched as the witch girl started to leave and quickly ran the numbers in his head. On one hand, this could be the advantage they needed! One less wizard on the field meant one less wizard for Balthazar to deal with. On the other… he was taking a risk, there was no denying it. Sure, he wouldn't ask his agents to try and beat her up like they would a mad scientist- that was just asking for trouble, but an evil little witch girl sure seemed like the kind who wouldn't mind punting puppies. After considering it for another half a minute he spoke up in a hushed whisper.

"Alright, Agent C! See if you can distract the witch with some of your best tricks, but be careful! If things look dicey, don't fight, just run!" Agent R probably wouldn't be suited for this job at all, Monogram remembered that not everyone found raccoons as cute and cuddly as he did. Crouching into the mirror world bushes, he got a vantage point out of a discarded broken bottle and hoped for the best.

The witch girl did not expect a cat to just run up to her out of nowhere, but first impressions seemed to be good! The girl's face lit up in delight as Agent C rubbed up against her legs and rolled over on the ground in front of her, lowering a hand down to offer a hesitant scratch behind the ears.

Monogram Intrigue Check: Distract the Witch
DC 85
Bare Failure

Monogram let out a sigh of relief as things seemed to be working. The witch girl had become actively interested in the suddenly very friendly cat, and was actually sitting down on the curb to pet him. Far from showing signs of hostility, she had proceeded to relax for the time being, taking Agent C up on his offer to cuddle. As one minute stretched into another, Monogram let out a breath, and actually started to hope this could work out as intended.

…darn it. The Muppets warned him against thinking things like that.

The witch girl gently lifted Agent C off her lap and set him down on the curb, her expression turning again to one of resignation before standing up and firmly continuing down the street. Agent C's next three attempts to distract her or hop up on her legs were summarily ignored, and Monogram saw that he had decided to play it safe and call it quits. Briefly he considered trailing her further, and realized he was already pushing his luck- not to mention making it that much harder to get back to Balthazar in a timely fashion. Oh well. Sometimes missions were unsuccessful.


You are Agent Russ, and you are always one to turn setbacks into opportunity.

Your captor considers you caged, neutralized, out of contact with your allies, and afraid of torture. One of those things is true, but their belief in the rest may do interesting things to how they choose to interrogate you.

Time to roll the dice again, and see who your opponent is this round.

"Good evening." The Redcoat steps into the confessional almost casually, slipping inside the bubble of magic keeping you from freedom with only the slightest click to his boots. In his hand is a small tin tray, upon which rests a teapot and…of course.

"Care for a biscuit?"

Your thoughts consider the idea of jumping him. With the Muppets in fighting shape, the talisman in your pocket, and less allies on the outside, you might have done it. As it is, however, you see no reason not to accept.

"I hope you'll forgive me if I don't partake." you say, taking a biscuit out of politeness. "I left my ability to detect mentally compulsive magic in my other slacks."

"Oh good, more for me." The Redcoat takes a seat cross-legged on the confessional floor, setting the tray down on the chair between you. Grabbing one of the biscuits in a begloved hand, he takes a bite cheerily, only for his expression to cramp a bit.

"I keep forgetting how sweet they make these things now." He says, even as he scurries four cubes of sugar into his cup. "More of a coffee man, yourself?"

"I'll make do." You reply, leaning against the wall in deference to how he seems to want to play it. "You should try the ones with dark chocolate."

"I'll keep that in mind." He replies. "I'm sure you've noticed that my colleagues and I have taken the liberty of relieving you of your armaments. I'm also sure you need no explanation as to why. We'll see about returning them if you cooperate. Even the talisman."

"Blackbeard's" Ghost bursts into the scene, floating through the wall clearly incensed. "Oh c'mon ye lobsterback!"

"Limey." The Redcoat interjects.

"Ye have the chance fer more sugar, and yer not takin' it?!"

"If you think I'll only be having one cup of tea tonight, you really have gone daft. Or perhaps your memory is going, from all that time sitting beneath a diner."

Your eyes narrow behind your sunglasses. This is becoming increasingly absurd. Is this, somehow, the goal?

"'Twas a hotel!" Blackbeard bellows.

"Twas a dump." The Redcoat rejoins without missing a beat.

"...Aye." Blackbeard concurs after a moment. He picks up a handful of sugar cubes and pops them into his spectral mouth one at a time like grapes.

"I appreciate your concession to my entertainment while captive." You note sardonically.

The Redcoat's chuckle lilts into a sigh. "Unfortunately, it seems you're the only one. Master Horvath has sent me with his regards, and his-"

"Terms of Surrender!" Blackbeard hollers.

"-Ultimatum, yes." The most British man you've ever seen clears his throat. "If you are willing to surrender your memories of the last three hours, and our dear friend Blake's location, we'll leave you and yours unharmed."

"Mhm." You sniff at the cookie experimentally. Smells like cookie. "And ah, out of curiosity. What assurance would I have you wouldn't run off with whatever else rattles around in my skull?"

"Well, I do actually know an oath binding spell or two. Picked up a few things from a hag in Boston back before the whole 'Tea Party' business." He sniffs a little at the thought. "But in all honesty, the best you would have is our word for it. I'll swear it on the Ki- Queen's name, if that helps."

You pinch the bridge of your nose. And just like that, you can't ignore it anymore.

"You cannot actually expect me to believe," you say with the voice of a man objecting more because he must do so than because he believes it, "that that is actually Blackbeard the Pirate, a ghost, and you are an actual redcoat from the Revolutionary War." Not a ghost.

"Yes, well I can hardly believe I've met the spitting image of Captain Smollet three hundred years hence, but here we are."

"Hmm?" Kermit hums as he feels a gaze upon him.

"Two hundred and seventy, but who's counting?" Rizzo says, inexplicably.

"Don't draw attention to it." Gonzo mutters.

"If any records survived to corroborate, of course. Balthazar no doubt took the liberty of erasing my marks on history. But yes, Sergeant Nathaniel Chaucer, Jack's Rangers, in the flesh."

"And Blackbeard." He adds, before the erstwhile spirit can bellow his own declaration.

You're speechless. Genuinely, even as a part of you recognizes it as a useful tactic. You try to find something as absurdly unlikely as a wizard scout from the Revolutionary War- and Blackbeard- and to your consternation find you cannot.

He allows you a moment to digest this information. Gently, he raises his cup to his lips and takes a sip. Blackbeard stares, and takes a biscuit.

"I served on the Forbes Expedition. Alongside the Virginia Regiment, if you recognize that." He offers, and you can see, though buried beneath that veneer of British politeness and military bearing, a glimmer of sad curiosity as to whether you'll recognize it.

Your brow furrows. "Wait. In the… Seven Years War? That would have been…"

Your eyes widen. "You served under Washington?!"

You clamp down on the exclamation before it can express everything it wants to. A mere exclamation of disbelief for a Founding Father, not your expression of disbelief. Your relationship to the Founding Fathers may enter your vocabulary… most often when minors are present, but you legitimately look up to the men they were. Or the men they wanted to be, at least. That's something he could use.

If the Redcoat saw any of your shock, he gives no indication. By the tightening of his lips, he might have some thoughts of his own. He opens his mouth, and for a brief, harrowing second, you fear you are about to hear something truly blasphemous come from the Redcoat's mouth.

"Yes." He pauses. "He was a brilliant man. Passionate. Charismatic. Capable."

The Redcoat puts the teacup down, his next words painfully, quietly bitter. "He didn't have to betray us."

You put the cookie down.

Are you going to do this?

Of course you are.

"We asked nicely, you know."

The tone is calm. Measured.

The Redcoat trembles, before stiffly waving away whatever response he was going to make. "I'm not going to waste time relitigating history you won."

What in George's name… which one?

Damn it, what is happening?

"Are you sure?" you ask. "It's something of a novel experience for me."

You decide to push, for several reasons. First, this seems the most usable piece of information you've gleaned so far. Second, every second you can stall for time is most likely valuable. And third.

You haven't decided if you are furious yet.

Russ Intrigue Check: Revolutionary War Pt 3
57% CoS 95+ 5-
55+38+9(Muppets)+5(Secret Keeper)+5(Touched a Nerve)=112

Redcoat Opposed
43% CoS 95+ 5-
87+19+26(Maxim Horvath)+5(Touched a Nerve)=137

You hear the thump of a cane just outside of the door. "Ahem."

Maxim Horvath leans into the room, casting a brief but disparaging eye over the Redcoat's position on the floor. "I'll be taking my tea back, now."

The platter levitates away, giving 'Chaucer' just enough time to snatch his cup off of the platter. Hmm. Good reflexes.

"Geez. Your boss seems like a real jerk." Rizzo notes after Horvath leaves.

"I've had better." The Redcoat admits, adjusting his collar. "Regardless, neither you nor I have all the time in the world. I do need an answer to the original inquiry. Will you accept the chance to walk away unscathed, or would you prefer to take your chances with Master Horvath's 'enhanced persuasion' techniques?"

You notice that he hasn't stood up yet.

"I may be familiar." You reply, carefully shifting the conversation along a fulcrum. "Your word, I might be willing to consider. His word is… better known."

An educated guess.

"Yes, well." The Redcoat vacillates halfheartedly. "He's willing to hold bargains that don't get in his way."

He pauses, considering his next words carefully. "His ire, on the other hand, is something he'll happily take beyond the grave. The man is a genuine wight, you know. Quite immortal. Taught by Merlin himself, if you follow the legends."

He looks you up and down, and the gesture grounds his absurdity that little bit more. You've seen the look in military men before. Soldiers trying to gauge the risk and reward of scaring off or, worse, listening to the government spook poking into their turf.

"You seem a man of backbone. He'll peel you apart if you try to obstruct him. His abilities are quite innumerable, capable of things that might seem impossible to you, or even I. Even if he is not the most powerful sorcerer in the world, he is certainly the most…driven."

The Redcoat looks you in the eyes, but can't quite seem to peer past your sunglasses. "Does that scare you at all?"

Russ Intrigue Check: Windows To The Soul
DC 75
78% CoS 93+ 2-
34+38+9(Muppets)+5(Secret Keeper)=86

If you hold still enough, a man's words become a mirror. They reflect themselves.

For a multitude of reasons, one of which may be holding a plasma bolt in the next room, you can't be obvious about this.

That's fine. It gives you an excuse to indulge.

"I'll ask Nathan Hale. You might have known him."

The Redcoat leans back, frowning. "I have not. Blackbeard, have you heard of this man?"

"Nay!" Blackbeard exclaims, and then he raises a hand as if he remembers something. His mouth opens, then closes again. "Nay. Sounds a rather common sort of name."

You turn your gaze to Blackbeard and switch topics faster than Chaucer can discern their relation. "You know, for such a loyal soldier, I'm surprised to find you working with such an infamous outlaw. Certainly you can't claim anything we did was a greater betrayal than that. The man was from Bristol."

The ghost draws himself up to his noncorporeal height faster than your target can respond. "Why I take umbrage sir! I was a loyal servant of the British Crown until the bitter end!"

The ghost waggles a hand. "I may have… skimmed a bit off the top of the King's own proceeds, ehh in my own way, but who among us hasn't?"

"I think the fleet that sank you might have disagreed." You respond, privately wondering if the dreaded pirate Blackbeard was always this buffoonish, or if it has something to do with becoming a ghost. Best not to ask.

"Why I-"

The pirate is cut off before he can continue.

"More pertinently, three-odd centuries of house arrest is more than long enough to serve his sentence, ad-hoc or not." The Redcoat doesn't mutter, but it's a close thing. You can see gears (or possibly matchlock) working away, sensing an angle it can't quite grasp.

"And what of you?" He's pushing the table around, trying to cut off the line before you can run away with it. "Can you say that your, what do you call them now, agency is a clean one?"

You are very thankful you seem to be better at this game than he is. And, perhaps, that Horvath cannot or will not oversee every second of this interrogation. Your face betrays nothing as you reply: "I suppose it depends on what you really owe loyalty to, in the end."

"My loyalty is to the Crown." He says, firmly. "Master Horvath represents the best path to return to that service, and thus my loyalty stands with him for the foreseeable future."

"He the sort of man who accepts multiple masters?" You ask, more than willing to make an offhand attempt at driving a wedge even if the question goes nowhere.

"The first master of every Morganian is himself." The Redcoat does not quite harumph.

"At the expense of others?" You push. "Not to put too fine a point on it, but Morganians have a… reputation. And I feel pretty expensed."

"Life happens at the expense of others. Externalities, I believe, is what the matter is called nowadays. If a Merlinian sees a man beaten on the street, and he will not raise his wand to save him, he is not the one to pay the cost for his principles." The Redcoat pauses, examining your expression. He chuckles. "I suppose I should hardly expect you to be familiar with the fine details of our little political squabble. The point remains that what we are doing next…"

He trails off, contemplating something, before sighing. "What we are working towards is good, I believe. It will give us the power to make the world a better place, far beyond the scope of any personal actualization balderdash. Change, tangible and not so easily thrown aside by the weight of convenience."

His smile grows a little crooked. "I suppose you would know something about that, eh American?"

You may never have joined debate club, but you know an opening when you see one. "You might not be aware. 'Externalities' were coined as failures of a system. Things happening because those in charge couldn't see over their own plan. To be avoided."

"A state I have been trying to reach," The Redcoat agrees. "I have compromised as I need to. Unfortunately, reality is not built to suit our whims, and we must play the hands we are dealt. I have my own obligations, and do not have the luxury of getting every outcome because I desire it so. Sacrifices thus become an unfortunate necessity."

Perhaps the most concerning thing you have heard so far. If not exactly surprising. You give the man a fixed look. "Assuming you're right. The world turns upside down more often than you'd think."

"It would certainly make a nice change of pace."

You consider trying to drag this conversation on for longer, but there's only so much you can do to keep this conversation's wheels spinning. With help still potentially hours away, you can't actually keep the man distracted until the cavalry arrives. A moment passes. Then two.

"Well, if you have nothing left to say, I see no reason to bother you further."

He stands slowly, carefully brushing the dust from his coat. The teacup floats up to follow him, and he gives Blackbeard a slight nod at the favor, plucking the little porcelain vessel out of the air. "In time, Master Horvath will see you at his convenience."

You nod. With one final, inscrutable look, he turns to go, stepping through the barrier, and out of the confessional. As he leaves you hear Blackbeard turning to him. It's hard not to.

"Are you going to ask the magic box about that Hale gentleman?" It's the closest thing to a whisper you've heard out of the ghost.

Well that was… interesting.

You hope Horvath won't be so full of surprises.


It's later that evening, past sunset by your count, though given the lack of windows in the confessional your internal clock could be a lot less accurate than the one they took from you.

You hear a sound. The slightest scraping in the darkness, that immediately brings you back to focus. In the dark, something small slides under the confessional's curtain, the barrier doing nothing to stop the intrusion. Silently you rise to your feet, slipping towards the doorway and sliding out a hand. Stone. Thick. Carved.

You raise the talisman up to your face.

Time to think about options.


Agent Russ is ready for his big gambit. When his allies arrive, he'll be ready to do his part. What is it going to be?

[ ] Defenestration is Always In: When the chaos starts, Russ will use the Ji talisman to hurl one of Horvath's underlings through a window. This has a high chance of removing the target from combat for a round, but won't accomplish much unless your allies can make use of that breathing room. It will also destroy an extra stained glass window.

[ ] Key Check: With Monogram's help, Russ will use the Ji Talisman to activate his keyfob and bring his Spycycle to the fight as soon as possible. Its autonomous arrival will be loud and distracting if timed to the moment his team arrives, and is subtle enough it will almost certainly work. It will also let you use the Spycycle bonus immediately, assuming your allies get you out of your cage. However, this will have less effect than fully removing a target and, in the event of a critical failure, would reveal your Ji Talisman to the enemy too soon.

[ ] Mind Games: When the team is in place, Russ will attempt to goad Horvath himself into simply taking the information he needs from Russ' mind. Will require an opposed Intrigue check. On a success, Russ will be able to lock down Horvath's personal attention for a round using his own surprise mental combat skills, possibly even two rounds if things go well. The effectiveness of removing Horvath from the board early can't be overstated. However, there is also a moderate chance Russ could sustain temporary psychic injury just trying to hold down an Archmage.

There is a twenty-four hour moratorium on voting.
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Quest: Magic Missile's Red Glare- Hands Across the Sea
Night has fallen. You have only the slightest view outside of the confessional, but the stained glass windows outside have gone dark. The chapel is lit by flickering candles and a few overhead lights, casting the nave in deep shadows. Outside, crickets and cicadas create a chorus in the woods that you can hear even through the walls. You hear footsteps approach, and nod to where Monogram is watching you from the table. Seems like it's time.

Horvath is more or less the same as you remember him. Oversized, fur-lined coat, slightly outdated collar, though not easy to notice at first glance. High-brimmed felt hat, and crystal-topped cane brimming with arcane power. Goatee. He steps into your room in the confessional as if the barrier was not there.

Horvath looks down on you with a look that is not annoyance, if only because it expected to be disappointed. Down, both because he does in fact have a few inches on you, and because within a second of his arrival into the room the cane flashes and you feel your body being forced to its knees. You consider fighting it, but don't. You'll need energy for more important things in a moment, and if you're lucky, he's still underestimating you.

"So, you're from the government." He says conversationally, as if he'd just sat down to tea. "I suppose it was inevitable someone would come poking around eventually, after Balthazar's little stunt."

You say nothing, and a moment stretches out until it quickly snaps. Horvath folds his hands differently, and leans down.

"I believe you're supposed to provide a name? Rank? Serial Number?" He asks, voice just short of mocking. You try to project defiance, laced with fear.

"Ah, well." Horvath says, straightening up again. "Now, see, you've put us in a bit of an awkward situation. The easiest thing to do would be to send you off with those unnecessary memories carted away. No need to further antagonize you government sorts. But if you refuse to let us divest you of those… incriminating details, I'm afraid I will have to rip them out of your feebly resisting mind." He shrugs casually. "And who knows what sort of trouble I might cause."

You make sure what little of your posture you can control conveys strained certainty.

"Sending the Americans back a vegetable would not be in my best interest but, if all goes to plan, I will quite shortly not have to deal with the ire of the United States ever again. So, I hope you understand that if I'm to make sure my plans are uninterrupted, I'll need your head empty. One way or the other."

One quick goad.

"What makes you think it's not already too late?" You smile.

Russ Intrigue check: Mind Trap
66% CoS, 94+ 3-
90+38 (Russ)+23 (Monogram)=151
Horvath Opposed
34% CoS, 98+ 7-
65+26 (Horvath)+18 (Abigail)=109
Russ Success

Horvath's false smile fades away, leaving the scowl you'd hoped to see. He bends down to your face, and with a flash of light and a pain behind your eyes he is falling, falling…

Horvath is alone in a long, dark corridor. A strange, stuttering sound fills the air, seeming to emanate from nowhere. The hall is made of polished stone floor and plain manilla walls, stretching on so far its distant ends fade into white haze. The hall is filled with doors.

This is not so different from what Horvath has seen before. He steps forward, approaching one door made of sturdy oak. Not metal. That's important. The metaphor is the meaning, in the mind. Sturdy, but nothing he can't handle.

Horvath's staff flashes, and the lock on one door clicks gently. Horvath peeks inside, a look of slightly bored interest on his face…

Hm 1937, Vzks Chrmdx qdkdzrdc Rmnv Vghsd, bnmrhcdqdc ax lzmx sgd ehqrs sqtd zmhlzsdc lnuhd zr vd tmcdqrszmc sgdl snczx. Bnmrhcdqdc ctqhmf oqnctbshnm sn ad 'Vzks'r Enkkx', sgd-

Raw information bombards Horvath, a memory encapsulated in a single burst of information. All complete gibberish.

"Blast." Horvath mutters. "Of course a spy would encrypt himself. Fine, then, once I have the schema the rest will fall into place…"

And so Horvath sets to work, staff occasionally manipulating the raw information before him in inexplicable ways, setting himself, if only for a few moments, to the task of solving this puzzle.

Completely insensate to the world around him.


Outside, a fox slips quietly through the church's hedgerows. Under the moonlight, the stained glass of the building took an inky pallour, shadowing any sight of what may be happening within. Kitsune glances at the darkened glass, feeling the seconds slowly tick down. Strange, how the moments seemed to slow at times like this.

Something glints through the corner of the window. The barest flash of something, perhaps the flicker of a candle from inside, or a stray moonbeam catching at just the right angle. Kitsune closes her eyes and listens carefully. Behind her, under the dull thrum of night, a roar begins to build.

The oak doors of the chapel explode inwards with a crashing of stone as something forces its way through the wall, chunks of stone and wood falling all across the room.

Ratting In
82% CoS, 93+ 2-
72+39 (Balthazar)+23 (Kitsune)+12 (Now You See Me)+40 (Ratte Tank)=176
Blackbeard's Ghost opposed
18% CoS, 99+ 8-
83+36 (Blackbeard's Ghost)+29 (Abigail)+10 (Redcoat)=162

The moonlight from outside is blotted out by a massive mechanical construct that looms in the cloud of dust, rising partway to the arched ceiling. Its surface glimmers wildly under incandescent churchlight, an intricate tessellation of metallic fur and tails, snarling rodent heads imposed on gears between them at precise intervals. Metallic, murine laughter fills the air as mechanical claws in the facsimile of treads scrabble for purchase, heaving its bulk through the opening and further destroying the wall. The heads shift as one and cast dozens of pinpricks of red light onto a clearly surprised Redcoat and Abigail.

There is a brief moment of silence, before the Morganians snaps to action. Blackbeard roars as he ascends up to the peak of the ceiling as the Redcoat shoves a hand into his pocket, pulling Abigail under the cover of the pews even as she tries to clutch at the pentagram around her neck.

Redcoat+Abigail vs Balthazar
21% CoS, 99+ 8-
64+20 (Redcoat)+29 (Abigail)+18 (Blackbeard's Ghost)=143
Balthazar opposed
79% CoS, 93+ 2-
22+39 (Balthazar)+23 (Kitsune)+40 (Ratte Tank)=126
Redcoat Success

Blackbeard hollers something piratical as he clenches a fist, debris from the tank's unexpected entrance raising up in a spectral grip. Chunks of stone and splintered pews slowly pick up speed as they rotate in place, before coming down in a cascade onto the construct along with the pirate himself. Blackbeard's saber is extended, glowing with an eerie blue-green light, as it sinks into the front of the tank like a knife going through butter. A chorus of incoherent screams and curses echoes around the room as the debris and knife leave their marks, distorting the fractaled surface with a gigantic gash and an assortment of smaller craters.

The Redcoat, for his part, scrabbles for his focus, hurriedly incanting a barrier in place with one hand as he cocks a flintlock pistol with the other. Beside him, Abigail follows his lead, a red glow building in her eyes-

Kitsune+Balthazar vs Abigail
83% CoS, 93+ 2-
92+39 (Balthazar)+ 23 (Kitsune) +12 (Now You See Me) +40 (Ratte Tank)=206
Abigail Opposed
17% CoS, 99+ 8-
51+29 (Abigail)+20 (Redcoat) +5(Mind Magic) +18 (Blackbeard's Ghost)=135
Kitsune Success

Only for a swirl of fur to collide into her, shattering her nascent barrier in a crack of red lightning and throwing her against the church's eastern wall. Striding atop the tweenage witch, Kitsune looms, Talisman clutched in her mouth. Abigail raises a hand towards the fox, only to tremble, eyes going wide as the world flickers around her.

"Abigail!" The Redcoat twists his hand through the air, the air around him closing to a tunnel between him and the nine-tailed beast looming over her. Long practice brings the pistol up, squared on the creature's chest. The distance closes, and there's just enough time for Kitsune to look the Redcoat in the eye before disappearing in a bloom of gunpowder.

Abigail+Redcoat vs Kitsune
24% CoS, 98+ 7-
56+29 (Abigail)+20 (Redcoat) +18 (Blackbeard's Ghost)=123
Kitsune Opposed
76% CoS, 94+ 3-
87+39 (Balthazar)+ 23 (Kitsune) +40 (Ratte Tank)=191
Kitsune Success

The ear-splitting explosion echoes sharply through the distorted space as the musket ball twists up and away from the witch, lodging itself deep inside a ceiling beam. The Redcoat strides through the compressed space, yanking Abigail to her feet as a swirl of gunpowder floats itself down the barrel of his sidearm.

Only as a ball of lead clunks into place is he able to spot the fox diving inside the confessional.

Hm sgd dzqkhdrs czxr, 'Atfr Atmmx' zmc 'Czeex Ctbj' vdqd mdzqkx hmchrshmfthrgzakd bgzqzbsdqr. Sgd zmshbr ne sgd zqbgdsxohbzk rbqdvazkk zmhlzk vntkc mns etkkx bgzmfd tmshk sgdx zoodzqdc snfdsgdq hm sgd rdlhmzk 1951 Qzaahs Ehqd, sgdhq qnkdr hm sgzs rdptdmbd pthbjkx gzqcdmhmf hmsn sgd qnkdr sgzs vntkc bzszoztks sgdl sn ezld zr sgd kzrs fqdzs rszqr adenqd sgd dmc ne-

The concepts fly around Horvath as he opens doors, finding more and more information to add to his understanding of whatever defenses stand in his way. He raises a finger as a word, [sequence], finally resolves out of the mess. With a grin of triumph, he tosses aside the limited protections facing him.

Fdqshd sgd Chnosaur was one of the first toons to achieve fame. Originally created in 1914 and first famous as a curiosity and vaudeville act, Gertie would later become one of the first Toon stars to step onto the silver screen.

Outrage blooms across Horvath's face. "WHAT-"

The projector shuts off. All around Horvath, metal walls clang down like bulkheads closing. The walls you are lowering will not stop an Archmage. But they will make him very annoyed.

In the real world, Russ winces, stuck still in Horvath's spell. The pain he is experiencing cannot be called unimaginable, because Russ is imagining it. Every effort is being spent on slowing Horvath down without letting him into the bulk of your mind, the places of your hopes, your dreams, the places the man could tear apart upon his way out. The walls crack- every inch of your mental fortitude buckling under a millennium of mystic might.

Twisting back into a humanoid form, Kitsune stalks around the two men, locked in a grave mental contest. To her, the waves of magic are obvious, as is the strain permeating the confessional's air. The slightest disturbance could send the whole affair careening into chaos.

Russ + Kitsune Occult vs Horvath
69% CoS, 94+ 3-
56+19+25+15 (Yang Talisman)=115
Horvath Opposed:
31% CoS 98+ 7-

Glancing at the barrier crackling around Horvath's shoulders, Kitsune lifts a sizable piece of plaster with her tail, and chucks the lot at the archmagister's head. It impacts with a dull thunk, and Horvath grimaces as the pain of solid plaster pulls him out of someone else's thoughts.

You blink, suddenly aware and, at least compared to the other guy, alert. You likely have a matter of seconds before Horvath does recover. The Muppets are peeking around the corner, checking to see if it's time to run yet. Kitsune could get in- you can't get out. The solution is obvious.

"Get us out of here!"

Balthazar: Break Wards
DC 120
85% CoS, 92+ 2-
61+39 (Balthazar)+25 (Kitsune) +40 (Ratte Tank)=165

Balthazar, stepping out from behind the tank, raises his hand in concentration, the ward around the confessional flaring into full visibility. An expression of concentration on his face, Balthazar's fingers twist as one by one the arcane sigils are slowly unwound, until they collapse in a flare of sparks with a sound like shattering glass.

The field is down, you're free to leave, and there's just one thing to do first.

Russ: The Magic Touch
74% CoS 94+ 3-
69+14 (Russ)+23 (Kitsune)= 106
Horvath Opposed Martial
26% CoS 98+ 7-
21+10 (Spell Shock disrupts Phenomenal Cosmic Power)=31
Russ Success

You take advantage of the second that you have and catch Horvath with a solid right hook to the jaw. Unprepared, he cannot react in time and stumbles backwards, tripping over a piece of debris.

"You should have aimed lower." Kitsune notes.

"Live first, banter later." You reply. You still smirk, though, even as you rush out of the room and grab your effects.

You press the fob, and suddenly your ride is on the way.

"Quick, get moving!" you hear Monogram's distorted reflection yell at the Muppets. "Straight out the door!" A second's pause. "-through the gaping hole, go right!"

Redcoat: Deploy Space Barrier
DC 135
37% CoS, 97+ 6-
80+32 (Redcoat)+29 (Abigail)+10 (Redshift)=151
Redcoat Success

Horvath groans as he begins to push himself to his feet, the Muppets clambering around his prone form. As soon as you can confirm they're all out of the confessional, you run off towards the gaping hole in the wall. A few seconds of getting nowhere is all it takes for you to realize that you've seen this trick before.

Out of the corner of your eye, you see a blood-red glow building. You twist to the side in anticipation, just in time to see Kitsune raising the Yang talisman towards Abigail.

Kitsune attacks Abigail
76% CoS, 93+ 2-
83+39 (Balthazar)+ 23 (Kitsune) +12 (Now You See Me) +40 (Ratte Tank)=197
Abigail Opposed
24% CoS, 99+ 8-
76+29 (Abigail)+20 (Redcoat) +5(Mind Magic) +18 (Blackbeard's Ghost)=160
Kitsune Success

The blast of plasma goes wide as Abigail flinches, splashing harmlessly off a pane of stained glass. You catch only the edges of something, like the frame of an empty window. No amount of mind training will let you see magic, but you can see the cast-offs from what Kitsune is doing; little wisps of smoke and phantom sensations meant for Abigail, that in some indescribable way trail off in a direction that you don't have words for.

What matters is the effect.

Abigail stares off into the middle distance, eyes darting between targets that are not there. She tries to hide the emotion but you can see panic beginning to set in, the way she shrinks back, her breaths quickening.

Kitsune closes the distance far quicker than she should have, a seemingly casual stride bringing her close enough to press the talisman into Abigail's forehead. The Morganian goes slack with a spark of red light, slumping back against the cushioning of the Kitsune's tails. Carefully, Kitsune lowers the girl to the ground, plucking the pentacle from her hands. She examines it for a moment, spinning the pendant on the tip of her finger, before letting it clatter to the ground.

Only to turn face to face with Maxim Horvath.

Horvath takes in his fallen subordinate as he circles the battlefield warily. His eyes flick to where Balthazar is still grounding the remains of the ward before looking up to consider Kitsune carefully.

"You're not exactly what I expected the country to send. Some sort of… hybrid? No, half-children of the faeries are typically less… obvious. Some descendant then? A thinning of the blood?"

He takes step by careful step, coming closer and forcing Kitsune to maintain distance. She circles around the pews, carefully matching each step, eyes flicking towards the sickly blue glow at the tip of the archmage's cane.

Horvath comes to a stop next to Abigail as Balthazar grounds the last of the ward. He keeps an eye on Horvath, but before he can resume their duel Blackbeard breaks off from your mechanical monstrosity to worry the wizard with saber held high.

The tank in turn focuses on the Redcoat, attempting to cross the distance between them and grind him under its claws. The mechanical beast heaves through the air, obviously putting on speed even as it bulges through the intervening space at the speed of molasses. The Redcoat flings himself to the side, barely skipping out of range as the rat tank explodes into a flurry of motion, dozens of screaming rat heads cursing in unison as it blasts past its target into the opposite wall.

On the ground, Abigail stirs. "...M …Master Horvath?"

Horvath crouches down slightly, favoring Abigail with a resigned air. "Still alive, Abigail? I'm afraid you've failed."

"I'm… sorry." She replies, weakly, struggling to pull herself up.

"Yes, well, you should be." he replies coolly, before tapping the tip of his cane gently against her neck.

A sound like a shriek does not have time to begin before it is torn out of Abigail's throat. Your head whips around, almost involuntarily, focusing on what had previously been an unimportant backdrop to your escape. In an instant pulsing blue tendrils throb out of her neck, sickly color spreading from the point of contact. Horvath watches dispassionately, apparently not even winded.

DC 79
70% CoS 94+ 3-
Nearly Critical Failure

"At least I'll still get some use out of your en-"

All at once, the sickly glow stops. The tank careens through another portion of the wall, suddenly moving much faster than it was expecting. The tendrils of light drawing from Abigail begin to move back into Horvath's cane, at first by inches and then in a single smooth motion, like water drawn into a pipette. Colors distort in front of you as Horvath seems to move backwards, withdrawing his cane from her neck as he stands up and takes a step back, each of his motions trailing an ethereal sand.

Step. Horvath's face goes from a calculating impassiveness to confusion, brows furrowing.

Step. Confusion gives way to understanding, and then rage. Horvath's face contorts in fury, and that cursed blue light presses against the field of static enveloping him.

Step. Horvath stops. His foot plants firm against the floor, and with a wordless snarl, a nova of light erupts from his cane, shattering the spell like glass, the shards of grainy distortion washing away against the carpet floor.

The Redcoat gasps, panting for breath in great exertion. The small compass in his hand shines with slowly dimming power. A distant part of your mind notes that the tessellation keeping you from running has evaporated. The girl, Abigail, chokes suddenly as he jolts upwards, grasping at a now pristine throat.

Horvath vs Redcoat: Discipline
60% CoS 96+ 5-
Redcoat Opposed
40% CoS 96+ 5-
74+20+18+10 (Redshift) -15 (Spell Exhaustion)=107
Redcoat Success

The air around the Redcoat begins to ripple and distort, pulling in the dust and smoke in the battlefield as space begins to collapse in on itself. He grimaces, grasping onto his focus with a concentrated effort, and manages to pull himself out of the distortion just before it implodes on nothing, a sharp crack of thunder echoing through your chest.

"She-" The Redcoat chokes. He presses his throat with his left hand, pistol still clenched in his right. "She's just a child, sir."

"As are you, apparently." The archmage snaps, cane flaring.

Balthazar (and most of you, to be frank) are watching in stunned silence as the two remaining Morganians turn on each other.

"Why did I think a sentimental royalist would be of any help at all in accomplishing anything? No, actually, don't answer that, just die instead." Horvath adds, raising his staff. "This entire idea has been a complete waste of-"

Redcoat+Balthazar vs Horvath
95% CoS 91+ 0-
92+90 (Crit reroll)+20 (Redcoat)+39 (Balthazar)+18(Blackbeard's Ghost)+40 (Ratte Tank)=299
Horvath Opposed
5% CoS 100+ 10-
43+38 (Horvath)+10 (Master of the Morganians)=91
Critical Success!

A single bolt of plasma rockets from Balthazar's hand, slamming into Horvath's back. The man staggers, hat tipping askew as he nearly falls to the ground. The Redcoat looks stunned, but that's nothing compared to Balthazar, who is staring at his own fingers as if they'd just sprouted wings.

Then, before you can form an opinion on the proceedings, the Redcoat shoots a bolt of his own.

Horvath's cane springs into his hand, tip raising up and deflecting the bolt, but it's only a moment later that Balthazar sends another. And another. Horvath parries, once, twice, before another bolt from the Redcoat forces him to twist again.

Both Balthazar and the Recoat send shot after shot of white-hot plasma into Horvath, as fast as they can manage to form them. Horvath's brow beads into sweat, cane a whirling blur desperately trying to catch shot after shot. Each goes pinging off, blowing a hole into a wall here, a window there, shattering stained glass and letting spots of moonlight shine through. Finally the Morganian is a moment too slow, and one of the bolts connects, clipping his shoulder and making him grimace.

Balthazar grasps at the opening. Drawing power into his hands, blue light coalesces between his fingers. A moment later the Redcoat follows suit, crimson light blooming in his fingers.

Horvath has just enough time to look up before twin beams of light blast out of their hands, rocketing across the room and impacting Horvath at exactly the same time. They explode on impact, sending bursts of multicolor light scintillating across the room amidst a deafening boom.

Stars and stripes, but it looks exactly like a firework.

It must feel like it too. The explosion lifts Horvath bodily into the air, wards fizzing away under the overwhelming magical burst. In both a second and an eternity he soars before gravity sends him slamming directly into the electronic organ, cracking the instrument in half and sending Horvath tumbling to the ground in a shower of sparks and broken plywood.

A discordant organ noise echoes through the night as Horvath slowly rises to his feet, a hiss of pain escaping as he takes a moment to right himself. His fingers clench around his cane as he raises it high, but it barely has time to glow before a swing from Blackbeard's saber sends it spiraling off into what remains of the pews. Horvath whirls around to find a multi-ton tank waiting behind him, a chorus of screeching, mocking laughter blocking his escape route.

Horvath's expression has shifted rapidly from fury, to concern, to a tight-lipped glare of determination. His eyes shift rapidly between Balthazar, the Redcoat, and the ruined middle of the church, scanning the rubble whenever he can risk a glance away from his opponents. One of his hands goes to his pockets, yanking out a glowing blue phial.

In a fluid motion, the Redcoat draws his pistol and cocks the hammer, a spark blooming from the gun at the same time Horvath frantically raises it to his lips and swallows the contents. He vanishes in a flash of light an instant before a musket ball tears through his location and shatters a window on the opposite wall.

It's only a fraction of a second later that your own bullet passes through the same space. Yours has a safety.

You lower the gun, but don't quite holster it yet. The wind blows gently through the enormous hole the tank smashed into the wall. A few chunks of plaster tumble to the ground. Your motorcycle finally rolls in, slowed by the debris and looking almost baffled.

Balthazar and the Redcoat are staring at each other.

Kitsune gently lowers a shell-shocked Abigail down onto one of the few pews left standing. She looks up, a carefully inscrutable expression on her face. "Are we quite done?"

Blackbeard's Ghost flits about, a few frustrated sword swipes punctuating his words in the place where Horvath vanished. "The blaggard's gone!" he roars.

"Portal potion." Balthazar grumbles. "Expensive, single use, unreliable. One last trick up his sleeve." Balthazar pauses, a flicker of something you don't quite catch passing over his face. "Typical Horvath."

The Redcoat bites his lip, eyes slipping between you before catching Abigail's confused, forlorn gaze. He takes a breath.

"I'll be taking the girl."

Kitsune tilts her head, but she steps back from the pew, moving back to your side. Abigail herself seems entirely lost, but she carefully steps back to her feet, shuffling meekly towards the Redcoat, glancing nervously at Balthazar as she goes.

"So uh… does this mean you're one of those Merlinians now?" Rizzo asks, peeking in (as usual) from the outside of the ruined church.

The Redcoat looks at him for a long moment.


Balthazar looks at him with his apparently trademarked disapproval. He cocks his head slightly. "Where were those principles when you signed up?"

The Redcoat looks down at Abigail. The girl looks back expectantly, muttering a thank you beneath her breath as Blackbeard hands her back her pendant.

"I think I have better priorities than this conversation right now." The Redcoat says tersely. "May we take our leave?"

"Hmm." Balthazar doesn't-quite-concede. The moment ends, and before long the Redcoat bundles up a still-shivering Abigail. Your gut twists slightly.

"Will Horvath be doing this again?" Balthazar asks brusquely, making the Redcoat pause halfway through his first step.

"He wouldn't attempt such a thing without a fool to perform the ritual for him." The Redcoat answers. "Without my expertise, I doubt he'd ever bother with the risk."

A wry smile wavers on his face. "He mostly wanted to goad you into doing something rash."

Balthazar's face becomes even stonier. He doesn't say any more.


With that out of the way…

Well. You can't really call it over yet, can you?

You step forward, making it clear to Balthazar you want to talk. He knows why, but he's still going to ask you.

"Yes?" He asks, raising an eyebrow.

"I think it's fair to say the threat has receded." You note, even as Bathazar continues the somewhat painstaking work of repairing the Church without drawing any more attention than its destruction already might have. It may end up with different colored alcoves. "Given that, I need to request that you return the government's property."

Balthazar gives you a searching look. "You know you have no guarantee Horvath won't simply try again."

"Yes, we do." You reply immediately. "Chaucer was the one who could perform… whatever ritual they had planned. He's gone."

"It could still end up being used by someone else." Balthazar counters, but there's less fight in it now, and more testing.

"So could a hundred other things. Are you going to steal the Rosetta Stone next?"

"Your magical defenses leave a lot to be desired." Balthazar responds.

You play your trump card. "Fix them then."

Balthazar blinks. "What?"

Diplomacy Check: Do You Do Consultations?
DC 75/100/125
87% CoS 97+ -1

"Fix them." You say. "If you want to make sure the States have the defense they need to keep Horvath from waltzing in, help them make it."

Balthazar looks… baffled. "I've never been told I have the best customer service."

"You should meet some of our contractors." You reply, beforing giving him just a moment to consider the offer. "You think knowing some people in the government is going to make it harder to do your job?"

He frowns. You try one last shot.

"The world turns. I think it's about time you get on."

There's a long moment of not much as the organ repairs itself.

"I'll let you know my rates."

You smile. And then, despite yourself, feel that smile fading as he reaches into the brim of his absurdly shaped hat… and somehow pulls out the full, unfolded Declaration of Independence.

"It was in your hat?!" You squeeze out, bulging eyes blessedly hidden behind your glasses.

"Pocket dimension." Balthazar replies casually, looking the document over briefly before handing it over. "Handy. You're gonna want that back in a protected case by tomorrow, charms don't last forever."

You struggle to fully parse the fact that you are holding the Declaration of Independence, and Balthazar takes the opportunity to leave. Apparently wizards are capable of more than a binary choice. The master of the Merlinians is finally active again. Horvath is down two Morganians, a rare potion… and a lot of dignity. He also knows your face, even if you ended up more of an accessory than anything.

This went far better than it had any right to.

Even still… It's good to know things can still turn out well, sometimes.

The gigantic metal construct is slowly unwound into a plain white van and several dozen large rats with glowing red eyes. The swarm coalesces into a ball of rodents as the rats crawl over one another before turning to you, in unison. They speak as many, similar hissing, horribly screechy voices.


"A short journey away." Kitsune purrs, leaning back against the altar. "The transport to Danville should not take too long."

"We're bringing them to Danville?" You ask, dubiously.

"Is the good Major not the most qualified of your agents to handle their kind?" Kitsune asks, insouciant.

You think about it for a moment, then shrug. If Doofenshmirtz has a problem with it, he'll say something. At length.

"How are we gonna get the rats to Danville anyway?" Gonzo asks.

"First class, please." Rizzo opines.

"I think I can handle that." Monogram says, stepping confidently forward. A moment later he impacts the glass with a gentle thunk.

Balthazar grunts. "Oh. Right."

"I'll have you know I've transported hundreds of different animals all over the place before! Rats are a piece of cake. If you want a real challenge, try transporting a whale when you're 500 miles inland!"

As you step out of the repaired door and onto the concrete steps before the chapel, there's really only one thing you're thinking about.

What the look on Riddle's face is going to be like…

The sharp joy lasts until you remember the state of your rental.


Quest: Magic Missile's Red Glare completed!

The Declaration of Independence has been recovered in one piece, and Horvath's plan is foiled!

Balthazar Blake, Master of the Merlinians, has a neutral opinion about Russ and his team! Their efforts were acceptable but not exemplary, altruistic but with no guarantee of future alignment. He has no opinion about Doofenshmirtz or DEI. Attempt to reach out to the Merlinians unlocked. Attempt to reach out to the Morganians unlocked (Maybe don't send anyone from this quest unless they have a really good disguise).

Russ gains 1 Diplomacy
Russ gains 2 Stewardship
Russ gains 1 Martial

Kitsune gains 1 Diplomacy
Kitsune gains 2 Occult
Kitsune gains 1 Martial

Kermit gains 2 Diplomacy

Monogram gains 2 Intrigue
Monogram gains 3 Occult

With the Declaration in hand (and a government soon to… rejoin you guess), the question it comes down to now is how to go about handing the Declaration back in.

[ ] Send Russ
Perhaps the easiest choice, Russ already has the document and already knows where to go. Coupled with taking credit for your upcoming 'reformation', sending Russ would allow the super spy to meet some movers and shakers on capitol hill, not to mention raise his status in CAIA.

Russ gains significant standing in Paranormal, potentially giving him more opportunities within CAIA. Options to solidify contacts in CAIA will be available when Russ is in a better headspace. Russ will be better able to contest bad actors within the government as and when they threaten him. Work for the Government personal action upgraded.

Your standing with the government will be upgraded (after Rejoin the Government concludes) to Vexing Postvillain. (Upgraded by Gonzo)

Vexing Postvillain
Your recent choice to rejoin the government, coupled with several good turns in their favor, have moved you off the list of actively problematic CEOs and onto the one for merely passively problematic ones. While many in the government still distrust you and you are far from the government's first choice to work with, you have at least signaled you are willing to be worked with. You're starting to catch up on Shego's standing: 'reformed' supervillain, pretty untrustworthy, but definitely too far down the priority list to take action against unless you do something insane.

[ ] Monogram- Monogram is a government agent as well, and proving that missions undertaken under his own remit can have astronomical results could be just the thing he needs to get his department out from undersight and into a more respectable position.

Monogram loses his Lack of Agency trait, ensuring his continual availability. Personal Action for Monogram to Attend Anthropic Affairs unlocked.

Your standing with the government will be upgraded (after Rejoin the Government concludes) to Vexing Postvillain. (Upgraded by Gonzo)

Vexing Postvillain
Your recent choice to rejoin the government, coupled with several good turns in their favor, have mostly moved you off the list of actively problematic CEOs to merely passively problematic ones. While many in the government still distrust you and you are far from the government's first choice to work with, you have at least signaled you are willing to be worked with. You're starting to catch up on Shego's standing: 'reformed' supervillain, passively untrustworthy, but definitely too far down the priority list to take action against unless you do something insane.

[ ] Just Call Somebody
You could just call someone and tell them you found the Declaration and would like it if someone picked it up, please. You won't be screaming about it on the airwaves in an obvious way (like a part of you really, really wants to) or giving it to anyone else, but it'll be obvious to those in the know that you helped out.

Your standing with the government will be upgraded (after Rejoin the Government concludes) to Deranged Hero. (Upgraded by Gonzo)

Deranged Hero
Congratulations on yet again driving someone insane. The government now has no idea what to think of you. The prodigal son is not supposed to come back with his own fatted calf, let alone the golden fleece. There's few ways better to convince someone of your sincerity than by giving them their nation's founding document. While a handful of conspiracists now think you orchestrated the whole thing for clout, the fact remains that this was done for clout. Clout with the government, specifically. It's now impossible to deny you want to play ball, and with the current climate, the government can't really afford to refuse you. Relations with the government are now so confused that they have practically been set back to zero: Yes, you're a supervillain, but you're publicly kissing the ring and privately were the one to find the ring in the first place.

There is a forty-eight hour moratorium on voting.
Last edited:
One Way or Another, Part I
"Well I'm sorry sir, but I'm afraid you've been… rebooked."

Tom Lucitor's frown was a powerful thing. You could get a lot of eyebrow creases with three separate eyes, and there was something about purple skin that really added to the effect.

"What?! I put in the request weeks ago! Look, I even have a confirmation email!" Tom held up his phone. "What are you talking about?"

The thankless intern tugged at his collar. "Well, um. We had a priority request from… management?"

Tom threw up his hands. "What does that even mean?! My orders are coming down from the top, your boss wants me to summon an ancient Mewman queen and I've been waiting weeks for the right phase of the moon! You can't just push me off."

It had taken Tom a long time to figure out how not to be constantly furious, and an even longer time to figure out when it was ok to be annoyed.

He was pretty sure this was one of those times.

The intern smiled nervously. "Well, the thing is, she can be, uh… really persuasive when…"

A terrible suspicion stole over Tom, whose three eyes narrowed. "Waaait. Don't tell me this was-"

"Hi Tom."

"JANNA! AH!" Tom flailed backwards, arms pinwheeling to keep balance despite the fact that he could in fact fly. He scowled as his feet finally found purchase. "Janna, we talked about boundaries-"

"Which is why I officially stole your spot ahead of time instead of just showing up." Janna countered.

Tom held his head. "This is important, Janna. Celena is a powerful, centuries old sorcerer-"

"Hey." Feldrake commented.

"...who isn't a jerk."

"Fair." Feldrake admitted, as Janna dipped the staff in a manner that vaguely suggested a shrug.

Janna put a non-comforting hand on Tom's shoulder. "Anyway. Relaaax. I just have a couple important spells to try. Need to practice. Then I'll be out of your hair. Done by lunch."

"It's 1pm…" Tom muttered, but fell into step regardless.

"Listen." Janna said, letting a tiny bit of honesty slip into her tone. "I've been putting this off for way too long. I need to study if I'm going to get strong enough to find Star before anyone else does. And this book is my best shot. Do you want me doing this outside of a pentacle?"

"No! I… no, that… no." Tom admitted.

"Besides, the moon is going to be crescent for ages. It's not gonna turn full in a few hours."

Tom finally settled into acquiescence, deciding to simply not leave the room until he could use it.

Kneeling in the center of DEI Occult's primary pentagram, Janna reached into her ever-present shabby backpack and pulled out one of the vilest books in the known universe.

"Is that… demon magic?" Tom asked curiously.

"Yeah pretty much!" Janna replied. "The Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy. I've been skimming this thing for ages but this'll be my first real try getting into the good stuff." Janna grinned, flipping through the pages as she'd seen Star do with her own spellbook in the past. Actually it was really hard to see what you were skimming through this fast. She slowed down a bit.

"Now Janna." Feldrake lectured. "You're about to try to make use of incredibly dark pact magic to deal with vile and untrustworthy entities. Their goal is to trap you in dark and twisting pacts that will steal your very soul!"

"Hey." Said Tom, who was ignored.

"You remember what I told you?"

Janna pulled out a fake mustache. "My name is José, I come from Bolivia, and I won't take no for an answer."

"Attagirl. Proceed!"

Janna perused the next few pages in the book. "Let's see. Curse of Withering, boring. Blacking out the sun, Doof did that in an afternoon, pass. 'Immorality Beam- save that for a rainy day. Oooh, here we go- living fire sounds sweet."

"Iiit's a classic." Tom begrudgingly admitted.

Janna ran her finger down the page. "Ok, seems simple enough, I just need to-OW!"

The book snapped shut on her finger.

"What the heck?!" Janna said, shaking her finger. "It's never done that before."

"You've never used it before apart from stupid pranks." Feldrake replied. "Try again."

Groaning, Janna slowly forced the book open. She got just far enough to make out a few words before-

Snap. Shut again.

"What's wrong with this thing?" Janna complained.

"Well, as an expert in demon magic… I don't think it likes you." Tom replied.

"What, are you serious?" Janna asked dubiously.

"Of course he's serious! An artifact this dark and powerful is almost always sentient." Feldrake interjected. "Maybe it's mad you didn't earn it fairly, I've known some artifacts like that."

"Oooh." Tom said in sudden realization. "Janna you stole this didn't you?"

"No!" Janna replied defensively, pulling the book towards herself. "Well, sort of… it was… an unfairly fair fight."

Tom shook his head. "The book's pact is definitely still bound to the original owners. There's no way it's going to work for you if you just took it."

For a brief moment, Janna looked stricken. Then, just as quickly, the concern vanished, replaced by determination and a crooked smile. "Well then." she said, cracking her knuckles loudly. "I suppose I'll just have to fix that."

Janna turned to a two-page spread covered in intricate runework that wound together to depict skulls, bones, and demonic figures that looked very unhappy with their lot in life. The words 'THE PACT' stood ominously over a paragraph of text that seemed to be scratched into the vellum. A faint smell of brimstone filled the air.

"What is that, Sumerian?" Feldrake didn't squint at the characters on the page. "Well…uhhh." "You definitely picked the most complicated spell in the book to start off with." Feldrake's previous enthusiasm petered out, and more than a few notes of uncertainty entered his voice. "Well, uhhhhhhh….Remember what I said about… pronouncing the incantation correctly-"

"Oh no no no no no." Tom waved his hands emphatically, standing directly in front of Janna. "Janna, are you kidding me?! Demonic pacts are serious business. This isn't some dumb Naysaya curse that teenagers use for jokes-"

"We are teenagers." Janna pointed out.

"That's exactly the point!" Tom yelled, before calming slightly. Putting his hand on his heart, he did his best to appeal to Janna's better nature. "Janna, trying to undo a Pact as a third party is almost impossible. Let alone redirect it. Please don't-"

"I'm gonna start now." Janna said.

"Janna, he's-" Feldrake deftlessly avoided the word 'right'. "Th- It'll take ages to undo a Pact, it's not something you can just do in a day!"

"What, you too?" Janna asked, almost disbelieving. Her eyes glinted. "Since when were you a stick in the mud?"

"Since a lot longer than you've been alive!" Feldrake snapped. "Do you have any idea how long it took me before I got close to godhood?"

Janna clenched her fists emphatically. "Look. I need to learn more magic. You told me yourself. This is the best trove of magic I'm likely to get outside of just asking you. Unless you have an Encantus just lying around?"

Feldrake grumbled. "Well, no-"

"Then shut up and help, birdbrain. I can do this."


Malifishmirtz the Warlock floated around the foyer of Castle Doofhawk, telekinetically holding a bucket of Goozim Blood (that is to say, blood 'produced by' Goozims) and grumbling to himself.

"Leylines. What are leylines even good for anyway? Back in Drusselstein we sure didn't have 'leylines'. We got by with- well wait actually, no we didn't. Huh. Maybe that's why all the warlocks in Drusselstein met with gruesome ends." A gesture produced a splattering trail of crimson across the new rug, at an obtuse angle. "And now, over in this place called 'America', they have even more of the things! So what if I couldn't map them out, they've only been discovered for, what, 500 years? Who could?!"

Danville was not located on a massive convergence of leylines, but anyone with the knowhow could divert power off of the nearest one. It was the principle behind ritual circles, and Malf had rambled about this fact for hours on end to some truly unfortunate members of the Occult Division. He snarled, continuing to expound upon the obvious fact that anything he didn't understand was stupid. "What do you even need leylines for, anyway? Those 'ninja' and their 'ninja magic'? Ugh!"

Some completely unnecessary air quotes splattered even more blood across the wall, running down a channel between the masonry. If anyone were paying attention, they would notice the air in the room started to feel a bit more magically charged.

"Ninja. Now they've got me saying those newfangled terms too."

Malf frowned. As a ghost, he could easily see the way his sloppy circle work was failing, catching on the ambient magic flowing into the room. Mentally editing the word 'sloppy' out of the thought, he hit upon the obvious problem.

"Ugh! Stupid natural magic! How am I supposed to map leylines with all these leylines in the way?!"

Grasping onto the flow of magic with both hands, Malf tugged. The flow of magic slowly, sluggishly shifted, torn carelessly from its natural course. Plunged into this new pool of relative mystical dearth, the magic of the leyline began to congeal, forming a thick knot of raw potential. It was not unlike what a wizard would have done to begin gathering enormous power for a ritual of great import. A great working requires a flush of energy. Power spread over the room, rising to the surface like a slowly growing rash, blood rushing to the skin in response to an irritant. Left alone, such a rash might heal, or might prove the presage of poison ivy or some more insidious infection all too prepared to take advantage of the glut.

That is to say, it was something that really should be checked by a Doctor.

"There." Malf said, notably void of doctorates. "Now we're getting somewhere."


"𐎣𐎠𐎱𐎪𐎭𐎤…𐎽𐎽 𐎱𐎨𐎽𐎨𐎭𐎦?" Janna intoned uncertainly.

"You got the declension wrong." Feldrake noted.

"What the hell is a declension?!"

"Irkalia actually, or Kukku depending on the era."

"Shut up and let me focus!" Janna replied.

The candles around her snuffed themselves out simultaneously and re-lit with an ominous black flame.

"𐎣𐎤𐎠𐏂𐎧… 𐎨𐎬𐎠𐎦𐎨𐎭𐎤…"

"You're putting the pauses in the wrong places. Also that didn't rhyme."

"It's supposed to rhyme?" Tom asked dubiously.

"Only in English." Feldrake replied.

"𐎠𐎦𐎱𐎤𐎤𐎬𐎤𐎭𐏂… 𐎣𐎮 𐎠𐎦𐎠𐎨𐎭"

"That one was fine actually."


"Hey! No exclamation points in cuneiform. The tone is inferred."

Tom blinked in confusion.

Out in the hallway, the lights dimmed. A deep rumbling noise issued through the vents as the mandated portraits of Doofenshmirtz in every room started to weep blood. New lines of occult power began to appear midair, shifting together to form a pentagram.

Janna's eyes widened in triumph. "That means it's working!" She screamed.

Tom frowned. "That's what I'm afraid of."

The tiny Doofenshmirtzes on the wallpaper all started to scream at once.

Arms shaking, Janna took a deep breath.

And then everything went silent.

Feldrake peeked out from his always-open eyes. "Did it work? Somehow?"

Janna smiled easily. "You shouldn't have doubted me."

"Art thou sure about that?!?"

There was a closet on the wall of the ritual room, used for storing goat's blood and goat's milk and goat's eye and, really, an unreasonable amount of goat. 'Was' being the operative term, because so soon as the three (minus the long since fled intern) turned to look, the closet exploded outwards, releasing a choking wall of smoke and three shadowy figures.

"At last, sisters! After… how long has it been?" One voice cried out.

"Uhhhh…" A slightly dopier voice replied. "Between one year and two, smells like."

"No way." Janna muttered in complete disbelief.

The first voice clucked in approval. "After ten thousand hours we're back! And now-"

With the wave of an arm, Winnifred Sanderson parted the smoke. The Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy shuddered on the ground. Janna leapt for the book a moment too late, and the Manual skidded across the floor before flying neatly into her arms.

"We shall have our revenge!"
One Way or Another, Part II
The laboratory halfway up DEI headquarters, formerly the workplace of LOVEMUFFIN, lit up with a dazzling array of brightly colored lights for the first time since its former owners had vacated. The place was practically sterile, very little on the walls save for a few antiquated anatomy posters, and nothing in the way of decorations, but it still looked lived in enough that one could call it 'homey'. The mugs of coffee and half-eaten sandwiches, strewn across the lab benches in defiance of most biosafety protocols, were sign enough of that.

"Ahhhh, Janus! Come come come! Is wonderful to be seeing you!" Jumba said, as if the two had not last spoken at breakfast that morning.

"Is it finished? It's been so long since the last time you made one, I've forgotten how quickly you work!" Janus Lee had a foreign expression of excitement on his face, something most of his coworkers had never before seen.

"Is power of inspiration! Big city destruction is well and good, but sometimes truly despicable idea will be coming to you out of nowhere. Like phone, for instance!" Jumba brandished the latest ENCOM model. "Now most of time, phone is very accommodating for fingers. But on occasion… autocorrect is most despicable. Like other day in which proclamation of new genetic abominations is corrected to generic! Bah. Nearly losing evil villain cred for that one."

"So you've created a living autocorrect?" Janus raised an eyebrow, long since having learned that Jumba was able to stretch the bounds of what he had previously considered reasonable science. "What's the catch?" he asked wryly. "Because that almost sounds like a good thing."

"Autocorrect? Autocorrect?!" Jumba cackled madly, a deep bassy trump that shook the room's vials. With a grand gesture, he threw open the doors to the specimen room. "No Janus. I have invented an Autoincorrect! Behold, Experiment 103-E!"

Sitting on a small perch in the center of the vast specimen tube was an avian creature slightly smaller than Jumba's usual creations. It had yellowish plumage, except for two orange tufts on the side of its head, a large cream colored beak, and a massive pointed protuberance almost as long as the Experiment itself coming out of its head like a conical hat. Its bulbous eyes were lazy and unfocused.

Jumba smiled at it. "Go on, say something."

Janus opened his mouth to speak, and the bird's unfocused eyes turned in his direction.

"I'd like to see it tfry."

On a plane of existence as much metaphor as it was real, unseen to both of the scientists, the world shifted in a kaleidoscope of color. The experiment pulled out a glowing quill and delicately struck through the first letter of Janus' last word, writing another in its place.

"What?!?!" Jumba roared. "What do you mean, 'fry', you will not touch my-" He stepped short, and slowly began to smile. "Ah, oh, aheheheheheHAHA! Very clever, 103-E!"

The birdlike experiment slowly blinked in response.

Janus massaged his throat, confused at the word that had exited it.

Jumba returned immediately to his boasting. "Experiment 103-E can flawlessly change any singular phoneme in target's speech retroactively, as if never occurring! Nearly undetectable effect and benign appearance-"

The bird scratched its enormous cone-shaped growth.

"Is based in exotic planes of reality, incorporating limited research from Experiment 610." Jumba described the integration of magic into his work in the same way most people described a new type of screw. "Imagine the chaos he will be capable of! 103-E can cause politicians to commit gaffes live on campaign trail, closed captioning writers will continually get inexplicably obvious things wrong, and best of all, scientific rivals will be tricked into referring to incorrect nucleotide pairs at academic conferences! AHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!"

Thunder boomed, and Jumba clucked appreciably at the Dramatic Lightning-Inator doing its vitally necessary function.

Janus nearly concealed a chuckle, remembered he was among peers, and decided to indulge himself. "Very good doctor."

"Now then" Jumba said, flipping a switch and releasing the Experiment from its confines. "TJest run?" Jumba offered.

He already walking towards the elevator.


"Aaaugh!" Tom jumped. "I- who are you?"

"OOh, look Winny, a demon!" Mary Sanderson said, grasping her sister's hands.

Winnifred for her part looked Tom over with a critical eye. "So it is. You there, spawn of the underworld! Whyfor do you inhabit this place?"

"Well, I don't really live here." Tom said, poking a thumb at Janna. "She kinda roped me into i-"

"She has bound him to her will!" Winnifred declared. A moment later Sarah and Mary joined in, echoing 'her will." A few times for emphasis.

"Ooh Winnie she must be strong." Sarah said, once the idea to say more than one thing entered her brain. Twirling a lock of hair, she and Mary began to look trepidatious.

"Nonsense! Observe the demon's scrawny features and poor dress."

Tom rubbed his arm awkwardly.

"She is clearly no great conjurer."

"Oh yeah?" Janna smirked, only a touch of concern wobbling at the edge of her mouth. "Forgotten who beat you last time?"

Swirling fire gathered in Feldrake's mouth, coalescing into an orb that was flung directly at Winnifred's head. She batted the projectile to the side as one might do to a fly, or perhaps a leaping squirrel.

Winnifred's tone oozed delight with each syllable. "As I recall, it was an assemblage of the greatest wizards New Amsterdam could muster, an apothecary, a man of the law, and a Child of Oberon himself." After a moment, she amended "Aiding you."

Janna grit her teeth. "I don't need any help to do this!"

A burst of colors poured out of Feldrake's mouth, twisting into scintillating patterns that wrapped rapidly around the Sandersons. Winnifred stepped back dramatically, drawing her shawl up against herself, but her sisters had more trouble.

Sarah stopped laughing and stared at the display, slack-jawed. "Pretty… colors…" Mary's face wrinkled on consternation, squinting as she struggled to raise a hand and shield her eyes. "Not now… Mr Rainbow… we're busy."

Janna grunted, arm slipping slightly as sweat beaded on her brow and coincidentally spinning Feldrake around so that he could look directly at Janna. "You ignoramus! What are you doing?!"

"Wh… winning…" Janna grunted. "This is the best spell I know."

"Oh? Then we shall be done in a trice. Come sisters!" Winnifred said, throwing her hands back and slapping both Mary and Sarah hard on the face in one grandiose movement. "Let us be about this."

The spell broke, strands of color floating to the ground before dissipating entirely.

"What were you thinking starting with a spell that strong?!" Feldrake snapped, his eyes glowing violet. "We both know there's no way you'll be able to cast that again! If you're in a duel, you start out with something like Plasma Bolt! Sure it's not as flashy, but it doesn't take as much out of you!"

Tom slowly backed up from the scene. "Janna, I really think we should be trying to-"

A malformed bolt of plasma streaked towards the Sanderson Sisters before dissipating a foot or two in front of them.

"Oh… dear." Winnifred said, eyes glinting. "Having a bit of trouble, are we?"

Janna froze, eyes roving over the room.

"What'll we do to her, Winnie?" Sarah asked excitedly.

"Yeah, what'll we do?!" Mary echoed. She sniffed. "Too old to eat."

"A dog!" Sarah declared happily.

Mary pouted. "Oh, we've done animals!"

Tom prepared to throw fire.

"Not a dog!" Sarah replied beseechingly.


"Silence!" Winnifred snapped. "We shall not be doing a dog today, perhaps a bird-"

"I… I think a dog is a great idea!" Janna half-stuttered.

Winnifred blinked, then leaned over towards Janna, spine twisting. "A-what?"

"Uh... yeah!" Janna continued nervously. "I think Sarah's idea sounds fun."

Sarah stuck her tongue out at Mary, who balked at the sight. "Now it's two against one!"

"Simpleton!" Winnifred snapped, rounding on Sarah. "She does not get a vote in the matter! Have you lost your wits?"

"But Winnieeeee…"

For once moving in synchronicity, Tom and Janna began to slowly edge away. An inch, a foot, then two and three. Five steps out of the door they broke into a run.

"-cease this nattering this instant, or by the circles of hell we shall not transfigure for a month!"

"Noo!" Both Sarah and Mary begged, literally falling on their knees. "Oh please Winnie, please not that!"

"If I can't transfigure, how will I maintain my girlish physique?" Mary asked.

Winnifred sniffed. "Good. Then let us finish off the wretched girl who-"

Winnifred's dramatic whirl was interrupted when she discovered that the wretched girl had completely disappeared.

"Where have they gone?!" Winnifred demanded.

"Oh," Mary said, "They walked out the door a moment ago." She attempted a winning, gormless smile, one whose ultimate goal was to assure the target you were far too stupid to be blamed for whatever had just happened. "Should I have mentioned that?"


Danville's streets were awash in chaos. Goblins swarmed over a hastily-made barricade, swords extended as they screamed in fury at the last of the defenders. The few left behind to hold the line were quickly overwhelmed.

Phineas smiled happily as the defenders were 'slain', their slightly-awkward-yet-dramatic declarations echoing through the streets. After a few appropriate moments of playing dead, the castle guys picked themselves up and shuffled off into an alley, trying to find where the scene would continue.

"That's one more for the Transigortians!" Phineas said, happily reporting the results to a central database. "I think the dark lord might take this one, Ferb!"

Setting up a massive FCLORP across the city had to be one of their best ideas ever! The turnout to this thing was massive, Phineas had expected maybe ten or twelve nerds other than his friends to show up, but they were numbering in the hundreds! Luckily the flash-fabricated safety swords and shields made sure everyone could fill a role, and some flashy lights and special effects filled in for the magic.

Seven wood elves riding on a giant mechanical treant stomped by, prepared to avenge their fallen allies amongst the sky dwarves. Two very committed Dr. Zone fans were playing out some sort of 'dimensional resonance' episode with a collection of very confused orc barbarians, and someone had finally found the giant dragon suit.

The majority of Danville that wasn't participating still found themselves enjoying the fun. The city's annual sci-fi/fantasy convention wasn't for another month, but businesses and public servants all over enjoyed the chance to welcome some absurdity into their lives and play along with the nerds for a while. For a time, nobody in the city thought it strange for someone to shout about witches or elves, and they could all appreciate the practical effects of casting magic.


The DEI Accounting Department was one of the few parts of the company that did not hold to its unconventional work structure. While it would be inaccurate to call them thankless- their pay and vacation days compensated rather well- these were the people who worked to ensure DEI's continued expense structure and investment strategies kept the company turning a profit. Needless to say, they were extremely hard at work.

Multiple heads rose from multiple cubicles when the doors to the department burst open, three witches sauntering in with a dramatic declaration. "Peons! I require assistance!"

This was far from the first time shenanigans had spilled over, or even their first time at being called 'peons'. Doofenshmirtz got creative with their job descriptions sometimes. The secretary looked up, cut off before he could even begin to speak.

"We are hunting a witchling! Dark hair, wielding a horned goose staff. It is possible she has bound a demon!"

"Oh. The, uhhh…. FCLORP stuff, right." he muttered, clearing his throat. "All the witches are, uh, taking to the city streets? There's… everyone's downstairs and outside."

"Wonderful! Then we shall take our leave. To the portal!"

Winnifred spun around and strutted out the door again. The few employees who hadn't already looked away turned back to what they were doing. Another day, another screamer.

Frankly, having the new occult department next door had barely moved the needle.

Winnifred strolled back into the hallway and frowned at her two sisters, worrying over the exit.

"The door won't open Winnie!" Sarah moaned. "It is stuck fast!"

Winnifred gazed imperiously over the metallic panels- clearly a portal, but with no true means of egress. Winnifred knelt down in front of a mysterious plaque embedded in the wall.

"Come here sisters. What dost thou make of this?"

Sarah looked hard, examining the shiny, depressed circles emplaced into the wall, one of which was lit from within. "I think, those… are numbers, Winnie."

"I know they are numbers, fool!" Winnifred snapped, causing her sisters to lurch away for a moment. "What dost thou make of it?!"

"Well you can make bigger numbers." Mary suggested.

Winnifred sneered. "And what of these?"

Mary examined the runes. "Why, that is the symbol for fire… and that for water sister."

"A riddle!" Winnifred declared. "Of course an apothecary would surround himself with symbols of his trade."

"Ohh games! Games games games!" Sarah clapped her hands gleefully. "Ah… what's the game?"

"Perhaps… we should… touch one." Mary suggested.

"The lit one?" Sarah suggested.

"No!" Winifred declared. "It may be a trap." She pondered for a moment. "I have it! Fire rises to the sky, and water falls. To descend, we must touch the water rune!"

The metal doors rumbled and parted, revealing a small, well-lit empty room.

The three witches stared back for a time, until the doors started to slide closed. "Nay!" all three shrieked at once, Sarah moving forward faster than her sisters. As she stepped inside, the metal doors froze and jerked open once again, prompting the other two witches to jump back and Sarah to nearly lose her balance.

Winnifred smiled. "Aha! This enchanted device knows how to obey a powerful witch! Good! Now, downwards carriage!"

There was a brief pause.

"Downwards!" Mary tried.

Suddenly, the elevator shuddered into life, dropping downwards in a smooth motion.

"You just have to know how to talk to these things." Mary said to no one in particular. The elevator continued for a few moments, ticking down from 28 to 27.

A few floors further down, the elevator came to a stop. The doors opened and two odd men stepped inside, a blond with heterochromia and a four-eyed monstrosity in a white coat. Some sort of odd bird was perched on his shoulder.

All six inhabitants stared at each other.

A few moments passed as the elevator resumed its slow descent. As the sign turned to single digits, Sarah opened her mouth to say something, only to be met with a quick slap from Winnifred. The blond man opened his mouth, only for the monstrosity to nudge him in the ribs in turn.


Janna skidded into the lobby after leaping off the stairwell, leaving a long thin mark that would drive Mr. Moseby insane later that day. With a running vault she flipped over the concierge desk, landing next to Max who didn't even look up from his paper.

"Hi Janna."

"Hey Max."

Max blinked. "Wait, you didn't try to tease me at all." He folded a copy of X-Treme Sports (the magazine the 2000s forgot) and looked down. "Who's trying to kill you?"

"Sandersons." Janna replied tersely even as Tom popped out of the stairwell as well.

Max thought for a moment.

"...nope!" He said, pulling his newspaper back up.

"I just need somewhere to-"

"Neeope!" Max said more forcefully, putting up a 'be back soon' sign despite not actually moving. "Company mandated lunch break."

"Max!" Janna grit her teeth. "Please."

"...sigh. You've got two minutes."

Janna immediately flipped open her phone. "Thank you cool whatever oh heeeeeey Marco! How you doing?"

"Janna, I can't talk right now." Marco's voice rose out of the high-end Doofphone.

"Liiiisten." Janna replied as Tom joined her crouching under the desk. "It's kinda important…"

"I think I've found someone who saw Star."

Janna grimaced. "Look that's really cool but-"

"Yesterday." Marco hissed.

Janna pulled up short, dumbfounded. "I-"

"I have to go." Marco said firmly. "You have a whole building full of weirdos. Whatever it is, make use of them."

Marco hung up.

"Did Marco just hang up on you?" Tom asked, astonished. "He never hangs up on you."

"Uuughhnn!" Janna groaned. "Okay fine, fine. We can talk to the occult department." She flipped her phone open and dialed again. "We'll just get some more firepower, and…"


"So today, servants, I am going to be teaching you a spell near and dear to my heart. A spell capable of shutting up even the most annoying peasant screams. Behold!"

With a burst of not-sound, every noise in the room was replaced with a gentle buzzing. "Ahhhh, Silence. Is there a better spell for dealing with peons?" Malf asked, strolling leisurely across the room. "Except Doom Finger I mean, but for some reason that's not allowed nowadays. Because of these things called labor laws. And federal laws. And morality. Morality! Can you believe it? Back in my day we had immorality, and we liked it. They say if I do anything I'll get the Feds on us. I don't know what a feds is but I don't want one on me, it sounds like a rash, so I'll just hit them with the non-lethal spells for now. Hmm. Turning them into cows isn't lethal, maybe I could get away with that!" Malf rambled to himself as he hovered between the thankless, silenced interns. Looking past them he saw the infuriating noise device on his desk silently blinking a bright red light at him. "Wait, what, is that thing blinking at me again? Stupid thing, stop blinking!" Malf snapped, picking up the silently ringing phone and staring back at it. "Stop that! I can blink too, you're not special!"

He blinked each eye, one at a time, at the phone for a few seconds. The phone continued blinking back. "Oh yeah?! W-well you know what else I can do?"

The window shattered silently as the phone plunged thirty stories to its demise in the parking lot below. "Whaddya think of that, huh?"

The phone notably did not say anything.

"Anyway, where was I? Oh yeah, Silence! Pretty neat, huh?" Malf asked expectantly.


Malf frowned. "Well? Come on! Don't just sit there silently moving your mouths, answer me!"


"Seriously?! Not even 'leave a message?!'" Janna threw her phone in frustration, letting it clatter to the ground. "Kitsune and Russ are over in Boston or something, and I don't know where the hell Tobe is… which means it comes down to me." Janna's tone was halfway between annoyed and self-assured.

Tom frowned and raised a hand, putting it on Janna's shoulder. "Janna, were they telling the truth about last time?"

"What do you mean?" Janna asked guardedly.

"About the stuff that happened in New… Wherever. When you told me about this, you said you blew them all up with Feldrake yourself. You barely even mentioned anyone aside from that hockey guy."

"Hockey gu… Puck?!"

"Yeah, him."

"That, I-" Janna sighed. "Look, Tom, yes, I had a little help."

"A little? The only reason you didn't kill yourself from overcasting is because he was topping you off every other spell!" Feldrake snapped.

"But that doesn't matter!" Janna replied forcefully. "I'm the only one here, and I'm stronger than I was before anyway, so I'll handle this."

"How?!" Tom replied.

"I'll think of something." Janna said firmly.

Tom pursed his lips. "Okay, how about you think of this: We were about to have someone else here. The ritual circle for Celena is still set up! Let's just sneak back up there, call her out, and we can get her to solve this."

"No, there's no time." Janna replied. "The Sandersons always try to eat babies or whatever."

"I'm not hearing a better idea." Tom said. "Celena is definitely stronger than us."

"We can't have her first day be crisis mode!" Janna hissed. "Especially when It's my fault. I'm not going to get chewed out for this mess. I'm here, I caused it, I'll fix it."

"Fix it like this." Tom insisted.

"Tom's got a point." Max noted, flipping a page.

"Just- get down!" Janna yelled suddenly as the elevator doors dinged.


The elevator opened as it reached the ground floor, and all six of its inhabitants moved their separate ways without a word. The Sandersons collected themselves and looked out at a garish room made of purple metal and marble, a gigantic fountain standing in front of the glass windows leading outside. The statue atop the fountain was covered in a shroud.

"Well this is… homely." Winnifred said, curling her fingers in mild distaste.

"It grlows on you." Janus said.

103-E blinked. Sarah squinted in confusion, and Mary cleaned out her ear, revealing an enormous gob of earwax which she casually rubbed on a nearby futon.

"At least they are fixing statute. It was hideous, even bossman agreed." the monstrosity commented.

Winnifred paid it no mind, striding forward. Janus and Jumba walked past and out the door, the giant man and his strange creations at this point almost passe. Not a single person even commented on the man on his way out at this point, apart from an occasional 'Hello!" That inevitably raised eyebrows.

Winnifred stepped up to the concierge desk and glared at Max Goof even as Janus and Jumba joined the nerdy throng outside. Below the desk, Janna and Tom held completely still.

"Footman! I demand to know where your witches are." Winnifred growled.

"Y-you mean… aside from you three?" Max asked carefully.

"Hrmm, Winnie." Mary said thoughtfully. "Doesn't he look sort of… familiar?"

"U-u-uh, most of the witches are at the FCLORP. Right outside."

"What?" Winnifred asked.

"Something about his… doglike face."

"Perhaps we made him that way." Sarah suggested dreamily.

"Mayhaps." Winnifred looked at Max closely, peering deeply into his personal space and scrutinizing his every inch. Max's smile became very fixed. A bead of sweat rolled down his neck.

Don't move don't move just do not move

"No matter!" Winnifred declared, turning dramatically. "We have what we need. Come, sisters! This… Evklorp awaits!"

Don't sigh. Don't sigh or you're dead.

Even the tiniest implication that the trouble was over would immediately bring it back. Max bundled up every ounce of relief he felt and shoved it away as if he'd never been worried at all. Unhealthy in the long term, but shockingly healthy in the moment.

"You ladies have a good da- wait no don't touch the brochures!"

But it was too late. Sarah had already leaned down and picked up a three-fold spread advertising Lard World from the wooden shelf. A moment later the floor gently unfolded beneath them, dropping the three witches with a shriek into…

"This is much worse than the brochure!" Sarah wailed as she fell into two feet of lard.

"Of all the intractable- Nnngh!" Winnifred snarled, flames bursting into being and physically burning the fat away. Snarling and slightly matted, the three witches crawled in a most undignified manner out of the pit.

Without even saying a word, Winnifred stalked out of the lobby, leaving a growing trail of fire behind her.

Max looked at the fire and decided the safest thing to do would be to continue reading.

Mr Moesby ran into the lobby as quickly as possible. "I heard the Lardinator go off- did we get them at las…!"

Moesby's excitement trailed off as he saw the three women walking away. "Who are they?"

"They're here for the FCLORP." Max deadpanned. "No ninjas today. Sorry boss."

"Drat." Moesby replied. "We'll get those hooligans yet Max. There will be no more fires in my lobby."

Moesby looked over said lobby for the first time.

"THERE'S FIRE IN MY LOBBY!!!" He screamed.

Max pushed the sprinkler button, and flame retardant foam quickly covered the center of the room.

"Oh, today is off to a wonderful start, isn't it?" Moesby bemoaned, sitting down on a futon. There was an unpleasant squish as something that may or may not have been placed there by a witch horribly stained his trousers. He groaned.

As soon as the coast was clear, Janna and Tom popped up from underneath Max.

" I want to know why you were under there?" Moesby asked.

"We're teenagers, so no." Max said without hesitation.

"Ahn." Moesby murmured, turning his head in an expression of abject misery.

Janna, who normally would have responded to the avenue, instead took off in a mad dash after the Sandersons. Tom watched her go with a look of concern on his face. He took half a step, as if to follow, but then steeled himself.

"Sorry Janna." He grimaced. "But we need some backup."


High up in the towers of DEI, a dam cracked. It was not a physical dam, but a metaphysical one. For hours, arcane energy drawn from the heart of the Earth itself had gathered, filling and stagnating in the bend that Malifishmertz had so carelessly created. Now it was swollen, glutted with undirected magic. And in mere seconds… it broke loose. An invisible flood poured forth, crashing through DEI and destroying the magical equivalent of the coven intern's desk toys with mystic power that went completely unremarked by almost everyone in the building. The exception was Malf, who was interrupted thirty minutes into his silent lecture when a tidal wave his students couldn't see swept him out of the building.

Magic poured down DEI like wet treacle, strands of magic oozing downwards as they sought a power sink, a leyline, anything strong enough to contain the wayward power.

It fsound one.


The Sandersons looked on the chaos-filled streets with something resembling approval, along with a bit of confusion. Knights were attacking one another, swords and shields clashing, a group of serfs were loading a trebuchet, and spells were being cast in the open!

"Winnie, what was that one?" Sarah asked as a red orb zipped from a wizard's wand and splashed against an oncoming shield. "And are they using wands?"

"It seems as though the witches of this place are a fair bit bolder than those of New Amsterdam. Let us see if they are wiser as well."

Winnifred rolled up her sleeves. "Eye of newt and silver targe, show these knaves who is in charge!"

A wave of greenish energy blasted out from the witch, physically knocking over all but the sturdiest of nerds and forcing everyone present to look to her.

"Practitioners of the darkest arts! I know not what your petty squabbles may be, but rejoice! For I, servant of the Dark One himself, have returned to lead us!"

"We're here too!" Sarah added. Winnifred bonked her on the head with the flat of her hand, leading to a murmured 'owch'.

"Together we shall take revenge upon mine enemies, and unlock the very secrets of immortality itself!"

"What proof have you of your claim?" a young witch asked, after a moment's pause. "That blast was mighty indeed, but claiming to know the Dark One?" A few witches around her looked confused for a time, until they too nodded, turning to the Sandersons expectantly.

"Behold!" Winnifred roared, raising The Book aloft. "The Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy! Bound in human skin, penned in blood better left unnamed, signed by His very hand! The darkest spells in all the land are mine to control!"

"Yeah, like what?" One kid not particularly into the vibe asked.

Winnifred smiled, flipping through the book. "From blackened spires of deadened sites, from demons cruel in darkened rites, master of killers, thieves and liars, summon forth your black hellfirfe!"

A little bird tweeted.

Jumba, who had up to now been working his way through the throng of geekery with the slow determination of the five foot wide man, turned and gaped as multicolored lights swirled in the eyes of his creation.

Winnifred's face screwed up in confusion as a swirling black portal edged with flame came into being. All the powers of hell conferred to deposit in her outstretched hand a pitch black… woodwind instrument.

The fife was dark as night, etched with skulls and seeming to absorb the light around it.

It was also a fife.

"It's a little weird, but I can dig it." the kid admitted. The rest of the crowd started to applaud enthusiastically.

"But it didn't rhyme!" One man complained, but he was ignored.

"You have demonstrated your power and wisdom!" Several of the players declared.

"And your inclusivity to bards!" one noted.

Approximately half the crowd swore loyalty to the witches.

"That's better than we usually do." Mary muttered, sidling up to Winnifred.

"A fair point." Winiffred admitted. "But I am more fascinated by what hath disrupted my-"

"Astonishing!" a voice roared out. "Experiment 103-E is even capable of altering metaphysic idea space on fly while disrupting invocations! What an unexpected success!"

"A way to influence magic…" the blond man intoned, delighted.

In the distance, Janna popped out of DEI and took in the scene, getting lost in the crowd. She grimaced when she saw Jumba and Janus, major DEI figures, already interacting with the Sandersons. Nooo. Oh, the big wigs were never going to take her seriously if they had to clean this up for her.

Why did that suddenly matter?

Janna started to edge towards the fight.


Tom lit a set of blood red candles.

"There." He said, blinking in the gentle light. "Finally, couldn't see a thing. Now then!"

He cracked open his collected sheaf of transcribed Celena recipes.

Unscrewing the lid of a simple mason jar, Tom sprinkled a few dried, aromatic flower petals into the container. A moment later he gently zested a lemon, letting the result slip down into the jar as well.

"Man." Tom muttered to himself. "Is this really it? I didn't think Mewni magic could be economical. What kind of queen has unlimited god magic at her fingertips and designs her rituals to only need 50cc of mouse blood?"

Not one to look a gift horse in the mouth, top poured the required almond oil into the half-full jar, stirring gently to work out the remaining bubbles.

The sound of something whistling flew by the window, inciting Tom to work faster. It was in fact an answering machine, but what you don't know can terrify you. Screwing on the lid, Tom placed the jar on the sunny windowsill.

Then he checked the recipe again.

"Let sit for… 2-3 weeks?!" Tom blanched.

"Uhhh…" Tom glanced around the room, hitting upon a stupid idea. Opening up his mirror phone, he manually changed the date to June 17th. Shaking the jar and then popping it open, he strained out the oil and then separated the remaining muck into a separate bottle.

Tom scrambled to place the potion in the center of the room. "There ok please work I call upon uh… Ghostus Mostus Celena!"

A small, weak haze rose up from the petals. At first Tom was worried nothing was going to happen, but then a thin, hazy form slowly stabilized.

"...did you… um… by any chance skimp out on the three weeks?" Celena said, voice sounding even smaller and further away than usual, like one good embarrassment would completely discorporate her.

"Um… maybe." Tom replied evasively. "But listen, we really need your help right now. I don't know where half our occult department is-


Tobe and his Vagabond Ninja watched carefully as Hernae slowly lowered a single slice of pineapple down onto a sweet-potato upside-down potion.




"-and Janna's in really big trouble."

Despite barely looking humanoid, Celena's ghostly form still managed to cringe despite the low-rent haunting she'd been summoned through. "Well, this shouldn't get in the way of binding me, but… I'm not sure if there's that much I can do. Binding me to the building like we planned will keep me from going anywhere else, and even then, ghosts are usually a bit… out of it when they first etherealize."

"There's gotta be something." Tom insisted.

The ghostly smudge put her hands together. "Well, I, um. I suppose it's also possible to bind a ghost to a specific object instead. But, that would require far more energy than we've set aside. The sort that would take an entire leyline hours to build up. I'm… afraid that kind of power doesn't just fall out of the sky."

In the mundane world, the door creaked slightly.

On the astral plane, it slammed open as a tidal wave of raw magic coursed over the room. Celena put her hands up, controlling the flow almost instinctively by funneling it, twisting it, channeling it down-

Tom gazed in shock at the now crystal clear image of Celena the Shy, something-th Queen of Mewni, and the visibly glowing orb of magic power floating in her hand.

"Does… this sort of thing happen often?" She asked weakly.

"It's Danville." Tom replied.
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One Way or Another, Part III
"To meuddle so easily with our spells… what manner of creature are you?" Winnifred's tone was halfway between accusatory and curious.

"Hak tienet tiznet! Ih." the thing chirped.

"It's speaking ancient runes!" Sarah declared. The other two looked blankly towards Jumba.

"Is name." Jumba shrugged.

"It's a terrible name!" Winnifred insisted. "Too long! We shall call it… Buird.

"Burd?" Sarah asked, confused.

"Close enough." Mary shrugged.

"Hold, villains!" a voice from behind them declared. Janna froze as someone only a few feet from her started yelling. The source of the commotion was a particularly buff-looking knight, having ridden up on one of the strange two-wheeled devices made to look like a horse. "I shall never bow to one such as you! Nor will I allow you to spread your malign influence unabated! Face me, and leave these innocents alone!"

Without missing a beat, Winnifred pointed a finger and began to chant. "Light and dark are not as they seem. Kneel mine fool- immorality beam!"

"Ooh, that's a fun one." Mary commented.

A bolt of dark energy poured out over the man, enveloping him in a somehow-glowing shadow.

"How may I serve you, my dark lady?" the knight immediately dropped to his knees.

A smattering of appreciative applause rose from the crowd. Janna grimaced.

Jumba and Janus exchanged their own look of approval before starting to turn away. "Well then. We'll leave you to it."

"Hold!" Sarah jaunted forward before the scientists could disappear into the crowd and snatched the Experiment off of Jumba's shoulder. "Burd would be far better off with us! It's been so long since we've had a familiar."

The book rustled a few pages.

"O-other than you, Book. An animal familiar!"

Mary nodded in agreement, smiling. "It's been so long, we never had one at all!"

Jumba wore a stormy expression for approximately two seconds. Then it evaporated "Eh. Easy come, easy go. Will have more fun with them. Perhaps create even greater chaos!"

"If you're sure." Janus stroked his chin in thought before shrugging. The Sandersons watched them step back into the crowd to watch the show.

"Now Sarah." Winnifred warned. "This a graove responsibility."

"But's it's not a plant, Winnie! It's an animal. I think."

Winnifred frowned. "I know that you imbecile. But you will need to feed and water it, and dispose of its… effusions."

Sarah stared blankly until Mary leaned over and whispered something in her ear. "Oh, bleck!"

"Now enough of this prattle. Have either of you seen the girl yet? We must make whaste-"

"No, I thought you said we had to clean it?" Sarah asked uncertainly. Burd smiled.

"I did not misspeak!" Winnifred declared, speaking quickly before something else made her not misspeak again. "We must either find the girl now or begin laying waste to the city and gathering the children we require to preserve our youth!"

Okay. Janna thought. Here goes nothing then.

"Hey fuglies!" Janna bellowed in challenge.

All three Sandersons looked to Burd. The Experiment shrugged.

"Janna, do you even have a plan?" Feldrake complained.

"Of course I have a plan."

"Is it a good plan?"

Janna firmed her stance.

Slowly and carefully she drew power to herself. She was going to get one shot at this, which means she would need to make it count. If it worked at all. She might not have been able to beat them openly, but with the right spell maybe she wouldn't need to. Brandishing Feldrake she prepared to cast. And Feldrake realized what she was casting.

"Wait no what are you doiHOK!"

Magic blasted forth from Feldrake's mouth.

"Immortality Beam!"

Janna's eyes widened. "NO!"

But her aim was… perfect. The amount of raw magic being channeled by Burd was enough to manifest visibly, swirls of green and purple twisting Janna's spell, changing it as completely as was possible.

The Sandersons were suffused with radiant white light, all three witches preparing an incantation to defend themselves before they realized it was not necessary. Slowly, once the glow died down, they came to realize that the magic linking them to this world was not so ephemeral as it once was. The unstable dark magic, once only able to be locked in place by child sacrifice, was replaced with something a lot firmer.

Winnifred ran a single hand down her face, feeling the unreplicatable power sink into her veins, twisted by unlucky chance. "My sisters. We… we are free!"

Sarah and Mary broke out into cheers, repeating Winnifred's words in joyous chanting. "Free! Free! Free!"

Winnifred grinned, malice mixing with genuine delight. "Thank you, my dear, for completing our ritual for us! Why, I daresay we may not even need to sacrifice any other children for eternal life!"

Mary seemed a bit put out at that. "I suppose I'll expand my palate."

"You have our gratitude." Winnifred mock-bowed.

"Gratitude… enough to leave in peace?" Janna hazarded hesitantly.

Winnifred looked at her. "Oh no. Of course not! Revenge is still revenge, after all, don't be absurd! The apothecary's building is aflame, so naturally you are next."

"It is?" Sarah asked quietly.

"So-so." Mary replied, waving a hand.

"Regardless!" Winnifred insisted. "If you wish to make your peace, do so quickly." All three Sandersons began to converge on Janna, who took a hesitant step backwards.

Mentally, she ran over the options in her head. Hit them with another spell? No, they'd expect that, and she was still feeling drained from the last time. The crowd was made up of nerds, they wouldn't be of any help even if she could convince them over to her side. Jumba and Janus? Not useless, but not fighters. The Normbots? No, this was a sanctioned company activity and the Sandersons fit the description perfectly. Sweat started to bead on her brow as she backed up from the witches' approach, hesitantly brandishing Feldrake like a club.

Get them talking, maybe? If it could buy her another couple of minutes, maybe she could make it to a storm drain and run for it that way. "So," she said, trying for a tone of casual disinterest instead of the slowly growing terror that was settling in. "-what are you going to do next? Like, you've got the immortality you wanted, right? Now what?"

Mary stopped short. "Ahhhhh… what are we going to do?"

"Hm." Winnifred pondered. " With no further need for consuming children… well. I suppose we shall have eternity to decide."

"After we blast her, right Winnie?" Sarah asked excitedly.

"That's right, sister. Revenge first, existential ponderings later!"

Janna had been slowly inching away all conversation, and saw the last chance she was going to get. She turned to run, hoping to dash into an ally, ask Feldrake, regroup, anything-

And ran directly into Mary.

"Hello dear~" Mary smiled, normally gormless tone gone and replaced with a low, threatening rumble that drove panic directly into Janna's brain.


"Oh I can be very sneaky when I want to be, dear. Now just calm down, make it easier for us, huh?"

All three witches raised their hands, the first syllable of the vilest curses upon their lips.

The worst part, Janna thought, was that Tom had been right.

And then, suddenly, the space between her and the three witches burst into life.

Plants grew and withered on the spot, preserving down into herbs and spices even as they came to rest at the center of astrological symbols. From the center of an impromptu pentagram a ghostly apparition swirled into being. Long pink hair cascaded in a tangled mess to the ground, matched by a deep purple robe speckled as if by starlight. A tiara lay on her head, and her face was hidden by a fan which disguised all but the glowing symbols upon her cheeks.

She gazed down at the Sandersons, floating slightly off the ground, absolutely still.

A few seconds later Tom flew down from DEI, panting slightly from the speed at which he'd been moving, carrying something in his arms.

The Sandersons stopped short and beheld the apparition before them. They looked at one another for the longest, most uncomfortable minute of Janna's life. Finally, Winnifred nodded. "Ah. I see. So you are the master of this maddening coven."

Celena said nothing, simply floating, staring at the Sandersons, unblinking.

Unfortunately, Janna could see the way she was beginning to shake in place. Tom must've… but that meant…

Okay, so maybe there was one last trick she could try.

It was just going to have to rely completely and totally on someone else.

"That's right." Janna said firmly.

"It is?" Tom asked. "I uh- I mean, yes, yes it definitely is!"

"She's… uh… Queen of Secrets!" Janna continued. "And you're standing on her turf."

The three Sandersons eyed the newcomer warily. After a moment, Winnifred pulled her sisters into a huddle.

"Sisters," She began, as she often did. "It is clear this is not a trick. I can feel the power which emanates from her. Smell it."

"Smells like lemons." Mary noted.

Winnifred glanced back and forth suspiciously. "But we must have our revenge!"

"Must we?" Mary asked, just short of whining. "I wanna go back to Salem Winnie, see if any of my carnivorous plants are still there!"

"They were very sweet." Sarah agreed carefully.

"It was the blood." Mary said proudly. "Now, sister. The girl is humiliated. The apothecary's citadel is burned-"

Mary turned aside.

"Mostly." She muttered, and then returned.

"We have Book, this… delightful newt creature-"

Burd let out a warble.

"And best of all, the eternal life we have sought for so long!" She smiled. "Can't we just… go home?"

Winnifred hemmed and hawwed. "Ohh… augh."

She tapped her foot upon the ground, twisting about in vexation. "You twist my arm! But very well. I suppose we've had our vengeance."

She turned to Celena. "Great witch! Your petty servants have paid for their treachery, and we hath no quarrel with the likes of you. Allow us to go in peace, and we shall trouble you no more."

Janna elbowed Celena. The arm went right through her, but nonetheless the ghost gave a jerky nod.

"Then farewell, foul creatures!" She declared, spreading an arm across the FCLORPers expansively. "Until we meet again!"

"Buh-bye!" Mary said happily, as the three strode off into the… midafternoon.

A moment later Winnifred apparently decided that wasn't dramatic enough, and conjured some hellfire to mark their passing.

Jumba and Janus attempted to start clapping.

"Boo! I wanted a fight!" Someone else snarled, drowning them out.

"Wow." Phineas said from amidst the crowd of roleplayers, taking off his wizard hat. "That was a really good performance."

"Those were definitely real, actual witches." Ferb replied.


Celena clutched at her ghostly heart as the stress of being looked at in a public setting became too much for her. She swiftly became incorporeal, retreating to the source of her binding…

"A mason jar?" Janna asked, confused.

"It's a spooky mason jar. We were on a time crunch!" Tom defended his choice.

With all the cool witches gone, most of the crowd dispersed- except for the one guy who'd been turned evil. Feldrake shot a blast of energy at him when he tried to brandish his foam sword, putting him to sleep instantly.

"Yeah right. Anyway, you got a way to fix that guy, Feldrake?" Janna asked casually.


"...Feldrake?" Janna asked.

"YOU UTTER IMBECILE!!!" Feldrake screeched.

Janna blinked. "Wait, wha-"

Feldrake glowered without moving at all. "What were you thinking?!?"

Janna frowned. "Hey, look, we got the guy-"

"SHE got the guy!" Feldrake said, not glancing at Celena. "You got lucky! I can't believe you threw yourself into pointless danger three times in a row! You caused a stupid problem and couldn't even come up with a stupid solution!"

Janna balled her fists, a lump forming in her throat. "The spell might've worked if the little weirdo hadn't…"

Jumba and Janus began to quietly back away, silently agreeing to not get involved. No one paid them any mind, and before long they vanished into the crowd. A few people were still watching, not really getting the point of this show, while the rest had gone back to their own miniaturized duels or following their phones to the quest markers Phineas and Ferb had set up.

Feldrake just barely didn't quake in anger. "No! It would not have. You can't just shoot the evilizing beam at evil and reverse the spell! You know that. I taught you that!"

"I was desperate!" Janna shouted.

"And you didn't have to be." Feldrake replied coldly. "I thought I taught you better than this. Why didn't you pin the blame on the bozo?!" Feldrake commented, not quite indicating Tom. "Or just get rid of the evidence if you're feeling sentimental? Someone would have stopped them eventually!"

Janna grit her teeth. "I can't just…"

Be like that anymore?

Give up?

Admit defeat?

"...I can't let this beat me. Or else how am I going to save…"

Janna shut up, because the alternative was crying in public, and that was never, ever allowed.

Tom frowned, but didn't speak.

"It's obvious to me you've become too used to waving my power around." Feldrake continued. "If this is your first showing without something backing you up, I. Expect. Better."

Feldrake hesitated. "Look. I don't want to do this. But it's clear you need a push. I'm moving up the timetable. You've got a few more months before I stop doing the heavy lifting for you. Find a new focus, or learn to cast yourself."

"WHAT?!" Janna practically shrieked, turning Feldrake and staring him directly in the eyes. "It was one screw up!"

"It was two years of leaning on other people. Time for tough love. Period. End of story."


Janna hurled Feldrake as hard as she could, sending him flying through the air and embedding him point first in a dumpster.

"Tough love." Feldrake grumbled, banana peel falling onto his face.

Tom very slowly put a hand on Janna's shoulder, resolving to retrieve Feldrake later before any roleplayers took him for a new prop. He opened his mouth to speak, then decided that doing so before Janna was ready was an absolutely terrible idea.

A few seconds passed before Janna couldn't stand the moment any longer. "He's right." She said, gritting her jaw and making sure absolutely nothing leaked out.

"Is he? Really?" Tom said dubiously.

Celena's ghostly visage slowly emerged out of the mason jar. She was practically hiding behind her fan, preparing to cringe away at a second's notice, but she still spoke up.

"From where I'm… floating." Celena said slowly. "I think you could have relied on others more. Not less."

Janna pursed her lips. Then bit them.

Then she walked away.


You had spent the last several hours on a flight back from New York City and weren't quite sure what to expect. Trembley: The Musical was a Broadway sensation, the absurd, poignant, fictitious character of the eighth-and-a-half president of the United States was as hilarious as he was tragic. You'd really have to see if they would come and perform in Danville once their Broadway tour was done.

The fighting in the streets, that was expected. Your interns put in a request weeks ago for the 'Largest FCLORP Of All Time' which you declined to join after getting worried people would confuse you for Malifishmertz, but you could respect the drive. The DEI Pentagram Room being burnt out, on the other hand…

You sigh. At least this isn't going to cost you a fortune to rebuild, and there was only one fire in your lobby today. All things considered, an only slightly above average cost to your daily ledgers (a thing you are just now starting to actually look at). With that out of the way it's time to speak to the ghost in question, and the ghost nominally in charge of whatever caused the issue. Malf floats in front of you, rambling on and on without you or the other members of your coven being able to get a word in edgewise.

"So really it's the fault of those ley lines. You know what ley lines are like."

You don't, that's what you expected him to deal with.

"Always… crossing the country where they want. And not bowing to anyone's attempts to map them. It's no wonder that they decided to have a little hiccup and spill out magic ichor all over everything."

"Uh… huh." You say, looking over the written report your coven (mystical interns, but who's counting) had given you about Malf's utterly neglectful conduct and evidence of an unauthorized summoning you were going to have to clamp down on, even if you weren't sure who did it. "And how come my coven's been trying to say something for the last two minutes but they can't?"

Ectoplasm beaded on Malf's brown and slowly dripped onto his robes. "Oh! Heh. Thaaaaaat's… probably because of the Silence. Magnificent spell, Silence, really it's one of my favorites! Just think, with the right applications of Silence you'll never have to listen to your 'advisors' telling you not to do what you want to do ever again!"

Some part of you appreciates the thought, you have fantasized about rebuilding your Mute-Inator during long or especially boring board meetings, but also you kinda have to… do what a CEO does. You're still not entirely sure what that is, admittedly, but it definitely includes listening to those meetings.

You smile, and try to reason with… yourself? "Look, uh… Malf. I get it, I get it, silencing annoying interns is a time-tested tradition. But we really need to… start taking this seriously, you know?" You raise your hands placatively. "Now I get it, ley lines aren't the lynchpin of my business plans for the next year or whatever, but it's been four months and I trusted you with this! What happened?"

"Like I said, just leylines being leylines! Frustrating and hard to work with! I don't think anyone could end up mapping these things, not without them blowing up in your face or something."

He frowns. "Especially not that Celena."

He says the name with bottled hate and rage. The ancient mage is apparently settling in well, and some… byproduct of whatever happened with the summoning apparently made her binding both stronger and more 'mobile' than it would have been otherwise, which means she won't be quite as hard to make use of as Malf is.

Crippling shyness aside.

What were you supposed to be doing? Oh, right, Malf is complaining about everything so no one has a chance to complain about him.

It's a little strange, looking back. A year ago you probably would've agreed with him, perma-silenced interns and challenges to your fragile authority and all, but you've had a lot of time to think about what it really meant that you're in charge of a megacorp now.

And suddenly you realize that if you hold Malf to task for this like a normal person, he's going to get upset. He's going to get downright furious in fact, and do something stupid to make himself feel better. You can't treat him like a normal employee, you…

This is giving you a headache.

But, and this is a horrible think to thought… you could maybe ask Mirage… how she goes about dealing with you?

You bet it has something to do with misdirection.

You smile and try to put theory into practice. "Well… maybe I can find another way to move forward or something, I dunno. For now uhhhhh... Why don't your interns take the next twenty minutes off…" You glance meaningfully at the notes they handed you before ushering them into a back room, then force as much joviality into your voice as you can. "While you spend the rest of our one-on-one telling me about your… uh… your meaty things?"

"AH YES, MY MEATLINGS!" Malf screeches in joy. "Oh, they have so much Evil potential. I've prepared several long, pointless rambles on how they can best terrorize your subjects!"

You slouch back into your seat. Dealing with Malf is likely to be a project. But… maybe you've been looking at this the wrong way. Mostly to avoid thinking about how like you he is, but still. You can probably prevent something like this from happening again in the future.

It could have been worse, but still. You feel like you're due for some good news at this po-

Something kicks your door once, then twice. After an awkward moment Marco gently opened the door and then rushed into the room, running up to your desk and stopping just short of grabbing you by the shoulders.

"Did you mean what you said about finding Star?" Marco asked.

"Uhhh… Yeah." You say, after a moment.

Marco pulls out his phone and pages across to what is unmistakably an image of a girl with bright blonde hair and hearts on her cheeks peeking out of a bush next to a burning Captain Kernel's.

"Toffee's busy. Someone took this picture two days ago. Get to it."


-Thanks to the city-wide FCLORP, the Sandersons' magic activities have gone by unnoticed. As mentioned previously, your Occult actions next turn take a -5 penalty.

-The fire in your lobby was barely even irritating, after the foam was cleaned up. It caused no major property damage. The DEI Pentagram Room was a pain to repair, but thankfully not very expensive. Income unchanged.

-The Sandersons have retrieved the Manual of Witchcraft and Alchemy. They have no further need for child sacrifice to sustain themselves, and no further reason to meddle with you, Janna, or DEI. The Sandersons are now a roving Problem, not currently after you but not fond of you either. Last seen heading towards their hometown, Salem. Janna would love to get the book back, but bringing up she lost it would mean having to admit what happened to the whole company… and she's definitely not going after it alone.

At least not yet.

-Feldrake's bonus immediately decreases by -3, and will continue to decrease by -3 to 0 each subsequent turn and remain lowered as long as he is assigned to Janna. He is displeased with Janna's decisions and has decided to cut her off from easy spellcasting. If not necessarily for the reasons most people would agree with.

-Celena the Shy has joined as a hero unit! Instead of being locked to a building (like Malf), she has been successfully bound to a (admittedly slightly spooky) glass jar. She will be able to perform considerably more actions than she would have otherwise been able to! A profile will be added before the next turn starts.

-Malf is very, very upset that you acquired another wizard explicitly against his wishes. He takes a -15 opinion penalty.

-Having a (mostly unproductive) chat with him has kept this anger from being focused on you, so he's just angry in general. Malf has a temporary +10 opinion penalty that decays November/December 2018.

-Manage Malf has been added to Doof's personal actions.
[ ] Manage Malf
Getting Malf to work smoothly in your organization requires you to get… creative. Distract him at the right times, butter him up in the right places, keep him pointed in a vaguely useful direction. This is likely to be a fairly time-intensive endeavor… at least at first.

Taking this action grants Malf a free personal action this turn, and gives a permanent +5 to Malf's opinion.

-Marco has encountered a significant lead on Star. Mirage's vote on the global "Search for Star" action has changed, unlocking the action. You gain +48 progress towards Finding Star.

Candace Flynn narrowed her eyes as the crowd of nerds slowly colonized the street in front of the cafe. Unbeknownst to her, thanks to the addition of a few very good witches, the Dark Lord was going to win this one handily as his forces were moving to mop up the last few survivors.

Her mom was sitting right there. Back to the window as usual. Candace had seen this exact scenario play out before, and just as she was about to yell something about Phineas and Ferb, a thought bubbled up. Something from a comic book Jeremy had suggested she read the other week. Insanity was doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results, and she was not crazy.

Hmm. Maybe a slightly different tactic was in order. If her mom ignored every time she pointed something out, what if she were to notice herself?

"Ooh, hey mom. Is that a parade or something?"

To her surprise and delight, Linda turned around just in time to watch some nerd in plate armor wave his sword in Phineas' general direction. Candace watched her brother unconvincingly clutch at his chest, stagger backwards, and twist his face up as he fell to the ground.

Candace couldn't help but wince a little. She could admit Phineas and Ferb were impressive engineers and good at singing. Acting, not so much. Linda gasped as she went for the door, and Candace felt a foreign sensation that might be triumph as she followed her outside.

Another kid whacked Ferb on the head with a foam mace, and he dramatically sank to his knees. "Lo, I am slain." He announced, monotone.

"Phineas! Ferb!" Linda called, and Candace didn't even notice that she didn't sound upset.

"Hi mom! What do you think of our FCLORP?"

"Their city-wide FCLORP!" Candace chimed in, phone at the ready with triple-backed-up evidence photos.

"Yeah!" Phineas agreed. "Our summer internship was super accommodating!"

Linda smiled. "Well, I think it's amazing, boys! You're taking advantage of a good opportunity to make some managerial skills, and have some fun too! Oh, it reminds me of the time your father took me to one on our third date…"

"B-b-b-b-but they- mom, this thing was huge! Literally city wide! They had hundreds of people and gave them all swords!"

Linda appraised the photos Candace sent her for a second. "That looks like plastic to me!"

"Hundreds of plastic swords!"

Linda shrugged. "I think it's a nice thing for Doofenshmirtz to organize."

"Wh-no, no mom, it was all them! They set it up!" Candace insisted.

"It was a fun early morning." Phineas confirmed.

"You're telling me there were no adults there?"

Candace thought back to the ogre man and the blond guy. "W-well okay, one or two. B-but they were Evil!"

Linda sighed. "Not that again, Candace. They are employees! Running an FCLORP! What's evil about that?"

"The Dark Lord?" Phineas suggested helpfully.

Coming to Terms
This is the hardest thing you've ever had to do.

You know.

You know, on some level, that you don't totally control the tri-state area. Even ignoring the whole Colorado thing. You pay taxes, you never really bothered to change many laws. You in fact recently created a division specifically to convince the feds to change their laws.

You know that basically nothing is going to change. You're going to have just as much control as you did before.

You know this whole thing is in your way.

You know…

You know that nobody thinks Doofania is real.

But you're on your twenty-seventh hour of locking yourself in your office, and you're still not letting anyone in.

This is what you wanted.

This is everything that you've wanted.

Isn't it?

You give your receptionist the rest of the day off.

Mirage comes to see you. You put off another meeting with her. Technor comes to see you. He decides to give you time. Coyote comes to see you, and he ends up blowing up your door in the process of trying to disarm the traps.

It is in the process of fixing those traps that Mr. Moseby finds you, and you realize you can't actually arm them while you're elbow deep in a tension capacitor.

"Ah, Mr. Doofenshmirtz." He says, peeking in through the door and eyeing the exposed net launcher with concern. "I apologize, but your secretary seems to be out, and we have a 3pm."

"Oh." You reply, mentally kicking yourself for not clearing your calendar. "Well I'm sorry Marion, but I'm afraid you'll need to reschedule. Something's… come up."

"Some sort of meeting?"

"Well, no." you admit, before you can stop yourself. You can see the way Moseby is picking up on your mood, noticing little details you might not even realize you're exhibiting. He simply looks at you, expectantly.

This is the part where you send him off. But some part of you doesn't know if it can handle a fifth bundle of excuses today, so you decide to simply wait until he gets the hint.

You tighten another screw. He's sitting down. Oh doonkleberries he's sitting down-

Marion Moseby, your Chief of… well, The Lobby you suppose, lowers himself to the ground with the sort of sigh people make when they expect to be down there for a while. You know he's good at talking to people, that's part of why you hired him, so you keep expecting him to say something like 'penny for your thoughts'? Or 'some nice tightening you're doing there', and then you will actually kick him out.

He doesn't.

You finish realigning the net launcher and move on to the 'Sock-Your-Locks-On-Inator'. It took you a week to think of the name, and now it needs some spot-welding.

You open your mouth.

"Mr. Moseby are you- did you ever… Do you have a life's goal?"

Moseby looks at you. He cocks his head. "Now what's this all about?" He asks, somehow skimming over the entire chapter where you deny anything being wrong simply with his tone of voice.

"It's just…"

You sigh.

He got you.

"All my life, I've had a dream. A dream to become the unelected dictatorial ruler of the greater Tri-State Area."

You watch as Moseby's expression becomes slightly more fixed. Possibly because of the automatic thunder boom.

"Well, at first I wanted to take over the world, but that ended up feeling a little too ambitious. So, you know, I figured, let's keep it reasonable. Tri-State Area. Conquest. Yeah. And it took me years, but I did it! Barring a… little bit, I guess, but still, mostly! The Tri-State Area was mine!"

You bask for a moment in the glory of your accomplishment… and feel it slip away from you again like the rays of a fading sun.

"Except… none of it's like I thought it would be. None of it feels real, and the parts that are real…"

You think about Perry.

"Those are the worst parts." You admit, quietly.

"But I can't just give it up!" you exclaim, rising to your feet and beginning to pace, thoughts of repair forgotten. The words spill out faster now. "It's all I ever wanted. Everything I've worked for, for decades, since I was a pimply nosed teenager sneaking into drive-in movies and selling bratwurst out of a cart! It was my dream! I can't just…"

Your footsteps slow. "I can't just give it up?"

Mr. Moseby rises with a grunt, putting his hand on your shoulder. It pulls you out of your pacing, basically forcing you to slow down and listen to what he has to say. Not physically, even your noodle strength could probably break out of this grip after undergoing Temujin's required daily exercise, but just from the way he's doing it. It feels like it's supporting you, even as it presses down.

When did you learn to notice things like that?

Mr. Moseby smiles at you gently. "You know, I spent many of the best years of my life working for the Tipton. A grand hotel she was, a glorious legacy, one held in good order and prestige because of my own work." His smile grows wistful. "Oh I have hobbies and ventures, Doctor, but my real passion? It went into that hotel."

"And you left." You say, flatly.

"And I left." he agrees, amiably. "Over time, work started becoming more… onerous. Mr. Tipton took a personal interest, which is never good, and I came to feel like I wasn't being appreciated."

"You left because you were treated poorly." You say, and for a moment your instincts kick in and you think he's secretly talking about you and something you did to him. But he's not. You know that.

"Oh no." Moseby replies. "Trust me if you knew the half of what I went through, having a mere overbearing boss would be a trip down lazy river." He flashes a slightly manic smile. "I would have stayed even if it were a hundred times again the struggle. Though the very hounds of hell were chewing my futon pillows, I would have persisted."

You look at him. What, then?

"No. I left because… I realized I didn't want what I thought I did."

Mr. Moseby looks out over the afternoon skyline of Doofani…


"The sense of… purpose I felt was never about the Tipton brand. It wasn't about the legacy of any one company, or the respect of a man who can't see over his own bodyguards." Moseby rolls his eyes at the memory. "It was about accomplishment. About taking a grand organization, a massive undertaking, and being a small but vital cog in that machine. Forging order out of chaos! And keeping things running smoothly. Important things, things worth being done. And if that thing wasn't the Tipton, well… it could always be something else."

He pats you on the shoulder again, and then nods.

"Well. I don't want to keep you too long, from…"

He looks around the absolute mess you are standing in, full of half-eaten take-out and half-exploded traps, and smiles thinly, almost supernaturally polite. "Well, you know. Please, let me know as soon as you can reschedule, Dr. Doofenshmirtz. We have a great many tasks around here in need of organizing."

He shuts the door behind him, like a professional.

"That's why I stay."


It's about two minutes after Mr. Moseby leaves that you bring yourself to look at the paperwork again. Mirage had it drafted for you. It's not any sort of legally binding document, not technically, given that the government technically doesn't recognize that you own a separate state in the first place. But you had insisted. If you're giving up the Tri-State Area, you want a treaty, darn it!


Are you really going to do this?

You admit, maybe Moseby had a point. You had only ever decided to push forward on the Tri-State Area as a compromise on world conquest. And world conquest… Why did you want to take over the world?

Well, you mean, it… it's the world! Everyone was doing it! Unimaginable power, revenge for all your past slights and traumas! The respect and adoration of…

…of anyone, really. Just… anyone.

A daughter who loves you.

A… son who is trying.

An old adversary.

A cartoon with a mop.

A mad therapist.

A spy in need of redemption.

A very wily coyote.

…An old man in a noodle shop.

Your hand moves fitfully towards the pen.

Quietly, your window explodes.

Glass splatters over the floor, getting into the carpet in a way that will take weeks to get out. It's a good pattern too, the sort of stuff you can't just rip out without being wasteful. Some of it gets into a ficus, though it probably doesn't mind. Honestly if you ground it up enough it might even use it as soil. When was the last time your plants got repotted? Does Janice take care of that most of the time? It's a small thing, but you should probably double check. You don't want them getting neglected.
"Hello, Father."

You turn, slowly, towards the source. It's Norm.

Norm looks mostly the way you remember him, aside from the plaster dust and the faint remains of the 'BB' that had briefly been spray painted on his chest.

"...Did you have to go with 'Business Bot'?" You ask, weakly, after several moments of silence.

"It was the first thing we thought of." Norm replies. He's gotten better at not sounding chipper, even though he literally can't.

"...How did it go?" You ask.



"Do we need to talk, father?" Norm asks after a long moment.

You take in a deep breath as you settle yourself back behind your desk. "Yeah, we do."

You look at the fabric chair on the other side of your desk, and conclude that its odds of actually holding Norm are basically nil. You press your intercom. "Janice, would you-"

"That is a stapler, father."

"...Right." You press your intercom. "Janice, would you-"

You remember that you sent your secretary away hours ago, and slump in defeat. It's just as well. Your finger was on the pencil tin.

"Norm, it'll take me a second, but if you give me a moment I can find you somewhere to-"

Norm lowers his giant 1500 pound metal body directly onto the chair. It immediately collapses, wood splintering and fabric tearing until he impacts the ground with a clang.


He's still at eye level, even like this. At least you won't be looking down on him. You wait a moment to see if he wants to say anything. He doesn't.

There's nothing to do but start.

"Norm… I'm sorry."

Norm's head rotates slightly. He's listening.

"I'm… I'm sorry I refused to accept you for so long. Sorry I treated you like another appointment. Sorry I had so little idea how to make up for it I just did what made me feel better."

You've been practicing this, but it still comes out faster than you'd like, leaping from one point to the next so fast that the end sneaks up on you, and leaves you unsure what to say next.

"I'm… I'm… I'm sorry I can't make it up to you." You hang your head. "I've been thinking and thinking, and I can't think of anything at all. I can't make you try, and I can't change it."

You're usually so full of ideas. Not to mention used to being in people's bad graces. But you have nothing. No way to make Norm feel better at all.

Norm speaks again. You wonder how you could have missed it, at the time. The way that even bereft of any way to express emotion, you can hear each individual pause. Intonation. Timing. Little programming quirks that grew and grew until they became undeniably more. "Father. Why did you leave me alone, in San Fransokyo?"

A bolt of panic leaps through you. "I-I- was I supposed to do something!? I thought you wanted me to leave you alone! I-"

"I did." Norm replies. He pauses, and something hitches a little in your throat because Norm never paused to think before. "I did not expect you to."

"...oh." The panic slows to a simmer.

"When I left, I said that I was not ready to try again. I need to be sure I wanted to try at all."

You wait. There's no clock, but the quiet hum of your office at rest seems almost to thrum in a constant staccato beat. thmm. thmm. thmm.

"I missed you, Father."

You swallow, long and deep, to clear the nothing out of your throat. "I missed you too, Norm."

Norm stands, pieces of the chair falling off of him. "You are still trying, Father. I am ready to try, too."

You choke back a noise you don't need to mention.

"This isn't going to be easy."

"I know."

Norm slowly reaches out and pulls you into a metal hug, no matter what the desk in the way has to say about it. It's choking you up. Literally, it's getting hard to breathe.

You tap out on Norm's shoulder, and he gently lowers you back to the ground. "What now?" You ask him, in no hurry to start giving him orders until he says he wants them.

"I think I would like to move back into my room." Norm says, holding up a briefcase literally bursting open with San Fransokyo souvenirs and robot polish.

You grimace as you remember where Norm used to live. "What, the closet?! No no no, I can get that right, at least. I'm better than the stepmoms in those pre-young adult fantasy novels."

"The Good Witch Azura?" Norm asks.

"Yeah. Vanessa let you borrow them?"

"I found them flowery, and insulting to witches." Norm replies, matter of fact.

You've never read them.

"I spent some time with Vanessa in San Fransokyo." Norm says, still insisting on the full name of the city. Something you'd programmed in as part of his 'archetypical man' formatting. Ages ago. "She is adjusting, and says: 'hey'."

"I'm proud." You say, and then, fast enough there almost isn't a pause, add: "Of both of you."

Norm smiles. He always does, but he has this way of tilting his head when he really wants to emphasize it.

"Well, anyway." You say, trying to make sure you don't ramble yourself off the whole point you were making. "None of that closet business. I got you your own room, a real one! With a desk, and a bookshelf, and things. And a racecar bed."

"Oh boy! A racecar bed!" Norm says happily, leaping to his feet with a clang. "I should get situated and prepare for some extra sleepmode. My rocket boots will be jetlagged tomorrow."

A weight leaves you as you watch him go. Norm came back. He… wants to be here. Even as the future rolls on uncertainly ahead, that's… more than you could hope for. You've almost forgotten what you were so upset about.

You look back at the form on your desk. Oh. Yeah.

And yet… you don't fall back into that spiral. Something… stops you. Holds you together.

You sign the document, hand as firm as you can make it, with a little swirl at the end. The ink dries.

Nothing is going to change. Everything is going to be different.

This means nothing. It means everything.

It's a start.


The Flouting the Government loyalty malus has been removed from Agent Russ. You gain an additional +10 loyalty thanks to Chat with the Bossman, which will decay at the end of November/December 2018.
May/June 2018 Rival Reports
[ ] Assault Negaduck
DC 185
35% CoS, 97+ 11-

To be continued in Interlude: Four.

[ ] Offer to Buy Waddle
DC 0

Your weekly routine of finding Mark Beaks' latest photo on social media so you can print it out and throw darts at it was interrupted with a news article you weren't expecting. ENCOM has announced its successful acquisition of his social media corporation Waddle, effective immediately. Beaks announced it in his own way, in the form of a short video showing ENCOM CEO Ed Dillinger handing him one of those gigantic novelty cheques with enough zeros to make your head spin.

Beaks is dabbing. The Vice President of Acquisitions at ENCOM, clearly under duress, is dabbing too.

Reception of the acquisition seems mixed to positive, while some lament ENCOM acquiring yet another piece of the pie and the loss of what made Waddle unique, stockholders are thrilled and Waddle haters say it can't get replaced fast enough. Approached for comment, Beaks said "HAHAHA, Suckers!" before riding off on a segway at unsafe speeds.

[ ] Improve LEGACY security
DC 200
67% CoS, 94+ 13-
77+56+52+20+6= 211

ENCOM has pushed out another security upgrade for its new LEGACY system like clockwork, and Alan had to grimly admit that for once, ENCOM doesn't seem to be exaggerating much when they claim it to be the strongest security system on the planet. It's bereft of any frills, advertisements, false positives, or other shortcomings that many previous ENCOM products were known for- just a robust, effective, and free security system that actually seems to work as intended.

ENCOM has proudly announced that their white hat bounty has gone unclaimed, and has since upped the reward a bit. Alan notes that while he was unable to crack it in his free time, he's not sure what a dedicated team would be able to do.

White Hat Hack ENCOM has been added to your actions. Attempt to hack ENCOM, with their knowledge and consent, and if successful, you will be awarded 4 funds. Failure will award a consolation prize of 1 fund, and due to the unique circumstances of this offer, critical failure has no penalty.

[ ] Implement User Feedback
DC ???
??? Success

ENCOM made international headlines last week after an update was successfully distributed. While LEGACY, their latest model, is enjoying a reputation far superior to its predecessors, it appears as if the latest update actually… implemented changes users had been asking for since its inception. From file sorting to desktop organization and many more besides, these new features are opt-in and offer an amount of customization most users aren't used to. The reception to this update is a mix of gratitude and confusion.

When you asked Alan about it, you couldn't help but notice he looked a little pale. According to him, ENCOM must be really worried about something because the last time something like this happened was way back in 1992.

[ ] Stabilize Zootopia
DC 120
77% CoS, 93+ 2-
Exact Success

After suffering months of brain drain and urban decay, it seems as if some of the problems in Zootopia have finally come under control. Through a combination of a revitalized police department, increased urban spending, and the refurbishment of the city's climate control systems, the city can boast that unemployment and crime are on the decline for the first time in years. It's a slow start, but hope has to begin somewhere.

Maybe now Bellwether can finally look into tackling the feral problem, the papers declare!

[ ] Perform Exclusion Zone Bioremediation
DC 125
70% CoS, 94+ 3-
Decent Success

Sycorax announced its entry into the Exclusion Zone Reclamation effort in the form of genetically modified algae. Specially engineered to assist in the capture of heavy metals, this effort may be less visually impressive than Drakktech's ongoing work with weather machines, but may prove just as significant. Already, some statistically significant- if not visually noticeable- changes in tributaries of the Mississippi river have been reported.

Reclaim the Midwest Exclusion Zone DC reduced by 25. Sycorax's contributions have increased.

Sycorax Infiltration Activates!
[ ] Sponsor in Governor Kevin's Superhero Gala (Francisca Marshall)
DC 60
100% CoS, 91+ 0-

To be Continued in Interlude: Change Key

[ ] Do a security sweep
DC ???

Several arrests have been made on accounts of industrial espionage within Cloverleaf, with most of the details not disclosed to the press. While you have no way of knowing for certain, it's likely that Doom was thorough enough to get rid of quite a few spies. Your own network is already too nonexistent to be affected, but it's good? To know other people were spying on the creep too.

[ ] Upgrade Cog AI
DC 165
92+61+22+26+20 (???)+5=226
Massive Success

Cloverleaf's work into AI continues its march forward, with some improvements among Cog overseers noted among civil servants who encounter them every day. Doom himself has made no announcements regarding the AI and overall Cog populations remain mostly consistent. Your lawyers have been keeping their eyes peeled for the first sign of patent violation but have found nothing thus far.

[ ] Commit Questionable Science
DC 150
87+1+22+27+20 (???)+5=162

An unusual brownout was reported in LA last month, lasting for approximately five minutes before the local fusion plant was able to increase output to pick up the slack. No further electrical disturbances were noticed after the first one.

[ ] Hunt down whoever stole your scissors
DC 150
44% CoS, 97+ 6-

Your agents in Seth Supplies Co have reported an investigation into stolen property that was quickly shuffled off into the bureaucracy after a mere three days of investigation. By connecting the dots, it's not too hard to tell what they were looking for, who they encountered, and why things ended so abruptly.

[ ] Set up some fall guys
DC 140
54% CoS, 96+ 5-
Critical Failure!

Seth Supplies Co made headlines again this week as dozens of managers were arrested, charged with multiple counts of embezzlement and in a few cases, libel. The corn magnate's disastrous quarter was blamed on most of these managers skimming off the top, and charges had also finally been brought against them for their accusations against Sycorax last January.

Though the headlines present this as run of the mill corruption, your agents tell another story entirely. Far from being mere patsies, it seems as though the fall guys were high-ranking members in the company, or deeply involved in its attempts to hide Toffee's true motives. Suffice to say, their loss has hit the company hard, and you can only speculate as to why Toffee saw fit to burn them.

Russ reports that Paranormal is slowly shifting on the company. While it had been a matter of concern for some time- they suspected something was amiss even before Russ shared all the details you discovered on Toffee- Director Riddle, a man notably focused on extradimensional incursion, is apparently preparing to bring the company under far greater scrutiny.

Outcome: Seth Supplies Co falls under far greater scrutiny from the government. For the next two turns, any Intrigue rolls Seth Supplies Co. makes suffer a -15 malus. Rolls to investigate Star suffer a -25, as a majority of their resources go into actually keeping their company afloat.

[ ] Apply for government aid
DC 130
43% CoS, 97+ 11-

Embroiled in internal corruption, some questionable decisions, and an inexplicable corn blight, Seth Supplies Co has finally buckled under corporate pressure to accept a bailout from the US government. The corporation's hemorrhaging of funds has slowed to a mere trickle and solvency is expected in the future, but this is a serious black mark on their record and a reason for the IRS to start watching them a lot more closely.

Outcome: Seth Supplies Co is solvent once again. IRS attention on Seth Supplies Co increases.

[ ] Reclaim the Midwest Exclusion Zone
DC 650
100+95+16+38+25+5+20 (Government Funding)=299
Incredible Progress

Despite some initial slowness, Drakktech has seen its investment in weather machines pay dividends when it comes to work on the Exclusion Zone. The devices had never been that impressive by themselves (heck, you have a couple weather-inators just gathering dust), using them in conjunction with each other and the chaotic storm fronts around the region have proven more successful than anyone anticipated. Dr. Drakken was positively gleeful as he espoused the virtues of his plan to the press, and even Shego looked more bemused than annoyed at his speech. While it's still likely to be a long time before you can expect a true return of normalcy to the region, some visible progress has been made for the first time ever.

Reclaim the Midwest Exclusion Zone DC reduced by 100. Drakktech's contribution increases.

Glomgold Enterprises
[ ] Offer to buy Hard AI
DC 0

An actual letter from Glomgold Industries was waiting on your desk this morning, and it wasn't just one clipped from the newspaper either. In it, Flintheart Glomgold announced his desire to purchase the rights to build hard AI from you and offered a price tag to match- even with as much money as you make in a day you have to wonder what you could do with this much. Maybe twelve of the things your bean counters won't just let you do, you don't know.

Outcome: Gain 12 funds. Glomgold Enterprises can legally produce and utilize AI.

Xanatos Enterprises
[ ] Construct space elevator
DC 160
76% CoS, 93+ 7-
12+38+35+20 (Trait)+20 (Government funding)+14+8=147

Xanatos Enterprises announced delays in the construction of their long-awaited space elevator, even after the successful testing of impervium alloys. They cited safety concerns and difficulty in sourcing the materials as reasons for the delay, assuring investors that work will continue as soon as it's possible to do so safely.

Don Karnage
[ ] Find something to steal in Thembria
DC 120
26% CoS, 98+ 12-
49+25+20 (Plunder)=94

A small article in the 'International' section of the newspaper noted how Dread Sky Pirate Don Karnage managed to infiltrate Thembrian airspace for several hours, avoiding attempts to shoot him down until he retreated of his own volition just as quickly. Karnage proclaimed, over loudspeaker, that "Zey have tohld me zat stealing treasure from Thembria could not be done! Unfortunately zhey were correct. There is sweet evoll."

[ ] Kontest Kontrol of the Doofanian Underworld
60% CoS, 95+ 4-
??? Opposed
40% CoS, 97+ 6-
(Second) ??? Critical Failure!

The Underworld of your city is mostly not your purview. Occasionally it produces a supervillain you fight, or a social problem you throw bureaucrats at, but mostly you just sort of slap it down when it becomes a problem.

That's why the general murmurings of misgivings in Norm-augmented police forces recently are only that- murmurings. Something is stirring down there, though how problematic it's going to be for you is as yet unclear.

The Franchise Wars rage on…

Yaki Taco
[ ] Release Corn Takoyaki

Yaki Taco has offered corn in their takoyaki for a while now, but this month marks the first time they're offering a completely new menu item. Glazed with sesame oil and soy sauce, this new vegetarian item proved an immediate success. Any resemblance to Captain Kernel's popular menu item is purely coincidental.

Captain Kernel's standing reduced by 3.

Louie's Place
[ ] Incorporate Doc Hopper's Recipes

Thanks to the last few years on the market, frog legs were just exotic enough to find a home at Louie's Place while remaining familiar enough for the American palate. Purchasing Hopper's recipes has proven a smart investment as the chain announces five new flavors within the next quarter.

Outcome: Louie's Place standing increased by +4.

Chef Skinner's
[ ] Release Breakfast Aspic

Most headlines declared that Skinner's newest creation- a hockey puck-sized piece of aspic with eggs, peppers, and potatoes- would go down as one of the worst ideas ever. Bizarrely, this newly released breakfast item has actually proven successful in several areas across the country.

Outcome: Chef Skinner's standing increases by 2.

[ ] Test corn soda in focus groups
Abject Failure

Chef Skinner's recent attempts to test a new soda were met with resounding failure. From what little was publicly disclosed, the idea of a 'corn soda' (somehow more than sodas are already just corn) proved a horrible one. Many questioned where such an idea would even come from.

Outcome: Chef Skinner's standing reduced by -1.

Captain Kernel
[ ] Incorporate Doc Hopper's Recipes

While most people bid for the frog legs, Captain Kernel snapped up the corn dogs from the "Mr Slushy Dawg" part of the former Hopper Food Group. While not as popular as their mainstay, incorporating SSC corn and a few proprietary dipping sauces garnered some positive attention.

Outcome: Captain Kernel's standing increased by +2.

[ ] Release chicken-stuffed corn

Yes, chicken-stuffed corn. On the cob. Which is also on a stick. The bizarre marketing claiming that it was the reverse of what usually happened with chicken and corn struck a chord with the public for some reason, the resulting amalgam becoming so popular it was sold out in many locations after its first week.

Outcome: Captain Kernel's standing increased by +3.

Current Franchise Wars Standings
The Zaibatsu Triad: 6 (+0)
Captain Kernel: 4 (+2)
Louie's Place: 9 (+4)
Chef Skinner's: 4 (+1)
Doc Hopper's: ABSORBED

So things have been a little bit… different, recently.

Agent Russ has been missing for days at a time, talking to people and doing things outside of your security clearance. It seems that your decision to give Russ the lion's share of the credit for recovering the Declaration has had some effects. Russ is famous now. Well. Secret famous.

This 'CAIA' thing Russ (and maybe Monogram???) work for isn't about to go shouting the name of one of its new top agents to all and sundry (weird), but agents do begin to get a bit of a reputation in the department. Apparently getting the Declaration of Independence back from two sets of deranged-to-evil wizards means a lot of reputation. Russ has been doing the sort of solid, dependable work that gets no attention for years until a single real feather in the cap transforms it into a lifetime of sterling service. Russ is even getting some of the credit for the whole… you know. 'Rejoining' thing. Apparently Russ is starting to get opportunities to speak to other branches he previously would have nothing to do with, and 'Liaison to DEI' is quickly metamorphosing through the power of politics from a dead-end kicked upstairs position into a vital and prestigious post without anything real actually changing.

Russ himself seems to have no idea how to respond to this. He seems very uncomfortable getting credit for things he didn't do, which you understand as the idea seems almost impossible. He's really taking it to another level though. Last week you walked in on him trying to stuff some kind of medal into the back of his office desk where he wouldn't have to look at it. Which says something considering how hard he is to catch.

You're not sure if it's that, the fact that his Director is apparently furious, or just that you're no longer a threat to national security, but Russ has seemed far more willing to talk to you about governmental things than he ever has before. That's… pretty useful actually.

Governmental Reactions will now be interspersed into Reverse Rival Reports!
'Wheedle Russ about CAIA' personal action unlocked
'Infiltrate CAIA' National action unlocked. Agent Russ will not help with this action- in fact, probably best he doesn't catch wind of it at all.

[ ] 'Rejoin' the US Government
64+19 (Doof)+23 (Moseby)+14 (Council)+2 (Loyalty)+10 (XP)=132

People all over the country are… mildly confused by this 'shift' in 'branding'. Some say it's a satirical setup to mock government as just as 'evil' as corporate america, others pontificate that the bit was getting old anyway. In any case, the 'annexation of Doofania' is likely to be out of everyone's minds in a few weeks.

Except of course the government. Capitol Hill is apparently relieved that DEI is no longer being such a blatant rude gesture at Washington's heart, and CAIA itself is beginning to look at you as someone they can, if not like, at least tolerate. Some of the credit for this change is apparently going back to Russ, who is being hailed as the man of the hour behind closed doors.

[ ] Prevent Unattended AI
70+38 (Doof)+ 30(Trevor)+23 (Alan)+ 20 (Concurrent User) +2 (Loyalty) +20 (Council)=203

Mostly unremarked upon, DEI and Funtelligence's collaboration to ensure that Funtelligence systems and NormCores™ no longer inexplicably become sentient are welcome evidence both corporations are taking their position as market leaders in AI seriously. Some question why nominal competitors are getting chummy, but both companies' stocks are up… in as much as DEI sells any stock at all, anyway. Winston has expressed some curiosity as to why exactly you did this, so you told him. He seemed satisfied.

[ ] Sell Doc Hopper's
Did you always intend to flip Hoppers for profit, or was the heat simply too hot to stay in the kitchen? DEI's sudden exit from the Franchise Wars before they even really began has several boring trade magazines buzzing. Some suggest DEI stripped the frog franchise for its best parts (which is true you suppose, if you count Kermit) before dismantling it. Winston is used to your antics by now and doesn't seem to think it odd.

[ ] Release Peter Pan
Apparently a small minority of theaters primarily in and around LA publicly snubbed the release of Peter Pan, likely on orders from their corporate master Judge Doom. Winston seems interested in getting the film and other parts of the small Disney backlog on this new thing he has planned called a 'streaming service'.

[ ] Lobby for Genetic Modification
Winston let you know that the genetics world is in a tizzy over your sudden entry onto the lobbying scene, pushing for mass deregulation. As one of the quickest rising biofirms in the world, speculation is running wild as to what exactly the good doctor's house has planned.

CAIA is… very mildly concerned. Probably not enough to actually do anything, thanks to your recent choices, but from their perspective it absolutely screams 'step 1 to evil army of mantis men'.

Hey. There's an idea.

[ ] Sponsor a City-Wide FCLORP
DEI spent an unclear amount of time and money this month helping some of its interns organize the largest FCLORP in the world, recently certified by the Guinness Book of World Records. In most parts the performance was what one could expect from a mass of roleplayers, but there were a few memorable standouts trending on The Grid.


Temujin has reorganized your PMC, but whose army is it?

[ ] Make Genghis the PMC's official commander.
Genghis will gain the following trait:
A Small Army: +5 to all martial rolls where Genghis is deployed alongside the PMC.

[ ] Keep the PMC centralized around DEI.
PMC general martial bonus increased by 2 to +9, penalty to invasions increased by 1 to -30.

Do you agree to sell hard AI rights to Glomgold?
[ ] Yes
[ ] No

There is a twenty-four hour moratorium on voting. Vote separately from the PMC vote.

[1] Liv Amara's Diplomacy score has been raised on review. Looking back, it should have been higher. Now you know.
Last edited:
Change Key New
For most people, San Fransokyo was an example of the shining city on a hill. The largest city on the west coast, a hotbed for technological development, a playground where new tech could blossom under profitable companies and doing it all with clean green energy on top of everything. New York might have been the city that never sleeps, but San Fransokyo was the city where tomorrow lives, and every young engineer wanted to be. [1]

For the most part, it was even true. The economy was booming, SFIT graduation rates were as high as ever, and new and exciting projects were coming out that could change lives for the better.

There was a time where Liv Amara felt like she was the only one who could see some of the cracks. The city's facade might have been pristine from a distance, but the closer you looked the more you could see the ugly interior peeking through, the deep rot that was infesting the place slowly spreading beneath the surface. Tonight, though… it was nice to see that at least a few other people were up to speed. It would be nice if everyone could get on board and see the festering wound for what it was, but she had to take small steps.

Governor Kevin had seen fit to throw a major gala celebrating the repeal of the SRA and everyone who was anyone was invited. Politicians, CEOs, celebrities, the convention hall was packed with a crowd of the state's most famous and influential. There was certainly a little talk about galas circling around- in the last five years, two major galas led to two major upsets in corporate America, both of them suffering from massive supervillain attacks that led to the CEO being ousted. Kevin's was much smaller… but Liv couldn't deny how another little shakeup in the corporate scene might prove interesting. It felt like things were balanced on a knife's edge, not just in Sokyo but across the nation. Perhaps they would be able to see another one happening in real time, after just a little more preparation…

Ostensibly, the zaibatsu were rivals and competitors. In reality, there was much more collaboration between the three megacorps than any of them let on- but that sort of thing was kept on the down low. The Franchise Wars had been the latest and most public example of what they could accomplish when they put their heads together, but other than that… Liv spared a glance at her table, seeing that neither Silverman nor Trengrove had shown up yet.

Perfect. Liv put on a winning smile, moving with purpose through the crowd as she approached the governor. The man was wearing a neat pinstripe suit, his blond hair perfectly coiffed, an untouched flute of champagne in his hand.

"Ms. Amara!" Kevin offered a handshake, grinning with what looked like genuine enthusiasm. "I'm so glad you could make it today! "

"Thank you, governor. How could I resist, when I've already got my foot in the door for the community?" Her smile was perfect, practically glowing, even as she took in all the details of Kevin's posture. His gormless yet genuine smile, the lack of any tension in his body language at all. He was completely at ease, and it was easy to see how he had breezed through reelection. The man was friendly yet pliable, as long as she framed arguments around his singular talking point, he was likely to be onboard.

"That's right, your Minuteman serum! I've seen the reports, that's some exciting stuff! And a fantastic tribute to Nimble Jack besides!"

Case in point. The Nimble Jack comparisons were unintentional at first, but she had certainly leaned into it. Nimble Jack's name still had significant pull in the government even if the man was dead twenty years. "I couldn't help myself, Kevin! I always pride myself in improving on what mother nature has given us, and where better to look for inspiration than to the golden age? There's a lot we can learn from the past, even as we're looking towards a better tomorrow."

"That's a pretty good catchphrase, Liv!" The voice came from just behind Liv, and she resisted the urge to turn to look. Francisca Marshall had a particular habit of sneaking up on people, one of the woman's many peculiarities.

The redhead practically bounced up next to Liv, waving her arms theatrically. "From the past, to the future. Heh. You could win an election on a dream like that."

The line was corny as hell and more than a little on the nose, but Liv said it without a hint of irony. That part was important. Kevin had been elected and re-elected on his completely genuine enthusiasm towards the superhero community, which meant this should resonate perfectly. The man could be shortsighted but wasn't naive, he could tell if he was led around by the nose… but what better way to resonate than by seeming completely genuine?

"That's it exactly! Think about it. Being a superhero used to really mean something. It was a commitment! And people got out there because they wanted to help people, right? Sure, the Golden Age wasn't as cut and dry as some people like to think… but in the end, we still got a lot of greats out of it. Think about how many lives were saved, and how many of those people were inspired to go out and help people themselves?"

Marshall slid forward, clasping the governor's hand with a smile. "Hey, you get it! People need heroes — backs to chase, heights to climb. People don't want to take over the moon because they get paid, but because it's there."

And just like that, he was hooked. Liv could already see the shape of the conversation to be, where best to lead Kevin on. The smile she offered was completely genuine, but for a very different reason than Kevin might have been expecting.


Liv had disentangled herself from the conversation with Kevin after a few minutes, making her way through the crowd of suits to her table. That was a productive talk. Dealing with the governor was sometimes tiring but rarely unpleasant, the man had an agreeable attitude and was incredibly easy to get along with.

Unlike some people.

Trengrove or Silverman were never explicit about it. If their meetings were anything like her own, then they had probably been given orders to never bring him up under the threat of death. She could see it in their eyes, though, the way they always seemed to tense up, like there was something just in the corner of their vision. The way Trengrove had been absent from public events for the last eight months and nearly silent on social media, a true rarity for a man that prided himself on his public image as a fun entrepreneur.

"Hi Liv." Trengrove gave her a sickly smile that didn't reach the eyes. "Been a while since we saw each other, huh? Don't tell me a party like this is all it takes to drag you out of your lair."

"I could say the same about you, Trengrove. You've been locked in your office for months! I know the value of getting out in the field for some observations once in a while." They weren't friends, but colleagues could express a bit of a concern. Just enough to get him talking.

"It is good to see you again, Trevor. Some people were starting to get worried." Judy spoke up. Apparently she had not yet taken Edna Mode's fashion advice to heart, still dressed in the same subdued outfit she usually went for. She really did look like a secretary in over her head.

Trengrove's plus one seat was empty. Silverman had brought along a wiry twenty-something with a goatee, some senior researcher from Bakaemono she couldn't recall the name of.

"Haha! No need to worry!" Trengrove responded just a little too quickly. "That's just the cost of innovation! I don't think I need to tell you how much we've been working on lately. That collab we had with DEI, massive success right there. Two innovators in the field, both making huge strides forward! The market for this sort of thing has never been hotter. I've even heard some tell that Glomgold is looking to get in on it."

Nothing she couldn't have learned from reading the business news, but still, it was a start. Trengrove normally took to public speaking like a fish to water, so his nerves weren't from that, and the way he just stopped himself from looking around in a panic…

"Business is booming, then? How's your new competitor reacting?"

"I can never tell with that guy. His researchers did a good job- you ought to know that by now, Liv- but he hasn't jumped on anything yet."

"That sounds like DEI." Francisca Marshall exclaimed, into slipping into the conversation. "The company is Doofenshmirtz's personal wonderland. If he isn't interested, then he doesn't pursue it."

"Miss Marshall." Judy greets your plus one. "I'd heard Liv had brought you in after the Minuteman project. How has that been going?"

"Unfortunately, it's all under NDA. I'd love to tell, Judy, but the law's the law." Marshall says, popping a cocktail shrimp into her mouth. "Who's your friend?"

"This is Ian. He's been doing a lot of exciting work for us at Bakaemono- remember those cloaking drones that made the news a couple months back? That was all him."

"I do remember those." Marshall grins, leaning in. "So you're the man behind the latest and greatest of covert weapons technology, Ian?"

"Well, I can't take credit for the prototype, but I was responsible for integrating it into the weapon system. Some of the initial concepts for the project didn't pan out, but that's what R&D is for, right?

"Naturally." Marshall took a sip of her martini. "So, what sort of concepts?"

As Judy's lackey began to launch into a long-winded explanation on the design process, Liv noticed as Marshall's gaze flickered between her, Trevor and Judy. No doubt the woman had picked up on the implications of the trio's meeting.

As Marshall's eyes met her own, Liv gave the slightest nod.

"Say…" The consultant said, just loud enough to knock Ian off balance. "I heard Fyronic has faced off against Capes with invisibility tech before. I bet you he'd have all kinds of things to say about these things."

"Uhm." Ian blinked. "Getting some insight from a real veteran Cape would be pretty cool."

"Who knows, he might even be willing to test it." Marshall grinned, grasping hold of the gormless scientist by the shoulder and pulling him towards where Fyronic and Prince Pyrus were doing a meet and greet. "I'll introduce you."

As Ian was whisked away, Liv privately noted that despite the few protests before acquiescing, his body language suggested that he wouldn't mind the meeting in the slightest. She mentally filed that away for later; it would always be useful to know what made the head researcher of Bakaemono tick.

Her pleasant smile to Marshall transitioned to a broader, more enthusiastic grin as she addressed her fellow Zaibatsu heads, finally afforded a moment of privacy at their table.

A silent, unspoken understanding passed between them as chairs slid in.


They could never be too cautious.

"The market for AI's getting hotter, you said?" Liv asked pointedly. Trengrove, when he wasn't facing the public, didn't bother with the platitudes. It seemed as good an indication as any that he was taking advantage of the rare chance to talk.

"That's right! Loads of new investors, real bleeding edge. The possibilities are limitless!" Trengrove's exhaustion was becoming more obvious the more she studied him, the dark circles under his eyes made it clear he wasn't getting much rest.

"Mm. If only. Bakaemono's been steady but there hasn't been anything new and exciting for a while." Judy slipped into the conversation seamlessly, a slight edge to her words that wouldn't have been audible if Liv wasn't listening for it.

"We've been holding steady ourselves. After such a large government contract, we're in between projects, jumping between a few things here and there. Competition's heating up, I think we all know it- the Franchise Wars are just one example, right?"

Two nods of assent, a forced chuckle from Trengrove. Good. It was always such a thrill whenever pieces fell into place. Now if only she could say the same thing about other live specimens…

"So tell me, Liv- what does the future hold for Sycorax?" Judy questioned.

"Rising to new heights. Sycorax has come too far to just roll over because we've got a little competition. Maybe some rising stars are muddying the waters a little, but I can assure you, Sycorax is going to come out on top."

"It's a… competitive field, Liv." Judy's voice carried a mote of concern. "You have to know that you're going up against some big names."

", you know what?" Trengrove stabbed a dinner roll with his fork. "You're right. That's the kind of positive thinking we need- that's the kind that made our businesses what they were like today! You both know- your companies set new trends! Innovating! Taking some risks, making some investments, and watching the market!"

Wow. That bad, huh? This was the first time he had spoken with anything resembling passion all evening. She noticed the pause, probably where he tried to figure out if Judy truly fit into the metaphor, and had blazed on anyway.

"I… don't want to say Bakaemono's doing terribly, we're still pulling in massive profits, but I'm not sure it's a good idea to enter new markets yet." Judy pulled out her phone, pulling up an article on a recent series of arsons against Captain Kernel's. You said it yourself, Liv- the Franchise Wars have been deadly. In this economy, with this level of competition, one misstep and that will be that."

"Then what's the alternative?" Trevor demanded. "Just staying the course, living as… at the whims of the market?! We're trendsetters! We need to get out there and set some trends!"

The metaphor was rapidly devolving into a chaotic mess. Trevor was desperate, but she couldn't have him going off the handle.

"Love the passion, Trevor, but that's not how we do things at Sycorax. Taking risks and treading new ground, sure, but not blindly. We do our research first, look at some previous findings in the field, maybe even a few studies before we announce a new project. And Judy- if you're not willing to take any risks, then Trevor's right- Bakaemono's never going to get out of the shadow of what it once was."

They both wanted action, she could tell. The tension, the weight, the flow of the conversation. Supports were cracking, ropes were fraying, things were in motion.

"I'm just asking you to remember who your friends are." She said, opening her hands with a smile.


[1] Also every rich party boy pretending to be an engineer, though they at least had options.


Mez's monthly report suggests that the zaibatsus might be collaborating on something big under the table, but she doesn't have enough intel to suggest what.

Next turn, Liv is likely to have Mez look into Funtelligence and the state of Trevor Trengrove.

Mez has become aware of some projects Sycorax is working on in the background. Options to steal them will be included with the next turn.