- Location
- Somewhere over the rainbow
I'll need to do more thinking on how to implement this one. Give me a few hours.[X] Action Plan: Wait, What's Losing Like Kurohige?
@huhYeahGoodPoint Also, there's no reason there can't be a combination of those strategies together.
Implemented.@huhYeahGoodPoint We're not allowed to make storage seals or macerators right now, I'm afraid.
Implemented.Storage seal bank are more scalable and can lead to different businesses such as asynchronous trading, as well leverage to make our ways into other markets, like rice futures.
Storage seal subscription service are great until CUSS(Civilian usable storage seal) are invented. We'll want a transition for the small time jobs we may be losing for academy ninja or genin. For now, it's a good idea if limited in potential. Also make sure we pay them!
I might continue to improve this stuff further, but as is, the new, edited, version of the plan, wordcount at 298:
This isn't going to be a quite finished plan because I intend to work on it more as I go through stuff and do public/group/org comm thing, but I wanted to get the basic draft up first.
[X] Action Plan: Wait, What's Losing Like Kurohige?
Wordcount: 298
Run ideas by Mari.
- Command Proposals
- Proposal: Reject Rock
- Actions:
- Thank Rock and offer to reciprocate.
- Reestablish Chain of Command, including Hokage.
- Pros:
- Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
- Cons:
- General reforms necessary.
- Countering narrative weakens Leaf-Mist alliance.
- Risky.
- Proposal: Narrative Hijack
- Actions
- Create international task force to hunt down perpetrators.
- Thank Rock for volunteering.
- Pros:
- Maintains Leaf dignity and autonomy.
- Uses internationalist rhetoric to our advantage.
- Helps Leaf gain new position of prominence.
- Cons:
- Extremely risky. Risks include:
- Rejection, which leaves Leaf worst off.
- Losing control of the group.
- Losing without any benefits.
- Proposal: Lose Like Kurohige
- Actions:
- Accept the coup.
- Use the surrender to remove Rock's economic barriers to trade.
- Enact major economic and educational reforms.
- Leverage superior economic and military might into a long-term bloodless coup.
- Pros:
- Leaves Leaf in control of the merged entity with a superior economy and military without need for combat.
- Cons
- Sacrifices dignity and autonomy.
- May sever diplomatic ties.
- Long-term plan dependent on large amount of factors.
- Goketsu Group
- Raise morale.
- Give motivational speeches.
- Visit them.
- Make each of the five-hundred and forty-five people in the group know that we need their valuable contributions.
- Specifically praise Atomu, Reo, and Yua.
- Mental strength and assistance is also an important contribution.
- Expand and improve living space.
- Attract civilians and KEI ninja.
- Organize school for children/Academy ninja.
- Request teaching or subject matter experience.
- Tap Kagome.
- Academy ninja will be collectively taught.
- Establish "office hours" where Hazou is available to instruct ninja.
- Encourage Mari and Kagome to follow suit.
- Create a clinical wing.
- Find or make a separate, clean space.
- Hire midwives/nurses as staff.
- Ask Noburi to help.
- Organize genin into 6-nin "tokubetsu chunin" squads.
- Establish a rotation: 2 squads working, training, and resting.
- Test the storage seal bank.
- Employ nonchunin for this.
Okay, so here's the long form justification that uses those notes I spewed out earlier.
The command proposals have been reoriented to be a two-sided argument, because our audience is likely to believe themselves as subject matter experts and are probably slanted against suggestions like Losing Like Kurohige.
In general though, I haven't done much to make the proposal persuasive - I could, but I don't think we as a group are ourselves convinced, so.
Goketsu Group stuff is where I use more persuasive stuff.
Motivational speeches is probably going to be its own post later.
Visiting them is about spending time with them - spending time to show interest
Valuable contributions is about appealing to pride; it's a halfway mix between appeal to positive emotions and appeal to esteem. By tying their vaule to their contributions to us, it's making us more appealing to the people we really need to build our own powerbase.
Nothing majorly persuasive about expanding living space, school establishment, storage seal bank, and clinical wing establishment.
Tokubetsu chunin, however, is an appeal to the thirty or so teenaged genins' need to be important - literally calling them "special chunin", even if they're unsuited for serious chunin missions. Hopefully this gets their ass in gear too, becuse we need working ninja pretty bad.
The command proposals have been reoriented to be a two-sided argument, because our audience is likely to believe themselves as subject matter experts and are probably slanted against suggestions like Losing Like Kurohige.
One-sided versus Two-sided Arguments is about whether you present only one side of an argument or present two sides of an argument and slant towards one. There are use cases for both.
- One-sided arguments are better if the audience already agrees or leans towards your side of the argument, there is't much controversy about the subject, and that the audience has a low familiarity with the issue.
- Two-sided arguments are better if the audience disagrees or leans against you, the subject is controversial, and the audience has or perceives that they have a high familiarity with an issue.
In general though, I haven't done much to make the proposal persuasive - I could, but I don't think we as a group are ourselves convinced, so.
Goketsu Group stuff is where I use more persuasive stuff.
Raise morale.
- Give motivational speeches.
- Visit them.
- Make each of the five-hundred and forty-five people in the group know that we need their valuable contributions.
- Specifically praise Atomu, Reo, and Yua.
- Mental strength and assistance is also an important contribution.
Motivational speeches is probably going to be its own post later.
Visiting them is about spending time with them - spending time to show interest
Nothing majorly persuasive about expanding living space, school establishment, storage seal bank, and clinical wing establishment.
Tokubetsu chunin, however, is an appeal to the thirty or so teenaged genins' need to be important - literally calling them "special chunin", even if they're unsuited for serious chunin missions. Hopefully this gets their ass in gear too, becuse we need working ninja pretty bad.