... How long do you think before Yuno's clear issues, which have been thus far played for laughs, come to a head and explode into a whole new ball of drama? And should we pre-emptively assassinate her before that happens?
We have to stay consistent. We didn't pre-emptively assassinate Kei, did we?
Alright you make a good point. Let's post-emptively assassinate everyone with issues. That should, at the very least, ultimately reduce drama, but not otherwise explosions into whole new balls of things.
Joke Idea:

With the power of telescopes, scalpels, and the Iron Nerve, engrave bio-sealwork on bacterial cells and then release them into Cloud.
Can I just say that I love the Gouketsu?

"We need somebody who is capable of a clandestine stealth commando mission against an entrenched enemy without revealing the source of the reprisal."


"... anybody else?"
Can we start a telescope research team? Telescopes are well known (I think) and have tangible and obvious military benefits, maybe Asuma would bankroll it from the get-go.

Sure. But since the Goketsu have no money, we wouldn't be able to make any gain on it for the clan nor control how these telescopes will be distributed.
@faflec we traded the Wakahisa for secret, utility jutsu. Perfect Hydration is exactly the kind of thing they would share, not knowing it would be a lynchpin in Leaf's military strategy. We just gotta get Noburi the first level before we loop them into the SA 2.0
No, just utility ninjutsu. I went back to check recently. Question not the power of @faflec.
I mean this is a utility ninjutsu of the Wakahisa, it's not impossible that it's an option for trading. I take it they're not offering it? Have they offered us anything at all?

EDIT: We could offer them a deal, "we'll forget the rest of your ninjutsu trading obligation if you have a way to deal with water poisoning". We Goketsu just use so much chakra training.....
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Hey, @Oneiros is still banned from the thread and has removed avatar. Has anyone contacted her and told her that the initial reaction to her plans consequences and the subsequent blaming of her was both overblown and the chapter itself retconned?
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Hey, @Oneiros is still banned from the thread and has removed avatar. Has anyone contacted her and told her that the initial reaction to her plans consequences and the subsequent blaming of her was both overblown and the chapter itself retconned?
Yeah, several of the hivemind have PM'd her to express sympathy and consolation. Her requested ban still stands until however long it expires, but I readily encourage everyone to shoot her a PM expressing their feelings.

The dogpile that happened was unfair, unjustified, and unworthy of this community.
Naw, this time it was some of the community being salty about plan consequences and no one (myself included) stopping them.

The ban was self-imposed.
Grrr... Still not happy. I mean, she does have a tendency to generate plans which backfire, but I am the absolute last one entitled to judge on that front and I expect better of the community than vigilante running somebody out for cover from torches and pitchforks. Where did this happen? Can you provide context?