If an Iron Nerve holder sees a seal (not a blank or an exhausted seal) in good light for 1-2 seconds, the image of that seal is permanently stored in their brain. They are not considered to be familiar with the seal, but they can still
attempt to draw a blank for it. They need to succeed on the associated Craftsmanship (Calligraphy) roll once 'manually', and then after that they will auto-succeed on the Craftsmanship (Calligraphy) roll for all other blanks of that seal. NB: Since you can use Fate Points on the Craftsmanship (Calligraphy) roll, this will represent tremendous savings over time in terms of risk for Hazō.
It is not possible in practice to describe a seal well enough for someone else to draw it accurately.
Ordinarily, a sealsmith can only make accurate blanks of seals that they are familiar with and only in their own style, not the style of anyone else. Iron Nerve holders break both of these rules:
- They can make a Craftsmanship (Calligraphy) check to draw blanks for any unfamiliar seal they have in their 'Instant Seal Recall' library. These blanks will be in the style of whomever drew the original seal.
- If they are familiar with a seal because they learned it from someone else then they can make a Craftsmanship (Calligraphy) check to draw it either in their own style or in their teacher's style.
Example: Hazō saw some seals during his time in the Isan. He is not familiar with them and has no idea what they do, but he can still (theoretically) produce an accurate blank for them. These blanks will be in the style of (and therefore can only be safely infused by) the person from VHitM that scribed the seal Hazō originally saw.
Example: Kagome taught Hazō how to make explosive tags, so Hazō is familiar with them. Hazō can create blanks in his own style (and then infuse them) or he can create them in Kagome's style and let Kagome infuse them.