I am of course talking about the Church of Youth. Bonus points if we can get Neji as the officiating priest.

They aren't a real church, I doubt anyone would take this as an offical marriage.

This note puzzles me because it only makes sense if Hinata didn't actually expect Yuno to pick Neji. Why else include that unnecessary bit of info?

Maybe Clan Heir Hinata included that to show Yuno that even if she chose Noburi that she couldn't get married in Leaf, but I like to think that the real reason is that Friend of Noburi Hinata actually wanted Yuno to marry the person she loved.

Hinata is just smart enough to have a plan B.

There was a note with Hinata's letter to Yuno. Hinata gives you advance warning that the Hagoromo have stated they will not be conducting any weddings for the Gōketsu Clan until you offer a formal apology for making them bless Keiko's marriage "in violation of their faith". She adds that, per tradition, all Leaf weddings are conducted by Hagoromo priests, or priests directly affiliated with them.

The Hagoromo could really pissed, but I think Shikamaru or Ino would have warned us, they would have known if this was such an insult.

So yeah, this is just Hyuuga/Hagoromo playing political games, we now have to ask what they want, besides Yuno or the apology of course.

We should also question why a single clan has that much power, seems like a huge flaw. Unless there are non-Hagoromo marriages, but then this thing isn't much of a threat.

But, anyway:

Why does Keiko's birthday present cause us problems! Hazou doesn't even get presents!

Hazou didn't even know about Tenten until a few days before the marriage! Let's put all the blame on Shikamaru.
We should also question why a single clan has that much power, seems like a huge flaw. Unless there are non-Hagoromo marriages, but then this thing isn't much of a threat.
There are non-Hagoromo priests, but they are still Hagoromo-affiliated. What that means isn't super clear, but to me it sounds like the Hagoromo only have full control over their own priests and if we make a good enough deal to one of the merely affiliated priests we could convince them to risk Hagoromo ire and give us an unquestionably legitimate Leaf wedding.
I still say that we demolish the Hagoromo with Keiko, then give Yuno and Noburi an Isan-style wedding over the burning ashes of their former clan compound...

Edit: Yuno's mystical, weird axe would like it
I don't suppose a question about whether someone could rid us of turbulent priests would be well received, in which case Isan style is very much on the menu.

Alternatively, how do they treat their priests? What's their legitimacy system? Do they have a head priest who can excommunicate, or is it less rigidly hierarchical? Could just bribe a dissatisfied priest, it's not like that's ever been thought of before.
I don't suppose a question about whether someone could rid us of turbulent priests would be well received, in which case Isan style is very much on the menu.

Alternatively, how do they treat their priests? What's their legitimacy system? Do they have a head priest who can excommunicate, or is it less rigidly hierarchical? Could just bribe a dissatisfied priest, it's not like that's ever been thought of before.
Leaf seems pretty secular, so I'd say that it's probably not very organized or institutionalized. Likely just a loose order of non-denominational priests that appeal to ancestor spirits to bless unions. They probably ultimately answer to the Hokage but have no true power as a political body, since Leaf doesn't really seem to have any big traditions or anything (that seems to be because each clan has retained their own from the WC Era).

The Hagoromo are probably overreaching, and are only doing so because the Goketsu are so new. A childish sort of "I know you don't want some of my PB&J, but don't ask because I wouldn't share anyway." Likely, trying to force the Hagoromo to officiate will only give them more legitimacy than they have/deserve.

Edit: obligatory "this is conjecture derived from Hazou's observations, which can be lacking due to him being slightly oblivious."
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Leaf seems pretty secular, so I'd say that it's probably not very organized or institutionalized. Likely just a loose order of non-denominational priests that appeal to ancestor spirits to bless unions. They probably ultimately answer to the Hokage but have no true power as a political body, since Leaf doesn't really seem to have any big traditions or anything (that seems to be because each clan has retained their own from the WC Era).

The Hagoromo are probably overreaching, and are only doing so because the Goketsu are so new. A childish sort of "I know you don't want some of my PB&J, but don't ask because I wouldn't share anyway." Likely, trying to force the Hagoromo to officiate will only give them more legitimacy than they have/deserve.
It seems like, as almost always, the correct answer here is "get more intel".
There are non-Hagoromo priests, but they are still Hagoromo-affiliated. What that means isn't super clear, but to me it sounds like the Hagoromo only have full control over their own priests and if we make a good enough deal to one of the merely affiliated priests we could convince them to risk Hagoromo ire and give us an unquestionably legitimate Leaf wedding.

Well, if it works out that simple.

Yay for Friend Hinata.
[x] Action Plan: Blood and Wine
Words: 288
  • Celebrate Yuno and Noburi's pending nuptials (sanity check with Mari first. Is this a good idea? If yes, optimize with her and Keiko)
    • Invite normal Game Night attendants (plus Ami, Sasuke, Naruto, and anyone that Noburi and Yuno might want there)
    • Observe Isan traditions regarding seat placement, food, and decor, but try to keep the overall tone of the party informal and upbeat. Coordinate with Noburi and Mari.
      • Intended to be a surprise for Yuno, to show that we can incorporate her traditions, that she won't have to abandon them just to be a Goketsu.
    • Introduce Ami and Yuno to each other
      • try to make them friends but don't force anything if they're not keen on it
    • Talk with Mari, commiserate/laugh about our family members' respective love lives (even our own)
  • Meet with Cannai's recommended summons
    • This is a meeting between equals.
    • Be respectful but do not be submissive
    • Find out what would be required to make a contract with them
  • Ask allies (Ami's KEI, Ino for next season's fashion, Pangolin/Toad/Dog Clans, etc) if they'd like to order in bulk from Hagoromo
    • Order formal wedding attire from them, ostensibly for Yuno and Noburi's wedding
  • Ask Mari and Gaku to begin investigating the Hagoromo.
    • What are they like as a clan, broad strokes?
    • Is the clan, as a whole, as... zealous as their leader?
      • Are they like the Akimichi (generally friendly, with "traditional" values) or the Hyuuga (scornful bigots)
  • Have Gaku begin planning Noburi and Yuno's wedding
    • Mention it to Mari, just in case she wants to join in on the planning
    • Setting a date, location, combining Isan and Leaf traditions, food, etc
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word count: 292
[X] Action plan: The march of progress will crush all opposition
  • Meet with Cannai's recommended summoners
    • This is a meeting between equals.
    • Be respectful but do not be submissive
    • Find out what would be required to make a contract with them
  • Celebrate Noburi's and Yuno's relationship upgrade!
  • Unfortunately the Hagoromo have decided to stand in our way
    • (optimize everything with Mari in advance)
    • Explain to Yuno the details of the feud and that they hate us over Keiko's relationship
    • They have decided to put their petty vendetta over the good of Leaf. For that they must be stopped
      • But if they change their ways, they can be spared
    • Keiko and Gaku start looking into their financials. Hazou wants the power to destroy every stream of revenue they have. If necessary we should be able to leave them destitute
      • If they have any debt we want to own it
      • Also, prepare to stop paying on the deal we made at the election
    • Mari should begin to look for any blackmail material
      • Review Jiriaya's notes for anything relevant
    • Noburi, Akane, Haru and Yuno work on building up the Church of Youth and Toadism
      • We want to make alternative religions more powerful to decrease the power of the Hagoromo's priests
  • Discuss ways to get the marriage recognized
    • Find a priest who can be bribed or blackmailed into performing it
    • Do it under Toadism, The Church of Youth, Isan culture, or Mist culture.
    • Bring up the precedent set by Mari and Jiraiya - legal marriage when necessary for Leaf
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Do it under Toadism, The Church of Youth, Isan culture.
Also Mist?

I don't see any reason that would further exacerbate the "two foreigners(basically) getting married".

Aside: We should probably like... calmly explain to Yuno that the people doing the marriage stuff hate us because they don't like that Keiko(someone who Yuno likes/respects) is The Big Gay and how this is clearly bullshit.
[X] Action plan: The march of progress will crush all opposition

Yep. That works.

I'm extremely confident that if we challenged them to an official duel had in about a month or so that we would be able to win. Our champion vs theirs would boil down to "Akane righteously punches their faces in with her punch goddess power."
My optimal play here would be:
  • Have Lee as the primary official (and make a big deal about the Church of Youth being Hiashi's legacy to legitimise it).
  • Have Kei as a joint-primary official as a fuck you to Hagoromo, and as the repesentative of Yuno's faith.
  • Get a bunch of other clan heads to participate as secondary officials (make deals with Sasuke and Tsunade to get them on board) as a political statement that those clans are saying the Hagoromo are not in a position to throw a tantrum here, and they will be ignored if they start trying to die on this hill.
  • Have the toadism priest as a secondary official as a power play, saying "Look at Noburi the toad summoner! He has his own religion! With blackjack! And hookers!".
  • Mori the Hagoromo, and then vassalise them.
We've underestimated in the past how socially toxic all of this "cult of youth" stuff is, when basically the entire clan told us that adopting Lee was still not worth it taijutsu prodigy status notwithstanding. I also have some faint memory of us indulging the meme in some other harmful way, bit I'm sure I'm misremembering...

Anyway I'm not sure how much Hyuuga's name and its actual benefits to Leaf have rehabilitated the church of youth, but we should make sure to consider this. We don't want to unintentional make gay marriage a crazy belief associated with radical social pariahs and win the battle while losing the war.
The important part is destroying the Hagoromo monopoly on religious prestige.

Since Hiashi signed an order to have Youth taught in schools as an official Leaf philosophy (a later development than your concerns), it's been vastly legitimised. But that's not why we'd be including it (or at least, not the whole reason -- obviously, having a Hiashi-endorsed priest, which Lee now is, officiating the wedding is a key element in and of itself).

The real reason is to show that the Hagoromo are no longer the only game in town. Nowadays, people can choose between the Hagoromo clan, the church of Youth, Toadism, Pantorkratorism, The Hokage, or simply The Will of a Large Group of Founding Clan Heads, if they want to have a religious ceremony. The Hagoromo monopoly is broken. We need to drive that home.
The important part is destroying the Hagoromo monopoly on religious prestige.

Since Hiashi signed an order to have Youth taught in schools as an official Leaf philosophy (a later development than your concerns), it's been vastly legitimised. But that's not why we'd be including it (or at least, not the whole reason -- obviously, having a Hiashi-endorsed priest, which Lee now is, officiating the wedding is a key element in and of itself).

The real reason is to show that the Hagoromo are no longer the only game in town. Nowadays, people can choose between the Hagoromo clan, the church of Youth, Toadism, Pantorkratorism, The Hokage, or simply The Will of a Large Group of Founding Clan Heads, if they want to have a religious ceremony. The Hagoromo monopoly is broken. We need to drive that home.
Yeah that's a good point. We don't need to rush this plan. It's going to happen over several updates so we can focus on that aspect of destroying them in the future
The important part is destroying the Hagoromo monopoly on religious prestige.

Since Hiashi signed an order to have Youth taught in schools as an official Leaf philosophy (a later development than your concerns), it's been vastly legitimised. But that's not why we'd be including it (or at least, not the whole reason -- obviously, having a Hiashi-endorsed priest, which Lee now is, officiating the wedding is a key element in and of itself).

The real reason is to show that the Hagoromo are no longer the only game in town. Nowadays, people can choose between the Hagoromo clan, the church of Youth, Toadism, Pantorkratorism, The Hokage, or simply The Will of a Large Group of Founding Clan Heads, if they want to have a religious ceremony. The Hagoromo monopoly is broken. We need to drive that home.
Totally agree, I'm just saying we should make sure that getting the Church of Youth to start doing weddings actually has the desired effect of reducing the Hagomoro's religious prestige rather than increasing it, which is a risk if the alternative is so negatively viewed. Having multiple alternatives (Toadism, etc.) makes this less of a concern though.

I know I know, theoretically any competition should drive down the market value of the product the Hagoromo are offering... But in this case we're not really operating in a supply/demand economic situation anyway, and having a visibly inferior alternative product could have the effect of making the Hagoromo marriages going from a regular good to a luxury or status symbol good, and Giffon goods already don't follow traditional demand curves anyway.
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At the end of the second day they had collected perhaps twenty pounds of salt. Naruto (Prime, probably) turned a skeptical eye on the results of two days of effort.

"That's it?" he demanded. "This piddling little bit of salt is why we traveled hundreds of miles and spent two days boiling water slowly?"

"Hey, this is just the proof of concept!" Hazō protested. "Now that we know it works, I want to scale up. The shelving and careful tending was just to make things go quicker. Before we leave I'll MEW up a bunch of wide, flat chimneys in the surf, high enough that the water won't come in over the top. We can come back in a month or so after it's all evaporated. Besides, this is something like six grand work of salt right here."

Naruto scoffed. "Two days of work for six grand! Dude, hasn't anyone ever told you about opportunity cost?"

"It scales up!"

"Bah." Naruto swung his flak vest off the grass where he'd been using it for a pillow and pulled it on. "C'mon, let's head home. We're almost out of time for this mission and we don't want people wondering where we are."
More stuff that's been sitting in QM QUINOA for months, already signed off:

Things in Jiraiya's Notes

This is a partial list of what Kagome has discovered in Jiraiya's notes.

  • Seals
    • Instant Darkness Dome: Blanks out all light in a certain radius
    • Electrocution Seal: sends a surge of raiton energy (which works exactly like electricity except in cases where that would make the QMs lives difficult, at which point it works differently) into whatever they are attached to for some period of time. Touching the object is harmful but not lethal.
    • Substitution Seals: Two-element seal. Swap the positions and velocities of the objects the seal elements are attached to, so long as those objects are close enough, have LOS to one another, are below mass and volume limits, and are similar enough in mass.
  • Jutsu. These went to Naruto and are no longer available to you.
    • Earth Element: Swamp of the Underworld jutsu. Create a massive area of chakra-infused sticky mud / quicksand for enemies to fall into.
    • Needle Jizō jutsu. Use your hair for protection or to throw needles. Requires a lot of natural hair
  • Detailed instructions on how to learn each of the Elemental chakra natures
  • Recipes
  • Personal information on various people that he wants to be on the good side of -- their food preferences, birthdays, etc
  • Philosophy and musings about the Will of Fire, the future of the EN, etc
  • Self-flagellation
  • Notes for Icha Icha -- plot ideas, character sketches, etc
    • Details of Jiraiya's various less-classified adventures with the name changed to Jun, his protagonist
  • Political/espionage stuff
    • Blackmail on various Leaf people (ninja and non ninja)
    • Blackmail on various non-Leaf people (ninja and non ninja)
    • Lists of agents across the EN
  • His Lightning Lash jutsu from Chapter 223. Creates a weapon, much like Noburi's Water Whip, but more flexible:
    • Will cut through things or wrap around them as you choose (e.g. it cut Hana's sword but wrapped around her neck)
    • Will send non-lethal shocks to a person it's wrapped around.
  • Lots and lots of seals
    • Earth Pillar Seal: when activated, extrudes a 50cm thick pillar of chakra construct stone at a respectable speed.
    • City of Pillars. Causes 1d6 dozen stone pillars of various randomly-chosen heights (5m to 30m) and diameters (10cm to 500 cm) to erupt out of the ground in a large area. For some reason, they all have either the kanji for 'Dream' or 'Sunshine' on them.
    • Twin Repulsion Seals: When both are active, they repel each other when they get too close.
    • Naruto's bijū seal. Not complete information but it's a good start.

Everything in the "Political/espionage stuff" section went to Asuma and is no longer available to you. Basically, Mari said "Given our precarious position after you nearly got executed, we are not going to fuck around. Give him these things, don't keep copies, and don't try to recreate them. Do not give him any excuse to be angry with us until we've had time to win back some points."

  1. Your monthly tax disbursement.
  2. Selling tags to the Tower/general population. See the "Partial Sealing License" Informational threadmark for details.
  3. The Gōketsu receive a theoretical 50% of all sales of skywalkers to the Tower. (see below) This is rolled into your tax disbursements, meaning that you get 10% in cash as the non-conditional payment and the remainder goes into your conditional-payments fund that you get in the form of mission bonuses, tax refunds, and equipment draw. Because of the strategic importance of the seals, the Tower is bearing the costs of these payments instead of the seller as would be normal. The intent is to maintain the incentive structure for people to sell them without bankrupting the Tower.
  4. You are gearing up for salt production but there is no actual revenue from that yet.

+1 XP if someone figures out how many skywalkers are being made per month.

The following questions are from the wiki and player-suggested answers Economic Questions

Q: Salt production rates, sale price, and other major factors in the enterprise.

A: Depends on how many salterns you have in place. Relevant facts:
  1. Normal price for salt is 650 ryō per kilogram. It varies, but that's a reasonable average under current market conditions.
  2. Salt production rate is roughly 2kg/day per 10'x10' saltern as per @Inferno_Vulpix's post.
  3. There will be a 15% fee paid to the distributor per sale.
  4. There will be a 50% bribe processing fee paid to the Merchant Council per sale, in order to keep them from hassling you your sales permits in good order. This will obviously be on the gross, not the net of fees.
  5. Total income for the day is therefore: 2 kg/saltern/day * 650 R/kg = 1300 R/saltern/day - (1300R * 0.15) - (1300R * 0.5) = 455 R/saltern/day
  6. These numbers are based off natural evaporation and assume optimal conditions; actual income will depend on evaporation conditions (weather, animal attack on salterns, etc). If Akane gets involved then the cost of her time must be factored in.
Could someone please remind me of the details on the salterns? When were they set up and how much can they produce per day?

I'm no faflec, and I wasn't part of the original salt squad, but here's stuff that actually come up. There's been posts about rolling it out, and a couple odd things saying we were getting it set up, but I don't think any hard dates were given for when we got the large scale version operational. I'd assume shortly after the proof of concept update, but it doesn't look like it. Hopefully someone has something more specific.
The important part is destroying the Hagoromo monopoly on religious prestige.

Since Hiashi signed an order to have Youth taught in schools as an official Leaf philosophy (a later development than your concerns), it's been vastly legitimised. But that's not why we'd be including it (or at least, not the whole reason -- obviously, having a Hiashi-endorsed priest, which Lee now is, officiating the wedding is a key element in and of itself).

The real reason is to show that the Hagoromo are no longer the only game in town. Nowadays, people can choose between the Hagoromo clan, the church of Youth, Toadism, Pantorkratorism, The Hokage, or simply The Will of a Large Group of Founding Clan Heads, if they want to have a religious ceremony. The Hagoromo monopoly is broken. We need to drive that home.
I'm coming around to having Lee do it, but I'm still pretty worried that it'd be a harder sell than we might currently think.

This is the sort of thing I think would be best to investigate viability of this update (ask Mari?) and set into motion next plan.
Again, if Goeketsu shuns Leaf's traditions on this it is going to be politically catastrophic. As far as most people with power are concerned the "clan" is a gang of traitorous barbarians who were created during a coup d'etat, don't even live inside the city, and are led by an even more traitorous idiot savant under the thrall of a civilian-born hedonistic harlot and a paranoid madman. The only reason the clan even still exists is that the others are reluctant to set the precedent of dissolving it. How reluctant? Given the ample opportunity for them to claim special circumstances we don't know, and best not find out.

Also, the Isan wedding has the problem of finding a tame tapir.

This note puzzles me because it only makes sense if Hinata didn't actually expect Yuno to pick Neji. Why else include that unnecessary bit of info?

Maybe Clan Heir Hinata included that to show Yuno that even if she chose Noburi that she couldn't get married in Leaf, but I like to think that the real reason is that Friend of Noburi Hinata actually wanted Yuno to marry the person she loved.

"Friend" is a bit strong. Their major interaction was her insulting his genitalia and beating him to a pulp in front of the whole world.

She doesn't seem to be evil or cruel, but she is definitely ruthless and very good at it. This was her saying, "don't even bother fighting; you are within range of my divination."

We probably should not assume that this is the only precaution she has taken. We either flip the board by doing something so unexpected she couldn't possibly have foreseen it, or submit to her will. Any plan should be analyzed first under the lens of, "what are the chances Hinata predicted this?" Many of the suggested fail that test.

I suggest offering Hinata a compromise. Noburi marries Yuno, Neji marries Satsuko.
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[X] Action plan: The march of progress will crush all opposition

@Oneiros I have no real issues with the plan ATM, though I'd like to note that we really should learn more about what Yuno and Haru thinks about all this. Haru seems to be relatively prudish given how he reacted to Mari seducing Yasuji (in line with Leaf/Asuma's view)...we'll have to tread carefully to make sure he's throwing himself fully into the plan. Yuno is in a similar bridge, as I can't imagine Isan being any more culturally accepting of Keiko than Leaf. It may be prudent to ask Yuno about her opinions first, before we get her involved in things.

tl;dr we shouldn't be assuming everyone is as pro-Uplift as we are.
I dislike the whole notion of "destroying" them. We are here to achieve the objective of getting Yuno and Noburi married without getting Keiko hurt.
I dislike the whole notion of "destroying" them. We are here to achieve the objective of getting Yuno and Noburi married without getting Keiko hurt.
No we are here to destroy them. They put there petty vendetta against Keiko over the good of Leaf. When you cross that Rubicon you get destroyed