we just secured that break

also I wanna ask the Bears about their Scroll again so securing a trade deal with them could go with that. (Then again, it's just another meeting scene and if we're gonna do boring old meeting scenes I have others I'd prefer to knock out first) ((Then again then again, we could offscreen this kind of thing and just have the QMs infodump whatever the Bears say)) (((((((((THEN AGAIN THE BEARS ARE PARTY ANIMALS SO THAT KIND OF MEETING ACTUALLY SOUNDS PRETTY FUN, LIKE IS NEGOTIATING WITH THEM JUST DOING ECSTASY OR WHAT?!?!)))))))))

I am deeply, deeply disappointed. A user names Shrooms needs to list a party drug, for a forest-inhabiting party clan, and you pick ecstasy over shrooms (magic mushroom common vernacular)? Such a missed opportunity.

But really, that sounds fun. My immediate thought is "Akane is already good at bear hugs, but imagine how good she could be with actually bears training her!"
So I haven't kept up with discussion for the while or the past 8ish chapters (depression is a bitch lol) but why are we worried about the famine? This seems like a thing for the village to solve not us. It also seems to slow down our ascent to godhood. Once again haven't read everything so I'm sure there is stuff I'm missing
I am deeply, deeply disappointed. A user names Shrooms needs to list a party drug, for a forest-inhabiting party clan, and you pick ecstasy over shrooms (magic mushroom common vernacular)? Such a missed opportunity.
Not that I would really know, but as far as I'm aware magic mushrooms are more for chilling than partying... Still, only one way to know for sure: REJOIN THE BEARS IN CELEBRATION
So I haven't kept up with discussion for the while or the past 8ish chapters (depression is a bitch lol) but why are we worried about the famine? This seems like a thing for the village to solve not us. It also seems to slow down our ascent to godhood. Once again haven't read everything so I'm sure there is stuff I'm missing
Mostly cuz we caused it with scrip crashing the economy

but also Uplift n stuff
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Go us!
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Maybe we could combine Daybright Seals with a modified explosive tag (sustained reaction, no boom, just warmth?) to make greenhouses? MEW makes granite, which would be airtight, which might make for a (mostly) sealed off environment...?
Akane and Kei find Uplift in their ideals, while Noburi and Mari are more practical. What should our role be?
Reminder: I don't really understand what this means, and it would help me write the update if I did. One of the reasons my previous update went the way it did was that I legitimately had no idea why Hazō was intended to let Haru off with a slap on the wrist, so I couldn't have him present a reasoned argument to an angry Akane.
why Hazō was intended to let Haru off with a slap on the wrist
I don't think this was intended (though I do not fault you for reading it that way), it was more the meta reason that we didn't have word space to address it properly but also didn't want to wait even longer. I originally worded it as "Order Haru to..." but was asked to change it so as to avoid further drama in the short term (lmao). It wasn't that Hazou wouldn't eventually punish him, just didn't have the word count to detail it all (so in-universe I guess he wouldn't have the time to look into the matter directly?) Lesson learned though, don't shove in important things with only 10 words or so.
Reminder: I don't really understand what this means, and it would help me write the update if I did. One of the reasons my previous update went the way it did was that I legitimately had no idea why Hazō was intended to let Haru off with a slap on the wrist, so I couldn't have him present a reasoned argument to an angry Akane.
PONWOT: Hazou has a fuckton of things on his plate with all the other drama/Dragonwar/etc. and didn't want to deal with Haru's drama on top of all that, so he prioritized getting Haru to stop and made it reasonably clear there would be consequences once he got around to it (hence the "We aren't exactly pleased either.").
Reminder: I don't really understand what this means
I actually don't know what Paper meant either, but my best interpretation of it is this: Akane and Kei are more concerned with Intent, while Noburi and Mari are concerned with Results. (I'm also not sure I actually agree with that but for the sake of attempting explanation: ) For example, Akane and Kei both care about the "why" of what Hazou is doing, regardless of what it is. Their Uplift is about getting people to share their preferred ideals. Noburi and Mari on the other hand are more focused on things like Medicine or Trauma Rehabilitation which are directly actionable and not really based on intent or ethereal qualities.
@Velorien @eaglejarl
Hello! Long time reader here, interested in taking a more active role in the quest. I've never voted for anything on SV before and am not entirely sure how the whole process works. (I only started commenting on this site with any frequency a several weeks ago). I also don't really know the etiquete for the site or this thread in particular (I've been going off the Reddiqutte when writing my comments but I should probably know the real deal if I'm going to be more active). What should I be aware of? What, besides the Rules doc, should I look at before I get started? Is it ok to ask the QMs questions like this directly or should I ask them to the general thread first?
@Velorien @eaglejarl
Hello! Long time reader here, interested in taking a more active role in the quest. I've never voted for anything on SV before and am not entirely sure how the whole process works. (I only started commenting on this site with any frequency a several weeks ago). I also don't really know the etiquete for the site or this thread in particular (I've been going off the Reddiqutte when writing my comments but I should probably know the real deal if I'm going to be more active). What should I be aware of? What, besides the Rules doc, should I look at before I get started? Is it ok to ask the QMs questions like this directly or should I ask them to the general thread first?
Welcome to active participation!

Voting is straightforward. Use this format (on a new line): [x] Name of Plan You're Voting For. If you change your mind, you have to go back and edit that post as opposed to making a new one. You can vote for as many plans as you like. Voting for Thursday updates closes on Wednesdays, 12 noon London time. Voting for Sunday updates closes on Saturdays, 1 p.m. New York time, but sometimes later depending on @eaglejarl's schedule.

I don't really know the etiquette for this place either. I don't know if we have much of one in Marked for Death, beyond "be polite", "give others the benefit of the doubt", and "be careful talking about sex because many of our characters are underage and we don't want to provoke the mods". I'm sure others can chip in if I'm missing anything obvious.

The Rules doc will do you fine. There are some links on the first page, which presumably you've seen, and some of our players have more in their signatures, but none of them are essential IIRC.

Asking the QMs questions directly is fine. Sometimes we overlook stuff, so if a question hasn't been answered after a little while, it's OK to poke us again.

Oh, we also have a Discord, if you haven't encountered that yet.
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Hello! Long time reader here, interested in taking a more active role in the quest.
I've never voted for anything on SV before and am not entirely sure how the whole process works.
When you want to vote for a plan, you can do this: [X] Plan title / [x] Plan title
Copying and pasting the original plan poster's version of this works as well. When you write your own plan, you do [X] Plan title
Then press enter. You have to create a new line both to vote for someone else and to end the sentence voters will type in to vote for you. You can also vote for a specific person's votes by typing [X] Username / [X] @Username . For example [X] _The_Bomb
The space after the bracket is required in all cases. Removing the X from the vote with an edit will un-vote for a plan. Editing a vote in doesn't actually count it, I believe, so you need to make a new comment when you vote.
I also don't really know the etiquete for the site or this thread in particular
In addition to general internet politeness, do not joke or imply anything about underage sexual content.
What should I be aware of? What, besides the Rules doc, should I look at before I get started?
Technically you don't even have to do this. I've been here around a year now and am still only just grasping many of the mechanics. There's plenty of people who will pick up the slack for you :p. That said, clicking all the links on the welcome post for the quest is pretty informative if you do care about that stuff.
Is it ok to ask the QMs questions like this directly or should I ask them to the general thread first?
I would recommend asking the thread first in case it's something that's been answered, but there's a lot of things that simply have to be answered by the QMs. Just try not to overload them with questions if you can help it, and prioritize the pressing ones

Also, we have a discord where you can get more immediate replies, link is in faflec's signature
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Oh, additionally, joke votes are a thing. Sometimes, you will see people vote [jk] Terrible Plan or [symbol that only looks like an x] Terrible Plan. The vote tally won't count these. You are strongly encouraged not to vote for joke plans with an actual "x", because they can pass, and if they do, we will write them. This is how the Youthsuit Incident happened.
How does changing plans after the have already been written work? Do people have to revote for a plan if it has been modified?

And the question I have been dreading asking; what exactly is FOOM?
Oh, additionally, joke votes are a thing. Sometimes, you will see people vote [jk] Terrible Plan or [symbol that only looks like an x] Terrible Plan. The vote tally won't count these. You are strongly encouraged not to vote for joke plans with an actual "x", because they can pass, and if they do, we will write them. This is how the Youthsuit Incident happened.
[X] Armageddon Initiative
How does changing plans after the have already been written work? Do people have to revote for a plan if it has been modified?

And the question I have been dreading asking; what exactly is FOOM?
People don't have to revote for a plan if it's been modified, and indeed often a plan will be polished and refined after people have already voted for it.

FOOM is the diabolical player scheme of ascending to godhood through optimised investment in the Shadow Clone Technique (to rack up XP bonuses from training with shadow clones) and Resolve (the limiting factor for SC use).

As the old saying goes, do as I say, not as @faflec does.
How does changing plans after the have already been written work? Do people have to revote for a plan if it has been modified?
Unless the title is edited, you don't have to revote for a plan. Btw, don't alter your title when you write a plan :V

And the question I have been dreading asking; what exactly is FOOM?
The sound of something going really fast. It's a joke referring to our XP growth after abusing strategically utilizing Shadow Clone and Noburi's bloodline ability to transfer chakra. Basically, all our XP goes into leveling Resolve and Shadow Clone (until spreadsheet rules force us to invest in other stuff before returning to Resolve and Shadow Clone). This allows us to use more and more clones, each of which is worth an additional +10% XP per 3 hours of training. So the effects accumulate and eventually we will be earning over 5 times more XP per day than the average ninja.

EDIT: Right now, Kei is already earning nearly double her usual XP, Akane is at 1.7x and Hazou would be at 1.3x without his injuries
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