I hear you. I'm having to repeat "Celeste is intended to be a challenging and rewarding experience" in my head like a mantra. I don't know which I'm going to develop first: emotional intelligence, a will of iron, or severe masochistic tendencies.
4: The willingness to just throw the MC at spikes until you randomly get through the level.

Worked for me.

Deaths: Over 2000
I don't know which I'm going to develop first: emotional intelligence, a will of iron, or severe masochistic tendencies.
If you do that last one, ping me; I can give you a lot of interesting recommendations on the topic. Like the Half-Quake trilogy (your QM personality might find these game relatable, or even learn some evil from them), or, if you go off the deep end completely, I Wanna Be the Boshy (just for fun, here's a speedrun of it).
If you want, I can ask @FutureFaflec to do it for you.
Is that confirmation that this is all FutureVelorien's fault?
If you do that last one, ping me; I can give you a lot of interesting recommendations on the topic. Like the Half-Quake trilogy (your QM personality might find these game relatable, or even learn some evil from them), or, if you go off the deep end completely, I Wanna Be the Boshy (just for fun, here's a speedrun of it).
Duuuly noted. Mind you, there is a case to be made that, as a passionate roguelike player, it is already far too late for me (damn you, dreaming horrors).
Here's a blast from the prophetic past. :>

I mean, we're not currently marrying Ami, nor are we romantically involved... right? Why would you bring this up now, of all times? The most recent chapter only had Ami admit Hazou was headache-inducing...

I don't know which I'm going to develop first: emotional intelligence, a will of iron, or severe masochistic tendencies.

As someone with over 200 hours played of Crimzon Clover on Steam, I can offer a possible progression: from the initial shock and trauma, you will transition into a semi-masochistic obsession; that will eventually morph into a detached pursuit of specific and arbitrary goals through a structured practice regimen; finally, you will rediscover the joy of the game and play it casually in a semi-zen state. You will never escape.
I mean, we're not currently marrying Ami, nor are we romantically involved... right? Why would you bring this up now, of all times? The most recent chapter only had Ami admit Hazou was headache-inducing...
I imagine it would be a bit headache-inducing to find out that your little sister used to almost have a crush on the guy you have a crush on :p
But yeah no Ami's cool and all but I'm pretty sure at this point that she doesn't have romantic feelings for Hazou, and I do not expect either of them to develop any anytime soon.
I enjoyed Bayonetta. It was like crackfic of itself. Was I playing on too low a difficulty setting?

If you haven't developed your masochistic tendencies yet, then this is probably the case ;)

I have to admit it though, that I enjoyed it too, like all the rest games that joke about themselves. I wasn't able to progress after hard difficulty though.
Stuck on one jump for 45 minutes in this game right now... Are emotional intelligence insights always an exercise in frustration? :p

I hear you. I'm having to repeat "Celeste is intended to be a challenging and rewarding experience" in my head like a mantra. I don't know which I'm going to develop first: emotional intelligence, a will of iron, or severe masochistic tendencies.

4: The willingness to just throw the MC at spikes until you randomly get through the level.

Worked for me.

Deaths: Over 2000
My current save:

No, I haven't 100%ed the game yet.
I'm still working on it.
Celeste is the hardest game anyone can beat.
Keep trying.
"Also the Hazō thing. You're giving me a headache with the Hazō thing.

VOICES IN AMI'S HEAD: Commencing attempt #172 at creating a model of the target's behaviour of statistically significant predictive strength. This time for sure!

VOICES IN HAZOU'S HEAD: so threatening the Hokage wasn't good ok fine but we can still try the jonin aura necromantic ritual (...)