The timeline of this was...
1. The Yakuza assault an elderly Goketsu woman.
2. Haru does violence at the Yakuza in retribution and gets bodyguards.
3. Some of those bodyguards fail and Haru murders someone.
4. Haru commits several murders during the course of his investigation.

Not quite.

  1. Interlude: The Strange Life of Gōketsu Haru, Part 2
    1. Some random teenager named Hisa assaults an elderly Gōketsu woman (Granny Mayuka)
    2. Haru walks into a bar and starts breaking things and beating people up until the local Yakuza Second Lieutenant (Gotoda Kintaro) shows up, at which point Haru says that he "want[s Hisa's] head, in a box, delivered to the Gōketsu compound by sunset" and that's he's holding the lieutenant personally responsible for this. It's unstated whether or not that happens but presumably it does because Kintaro isn't killed until later. It's also unstated whether the Yakuza found Hisa and delivered his head or couldn't find him so they killed some random person and delivered their head.
    3. At Haru's insistence, the Yakuza start stationing men outside the Gōketsu estate to escort and protect any Gōketsu civilian who wants to go into the city.
  2. Chapter 359: The Bane
    1. A couple of Gōketsu teenagers slip away from their escort to do some necking. They get mugged.
    2. Haru kills Kintaro in retaliation. (Gaku told Hazō that it looked as though he'd been killed by 'a very strong man with a sledgehammer', but it was in fact 'a ninja with a fist'.)
  3. Chapter 376: Prophetic Dreams
    1. Hazō meets with the Oyabun, bringing Mari and Haru as advisor/bodyguard respectively. The Oyabun clues into the fact that either Hazō does not know what Haru has been doing or else is pretending not to know. Either way, he plays along and says nothing.
  4. Chapter 419: Helpful Tips
    1. Haru beats people up and breaks legs until someone tells him where the new Second Lieutenant is. He goes to the man and leans on him to figure out what happened with the bank run. (It happened in chapter 412.) When the Yakuza can't do that quickly enough, he kills the latest Second Lieutenant and later that day shows up to talk to the guy's replacement about finding some more information.
I feel like I'm forgetting some incidents...he definitely administers various beatings and probably some other murders, but I don't remember the details offhand and can't find them easily.

I don't know about air cleaners, are you talking about Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifiers?

I'm teasing, don't mind me
You jest, but we actually have separate entries for 'Air Cleaner' and 'Usamatsu's Glorious blah blah' in the seals document and I'm not sure if that's a mistake or not. I think it probably is.
Likewise, Hazō had wanted a facemask containing the seals that Jiraiya grinningly insisted Hazō refer to by their complete name, "Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier", instead of by the far more sensible "Air Cleaner".

You jest, but we actually have separate entries for 'Air Cleaner' and 'Usamatsu's Glorious blah blah' in the seals document and I'm not sure if that's a mistake or not. I think it probably is.
It would appear you are correct.
1. Name
Hazou's Stupendous Skyborne Sploosh (Jiraiya please come back)
(Serious name: Water Reclaimer)

Image source from an actual desert irrigation project.

2. Brief idea
Usamatsu's Life-Saver ("Air Cleaner" from now on) can filter out particulates suspended in air - poison, for example. In addition, it only expels what is precisely needed to produce "airlike gas", according to the seal doc. Water vapor is not necessary for an "airlike gas", and the seal can filter out air-suspended particulates already.
The Air Cleaner seal is a 100% efficiency atmospheric water reclaimer.

3. Applications and opportunities

1. Irrigate Sand and turn them into an actually powerful (and deeply indebted/grateful) ally. Also, man vs nature Uplift and all that jazz. :V

2. Create an emergency water source in the field for when storage-seal water sources are not present or insufficient.

3. Reduce freshwater consumption and reliance for our 7/24 farming plans with the daybright seals. Open up more land, farther away from landbound water sources that also happen to be somewhat safe from chakra beasts, to farming.
Why is this important?
Increasing farming yields was the most important developmental step in IRL human "uplift", in that the freed manpower allowed for more sophisticated industries and trades to develop. (10 farmers used to be able to feed 11 people, including themselves. [Details] In that scenario, few scholars, scientists, doctors, etc. cropped up. Then, efficiency increased. And here we are.)
As a general rule, more food means faster civilization.

4. How would it work?

Air with a little water vapor goes in the seal, completely dry air comes out. We then use the water filtered out by the seal as a new water source for water-deprived operations and regions, like Sand.
  • The Air Cleaner can filter out all non-air parts of its input perfectly. We take advantage of this to filter out water from the air.
  • 3 to 10 grams of water vapor per cubic meter can be found at a desert environment at sea level atmosphere.
  • The 60 degree, 3m conic gas input volume described in the seal doc has a volume of 17.69 cubic meters. (imagine a 60 deg cone with a flat bottom where the long 'arm'/hypotenuse is 3m; it would have a height of 1.5m. So you need to add a hemisphere to the flat bottom to make it a cone of 3m all around. 10.619 m3 from the flat cone, 7.06 m3 from the hemisphere completing it.)
  • Each input cone therefore contains (at least) between 53 and 177 grams of water. For ease of calculation, call it 120 grams.
  • The seal runs all the time with no additional energy input.
  • The seal doc says that Air Cleaner "repeatedly absorbs all gas within a 60-degree 3-metre cone in rapid bursts of suction." If the 'rapid burst' of 'absorbing all gas' means that the entire cone is absorbed at once, we're trivially in business. If not, we just proportionally more seals.
  • If the 'repeated rapid bursts of absorbing all gas' exhausts the cone once, say, every 5 seconds, one seal can store 2.01 cubic meters of water per day. To irrigate one acre of land at a depth of 3.5 feet over one growing season (I take it as 50 days for a comparable climate), we would need 43 of these seals. But not all crops require 3.5 feet. And we have Fertility Jutsu. If we reduce the depth to 1 foot, we need 12 seals. If the seals 'rapidly activate' at a faster rate, the necessary number of seals go down even more, down to ~2 seals per 1 acre at 1 activation per second. So a single sealmaster can irrigate (even at more conservative estimates), well, a lot of land. A lot. (my research/calc muscles are tired...)
  • With those final numbers and a round-bottom cone, if Hazou had as many Air Cleaners in his pockets as he did lethal Explosive Seals right now (100), he could use those to feed 500 to people in a desert annually without any other seals.
  • We will, of course, test for that.
  • All of this is assuming that we don't just set these up in skytowers and don't simply get a hundred times the water per cone by harvesting passing clouds or something. Which we can. That'd be great.
  • The above, likely coupled with the utilization of the Fertility Jutsu (or a bunch of clay), will progressively turn Sand into a productive land as their capabilities and needs for it grow. And they will know, they will know that the Goketsu gave them this miracle! Hahaha!
  • Jokes aside, it'd be good for Hazou's psyche to create something great that is not a WMD. Being Lord War isn't strictly great for the dude. Also, Kei and Akane might be interested in this, with the former being able to help in logistics/organization and the latter being able to help in creating gigantic hurricanes that blow up all humidity calculations.
If you prefer, the details of the seal are as follows. From the seal doc:
Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Preserver
  • Repeatedly absorbs all gas within a 60-degree 3-metre cone in rapid bursts of suction. The gas goes into a storage space. Airlike gas is simultaneously expelled from the storage space via a separate identical cone. Anything not needed to produce the airlike gas (e.g. poison) remains trapped in the space.
From the story:
"Next up is Usamatsu's Glorious Life-Saving Purifier. Usamatsu was an ass, and he didn't realise until the end of his days that everyone else treated the name as a joke, but when it came to sealing, he really knew his stuff. One end of the seal sucks gas into a storage space in sharp bursts. All gas. In parallel, the other end pumps out air. Just air, no matter what else it sucked in. So if there was poison gas in it, that stays in the storage space forever. Except if the seal is destroyed and all that concentrated poison rushes out at once, which is how Usamatsu got himself killed."

5. What underlying nontrivial technical properties does this project require?
  1. We need to be able to extract the 'stored matter' from the Air Cleaners. We can do so trivially by ripping the seal, but that means we no longer have the seal. If seal-maker availability and the seal's storage capacity are insufficient, then the process needs to be as sustainable as possible. Likely seal alteration here. (Dumping storage at capacity, creating an additional channel for non-airlike gas, etc. options are great)
  2. The seals need to be as sustainable as possible. We don't actually know their operation duration. If the relevant test shows an unsatisfactory result, we will need to either look at how many seal-maker hours will be necessary for maintenance, and/or create a more sustainable version with a far simpler function. (e.g. only filter out water, not everything that isn't air)
  3. The faster the seals work, the better. Both the prose description and the seal doc description say that the seals work fast. If the QMs think that their speed will be a concern, we need to test for that.

6. First-order evaluation
  1. Access test: Can we access the "stored matter" in the base seal? Alternatively, can we create an altered version where we can do that? Since, unlike physics, seal modification mechanics are completely opaque, we'll have to learn this in the story. Hazou should know, but we don't. So either that, or talk shop with Kagome.
  2. Speed test: Fill an air dome with smoke. Activate the Air Cleaner inside and measure how quickly the smoke clears. Air Domes have predetermined volume, so this works for measuring speed. Note: Would air domes be too small for the 3m cone?
  3. Capacity/Duration test: Do these seals have a storage capacity? Put one of these seals over a smoking fire and wait. If smoke eventually stops clearing, it does have a capacity. Release in air dome to measure how much. Compare with a seal working over clean air for duration / capacity info.

7. Are there any seal modifications necessary for this project?
  1. Air Cleaners will likely need to be modified into something that allows sustainable access into their "storage" for the water therein. There are many ways to go about this, such as creating a 'storing/dumping double function', periodic storage dumping, an additional channel for 'waste' as well as 'air', etc. Since it is impossible to determine the difficulty of even simple seal modifications, we will see how these work when Hazou/Kagome talk about it. But this should be simple. The filtration and storage, the actually difficult parts, are already there. Thank you, Usamatsu.

8. Who could assist us with making this?
  1. Kagome, because he is Kagome.
  2. Asuma might throw additional seal nerds at us if we are binding Sand closer to Leaf in a time of global political upheaval. Though I'd rather this be a Goketsu project or creation to give us future options and leverage.
  3. Kei and Shika, for organizing the logistics of the project with Sand.
  4. Akane, for occasionally creating a hurricane in sand for WMD demonstration humidity modification purposes. (For legal reasons, I am joking Asuma!)
  5. Civilian farmers for more irrigation information/expertise.
  6. Not Sand. For the ultimate galaxy flex, we want to dump their way out of being a horrific desert in front of their door. (please)

9. What are the possible unwelcome consequences or risks related to this project?
  1. Dunno. This is as non-violent, friendly, and Uplift-y as a project gets. I mean, do you remember my cancer bomb idea? This is sunshine and rainbows in an easy-to-make box in comparison.
  2. Would Sand becoming stronger and being deeply grateful to the Leaf/Goketsu be a problem? Would someone dislike us having Sand in our corner specifically from the start of this project? Maybe.
Feedback welcome!
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Side note: if any Japanese speakers can help me figure out what the word is at the bottom right of the left-hand page, I would be very grateful. It's quite clearly not the same one as the rest, but I can't find the first kanji in a dictionary.

I don't know much Japanese, but maybe the Kanji was drawn wrong (It looks less competently drawn in the manga).
The closest match i could find is 篭 (Basket).
The compound 篭絡 (inveigling; ensnaring; enticement; cajoling) would somewhat make sense in context.

1. Name
Hazou's Stupendous Skyborne Sploosh (Jiraiya please come back)
(Serious name: Water Reclaimer)

Image source from an actual desert irrigation project.

2. Brief idea
Usamatsu's Life-Saver ("Air Cleaner" from now on) can filter out particulates suspended in air - poison, for example. In addition, it only expels what is precisely needed to produce "airlike gas", according to the seal doc. Water vapor is not necessary for an "airlike gas", and the seal can filter out air-suspended particulates already.
The Air Cleaner seal is a 100% efficiency atmospheric water reclaimer.

3. Applications and opportunities

1. Irrigate Sand and turn them into an actually powerful (and deeply indebted/grateful) ally. Also, man vs nature Uplift and all that jazz. :V

2. Create an emergency water source in the field for when storage-seal water sources are not present or insufficient.

3. Reduce freshwater consumption and reliance for our 7/24 farming plans with the daybright seals. Open up more land, farther away from landbound water sources that also happen to be somewhat safe from chakra beasts, to farming.
Why is this important?
Increasing farming yields was the most important developmental step in IRL human "uplift", in that the freed manpower allowed for more sophisticated industries and trades to develop. (10 farmers used to be able to feed 11 people, including themselves. [Details] In that scenario, few scholars, scientists, doctors, etc. cropped up. Then, efficiency increased. And here we are.)
As a general rule, more food means faster civilization.

It would be more practical to lend our civilian engineers and earth construction jutsu users to Sand than to try to use seals to do large scale farming.

For example, building underground aqueducts(qanat), or above ground aqueducts with cover so that water don't evaporate.

Sealmasters are incredibly difficult to train and are only available in limited numbers, while there are far more ninja that can build infrastructures(that don't require strictly requires jutsu for maintenance), and civilians that can carry out engineering tasks.
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...I like the idea, but is the EN far enough along, science-wise, to know about the water cycle and irrigation for this to work? They still think in terms of "spirits," after all.

Presumably, Sand can feed at least a portion of their population. They've been settled in a desert for a while now. So they should have experience with the related phenomena, even if they have different names for them.
Thank you for the feedback!

Edit: Desert irrigation was successfully practiced in China as much as 1600 years ago. If a civilization around 400 A.D. levels of IRL development could do it regardless of what they called it, Sand will not find this to be a problem. I believe this example should be concrete enough for simulationism / QM purposes.

It would be more practical to lend our civilian engineers and earth construction jutsu users to Sand than to try to use seals to do large scale farming.

For example, building underground aqueducts(qanat), or above ground aqueducts with cover so that water don't evaporate.

Sealmasters are incredibly difficult to train and are only available in limited numbers, while there are far more ninja that can build infrastructures, and civilians that can carry out engineering tasks.

Water retainment is less of a problem in deserts than water input. Sure, the former sucks, but it doesn't even matter without the latter. Furthermore, those civil engineering projects require incredible pre-industrial manpower, which means we're back to hacking something together with jutsu and seals for any kind of efficiency. Finally, Hazou can draw a seal in five minutes or something (correct me if I am wrong), which means ten minutes of his labor can feed 6-8 people for a year according to the example I gave in the write-up.

Building roads was always easier than building any type of canal/aqueduct, and we are already hitting difficulties building enough roads to connect a limited number of locations at speed with MEW. That being said, precise performance comparison will have to wait for the tests I outlined, provided we also have some numbers for the civil engineering stuff.

I'm getting ASOIAF canal/qanat flashbacks, actually. To be fair, I asked for those flashbacks by trying to irrigate a desert.

Finally, although Sand is the big headliner, Hazou's SSS can create water out of thin air to support farming, operations, etc. at any location with air. You don't need to have water nearby, and you can do this at any location regardless of whether mundane civil engineering could have been an alternative. I think that versatility should count for something.

Thank you for your feedback!
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To clarify, is this a report on the ritual, or on Project Necromancy as a whole?
I have a little bit of difficulty differentiating between the two.

The broad strokes of the report (I imagine) would be, 'we believe that Jiraiya's soul remains somewhere in the realm we observed during [the time we rescued the Jashin cultist from death on O'uzu but referring to it in a way that won't get us killboxed] and we performed a ritual to see if we could locate him in that realm. Here are details regarding that ritual and the outcomes'. That feels like it might be 'the ritual', but we can't really talk about what we did without discussing why, and that involves talking about the rift/our necromancy-related ambitions.

I wouldn't have been inclined to talk about other Rift-related research, but part of what I'm hoping Mari will do is to provide us feedback to define the level of context and information suitable for a Kage in a report like this. (If this was not made explicit enough to have her do it or have Hazo ask for it, that's totally fine - I'm hoping 'only send it if she thinks it wise' will kill reports she thinks will get us in trouble.)
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Jutsu Application or Jutsu-based Device

1. Name

Akane's Death-Defying Deforestation
(or, "Killing the Forest of Death", or if you're feeling serious "Clearing the World's Deadliest and Most Fertile Farmland In One Simple Step")

2. Brief idea -
About the Land of Fire, EJ says the following:
According to the map, Fire is very roughly 300 miles wide and 200 miles high. It's extremely fertile and could be incredibly productive if it were more efficiently under cultivation. Unfortunately, a supermajority of it is old-growth forest with huge trees that are hard to log because they are (A) huge, (B) often lethally dangerous in their own right, (C) part of an ecosystem filled with lethal magical critters that consider lumberjacks to be tasty morsels.
See previous comment about "extremely fertile". It's naturally rich ground and there's a lot of wiggle room to say "well, even with medieval tech and labor it's 5x as productive as medieval land because chakra worms or whatever".
So if we can somehow get rid of all those blockers, we have the world's best farming/grazing land waiting for a farmer to sneeze in its direction for incredible yields.

So here's what we do:
  1. Buy as much of the heavily forested and beast-infested lands as possible (before they see the obvious and jack up the prices)
  2. Employ a quick and easy clearing method like, I don't know, some sealtech device with force walls, explosives, poisoned goo bombs... or the AKANE EM NUKE.
  3. Laugh, laugh in your enemies' faces and wipe your tears of joy with your endless bundles of ryo that you can now use to buy the world with. (for treason/taxation reasons, Asuma, I am joking.)

3. Applications and opportunities
  1. Basic: Clearing the most fertile and most relatively inhospitable land around, allowing for significantly greater land use for agriculture and related industries.
  2. Asuma: Increased agriculture capabilities lead to increasing yields lead to increased population lead to increased ninja numbers. And, the best part is, we're achieving this with a unique advantage, so rival villages can pound sand.
  3. Asuma 2: (If the WTF factor and the "it was just a freak storm... Eleven times." phase passes in the other villages) Hello other villages, welcome to the next nuke.
  4. Uplift: Increased food availability has historically meant that more people were born, and more than proportional number of people were able to become scholars, scientists, artists, etc. So unless we want to heavily discount the entire rest of humanity with respect to what they can do to improve their own lives, this is an excellent project to further Uplift's aims.
  5. Sand: If Asuma wants to go all colonialism mode, he can supply Sand/Wind (or, really, any other nation) with extremely cheap food to make them wholly reliant on Leaf. However, we have our own Sand irrigation plan in Hazou's SSS. Since the return on investment for Leaf will be so much higher with Akane's DDD, we can get Asuma to go ahead with helping Sand Uplift themselves out of their horrific wasteland also.
  6. Akane and Hazou: Both of these youth/seal gremlins would benefit massively from seeing their respective talents being used for unquestionable good. Burning villages and being Lord War is really not great for their psyches. Also, this is probably one of the only EM Nuke applications that Akane wouldn't normally object to.
  7. Asuma 3 - World Peace: If Asuma does make other nations reliant on a strong Leaf... That's peace. There you go. Why would you attack Leaf if it means you'll starve?

4. How would it work?
After determining the range of the EM nuke and the duration necessary to kill pretty much everything in its radius, walk into the forest of death and start blasting.
Details on EM nuke require further analysis from us and testing in the story, but the question seems not to be "Is it possible?" but "How quickly could you clear X amount of land?".

5. What underlying nontrivial technical properties does this project require?
Elemental Mastery nuke details.
  1. Shouldn't kill Akane.
  2. Should either be safe to use vs the forest, or should be relatively quick enough that danger is irrelevant.
  3. The area of effect and necessary effect duration should be tested beforehand.
  4. Could Akane use EM Nuke to not only destroy wildlife but also control irrigation over a massive area?

6. First-order evaluation
  1. Ask Mari where our scheme falls on the spectrum of getting us assassinated vs making us as rich as god. (Jashin bless)
  2. (If the scheme is too dangerous, bend the knee to Tower again and do the whole project for a reduced return for the Goketsu.)
  3. Calculate the Elemental Mastery Nuke details. (IRL, so this is bad news for my poor brain)
  4. If no problems, the Elemental Mastery Nuke over the ocean or something (for deniability), and gather at least information relevant to Section 5.

7. Which jutsu is this based on?
Elemental Mastery, Jashin bless Akane.

8. Are there any jutsu modifications necessary for this project?
I don't think so. Just stack EM. (calculations pending)

9. Who could assist us with making this? (Besides Kagome, but feel free to list him.)
  • Mari to help us stay alive in the mundane part of the scheme.
  • Akane by being great.
  • Asuma, possibly, through keeping us alive.
  • The Goketsu gang in general by traveling/camping across Leaf and guarding Akane while she does her thing.

10. What are the possible unwelcome consequences or risks related to this project?
  1. If we go with the "We own infinite farmland now" scheme, it might make some of our peers rather anxious if their revenue streams are set to compete with ours. Without a previous arrangement or external support, it might be harder to find civilians to work the cleared land. That being said, a safer and easier-to-work land would likely draw civilians from both inside and outside the Land of Fire.
  2. Akane demonstrates that she is a walking nuke. If we fuck up the OPSEC with this one, we will have to beat future assassins away with exploding sticks. Also, Asuma will never let Akane go out for 99% of ninja missions again, ever. Though that might be the best for Akane...
  3. Further: If the OPSEC regarding EMN fails, if the "freak storm" excuses fall short, and in general if the spontaneous and teachable manmade nature of the hurricanes are obvious to other villages, there could be blood. One way to get out of that could include making Akane another part of the "World Police", but even that is sub-optimal. For the best result, we pretend these were freak storms. If that doesn't suffice, the next step is selling this as a ritual or some extremely complicated sealing array. Etc. Feedback welcome on preventing all that.
  4. Can we make the EM Nuke a clan secret pretty please?

Notes: I can't find details on the EM nuke ideas. Any help is appreciated, because I've already looked too closely into the abyss that is irrigation and farming logistics for Hazou's SSS, and I dread going into the halls of weaponized meteorology now.
- The full subtitle in the image goes: "The Hokage is screaming about agricultural domination and how Malthus is 'a little bitch'."
- As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
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Jutsu Application or Jutsu-based Device

1. Name

Akane's Death-Defying Deforestation
(or, "Killing the Forest of Death", or if you're feeling serious "Clearing the World's Deadliest and Most Fertile Farmland In One Simple Step")

2. Brief idea -
About the Land of Fire, EJ says the following:

So if we can somehow get rid of all those blockers, we have the world's best farming/grazing land waiting for a farmer to sneeze in its direction for incredible yields.

So here's what we do:
  1. Buy as much of the heavily forested and beast-infested lands as possible (before they see the obvious and jack up the prices)
  2. Employ a quick and easy clearing method like, I don't know, some sealtech device with force walls, explosives, poisoned goo bombs... or the AKANE EM NUKE.
  3. Laugh, laugh in your enemies' faces and wipe your tears of joy with your endless bundles of ryo that you can now use to buy the world with. (for treason/taxation reasons, Asuma, I am joking.)

3. Applications and opportunities
  1. Basic: Clearing the most fertile and most relatively inhospitable land around, allowing for significantly greater land use for agriculture and related industries.
  2. Asuma: Increased agriculture capabilities lead to increasing yields lead to increased population lead to increased ninja numbers. And, the best part is, we're achieving this with a unique advantage, so rival villages can pound sand.
  3. Asuma 2: (If the WTF factor and the "it was just a freak storm... Eleven times." phase passes in the other villages) Hello other villages, welcome to the next nuke.
  4. Uplift: Increased food availability has historically meant that more people were born, and more than proportional number of people were able to become scholars, scientists, artists, etc. So unless we want to heavily discount the entire rest of humanity with respect to what they can do to improve their own lives, this is an excellent project to further Uplift's aims.
  5. Sand: If Asuma wants to go all colonialism mode, he can supply Sand/Wind (or, really, any other nation) with extremely cheap food to make them wholly reliant on Leaf. However, we have our own Sand irrigation plan in Hazou's SSS. Since the return on investment for Leaf will be so much higher with Akane's DDD, we can get Asuma to go ahead with helping Sand Uplift themselves out of their horrific wasteland also.
  6. Akane and Hazou: Both of these youth/seal gremlins would benefit massively from seeing their respective talents being used for unquestionable good. Burning villages and being Lord War is really not great for their psyches. Also, this is probably one of the only EM Nuke applications that Akane wouldn't normally object to.
  7. Asuma 3 - World Peace: If Asuma does make other nations reliant on a strong Leaf... That's peace. There you go. Why would you attack Leaf if it means you'll starve?

4. How would it work?
After determining the range of the EM nuke and the duration necessary to kill pretty much everything in its radius, walk into the forest of death and start blasting.
Details on EM nuke require further analysis from us and testing in the story, but the question seems not to be "Is it possible?" but "How quickly could you clear X amount of land?".

5. What underlying nontrivial technical properties does this project require?
Elemental Mastery nuke details.
  1. Shouldn't kill Akane.
  2. Should either be safe to use vs the forest, or should be relatively quick enough that danger is irrelevant.
  3. The area of effect and necessary effect duration should be tested beforehand.
  4. Could Akane use EM Nuke to not only destroy wildlife but also control irrigation over a massive area?

6. First-order evaluation
  1. Ask Mari where our scheme falls on the spectrum of getting us assassinated vs making us as rich as god. (Jashin bless)
  2. (If the scheme is too dangerous, bend the knee to Tower again and do the whole project for a reduced return for the Goketsu.)
  3. Calculate the Elemental Mastery Nuke details. (IRL, so this is bad news for my poor brain)
  4. If no problems, the Elemental Mastery Nuke over the ocean or something (for deniability), and gather at least information relevant to Section 5.

7. Which jutsu is this based on?
Elemental Mastery, Jashin bless Akane.

8. Are there any jutsu modifications necessary for this project?
I don't think so. Just stack EM. (calculations pending)

9. Who could assist us with making this? (Besides Kagome, but feel free to list him.)
  • Mari to help us stay alive in the mundane part of the scheme.
  • Akane by being great.
  • Asuma, possibly, through keeping us alive.
  • The Goketsu gang in general by traveling/camping across Leaf and guarding Akane while she does her thing.

10. What are the possible unwelcome consequences or risks related to this project?
  1. If we go with the "We own infinite farmland now" scheme, it might make some of our peers rather anxious if their revenue streams are set to compete with ours. Without a previous arrangement or external support, it might be harder to find civilians to work the cleared land. That being said, a safer and easier-to-work land would likely draw civilians from both inside and outside the Land of Fire.
  2. Akane demonstrates that she is a walking nuke. If we fuck up the OPSEC with this one, we will have to beat future assassins away with exploding sticks. Also, Asuma will never let Akane go out for 99% of ninja missions again, ever. Though that might be the best for Akane...
  3. Further: If the OPSEC regarding EMN fails, if the "freak storm" excuses fall short, and in general if the spontaneous and teachable manmade nature of the hurricanes are obvious to other villages, there could be blood. One way to get out of that could include making Akane another part of the "World Police", but even that is sub-optimal. For the best result, we pretend these were freak storms. If that doesn't suffice, the next step is selling this as a ritual or some extremely complicated sealing array. Etc. Feedback welcome on preventing all that.
  4. Can we make the EM Nuke a clan secret pretty please?

Notes: I can't find details on the EM nuke ideas. Any help is appreciated, because I've already looked too closely into the abyss that is irrigation and farming logistics for Hazou's SSS, and I dread going into the halls of weaponized meteorology now.
- The full subtitle in the image goes: "The Hokage is screaming about agricultural domination and how Malthus is 'a little bitch'."
- As always, feedback is greatly appreciated!
I like the effort, and the meme, but:

I foresee demonstrating a WMD makes all other nations extremely nervous and restarts the war, forcing Akane to kill millions in a senseless struggle, and pave the way for a suicide WMD corps.

Please do keep in mind that this is a narratively-driven death world.

The in-universe WMDs were distributed among the global factions to avoid war, and there was war still. This was when there were only 9 of those. I do not think introducing more high impact war tech is sensible until world peace is stable, and maybe not even then.

Might make for a fun read though.
I like the effort, and the meme, but:

I foresee demonstrating a WMD makes all other nations extremely nervous and restarts the war, forcing Akane to kill millions in a senseless struggle, and pave the way for a suicide WMD corps.

Please do keep in mind that this is a narratively-driven death world.

The in-universe WMDs were distributed among the global factions to avoid war, and there was war still. This was when there were only 9 of those. I do not think introducing more high impact war tech is sensible until world peace is stable, and maybe not even then.

Might make for a fun read though.

You're right.

If the other villages understand what exactly we have, if they understand its reproducibility, teachability, and low cost all at the same time, one of the following happens: Akane joins AMITY world police or we get the next world war (which is coming to be fair).
This is obviously the worst case scenario at the end of many failing plans and contingencies.

But it could happen.

The problem is, we already are developing the EM Nuke to be our Big Gun. It's not going to stay hidden forever, unless we never ever need a big gun. Looking at even our current problems, what are the odds of that? So the subsequent problems with EMN in that scenario don't change, with the possible differences of 1) we no longer are able to pick the time of using the EMN for the first time 2) the only benefit we get from EMN is as a weapon, followed by a possible world war depending on what else is going on, and at the far end of that process as a land-clearing tool. So we either delay and forego the advantages until the forced activation because we are not confident in our OPSEC, or we use it when we have a use for it, rather than wait until we have to engage in the above scenario.

Depends on how you measure those two vs one another.

But if us screwing up OPSEC and other actors finding out about EMN is a sufficiently large problem vs making use of Fire's singular land fertility, I can always come up with another solution (after the jet engine). This was simply the easiest one, something that fit a tool we are already developing, and probably something Akane would love in particular.


Edit: I just lost the entirety of the jet engine proposal I had been writing online. I am crying in Kagome.
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You're right.

If the other villages understand what exactly we have, if they understand its reproducibility, teachability, and low cost all at the same time, one of the following happens: Akane joins AMITY world police or we get the next world war (which is coming to be fair).
This is obviously the worst case scenario at the end of many failing plans and contingencies.

But it could happen.

The problem is, we already are developing the EM Nuke to be our Big Gun. It's not going to stay hidden forever, unless we never ever need a big gun. Looking at even our current problems, what are the odds of that? So the subsequent problems with EMN in that scenario don't change, with the possible differences of 1) we no longer are able to pick the time of using the EMN for the first time 2) the only benefit we get from EMN is as a weapon, followed by a possible world war depending on what else is going on, and at the far end of that process as a land-clearing tool. So we either delay and forego the advantages until the forced activation because we are not confident in our OPSEC, or we use it when we have a use for it, rather than wait until we have to engage in the above scenario.

Depends on how you measure those two vs one another.

But if us screwing up OPSEC and other actors finding out about EMN is a sufficiently large problem vs making use of Fire's singular land fertility, I can always come up with another solution (after the jet engine). This was simply the easiest one, something that fit a tool we are already developing, and probably something Akane would love in particular.


Edit: I just lost the entirety of the jet engine proposal I had been writing online. I am crying in Kagome.
I wasn't aware that the EMN was being actively being worked on. I vaguely recall some discussion on the physics of the EM, because depending on how they shake out, using it beyond a certain level would just instakill those who cross the boundaries, the user, or irradiate everyone around. Was that settled?

Re opsec, for all we know, Zabuza is alive, spying on us and selling all our secrets to the highest bidder.

Edit: the jet proposal might not be fully lost. What were you writing it in?
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I wasn't aware that the EMN was being actively being worked on. I vaguely recall some discussion on the physics of the EM, because depending on how they shake out, using it beyond a certain level would just instakill those who cross the boundaries, the user, or irradiate everyone around. Was that settled?

Re opsec, for all we know, Zabuza is alive, spying on us and selling all our secrets to the highest bidder.

Edit: the jet proposal might not be fully lost. What were you writing it in?

We're currently checking the precise physics of the EM nuke - precisely, outsourcing the calculations to true galaxy brain physics people. There shouldn't be radiation, but I haven't done the calc rounds yet.

On OPSEC, I don't know who I was kidding. At the helm of the project we have Kagome who is Kagome, we have Hazou who will only need to look in the general direction of Ami to lay the entirety of the EMN bare, and Akane - she's actually alright with this I think.
And if anyone thinks that Zabuza hasn't snuck out of Naraka the moment we looked away from the open rift, I want some of what they are having.

I'll have to rewrite the jet engine thing since I couldn't recover anything from the SV editor. :( Maybe there's something possible with the temporary files in memory, but at this point I prefer rewriting to memory hunting. Honestly, I shouldn't have been lazy just because formatting is slightly harder with using a different editor first.
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Note that this is not very compatible with telling Asuma the exact details of how you intend to clear the land.

I'm of two minds on this

1) Can Asuma, as Hokage, not know clan secrets without breaking the clan secret status, especially if...
2) EMN is almost certainly going to be classified as a strategic weapon the moment its existence is revealed - to Asuma or otherwise. Now I don't know about you, but if I were the President of the US, and the Senator of Michigan or whatever built a new kind of nuke and kept it secret from me while performing tests on my soil... I'd have some extremely pointed questions. Questions starting with the "T" word.

What I mean is, would there be a compromise with Asuma/ the Tower to the effect of "I don't want other clans to know this, but I also don't want you not to know because I know it is important to you."?

Edit: I am slightly worried about the "How dare Hazou make such a tone deaf and anachronistic social/political move?!" monster. Having read the informational about EN culture, I know better than to give a modern cultural example. So, I'll give a medieval one. In medieval kingdoms, rulers gave cities charters and monopolies. They did not go "How dare you ask for such an exception? If pink goat trade is beneficial to you, it'll be beneficial to the entire kingdom even more if we all do it. Off with your head." So I hope that Hazou daring to have that idea, if it ever comes to pass, won't by itself be spontaneous treason.

Though we are a bit late on schedule...
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Employ a quick and easy clearing method like, I don't know, some sealtech device with force walls, explosives, poisoned goo bombs... or the AKANE EM NUKE.
We actually have already solved this problem in a way that does not require giving up one of our major trump cards. Since Leaf has a large numbers of summoners and Noburi we can just deploy a huge number of summons equipped with seal tech to clear any land. This reveals no new secrets but at the same time makes Leaf more dependent on our faction. Since 5 of the 10 summoners are directly in our faction (Hazou, Kagome, Noburi, Kei and KEI) we also have Minami as a soft ally. 3 other summoners are Sannin or Asuma so can't be deployed. The opposing faction only has one in Neji.