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[X] Action Plan: Wait, What's Losing Like Kurohige?

@huhYeahGoodPoint Also, there's no reason there can't be a combination of those strategies together.
I'll need to do more thinking on how to implement this one. Give me a few hours.
@huhYeahGoodPoint We're not allowed to make storage seals or macerators right now, I'm afraid.
Storage seal bank are more scalable and can lead to different businesses such as asynchronous trading, as well leverage to make our ways into other markets, like rice futures.

Storage seal subscription service are great until CUSS(Civilian usable storage seal) are invented. We'll want a transition for the small time jobs we may be losing for academy ninja or genin. For now, it's a good idea if limited in potential. Also make sure we pay them!

I might continue to improve this stuff further, but as is, the new, edited, version of the plan, wordcount at 298:

This isn't going to be a quite finished plan because I intend to work on it more as I go through stuff and do public/group/org comm thing, but I wanted to get the basic draft up first.

[X] Action Plan: Wait, What's Losing Like Kurohige?
Wordcount: 298

Run ideas by Mari.
  1. Command Proposals
    1. Proposal: Reject Rock
      1. Actions:
        1. Thank Rock and offer to reciprocate.
        2. Reestablish Chain of Command, including Hokage.
      2. Pros:
        1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
      3. Cons:
        1. General reforms necessary.
        2. Countering narrative weakens Leaf-Mist alliance.
        3. Risky.
    2. Proposal: Narrative Hijack
      1. Actions
        1. Create international task force to hunt down perpetrators.
        2. Thank Rock for volunteering.
      2. Pros:
        1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
        2. Uses internationalist rhetoric to our advantage.
        3. Helps Leaf gain new position of prominence.
      3. Cons:
        1. Extremely risky. Risks include:
          1. Rejection, which leaves Leaf worst off.
          2. Losing control of the group.
          3. Losing without any benefits.
    3. Proposal: Lose Like Kurohige
      1. Actions:
        1. Accept the coup.
        2. Use the surrender to remove Rock's economic barriers to trade.
        3. Enact major economic and educational reforms.
        4. Leverage superior economic and military might into a long-term bloodless coup.
      2. Pros:
        1. Leaves Leaf in control of the merged entity with a superior economy and military without need for combat.
      3. Cons
        1. Sacrifices dignity and autonomy.
        2. May sever diplomatic ties.
        3. Long-term plan dependent on large amount of factors.
  2. Goketsu Group
    1. Raise morale.
      1. Give motivational speeches.
      2. Visit them.
      3. Make each of the five-hundred and forty-five people in the group know that we need their valuable contributions.
        1. Specifically praise Atomu, Reo, and Yua.
        2. Mental strength and assistance is also an important contribution.
    2. Expand and improve living space.
      1. Attract civilians and KEI ninja.
    3. Organize school for children/Academy ninja.
      1. Request teaching or subject matter experience.
        1. Tap Kagome.
      2. Academy ninja will be collectively taught.
      3. Establish "office hours" where Hazou is available to instruct ninja.
        1. Encourage Mari and Kagome to follow suit.
    4. Create a clinical wing.
      1. Find or make a separate, clean space.
      2. Hire midwives/nurses as staff.
      3. Ask Noburi to help.
    5. Organize genin into 6-nin "tokubetsu chunin" squads.
      1. Establish a rotation: 2 squads working, training, and resting.
    6. Test the storage seal bank.
      1. Employ nonchunin for this.

Okay, so here's the long form justification that uses those notes I spewed out earlier.

The command proposals have been reoriented to be a two-sided argument, because our audience is likely to believe themselves as subject matter experts and are probably slanted against suggestions like Losing Like Kurohige.

One-sided versus Two-sided Arguments is about whether you present only one side of an argument or present two sides of an argument and slant towards one. There are use cases for both.
  • One-sided arguments are better if the audience already agrees or leans towards your side of the argument, there is't much controversy about the subject, and that the audience has a low familiarity with the issue.
  • Two-sided arguments are better if the audience disagrees or leans against you, the subject is controversial, and the audience has or perceives that they have a high familiarity with an issue.

In general though, I haven't done much to make the proposal persuasive - I could, but I don't think we as a group are ourselves convinced, so.

Goketsu Group stuff is where I use more persuasive stuff.

Raise morale.
  1. Give motivational speeches.
  2. Visit them.
  3. Make each of the five-hundred and forty-five people in the group know that we need their valuable contributions.
    1. Specifically praise Atomu, Reo, and Yua.
    2. Mental strength and assistance is also an important contribution.

Motivational speeches is probably going to be its own post later.
Visiting them is about spending time with them - spending time to show interest
Spending time together communicates concern and interest
Valuable contributions is about appealing to pride; it's a halfway mix between appeal to positive emotions and appeal to esteem. By tying their vaule to their contributions to us, it's making us more appealing to the people we really need to build our own powerbase.

Nothing majorly persuasive about expanding living space, school establishment, storage seal bank, and clinical wing establishment.

Tokubetsu chunin, however, is an appeal to the thirty or so teenaged genins' need to be important - literally calling them "special chunin", even if they're unsuited for serious chunin missions. Hopefully this gets their ass in gear too, becuse we need working ninja pretty bad.
@huhYeahGoodPoint Your plan feels like it needs a lot of fleshing out/adding of details; a lot of the proposals seem very bare-bones and open to interpretation. For example:
  • Proposal: Reject Rock
    1. Actions:
      1. Thank Rock and offer to reciprocate.
      2. Reestablish Chain of Command, including Hokage.
    2. Pros:
      1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
    3. Cons:
      1. General reforms necessary.
      2. Countering narrative weakens Leaf-Mist alliance.
      3. Risky.
So why are we reciprocating; did we get information suggesting Iwa was atacked? How does us countering the narrative weaken the Leaf-Mist alliance; did Mist get attacked recently? I'm having similar issues with most of the rest of your plan: I can make educated guesses regarding what your proposal's actions are going to entail, as well as their pros and cons, but the details are left greatly up to interpretation and it's hard for me to be confident in how I'm interpreting the plan.
@huhYeahGoodPoint Your plan feels like it needs a lot of fleshing out/adding of details; a lot of the proposals seem very bare-bones and open to interpretation. For example:

So why are we reciprocating; did we get information suggesting Iwa was atacked? How does us countering the narrative weaken the Leaf-Mist alliance; did Mist get attacked recently? I'm having similar issues with most of the rest of your plan: I can make educated guesses regarding what your proposal's actions are going to entail, as well as their pros and cons, but the details are left greatly up to interpretation and it's hard for me to be confident in how I'm interpreting the plan.

We don't know, but we need to be adaptable to whatever facts may present itself. In warfare, you don't always know what's going to happen, but sometime you just need to make a decision.

Same thing here.
"Right," Hazō said. "So we're at a whole other level of distrusting her. You think there's something you can do that will hugely change the feelings your incredible sister already has, even though they're her feelings, she's had them all this time, and she's made lots of decisions based on them, while being fully aware of whatever flaws you have because she's known you your entire life."


"Glad that's settled," Hazō said. "Now, I need to go make a list of suggestions for Command. It's been far too long since I made a proper list. Maybe I can indulge myself and add sub-headings."


"Keiko, what are you planning to do?"


"Shikamaru is going to kill me when he finds out I broke his wife."

... Did we just do the Keiko equivalent of a logic bomb?

Great chapter! This was hilarious and shows just how far Hazō's come socially!
We aren't at war. We're dealing with seditious terrorism, and we're not even sure it's a bad thing.

It's not about war, but we are still playing a game of something.

It's better to force the other guy to respond to your action than to wait for information that may never arrive in time. Rock appeared to not have established a strong narrative yet. This is a perfect time to establish our own narrative, spread our own propaganda.

Otherwise, if you wait, it will be too late to hijack anything.

By then, Rock gets to do what it wanted once their narrative is established, and we will be playing by their rules instead of determining the rule.
Last edited:
@huhYeahGoodPoint Your plan feels like it needs a lot of fleshing out/adding of details; a lot of the proposals seem very bare-bones and open to interpretation. For example:

So why are we reciprocating; did we get information suggesting Iwa was atacked? How does us countering the narrative weaken the Leaf-Mist alliance; did Mist get attacked recently? I'm having similar issues with most of the rest of your plan: I can make educated guesses regarding what your proposal's actions are going to entail, as well as their pros and cons, but the details are left greatly up to interpretation and it's hard for me to be confident in how I'm interpreting the plan.
Hm. I've written an extended plan down below, but most of these items are projects where it's more important to get them started now and get the details perfect later. As such, I decided the brevity XP was more important than detailing exactly what we were going to do.

Long Form Action Plan: Wait, What's Losing Like Kurohige?
Wordcount: 1826!!

Run ideas by Mari.
  1. Command Proposals
    1. Proposal: Reject Rock
      1. Actions:
        1. Thank Rock and offer to reciprocate.
          1. Rock has done us a service in the disaster rebuilding, and while we don't know of any such disaster that hit them, it would be an insult to imply that we could not do the same for them, even in our time of disaster.
            They're being kind, and helpful, and coincidentally building a heavily-fortified outpost within an uncomfortable distance of Leaf.
          2. Admittedly, this is likely to fail - and on further reflection, it is six words that probably are not that critical to how the proposal is laid out.
        2. Reestablish Chain of Command, including Hokage.
          1. To rebuff Rock, Mari has identified that we need to strengthen the national identity; an important step towards this process is reestablishing the chain of command and reinforcing or recreating Leaf institutions whole-cloth.
      2. Pros:
        1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
      3. Cons:
        1. General reforms necessary.
          1. At a minimum, Leaf would need to reform economic and military systems to be able to contend with lacking many key clans and significantly fewer ninja. There would likely need to be an educational system overhaul in order to be able to turn out more chakra-capable students and ninja, in order to be able to repair the training pipeline and repair Leaf's standing on the world stage.
        2. Countering narrative weakens Leaf-Mist alliance.
          1. The narrative in question is the idea that "foreigners can be our friends", which is one of the cornerstones of the Leaf-Mist alliance - take away people's belief in the idea that foreigners can be friendly, and the alliance is just not going to work. It's possible that Leaf could carve an exception out for Mist-nin; chances are low, however.
          2. If he can't, then things get complicated, because the Tower, and the clan heads following their parents' policies, and Ami, and, frankly speaking, us, have all been promoting the international cooperation, 'foreigners can be your friends' line for the sake of the Leaf-Mist alliance. Ironic, isn't it? The Gōketsu were supposed to be the main driving force behind an alliance to protect us from Rock, and instead we've just smoothed the way for a bloodless takeover.
        3. Risky.
          1. If we fail, well, Leaf becomes a client state or gets wiped from the map. Those are pretty much the only two possibilities.
    2. Proposal: Narrative Hijack
      1. Actions
        1. Create international task force to hunt down perpetrators.
          1. Much like how the Elemental Nations banded together to hunt down Akatsuki, we're going to go for the same thing again: use the opportunity to call for the creation of an international task force in order to hunt down whoever did this to us.
        2. Thank Rock for volunteering.
          1. Rock's already done us the kindness of sending people in to assist - by thanking them for volunteering, we push the idea that the two nations have already agreed, and uses the internationalist rhetoric that Rock is using to bloodlessly take over Leaf to create a task force with a significant fraction of Rock's leadership.
      2. Pros:
        1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
        2. Uses internationalist rhetoric to our advantage.
          1. The internationalist stuff that all Goketsu-affiliated ninja are pushing actually helps us accomplish this goal instead of needing to oppose this.
        3. Helps Leaf gain new position of prominence.
          1. At the head of an international task force to hunt them down, we would be able to direct an unprecedented number of high-ranking ninja - and be able to cover ourselves until Leaf's own pipeline of high-leven ninja would be able to recover.
      3. Cons:
        1. Extremely risky. Risks include:
          1. Rejection, which leaves Leaf worst off.
            1. If the international task force idea is rejected or fails, then we've pushed internationalist rhetoric without the strong national spirit to counter, leaving us in a client state status.
          2. Losing control of the group.
            1. Similarly, if we lose control of the group and someone else gets to call all of the shots, then the method to lock down our opponent's high-ranking ninja instead shackles our high-ranking ninja without time or space to train up our own ninja.
          3. Losing without any benefits.
            1. Actually this is kind of redundant and belongs under point 1.
    3. Proposal: Lose Like Kurohige
      1. Actions:
        1. Accept the coup.
          1. If Rock is going to try and bloodlessly take over, clamp onto the attempt to spread people between the two. Conduct a negotiated surrender or series of treaty deals to ensure we're selling Fire's autonomy for the highest possible price. Example:
            1. We will give a certain fixed amount of Fire goods to them every year.
            2. We will accept Rock assistants within the country to help rebuild after the disaster, and for greater cooperation between the two nations.
            3. In exchange, we want the absolute right to all production within Fire, the right to self-govern (which may be limited), and the right to teach our prospective ninja the way we want to.
        2. Use the surrender to remove Rock's economic barriers to trade.
          1. It's what it sounds like: Rock undoubtedly has economic barriers to trade, so let's get rid of them if we're going to become a singular state.
        3. Enact major economic and educational reforms.
          1. On our end, enact major economic and educational reforms so that our economy and military becomes far more powerful over the long term - land-clearing, chakrapunk ahoy.
        4. Leverage superior economic and military might into a long-term bloodless coup.
          1. Once the Rock-Leaf state buys only Fire products, has its weapons supplied by Konoha smiths, food supplied by Fire rice, and all of its upper echelons live in Konoha, the reality of the situation is that Leaf will be in control of the combined state, and Rock will be the provider for all raw materials.
      2. Pros:
        1. Leaves Leaf in control of the merged entity with a superior economy and military without need for combat.
          1. We'll basically UNO-Reverse card their bloodless coup, and get all the neat chakrapunk shinies along the way.
      3. Cons
        1. Sacrifices dignity and autonomy.
          1. The very first step of the plan is to lose and give in to Rock. That's a con for everyone at the table.
        2. May sever diplomatic ties.
          1. As part of the negotiated surrender, Rock may force us to cut diplomatic ties that Rock does not approve of, which would fuck over our diplomatic relations in a big way.
        3. Long-term plan dependent on large amount of factors.
          1. There's a lot of points of failure in this plan. The rewards are great, but there's a lot of places this plan could go wrong.
  2. Goketsu Group
    1. Raise morale.
      1. Give motivational speeches.
        1. These motivational speeches should emphasize a few key elements: the Will of Fire, how much we need everyone's contribution, and the similarities between us. The goal is to raise morale get them to help, and we're going to do that by appealing to the cultural value of the Will of Fire, the appeal to pride and belonging, and by making us as a speaker seem more persuasive by highlighting the similarities.
      2. Visit them.
        1. Spending time shows our concern and interest in them, even if there's much less interest on this side of the screen - this in and of itself should help raise morale.
      3. Make each of the five-hundred and forty-five people in the group know that we need their valuable contributions.
        1. Specifically praise Atomu, Reo, and Yua.
          1. These three have gone above and beyond in making this camp work, and by highlighting these three as exemplars hopefully we can inspire other members of the camp to follow suit.
        2. Mental strength and assistance is also an important contribution.
          1. Over a third of the camp is unable to help in a physical way - they're either too young, too old, or too infirm. That isn't to say that they can't help - they can help by providing mental strength or by teaching the younger children.
    2. Expand and improve living space.
      1. We have over five hundred people living on a football field in very rudimentary shelter. We need more space, and we need that space to be better than "quick disaster shelter" if we're going to turn this place into our long-term base.
      2. Attract civilians and KEI ninja.
        1. We also need civilians to promote our own internal economy and to help out with more people to work with us. KEI ninja are especially important due to their closer ties and greater ability to help out here.
    3. Organize school for children/Academy ninja.
      1. For one, these children and academy ninja need to be educated, and for two, we can do all of our educational reforms on them. Nobody's going to blame us for doing what we can to restore normalcy in the aftermath of this disaster.
      2. Request teaching or subject matter experience for our teachers.
        1. Tap Kagome for the project, considering his prior experience helping an Academy student.
      3. Academy ninja will be collectively taught. Given the manpower restraints, there really isn't another way to do this right.
      4. Establish "office hours" where Hazou is available to instruct ninja. By establishing a system where ninja share expertise outside of just the classroom or apprenticeships, we can increase the proliferation of knowledge in the most driven students, who are the kind of students that would probably become S-Rank anyway.
        1. Encourage Mari and Kagome to follow suit. Teaching children tends to be a good thing for them, and they have a lot of applicable skills to teach.
    4. Create a clinical wing. With over five hundred people in a very small area, we're going to want to set up a hospital wing to take care of the sick and wounded. Not to mention the dozen or so women expecting literally any day now.
      1. Find or make a separate, clean space. We want to make sure that our hospital itself doesn't fuck over everyone involved too badly.
      2. Hire midwives/nurses as staff. This is kind of an urgent priority due to the dozen women expecting literally any day now.
      3. Ask Noburi to help. Noburi has expertise in med-nin, he can help.
    5. Organize genin into 6-nin "tokubetsu chunin" squads. We have a lot of things we need to be doing, and organizing the genin into groups that can take on bigger tasks while also promoting unity to our command structure is a good idea for our long-term power.
      1. Establish a rotation: 2 squads working, training, and resting. We're in this for the long-haul, and so we need to make sure that we aren't burning out all of our teams.
    6. Test the storage seal bank. The Merchant Council is probably going to come back in a week with approval or something - in any case, we want to be ready for the influx, so we're going to do a limited trial run with the five hundred people on the property right now.
      1. Employ nonchunin for this. Anybody with chunin capabilities on up is too valuable to spare for this project - genin and academy students, who need to build their chakra reserves and control, however, are perfect for the task.
It's not about war, but we are still playing a game of something.

It's better to force the other guy to respond to your action than to wait for information that may never arrive in time. Rock appeared to not have established a strong narrative yet. This is a perfect time to establish our own narrative, spread our own propaganda.

Otherwise, if you wait, it will be too late to hijack anything.

By then, Rock gets to do what it wanted once their narrative is established, and we will be playing by their rules instead of determining the rule.

The "other guy" is Ami, and frankly she's doing a better job of reforming geosociopolitics to ensure humanity's survival than we ever have. Sticking our hands into her blender without anything but the most abstract notion of her objectives much less plans is a lot more likely to hurt us than help anybody.
This isn't going to be a quite finished plan because I intend to work on it more as I go through stuff and do public/group/org comm thing, but I wanted to get the basic draft up first.

[X] Action Plan: Wait, What's Losing Like Kurohige?
Wordcount: 299

Run ideas by Mari.
  1. Command Proposals
    1. Proposal: Reject Rock
      1. Actions:
        1. Strengthen the national identity.
        2. Reestablish Leaf institutions, including Hokage.
      2. Pros:
        1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
      3. Cons:
        1. Educational, economic, and educational reforms are necessary.
        2. Promoting nativist narrative weakens Leaf-Mist alliance.
        3. Risky.
    2. Proposal: Narrative Hijack
      1. Actions
        1. Create international task force to hunt down perpetrators.
        2. Thank Rock for volunteering to contribute.
      2. Pros:
        1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
        2. Advantageously uses internationalist rhetoric
        3. Helps Leaf gain new, prominent position.
      3. Cons:
        1. Extremely risky. Risks include:
          1. Rejection, which leaves Leaf worst off.
          2. Losing control of the group.
    3. Proposal: Lose Like Kurohige
      1. Actions:
        1. Conduct negotiated merger, preserving right to economic output and self-governance.
        2. Use the merger to remove Rock's trade barriers.
        3. Enact major economic and educational reforms.
        4. Leverage superior economic and military might into a takeover.
      2. Pros:
        1. Leaves Leaf in control of the superstate with a superior economy and military.
      3. Cons
        1. Sacrifices dignity and autonomy.
        2. May sever diplomatic ties as part of merger.
        3. Long-term plan with many points of failure.
  2. Goketsu Group
    1. Raise morale.
      1. Give motivational speeches.
        1. Emphasize the Will of Fire, our similarities, and how we need their valuable contributions.
        2. Mental strength and assistance is an important contribution.
        3. Specifically praise Atomu, Reo, and Yua.
      2. Visit each of the 545 people living here and reinforce the message.
    2. Expand and improve living space.
      1. Attract civilians and KEI ninja.
    3. Organize school for children/Academy ninja.
      1. Request teaching or subject matter experience.
        1. Tap Kagome.
      2. Academy ninja will be collectively taught.
      3. Establish "office hours" where Hazou is available to instruct ninja.
        1. Encourage Mari and Kagome to follow suit.
    4. Create a clinical wing.
      1. Find or make a separate, clean space.
      2. Hire midwives/nurses as staff.
      3. Ask Noburi to help.
    5. Organize genin into 6-nin "tokubetsu chunin" squads.
      1. Establish a rotation: 2 squads working, training, and resting.
    6. Test the storage seal bank.
      1. Employ nonchunin.
Minor revisions based on what I thought of during the long-form expansion.
Voting is open until 9am tomorrow. It is currently 11pm my time.
Adhoc vote count started by eaglejarl on Nov 29, 2019 at 11:01 PM, finished with 153 posts and 22 votes.
I still think we could do mix and match different aspects of the proposals. Lot of room taken up pro and cons that could be devoted to other things though.
More revisions done; at @Cariyaga's suggestion I removed the storage seal bank due to a trial run without MC approval being slightly nonsensical, and also added a line about prodding at Kagome to tell us about his progress towards decoding Jiraiya's notes, and helping decode ourselves in our free time.

[X] Action Plan: Wait, What's Losing Like Kurohige?
Wordcount: 296

Run ideas by Mari.
  1. Command Proposals
    1. Proposal: Reject Rock
      1. Actions:
        1. Strengthen national identity.
        2. Reestablish Leaf institutions, like Hokage.
      2. Pros:
        1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
      3. Cons:
        1. Educational, economic, and educational reforms are necessary.
        2. Promoting nativist narrative weakens Leaf-Mist alliance.
        3. Risky.
    2. Proposal: Narrative Hijack
      1. Actions:
        1. Create international task force to hunt down perpetrators.
        2. Thank Rock for volunteering to contribute.
      2. Pros:
        1. Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
        2. Advantageously uses internationalist rhetoric
        3. Leaf gains new, prominent position.
      3. Cons:
        1. Extremely risky. Risks include:
          1. Rejection, which leaves Leaf worst off.
          2. Losing control of the group.
    3. Proposal: Lose Like Kurohige
      1. Actions:
        1. Conduct negotiated merger, preserving right to economic output and self-governance.
        2. Use the merger to remove Rock's trade barriers.
        3. Enact major economic and educational reforms.
        4. Leverage superior economic and military might into a takeover.
      2. Pros:
        1. Leaves Leaf in control of the superstate with a superior economy and military.
      3. Cons
        1. Sacrifices dignity and autonomy.
        2. May sever diplomatic ties as part of merger.
        3. Long-term plan with many points of failure.
  2. Estate
    1. Raise morale.
      1. Give motivational speeches.
        1. Emphasize the Will of Fire, our similarities, and how we need their valuable contributions.
        2. Mental strength is an important contribution.
        3. Commend Atomu, Reo, and Yua.
      2. Visit all of the 545 people living here to reinforce the message.
    2. Expand and improve living space.
      1. Attract civilians and KEI ninja.
    3. Organize school for children/Academy ninja.
      1. Request teaching or subject matter experience.
        1. Tap Kagome.
      2. Collectively teach Academy students.
      3. Establish "office hours" where Hazou is available to instruct ninja.
        1. Encourage Mari and Kagome to follow suit.
    4. Create clinical wing.
      1. Secure a separate, clean space.
      2. Hire midwives/nurses as staff.
      3. Ask Noburi to help.
    5. Organize genin into 6-nin "tokubetsu chunin" squads.
      1. Establish a rotation: 2 squads working, training, and resting.
    6. Ask Kagome about his progress towards decoding Jiraiya's notes.
      1. Help decode them during free time.
We are now taking suggestions for what seals might be in Jiraiya's notes. We already have this batch: Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

Time-delay Autorelease Storage Seal
Unseals contents after a certain (variable?) amount of time.​
Time-decay Seal
Regular storage seal, but without the timestop property. (Maybe useful for a research pathway toward time-accelerated storage, which would be good for growing plants, etc.)​

Tiny Storage Seal
Regular volume storage seal, but written really small, like fingertip sized instead of palm-sized.​

Tiny-storage Seal
Regular, palm-sized storage seal, but only stores a very small amount of material. (J made this one accidentally while trying to design the previous seal)​
Yamanaka Gob's Forget-Me-Now Seal
Instructions: (1) Apply to forehead. (2) Activate. (3) Seal removes last 24 hours of memory. (4) Forget why you activated this seal. (5) Deactivate seal and restore memories.​
[X] Let EJ write what he wants. We trust him.
[X] Action Plan: Wait, What's Losing Like Kurohige?
[X] Hijack the Narrative
We are now taking suggestions for what seals might be in Jiraiya's notes. We already have this batch: Marked for Death: A Rational Naruto Quest

There's so many ideas already, but let's give it a go.

Flying Thunder God notes
Notes from J's attempt to reverse engineer the Flying Thunder God. Succeeded at being able to have a seal send information about its location. Separately succeeded at being able to activate a seal remotely in a 100m radius. Didn't get farther than this due to predicted time sink (he had other stuff to do), and not wanting to 'steal' his student's legacy.

Paired Seals
Activating one seal activates its pair. Base form of the seal doesn't do anything when activated, was meant to be combined with other seal structures.
Paired Seals Version One has a moderate TN, and the matching seal activates if within 100m.
Paired Seals Version Two has a high TN, and the matching seal seems to work up to 10km away.

Paired Explosions
Activating a seal causes the paired seal to explode if within 50m. Requires ability to make paired seals and explosive seals to create.

Kagome's Bliss notes
Last entry in the collection. Hastily written, half finished notes. Turns user's Chakra into explosive force. Set to activate automatically on infusion. Has "'Those stinkers won't take me alive', huh?" Written at the very end.
Voting is open