So, honestly, I'm feeling a bit tired. In that I want a proper break, as a reader, after the VHitM arc. A lore update while we heal and do nothing of import seems good.
That said, working on plans for this quest lets me procrastinate on other things, so I'll do that.
We're going to take it easy until Inoue and Nobby are fully healed, which means relatively low impact work. I figure a few things are on the docket:
- Pangolin Diplomacy.
- Research.
- Go to town, stock up on essentials, gather news from caravans.
- Ask Akane more about the Uchiha. (I've been wanting to do this for a while, it'll likely be a relatively short: "They're the police, and have scary fucking eyes" , but the other possible answers are incredibly informative and cost us nothing to ask.)
- Potentially send message to Jiraiya.
Anyway, Let me rework my earlier proto-plan with things others have said.
[] Proto-Plan : Pangolin Persuasion
Goal: Have Keiko find out as much as possible about the pangolins.
- Ask about possible trade goods the pangolin may want.
- If we want to get a summon, are there any gifts that would be good to get them?
- Try to find a cultural tutor for Keiko, to help her work well with pangolin. Pandaa might suffice if he can set aside his preconceptions and ask questions first. We could also give him an opportunity to study humans.
- Cultural Questions:
- From @OliWhail: What was the issue with the Mori bloodline? Is this an issue with bloodlines in general?
- From @OliWhail: What are other faux pas to avoid? Ask Pandaa to explain this to us as if we are unintelligent, socially isolated toddlers.
- From @OliWhail: What sorts of things can we do as tokens of friendship for Pandaa?
- From @Dictator4Hire: Another thing we need to keep in mind is that the Pangolins might be allied to a clan whose summoner is a member of a Hidden Village. Hopefully no one in Mist, but it could be any village as far as we know. I think we should ask about that sooner rather than later. Summoner etiquette between allied clans could be entertaining.
- From @vali: Do they use some form of currency, or is it a purely favor-based economy? What do elite Pangolins have that lower status Pangolins lack?
- From @vali: Summoners obviously have some value to the summon realms. Get a clearer idea of what that value consists of, so we can maximize it.
- Ask about Skill Tutors:
- Sealing
- Medicine (Make sure it'll work on humans first)
- General Ninjutsu of Various Sorts
- Technique Hacking
- Nature Chakra/Sage Mode Stuff
- Sensory Jutsu
- Element Use
- Communication/Coordination Jutsu
- Support Role Summon Questions:
- This is unlikely to work, but see if pangolin have therapists who might be able to help Keiko and the rest of the group with mental health issues
- Consider finding a doctor summon who we can call outside of combat to help keep us patched together.
- From @Citrus: Pangolin with sensory capabilities who would be willing to help scout, sentry, or track for us.
- Historical/Cultural Questions
- From @Citrus: What happened to Ui/what are the last interactions the pangolins had with him?
- From @Citrus: are there different sects like different branches of their army with different skills, so that we can narrow down our search for summons
- From @OliWhail: Can we get historical info that the village was denying us?
- Logistics / Quest Questions:
- Ask about whether the pangolin could pass messages to the frog summoner.
- From @OliWhail, @Dictator4Hire: Are there any of the Pangolin Clan's allies which currently lack a summoner, or would be willing to take on more summoners?
- From @Cariyaga: I wonder if they would be willing to allow personal summons, similar to Maito Gai's tortoise summon, Ningame? It would be excellent, as missing-nin, to have touchstones in our respective specialties that we could learn from and collaborate with in battle.
- From @Citrus: Pangolin that with quest hooks (ex: Ui had a fabled sword that is super OP, I'll help you if you agree to help retrieve it, we'll even let Keiko keep it)
- From @Citrus: Does time run 1:1 in here and the Summoning Realm?
- Other Relationship Actions:
- From @OliWhail, @Dictator4Hire: If you can communicate with toad summons/Jiraya set up an easy way to get a message/dead drop to him if we don't contact for 2 months. Set up initial dead-drop with encrypted details on VHitM, location, culture, etc... a standard field report as if we were completely loyal to him and had no counterbalancing loyalty to Takahashi.