"What's the deal with that, anyway?" Hazō asked. "Where does the Seventh Path come from? Why is it weaker than the other Paths?"
The Toad Sages exchanged another glance.
"Should we tell him?" Shima asked.
"I think we should," Fukasaku said.
"What if he goes off and does some fool thing with the knowledge?" Shima asked.
"Look at the three dimensional seal he made!" Fukasaku said, pointing a bulbous finger at the center of the darkened crater. "He'll go off and do some fool thing no matter what. Do you want him doing his fool things with the confidence of an ignoramus? If he wanted the Seventh Path destroyed, all he'd have needed to do is not pull the damn Conclave together. He's the one human we can trust not to do that, isn't he?"
Holy hell, actually sensible people.
"Very well. The 'Sage' didn't have the power to make whole new Paths on his own, but he was able to twist and warp space and time pretty well. The Animal Path was pretty wrecked by the Tenfold Abomination, so he pulled off a little chunk of it, made it livable, then put a veil around it to make it into its own Path. That's what we call the Seventh Path today."
The bearded toad put his hands together. Hazō thought he was making hand seals, but instead he clasped one fist inside the opposite hand. "He took the slice of the Animal Path and wrapped it around the Human Path like this. Except they're both really crumply, so the distance between any part of the Human Path and any part of the Seventh Path is actually really small."
Why did he do it, though?
Also, Kumokogo
had implied that the Paths were separated into the Paths to begin with by the Sage putting up veils. So the "Animal Path" is presumably also artificial. Perhaps the Sage was just able to do a better job separating them at first, and the Seventh Path was a last-minute hack-job?
"Anyway," Shima said. "That all adds up to say this: don't infuse on the Seventh Path. Its existence isn't natural, as I'm sure you gathered. If you or anyone muffs it up bad enough, either the veil breaks down and we all get dumped into the primordial chaos, or we snap back to the Animal Path with untold death and destruction, and then get to deal with whatever popped out of that nasty wasteland after the Tenfold Abomination got done with it."
Interesting that she phrases it as "whatever popped out of that nasty wasteland after the Tenfold Abomination got done with it", rather than "the Shard imprisoned there is going to immediately eat us" or something. Either they don't know about the Five (very possible! their previous talk on a related subject was pretty confused!), or want to keep that information from Hazou, or it doesn't work quite how I thought it did.
Interesting how they keep calling him that. The scare quotes.
Onto the Hagoromo part:
The Sage… the Sage had a complicated life, from what we know of it. Where his divine mother sought to keep humanity locked in their state of endless war and strife, the Sage, perhaps due to his human father, wanted peace. Their conflict is the stuff of many reams of epic and scholarship, but what is agreed upon is that after slaying his mother, the Sage took her blood and fashioned it into chakra.
Interesting. Skeptical of taking the "divine mother" stuff literally, but it's confirmation of
the general guess that the Sage was empowered by some cosmic horror and then turned on it; as well as the idea that the dominant cosmic horrors of the pre-Sage time were interested in keeping humanity locked in conflict.
Ah, you've heard the versions where he travels the Paths, picking up a demon from the Naraka, a gaki from Preta, and so on?
Confirmation of the idea that each of his companions was linked to one of the Paths!
"As before, the stories are varied and conflicting, and we do not know the exact nature of the divine monster. We know from whence it came. In the era prior to the Sage of the Six Paths, the world was ruled by various kami – gods large and small. Some of these kami were simple nature spirits that inhabited slices of the world. Others were ancestor spirits, who gave wisdom and guidance to families and clans. Others still were true gods that lived in ten divine palaces on high and acted in the mortal realm with near-unlimited power.
"Regardless of their habitat, the kami were evil. They were fickle at best, and used their powers to wreak havoc upon the world and lay waste to the lives of men. The nature spirits caused floods and called lightning on those who trespassed. Even the ancestor spirits, whose purpose was to support their families, would not hesitate to kill those who questioned them, and their violent actions against other families slaughtered hundreds in a flash. The ten grand kami were even worse by all measures. Powerful and no less brutal than their compatriots, they raised hosts of men to fight and die for little more than their own amusement.
"The Sage saw this and declared that it would happen no more – that man should be free to live his own destiny, not to have it dictated to him by powers beyond his ken. He fought the kami one by one and slew them, leaving them no longer able to influence the mortal world.
"Though dead, they were not destroyed. Their corpses still held their power and a remnant of their will. Those corpses agglomerated into a being of pure power and hatred, the Tenfold Abomination. Defeating it was the Sage's greatest challenge – and even then, it could not be destroyed, for the hateful power of the ancient kami would merely return again a generation later. Instead, it was sealed away, far from the ability of mortals to influence it, so that the world would never suffer under the kami's tyranny again."
Hm, hm. The Toad Sages
had claimed before that the Tenfold Abomination was split into a "body" and a "mind" part, and then each of these parts was split again into the nine bijuu and (presumably) the Five Shards, respectively. Cross-correlating that with the Hagoromo's statements here, I think the consistent story is that there was some initial entity (or group of them), the Sage carved out its (or their) minds, and then the mindless bodies (with some residual beast-like cognitive subroutines?) agglomerated into the Tenfold Abomination?
And the "initial entity (or group of them)" presumably included the Sage's divine patron (his "mother"), as I'd previously speculated.
I like it. I like it a lot more than the Toad Sages' basic story of "the Shards are pieces of the Tenfold Abomination". Rather, it sounds like the Tenfold Abomination and the Shards are
themselves pieces of some preceding larger entity! It's a subtle shift in framing, but I think it aligns better with the other stories we've heard and the general vibes. (E. g., the part where, as I'd previously noted, it feels like the Five are cosmic-scale entities, in terms of power, whereas the Tenfold Abomination is roughly Dragon-scale/bijuu-scale.)
Except the numerology still doesn't work out! How are there
five Shards from
ten beings? Or, if the "ten gods" stuff is misguided and it was actually a
single entity with ten aspects/identities/whatever – why was its mind split into five and its body into ten? I mean, two times five is ten, so it almost sounds like each Shard is a fusion of the minds of two gods/aspects... But why?
Hm, maybe it's because the Sage had only enough power to split the initial world into six Paths? His attempt at the
seventh Path was a hack-job. And presumably the veils between Paths were his method of keeping the Shards separated, and he also wanted to keep the "body" (the bijuu) part away from all the "mind" fragments. Thus: he could only build six prisons, he had to allocate one of the prisons to the bijuu (which is also why the jinchuuriki aren't allowed to be Summoners! the Shard of the Animal Path would then be able to get to the body!), so he had to split the ten remaining mind-fragments across just five Paths? ... Eeeeehhh, that explanation feels really adhockish.
"Anyway!" he said, looking up and reaching a hand up to the sword on his back, "I'm done with waiting around. I'm going to send these damned Dragons back to Naraka where they belong."
"You don't mean right now," Hazō said. "The Crusade will be here in a week or two, and you can't fight them alone."
"If they have chakra, Samehada will eat them alive," Kisame said with his predator grin. "And I wasn't planning on doing it alone. Itachi will be here soon enough, and if there's anything Samehada and I can't handle, he'll kill it with a look."
"I don't know if that'll be enough," Hazō said. "They might not have chakra at all. They're made of something completely different to normal beings from the Human or Seventh Path, and the Sage managed to seal them away, which you can't do with things that contain chakra. As for Itachi… well, two of them literally can't be looked at, one can be looked at but not perceived, one more subverts your mind if you look at it, and the last has such a huge reach that if it's in your visual range, you're in its threat range."
Hazou, what the hell have you done! This was our chance!
Ah, well. I suppose Itachi would've reined Kisame in if Hazou didn't do it. That presumably scored us some points instead.