Don't we already have a Yamanaka resolve boosting jutsu? Did the Yamanaka not literally gift it to Leaf, partially to see if it actually worked, meaning that they are using it themselves, meaning that they don't have something more obviously effective?

I'm of the opinion that if they gave us what they did, then it means they have something waay better and way stronger. It's how those things usually works. No one gives their best. That's foolish.

Or are we talking about a jutsu that boost resolve temporarily?

This would be amazing for FOOM/Clone sickness, so hopefully.

The deal that Hazou so famously broke off? That every Leaf Summoner knows about?

I mean yes, but it was due to genocide. I'm not sure that'd be a good thing to bring up for the opposing side. It's like stating "I want to commit atrocities with your seals" which...may be a given, but most people don't like to say it in public.
Do you mean first generation ninja (such as Honoka), or actual civilians in the Ninja Academy? Because there are a string of Interludes for the former... but the latter doesn't exist. Civilians in MfD either go to GED (if they're one of the Goketsu's many civis), learn a trade, or are uneducated.
I meant first generation ninja. Kids who were considered fully civilians until they weren't.
I'm of the opinion that if they gave us what they did, then it means they have something waay better and way stronger. It's how those things usually works. No one gives their best. That's foolish.
Why would they care about the efficacy of what they gave us and wonder whether it's effective or not when they literally have a better version of the same thing? Why would they even keep the ninjutsu around at all?

Do you also think that that one botanist Clan has a plant that produces double the gold?
Why would they care about the efficacy of what they gave us and wonder whether it's effective or not when they literally have a better version of the same thing? Why would they even keep the ninjutsu around at all?

Do you also think that that one botanist Clan has a plant that produces double the gold?
Well, we keep the notes of our older, easier, not-as-strong seals, Leaf library has jutsu that are just worse versions of other jutsu, the Nara have better capture techniques than what Kei has learned, and so on. It's not really a stretch that Clans hold on to weaker versions of other things they have. For example, you want your genin to have a leg up but you also don't want them to leak your best stuff the moment they get captured. Or you need the weaker stuff as a prerequisite for better stuff. Etc etc.

(And the gold producing plant was from Oro, not a Clan, IIRC. The Yamanaka are the only Botanist clan in Leaf I'm aware of..)
I'm going to say it again, a resolve boosting jutsu is not a good thing to bargain for. We don't need to be spending more XP to get more XP in the future. We can just start spending our XP to get better now

What we should actually try to get from Ino is anything that would help Mari's genjutsu.
Nah let's go hard. Offer 200 a month for at least the next year to be renegotiated then in exchange for a resolve boosting jutsu to be kept as an Gōketsu elders clan secret.

"HI I'm a genin who nosells absolutely anyone if they can't kill me for a few rounds. My clan heads paramore gave me a seal that attacks nonlethally at 60 ^_^"

Why not give her a choice?

"Good idea. I can put together a few hundred high-chunin tier goo bombs for your genin, that should be decisive in any remotely fair fight.
But if Asuma's permission to trade directly extends beyond genin usage, we'd be happy to trade you an ongoing supply of Jiraiya-tier Goo Bombs for your clan, in exchange for resolve booster or similar goodies."

Let her decide if this is a small favor for our beloved, or a deal between clans. Which does she want?
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(And the gold producing plant was from Oro, not a Clan, IIRC. The Yamanaka are the only Botanist clan in Leaf I'm aware of..)
There was a Clan that offered three different plants to the contest. One was a potent pain killer. And I'm pretty sure another one was the gold producing plant that uses a lot of chakra.
I'm going to say it again, a resolve boosting jutsu is not a good thing to bargain for. We don't need to be spending more XP to get more XP in the future. We can just start spending our XP to get better now
Cached thought: I agree. I recall I ran a calculation on this, and ended up concluding that even a reasonably powerful Resolve-boosting technique (e. g., +Resolve AB to Resolve rolls) would only speed up a multi-year process by 2-4 months or so. Which isn't nothing, and it'd stack quickly if we get a few Resolve-boosters, but isn't exactly a game-changer. Obviously grab one if it's just lying there, but spending large-scale resources on that? Eh.

(Sanity-check: Suppose we have Resolve 90. We're able to integrate (90+3(5-2)-20)/3 = 26.3 bonus training blocks/day, which translates to ~10.53 bonus XP/day. Suppose we get a +Resolve AB jutsu. That'd mean (90+10+3(5-2)-20)/3 = 29.7 bonus training blocks/day, i. e. 11.88 bonus XP, for an increase of 1.35 XP/day or (11.88+4)/(10.53+4) = ~9% increase in XP rate. Which means e. g. a 365-day-long training program would take up... 332 days, i. e. 33 days less. That's a pittance at the point we're talking about, and that's not even accounting for how much XP we'd have to put in the jutsu itself.

But of course, that doesn't account for the pyramids. +Resolve AB may let us keep Resolve as one of our secondary stats, not our capstone, which may shorten the time to our becoming more powerful in practical terms by a more significant margin... I'm skeptical though, and too lazy to carry that calculation out.)
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Not convinced Ino would accept that trade.

A seal supply can be cut off, a jutsu can't be un-taught [angry Pantsaa noises], and Resolve-boosting is specifically something that would make it easier for the Gouketsu to defend against Yamanaka.
In the ideal world, every Leaf nin shares all of their techniques with every other Leaf nin - there's sufficient trust.

Real talk: what does keeping Goo Bombs secret get us? In the world where we simply open-source our secret seals (the relatively harmless ones like Goo Bombs and Banshees) the net effect is that we've lost a bargaining chip if we ever need to trade for something and Leaf is stronger - this might bite us if we ever need to defect from Leaf.

Ino is our girlfriend. This means that we can trust her. So, let's do that, but let's not be stupid. Let's sit down in a room with her and say that we want to make the deal, but we need something in return, but we aren't sure what to ask for, so, help us out?

Personally, I'd like to make a good trade. We'll teach the best Yamanaka sealmaster Goo Bombs in exchange for something. A supply of Goo Bombs both presses on our time and is hard to trade for.

I think that swapping Yamanaka genjutsu training for Mari (if Mari wants it) would be pretty good.

Either that, or we just ask what she's offering and take whatever.
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Taking the time to supply Yamanaka with Goo Bombs is something that isn't a threat to us, but it does represent a time commitment that we have to make that could be spent on necromancy or Dragonwar.

So if we are going to spend time for Ino, we should be trading it for stuff that frees us up equally.
She shifted uncomfortably, looking back at where her fingers were idly shredding a blade of grass. "You were feeling cut off from the others. We talked for a while, and I told you what it was like from my side. How I didn't know what to do. How I'm not this elite jōnin that the rest of you see me as, I'm just the gawky teenager from a few years ago who's somehow tricked everyone into believing she's a grownup. That I don't have some great plan for how to keep us alive and make the world better, I'm just making it up as I go along and I'm dropping the ball more and more."
Do you have a proposal for a mission that doesn't require Hazō?
Kraken has a pretty good lead, narrowed down to a town for its last-seen location, we'd just need an infiltrator to get info/history and track it down. Only issue is its in Lightning Country, and AMITY yadda yadda. It would probably be better that Hazou doesn't attend that one. Probably the strongest option imo.

The Otter Scroll is similarly in an AMITY country with a decent lead, though that one seems like a Jashin quest so Hazou should probably go imo.

The Squirrel Scroll seems obscured enough and without much for a foreign infiltrator to go on that it would benefit from Hazou's presence.

Kangaroos are apparently about to get back to us so no comment there.

The Rat Scroll is evidently on Crimson State Island, last seen in the possession of the Crimson Sunrise Clan a long time ago. There's also a Dungeon on Crimson State Island literally called the Forbidden Dungeon and it would be our luck for the Scroll to be in there, so that seems less up Mari's alley (though maybe still within her abilities as an EJonin+. Genjutsu doesnt work as well on beasts unfortunately so she'd definitely need backup.)

Capybaras... there was a trade deal a while ago but still no Capy summoner. I'm assuming someone bought it and can't use it. If a village bought it idk how she'd get to it, but if it's just sitting in the hands of some Tea clan she might manage it.
Oh sorry I was trying to make the point that Mari is a social-spec Elite Jonin and would be able to prod the Conclave along more effectively than Ino.
Well yeah, in the most ideal of scenarios we get Mari, Ino, Ami, and Kurenai there to kick everyone's social nuts and have Scrolls to spare.