[X] Action Plan: In Pursuit of Uncaps for Resolve, Socials, and Calligraphy
Word Count: 298
- Check with Mari.
- Kumokogo.
- Explain the skyslicer plan.
- In short, fly Dragons into immovable wire/silk to shred them.
- Far from GS – for oath-compatibility and seal/jutsu functionality.
- Ask permission to train Hornets in relevant flight maneuvers
- To better model that, observe the Dragons. (Resolve uncap attempt)
- Only get close alone since Summons can't reverse summon safely, but take along any Arachnids or Dogs that are willing to watch from afar. Emphasize the dangers.
- Do as much as you can to describe them and their flight patterns.
- Write down descriptions.
- Draw images.
- Pay attention to their mental attack. How can you resist it?
- Akane?
- Ino?
- Other members of Team Uplift?
- The idea of Uplift itself?
- Clan Gouketsu?
- Cannai?
- Hana?
- Unsummon once physically or psychically dangerous.
- Recruiting a tracker:
- (offscreen, maybe?) Explain the parameters of the Otter Scroll mission to Cannai. Does he know any trackers skilled enough to help find the scroll? Ask him to connect us.
- To Cannai's candidate (if any), bring a no-strings-attached gift: those things which Dogs in the trade network have found the most valuable.
- Explain our mission in dramatic style: (Socials uncap attempt)
- Does the tracker want to find an ancient treasure lost before modern memory?
- Do they want to alter the fate of another summon clan?
- Do they want to help end the threat of the Dragons? (if Dogs know about them – ask Cannai)
- Training Harumitsu:
- Demonstrate Hazou's research process to Harumitsu, with Kagome's safety precautions. (Calligraphy/Sealing uncap attempt)
- Sealing Project: Air Tunneling.
- Hazou knows that air slows him when he sprints.
- Idea: Tunneler's Friend that stores faster, so air doesn't slow a falling object.
- Sanity check with Kagome.
- Rolls:
- Use maximum amount of prep days for bonus.
- Only scribe/infuse once Consequences expire.
- (offscreen) Misc.
- Remake GS replica once healed.
This plan has a new Dragons scene to try to get a Resolve uncap (which is the most immediate thing for Hazou), a Calligraphy uncap (which is next), and also socials because why not (though I mostly want the tracker for the Scroll Hunt). I recycled the tracker scene from my plan last Sunday, and the seal research scene from the Sunday before that.