Oh, that reminds me:

@Jello_Raptor , remember back in the long-ago when you told me that Haskell is better than Racket at everything as long as you're smart enough to understand it willing to do the hard work of wrapping your head around something that most non-math people find unintuitive? Well, it may be time for me to look into Haskell more seriously.

There has recently been a conversation on the Racket-users list that went like this:

Racket core developers: Hey, everybody! We've decided we don't like Lisp syntax anymore, so we're going to rewrite Racket to be more C-like. Infix operators, operator precedence, no parentheses, significant whitespace... The whole nine.

Literally everyone else: Haha, that's hilarious. You guys are the best.<3

RCD: We're not kidding.

LEE: ...

RCD: Yeah, we want Racket to be more widely used and we've decided that the main reason it isn't widely used is because it uses too many parentheses, so we're getting rid of them.

LEE: Haha guys. It's funny. You can stop now, okay? You got us. You win.

RCD: Really not joking. Don't worry, though -- the old Racket code will still be supported.

My cofounder: You know, if you want to make Racket more widely used, the lowest-hanging fruit would be a richer set of libraries.

RCD: Nah. We think we'll get more use out of completely rebuilding the syntax from the ground up in a way that adds no useful semantics but does introduce all the normal bugs that you get with operator precedence and associativity. Oh, and it will be unfamiliar to all the current Racket programmers too, so that's a win.

Me: Who hurt you guys?

RCD: Hey, we're all in academia and we know that many of our first-year programming students find parentheses confusing. Therefore, clearly, getting rid of parentheses will result in increased adoption by experienced professional developers.

...I feel like there really needs to be a punchline here, something that wraps up the whole story in a witty and satisfying way. I don't have one.

Oh, want, yes I do!

Guess how they're going to implement all this? It's a #lang written on top of a modified version of the current Racket interpreter. A middle layer will consume the input source, convert it into parenthesized Lisp code, and pass it to the bytecode compiler.

Seriously, I couldn't write this if I tried. And if I did, all y'all would tell me to stop pulling such BS out of my butt because it was breaking your SOD.
J-man : "You'll never be insane/focused enough to get a Jounin aura"
Playerbase : "Hold my beer!"

InB4 Hazo gets Prophet of the Out
Jiraiya really did not know Hazou that well.
In fairness, like...


1) Spend a few days on a mission to get an indirect aesop from Ino about how allowing people to believe they *can* question your choices and meaningfully just makes them snowball blackmail on Anko because of vague rumours at game night

2) Something something cookies

3) Do research on things that are ultimately to be weaponized

4) Buy books, chill out with the cat as you craft explosives


1) Punch that one guy's lights out twice over after mocking him on the international stage

2) Go on dates with Keiko's crazy sister

3) Tell Zabuza to fuck off; Piss yourself

4) Become clan head (oops)

5) Attempt to sell soul to stop Hiashi--didn't work, soul found damaged and returned to vendor.

6) Take a break to go play in Snake Uncles BioHorror Dungeon.

7) Download the necronomicon into your skull; avfvehbdkwnrrbdbjwbaof882; endnwiiriekdnx

8) Try to make nukes, kill resulting eldritch abomination after staring down demigod because he wouldnt kidnap people for you to sacrifice to said abomination if necessary

9) Play sportsball


I think the pattern here is clear.

We need to create the first Elemental Nations International Sportsball league (if we get in on StickPuck early, it'll be a good money maker as well)! Clearly this universe is really The Summerlands , so all power is ultimately derived from Sportsball.
So Noburi has had over 250XP since before the training trip, should he have gotten Summoning by now?
We should make him drain the Fox's chakra, so that he also has an Eldritch bloodline-appropriate encounter and then @MadScientist can come up with cool stunts for him.

Keiko will be next; it's long past the point where we should've optimized her interactions with the Mori Voice. Once we're done with her, Ami will have nothing on her.
I don't think he's even started the training (which takes 2 months or so) yet has he? Have we gotten the okay from Kabuto on whether or not his bloodline is going to be a problem?
IIRC we were letting it cook in the background, but it's already mid-February so he should have started by now, at the least.
As an aside we have about 24 hours to make a plan, assuming EJ is updating Sunday as per normal.

Of course, this is always a plan:

[] Let EJ write whatever he wants. What could go wrong?

In other news:

+4 XP because @faflec, our much-beloved Loremaster, was his usual amazingly helpful self throughout September. He the man!

+1 XP because he's been keeping the "yes" thing in the infrequent-enough-to-be-funny range instead of the every-frickin-time annoying range. Lurrrvvvv!

+10 XP because he put together the timeline, which was a thing I was dreading.
+4 XP because @faflec, our much-beloved Loremaster, was his usual amazingly helpful self throughout September. He the man!

+1 XP because he's been keeping the "yes" thing in the infrequent-enough-to-be-funny range instead of the every-frickin-time annoying range. Lurrrvvvv!

+10 XP because he put together the timeline, which was a thing I was dreading.


Well, first things first.

[x] Training Plan: By Demons Be Driven


Purchase Summoning Scroll Acolyte for 100 XP.
Purchase Calligraphy 12 for 12 XP
Purchase Calligraphy 13 for 13 XP
Purchase Calligraphy 14 for 14 XP

Total: 139 XP
Sink a total of 165 XP into Calligraphy to get good at another
I figure I should point out that this is the part of the plan that I'm not 100% on board with. Calligraphy 19 to support our full SSA-boosted Sealing would be nice, but it's more XP spent and more time wasted. What I'd suggest is four levels of Calligraphy total, to counteract our Consequence and get us back to the same effective level as before. If that was good enough for our projects before, it's good enough for our projects now, and that can last long enough for our Consequence to wear off and give us another +4, and that should last long enough for us to finish the CR grind.

tl;dr I'd rather be more moderate about how much XP we spend on Calligraphy because when comparing marginal short-term gains against XP efficiency I'm going to choose XP efficiency.
They came down at an angle, of course, so as to touch down outside of the Swamp of Still-Pretty-Dangerous-Even-If-Not-As-Much-As-When-I-Was-A-Genin. As Hazō noted, there was no need to deal with smelly stagnant water and hostile plants if they didn't have to.)
*realizes we didn't collect a single sample*
If that was good enough for our projects before, it's good enough for our projects now
I don't really agree. We want the full benefits of that +16 ASAP, consequence or not. I think limiting things to 19 while we have the consequence is acceptable, but you'd really want 21 or so after it goes away. I don't think this is marginal gains, these are very much long term gains. We'll be able to keep that where it is for a year or two without touching it again.

Here's my comparison:

Do this
1)Sealing is effectively at "36" and we get full use of it sooner.
1a) So we can do more complicated sealing research projects
1b) And we can finish less complicated sealing research projects faster.
2)We can probably do the Calligraphy trick with the Iron Nerve to scribe seals with a lower Calligraphy TN at a super fast rate of 1 per minute, pending QM approval.
2a)Stockpile the good stuff (Skywalkers that Kagome can infuse, explosions, storage seals, whatever) when we don't have the time to research (like when we are camping out in between uplift stuff or doing missions).

1)Wait an extra month or so comparatively to get additional XP gain rates.
2)Lose out on 30-60 XP depending on how quickly SC works.
Mitigation: We probably have the time to do interesting training to earn more XP/day and/or do interesting things that earn us more XP/day in general than the standard 3.5 per, so this lessens the impact.

Don't do this
1)Be functionally limited to "Sealing <=27" effectively in terms of things we can make for the 8-9 months of dumping all of our XP into CR.
Mitigation: I guess we get that extra XP sooner to sink into stuff, but is that really whats slowing us down at the moment? Yeah its best long term from a stats perspective if we get that XP sooner, but stats don't necessarily rule the world we live in anymore, and Sealing is one of the most effective and useful levers we have.

Summary: I value being able to work at that Sealing 36 for like, a year-ish more than I value getting the XP boost a month sooner. This local optima is really a good one when you account for Sealing Utility gains and aren't just looking at the comparative XP totals and build progression.

@MMKII We have enough Pangolin XP for Physique 24, can we get that?

This auto-levels p much.
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