I mean, if Orochimaru wanted to gather data on us and also wanted to stay in Leaf, would it be that surprising that he could sneak into our rooms in the middle of the night to collect samples without anyone else being the wiser?

...Well, if he's done that already, then there's not much we can do about it. And Kagome's paranoia make it at least an inconvenience that Orochimaru might decide isn't worth his time just yet, so I'm going to assume he hasn't done that... Unless Hazou wakes up to fins that he's missing a lock of hair, or a giant puncture mark on his back.

[X] Action Plan: Sit Down and Read
...Well, if he's done that already, then there's not much we can do about it. And Kagome's paranoia make it at least an inconvenience that Orochimaru might decide isn't worth his time just yet, so I'm going to assume he hasn't done that... Unless Hazou wakes up to fins that he's missing a lock of hair, or a giant puncture mark on his back.

[X] Action Plan: Sit Down and Read
I'm just curious you have basically voted for every plan accept mine. What about it do you find objectionable?
I'm definitely not voting for this, it doesn't have us telling Keiko about FOOM! :rolleyes:
Sometimes sacrifices must be made.

(Aside: Hazou can read right?)

Regardless, I maintain that sitting down and reading stuff is probably the best choice we have.
I'm just curious you have basically voted for every plan accept mine. What about it do you find objectionable?
I honestly can't remember... maybe it was something that was taken out? Then again, things've been crazy today (packing, errands, doctor, and yet more packing) so I might've just forgotten to vote for it.

[X] Action plan: A babbling brook winding through the woods
Sit at your desk for a day and comb through Jiraiya's journals
Unless we are decoding his notes we should just ask Kagome where to look to save time. Unless Jiraiya left us journals in addition to his encrypted stuff?

[X] Action Plan: The Three Ps, Now With Added Kei
I see 5 potential scenes. Cut it down to 3, while keeping Oro, and have Hazou join the meeting and I'll be more likely to vote for it.
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Biggest things stopping me from voting for Sit Down and Read are if Noburi Toad meeting gets off-screened since Hazou isn't there. And if Jiraiya's journals is unlikely to give us much useful info.
edit: Wait, we can just reverse summon Toads. @MMKII if you reverse summon Toads and have Hazou join the meeting, I'll probably vote for your plan
edit2: actually i'll need to rethink that after faflec's reply. and worried if the toads didn't interact with Oro much
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Reading would only take a few hours at most, especially if we asked Kagome and Mari to point us in the right direction. We can still do other things in the same day but on the next action plan.

(I'm assuming Mari's read Jiraiya's journals, since she reads his older books and enjoys losing herself in "listening" to his voice. It's like listening to an old voicemail. It's honestly so sweet and extremely heartbreaking.)
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[X] Action plan: A babbling brook winding through the woods

Seems fine, though I'd be wary about the mindwiping. We know the memory search was painful and I'd rather not put the kids through more trauma by accident.

Kabuto: "hey orochimaru, when are you gonna go recruit that kid?"

Orochimaru: "are you kidding? Have you heard of all the insane projects he's running at once? He's even crazier than I am. Maybe if we don't talk about him he won't notice us"

Kabuto: "hey orochimaru, when are you gonna go recruit that kid?"

Orochimaru: "are you kidding? Have you heard of all the insane projects he's running at once? He's even crazier than I am. Maybe if we don't talk about him he won't notice us"

Tsunade, pounding down sake: "Keep dreaming, Oro. You've already met him, and that's enough for the kid to get familiar. He's like a damned infection! I was stuck with the little shite for weeks because Sensei's kid cashed in that one favor, and after the first day, the brat thinks we're 'on amicable enough terms' to bug me about things he can learn from any of my damned textbooks. "

Tsunade, wearing a thousand-yard stare: "And it only got worse from there."

Kabuto, refilling Tsunade's drink: "Surely the Lord Goketsu can't be that bad."

Tsunade, deadpan: "Kid plans to have us flying in the sky like a bird and wants to funnel all of Leaf's shit through underground tunnels."

Orochimaru, frowning: "Oh dear."
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Tsunade, pounding down sake: "Keep dreaming, Oro. You've already met him, and that's enough for the kid to get familiar. He's like a damned infection! I was stuck with the little shite for weeks because Sensei's kid cashed in that one favor, and after the first day, the brat thinks we're 'on amicable enough terms' to bug me about things he can learn from any of my damned textbooks. "

Tsunade, wearing a thousand-yard stare: "And it only got worse from there."

Kabuto, refilling Tsunade's drink: "Surely the Lord Goketsu can't be that bad."

Tsunade, deadpan: "Kid plans to have us flying in the sky like a bird and wants to funnel all of Leaf's shit through underground tunnels."

Orochimaru, frowning: "Oh dear."

Tsunade and Orochimaru promptly conspire to resurrect Jiraiya just so he can rein in Hazou
Tsunade and Orochimaru promptly conspire to resurrect Jiraiya just so he can rein in Hazou

Orochimaru: Jiraiya, your kid won't leave me alone.

Tsunade: Jiraiya, your bastard son is worse than you ever were.

Orochimaru and Tsunade, in unison: PLEASE SAVE US!!!

Jiraiya, scared: Hazou... what did you do?

Hazou, confused: I don't know, they've been like this ever since I showed them my lists.

Jiraiya: Dammit, kid! I told you to stop doing that the third time they made Snake's face melt off!
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Jiraiya: Dammit, kid! I told you to stop doing that after they made Snake's face melt!
HAZOU: Wait, you were being serious?

JIRAIYA: Did...did Snake not show you?

HAZOU: *shakes head in horror*

JIRAIYA: Oooh dear. Who else did you show your lists to?

HAZOU: *looks outside* Uhhhhh...

*scene pans out to Konoha, where tens of thousands of people scream silently with melted faces*
HAZOU: Wait, you were being serious?

JIRAIYA: Did...did Snake not show you?

HAZOU: *shakes head in horror*

JIRAIYA: Oooh dear. Who else did you show your lists to?

HAZOU: *looks outside* Uhhhhh...

*scene pans out to Konoha, where tens of thousands of people scream silently with melted faces*

Truly, Hazou's lists are the real sealing failure.

Edit: the real reason ANBU agents keep their masks on is because they've all, at some point, looked at Hazou's notes. It quickly became a right of passage, with veteran agents taking bets on how long it would take for newer agents to lose their face.
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I was looking at Inferno Vulpix's decoding threadmark to see where we're at with the notes, because they include seems especially relevant given that the notes include
Personal information on various people that he wants to be on the good side of -- their food preferences, birthdays, etc

Which took place on February 28. It was April 9-11 as of Chapter 343, 5 chapters ago, so in total we have the following progression:
  • January 2-3, Kagome starts decoding at hobby-speed.
  • February 21-23, 50 days later, Kagome may or may not speed up some.
  • February 28, 7 days later, Kagome starts decoding at full speed.
  • April 9-11, 40 days later plus change, is where we are now.
This appears to add 55 more days from where we were.
the total time needed to about 1.3 years (~489 days), of which he has completed 17% and has 406 days remaining.
He should be another 11% of the way through now, putting us at 28% total. In chapter 354 Akane states that she can only hold a Shadow Clone for 3 minutes. It's currently at level 10 (AB 2), so on the time ladder that puts her at half an hour. We have enough XP to get her to SC 26 (6XP left over), which moves us to an hour on the time ladder. Regardless, we have to make sure we're solid on the resolve checks first so I'll let the spreadsheet control people determine that. Therefore it's likely that SC!Akane hasn't contributed to the decryption efforts.

However, Akane has. Given that ninja have apparently insane work ethic, I think it would be reasonable for Akane to spent 4h per day helping Kagome (1/4 of his 16h days used in IV's estimate). Since she probably isn't great at cryptography, let's say it takes her twice as long to decode. Then we take the 17% Kagome did *0.125 and Akane did another 2.215% of the notes, putting us at 30% done.

Akane's contribution to the notes has been negligible so far, and will most likely remain so unless she spends more time or gets better at Shadow Clone. When she hits level 30 with AB 4, we can quadruple her production at minimum (assuming 2 of her, likely x8 the FOOM spreadsheet assumes 3 SC. Depends on if we want her to prioritize decrypting or training. Thoughts?), making the assumption she's probably gotten used to decryption and thus won't take my arbitrary 1/2 complexity penalty (Kagome's just giving her the cipher anyway).

@ people who know what they're talking about, does this sound reasonable? (@eaglejarl @Velorien @OliWhail in specific. Also I'm not sure if I should be tagging you - do you read the thread in sufficient detail to catch things like this?)

Conclusion: We would be better served putting a line in plans this update to ask Kagome if he remembered seeing anything about Orochimaru in his decrypting, and if he can point us to it. Since only 30% has been decrypted, we might not even have the most relevant information about him there. So we ask Kagome, get his answer, and then next plan cycle we can read his notes if the result is favorable. (I assume the QM's will roll for this).

@Oneiros do you have space in the plan for this? It shouldn't take many words, something like "Ask Kagome if information on Orochimaru was in the notes" (10 words)

Edit: I don't suppose someone has worked out a statistical distribution of probability of failing resolve checks? Is the FOOM spreadsheet contingent on assuming we auto-pass resolve checks? Speaking of which, does a tie mean we pass the resolve check? I'll make a decoding progress sheet once I'm confident I understand the mechanics of SC and find out how Akane's time is being spent.

Edit2: Does Akane even have a FOOM spreadsheet? And while I'm asking way too many questions, what does ponwog/pongwog mean?
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A joke about a spelling error and a statement of grief all in one. Jiraiya was an awesome character to read and was likely just as amazing for the QMs to write.

Also I'm not sure if I should be tagging you - do you read the thread in sufficient detail to catch things like this?)
Yup. I read the thread pretty obsessively.