I mostly like it as part of a multi-layered pitch for why Hazou, specifically, needs a justu for temporary Resolve boosts (it's not even really a lie!). Resisting Dragons also makes a lot of sense, maybe just Auras in general, we seem to run into them often enough. Even if Hazou is 'managing', in the sense that he isn't going to melt his brain, a temp jutsu 'for tricky infusions', or to let him get back to sealing faster, or reduce the impact of the headache - which another consequence slot would do? - feels reasonable to ask for. These are real and compelling needs that 1) aren't FOOM-revealing and 2) personal enough to leave leeway for the Yamanaka to restrict the jutsu's spread to limit the relative damage done to their own power.
All of this assumes such jutsu exist and the Yamanaka have them, ofc, I don't think we actually have any specific evidence one way or the other.