SIN testing
  • While Akane is use EM to freeze/boil water Kagome and Hazō will continue SIN test
  • Same precautions as first time but only up to 5-stack batches
Hazou should ask Kagome the possibility that destroying implosion seals or an implosion seal releasing air into an already filled space would cause a sealing failure. Because that would mean the number of seals in a batch won't matter
That having been said, it's a fairly basic question that Hazō would easily know the answer to. @eaglejarl would Hazō expect that this course of action would be treasonous to Leaf and/or Fire?
Short answer: Yes.
Long answer: See the quote of @MMKII 's post below and my comments in response.
Sure, but you must concede that the technical legality is ultimately irrelevant? It doesn't matter if we break laws, it matters if we get caught and punished for them.
+1 Insightful
There are multiple ways one could frame this as "Fucking over the local yakuza." without adding "...and in a way that explicitly benefits the other yakuza." at the end of it. Since the yakuza are criminals, we have de facto authority to pretty much execute them on sight if we felt like it, barring standing orders to the contrary. The Yakuza occupy a slightly muddy position in the criminal world. They are useful to the Hokage/Daimyo in that they serve as an ersatz police force by keeping the even worse people in line. As known quantities, they know they're easy targets if anyone in the ninja hierarchy decides to come after criminals, so they have incentives to keep ninja from needing to do so. In a sense, the profits they extract can be viewed as their payment for this service.

If you catch a low-level Yakuza thug (or any other civilian, for that matter) in the process of committing a serious crime such as arson, stealing from or inconveniencing ninja, or interacting with foreign powers in any fashion...chop away. If they're doing something minor, like beating or killing another civilian, then you can chop them, but it's considered something like "My friend and I were walking to lunch and he stopped to pick up and throw out a bunch of litter that someone dropped." No one is going to complain, but they'll look at you funny and maybe roll their eyes.

When dealing with higher-level Yakuza, that's something that should end up in front of the Hokage. If you kill one of those guys, you will need to offer an explanation.

You might question the difficulty of doing so undetected, but thats another argument.
Remember: one of our main antagonists and forces of opposition is now the tinpot dictator of the country we reside in, and on the books is our commanding officer. Pretty much everything we can do to undermine or depose his authority would be considered "treason" or "illegal" in some way by today's standards. Those labels aren't reason to immediately bin any plot or plan bearing them.
+1 Insightful

Hm. I don't suppose I can convince you to go back to the original version of "researching doesn't eat time slots from an action plan in the same way training doesn't, provided you only do one of them", can I? Changing it to need specific dedicated time in an action plan sounds like it's going to heavily incentivise either greatly increased lighthousing (making things less interesting for the QMs) or greatly decreased research (making things less interesting for the players).
I don't think there's any especially workable way to write this - if Hazou's going to be doing research, it's going to have to fit into the story realistically. He can't go on a weeklong Uplift mission *and* spend a week on research, or spend all day negotiating a truce with Hiashi *and* spend all day researching.
I don't think there's any especially workable way to write this - if Hazou's going to be doing research, it's going to have to fit into the story realistically. He can't go on a weeklong Uplift mission *and* spend a week on research, or spend all day negotiating a truce with Hiashi *and* spend all day researching.

I was thinking of slow-mo research instead of *only* intensive 8 hours a day research effort to finish a given seal. Like, for the vast majority of time, I don't have goal oriented research projects, yet I still do 'research' by taking notes everyday and inputting them into my deck of notes(with citations), which I sometime convert them into anki cards.

You know, that kind of things.
I was thinking of slow-mo research instead of *only* intensive 8 hours a day research effort to finish a given seal. Like, for the vast majority of time, I don't have goal oriented research projects, yet I still do 'research' by taking notes everyday and inputting them into my deck of notes(with citations), which I sometime convert them into anki cards.

You know, that kind of things.
That's assumed to be happening in the background, as part of maintaining and advancing skill in seals. The research mechanics covered focused effort with a specific design goal, and they expect dedicated blocks of time for experimentation, analysis, and refinement.
We should also figure out how much Leaf actually cares about mild treason. Ninja are much more valuable than civilians. I don't think many would care if we help out a few Mist civilians at the expense of Leaf civilians. If the magnitude of that help grows immensely people might care though.
We should also figure out how much Leaf actually cares about mild treason. Ninja are much more valuable than civilians. I don't think many would care if we help out a few Mist civilians at the expense of Leaf civilians. If the magnitude of that help grows immensely people might care though.

It's just treason, it's a high offence by default. There's no such thing as a "mild" treason.
It's just treason, it's a high offence by default. There's no such thing as a "mild" treason.
This is an undefended assertion, especially in a setting that is wildly different from our own world.

Direct open assault against the Hokage is clearly a more severe form of "treason" than, let's say, spreading rumors about how great Mist was (which in this setting is likely also a form of "treason").

Inability to acknowledge that these are in any manner different is a mistake, at least in my view.
Adding on, how much we help the mist yakuza probably doesn't actually matter. It's how our help on the Yakuza affect the mist ninja. If we somehow make the most Yakuza more wealthy while somehow making them less helpful to the mist nin that probably would be positive in leafs eyes (ex: give them so much free wealth they become that they relax and stop "policing" crime)
Personally, I'm not sure if it's a great idea to hurt either fire or mist yakuza. Mist is allied with us after all, and we don't want to weaken that alliance in any way if we can help it. On the other hand, taking over an enemy or neutral village's yakuza sounds like an excellent idea.
True, we could just help the mist Yakuza with the excuse of it helping the alliance. I'd like to get an A-ok from Hiashi or the diplomat corps for that. We'd actually have a decent chance considering our ties with them.
The Yakuza groups are pretty capable on their own, capturing Goda (incompetently) triggered a series of events that lead to the destruction of Jiraiya's eastern network and a dead Minami. Without Jiraiya we aren't as important to anyone at the moment, including the Yakuza, who would probably sell us out to other Leaf clans for any kind of advantage.

It's probably more useful to work with them on small thing's that just benefits both of us, until we are sure that Hiashi isn't controlling them. Same goes for the Mist Yakuza.

But there are other countries with Yakuza groups we can influence and then decide what to do, it's a bit outdated, but why not play the Fire and Waterfall Yakuza?

"Merchants seeking to trade with Waterfall are best off going to the Grass border towns of Mamura, Shigan or Ottori. Grass raised its tariffs on luxury goods last year, so don't get caught out, and avoid competing with locals on common agricultural produce. The political situation has been stable since the resolution of the Kanshin Affair, so you're unlikely to get caught in ninja crossfire, but rumours say that yakuza are developing a stronger presence in the area.
Theres a writeup somewhere where we sketched out what "ESP Seals" actually are, right?

Though from memory, they're modifications of the seal that lights up when it detects nearby chakra use. An ESP seal detects chakra use in a cone and vibrates with an intensity proportionate to the proximity of the chakra-use it detected.
I feel like this was a poor design choice actually. Tl;dr " @Jello_Raptor was right!" or something, but I don't think this is ideal for what we want on our suit.

I vaguely recall Kei having suggestions for improvements, so that may not be what we're actually building right now.
IIRC the way things went was:

1) Keiko suggested improvements
2) We decided to take those improvements and use a conical detection region (I remember the vague thought process I had here now, it was because this is more or less equivalent to a sphere with less overlap, and there might be some Chakra Conservation law that would make extending the range on a cone easier)
3) Had an argument on whether cone vs sphere was good
4) Decided on thing, put it in a plan as "ESP seals"

*shrug again*

Not actually sure that comes out super optimal for what we want--it's good but not necessarily the best. Let me think about it....
IIRC the way things went was:

1) Keiko suggested improvements
2) We decided to take those improvements and use a conical detection region (I remember the vague thought process I had here now, it was because this is more or less equivalent to a sphere with less overlap, and there might be some Chakra Conservation law that would make extending the range on a cone easier)
3) Had an argument on whether cone vs sphere was good
4) Decided on thing, put it in a plan as "ESP seals"

*shrug again*

Not actually sure that comes out super optimal for what we want--it's good but not necessarily the best. Let me think about it....

We did? I thought it was more about excluding the user within a certain range.
We did? I thought it was more about excluding the user within a certain range.
I think that was talked about as well, but if theres no one post that defines "ESP Seals" concretely, it's going to be hard to say without digging through a bunch of bulletpoints looking for the answer.
I have a couple questions remaining about the amazing stunts revealed yesterday, for any QMs listening:
  1. It's stated for Summoning Scroll Acolyte that if our Mild Consequence Slot is full the damage is bumped up to Medium Consequence. How does this interact with the other rule that the consequence inflicted this way takes 48 hours (2x normal) to heal?
    • Does it take 2x the length of a Medium Consequence to heal with the same restrictions about Sealing activities?
    • Or does it also take 48 hours to heal, just like the Mild version even at Medium or Severe?
  2. How is the 'grouped like an element' calculated for Prophet of the Out?
    • Will order of leveling matter? I don't recall any situations in the elemental jutsu use case where a jutsu was doublecost.
    • Will the effect be calculated in the same fashion as the elemental jutsu (all halfcost, with another cell adding halfcost again to simulate fullcost top skill), or will the effect be hard-coded to account for the nuances of the situation?
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This is an undefended assertion, especially in a setting that is wildly different from our own world.

Direct open assault against the Hokage is clearly a more severe form of "treason" than, let's say, spreading rumors about how great Mist was (which in this setting is likely also a form of "treason").

Inability to acknowledge that these are in any manner different is a mistake, at least in my view.
Treason by definition is an extreme case of disloyalty to the state and its laws, if a crime is bad enough it's labelled treason it's already a league above anything thaf could be seen as mild.
Just saying mild treason is a thing that could exist based on a lack of evidence against it is a bit silly don't you think?
[X] Action Plan: Squeezing More Out of the Orange
WC: 349
  • Make camp in sky towers. Rest.
  • Check with Naruto before doing the following.
    • If he's adamantly against, or thinks that this wouldn't leave enough time to do the clearing mission:
      • Go to Tanzaku Gai and spend some days finishing the mission up.
    • Otherwise incorporate any feedback to make this as minimally treasonous as possible.
  • Next day take a couple days worth of detour north to Iron.
    • On the way check out the Rift site.
      • Take adequate preparations in case its somehow not closed (Ex: explosives, shadow clones with Earth domes, clones ready to Substitute with you.)
      • Spend 1 FP to invoke "The Thinness of Reality" to try to glean any information of an eldritch-dimensional-ish nature about the site.
        • Write down any observations.
    • Attempt to track down and/or gather info on the following in Yuni
      • Iron-based yakuza groups: Yamada Group?
      • Remnants of Orochimaru's med-nin organizations.
    • Methods:
      • Slink around bars asking bartenders about any hearsay. Tip generously and extravagantly, they'll cough up the info.
      • Locate any yakuza-run gambling dens to meet with them later using a similar strategy as the one done during the exams.
  • Meet with any parties you find.
    • Precautions:
      • Everyone wears Banshee Slayers. Palm Earbusters to drop just in case.
      • Naruto horde and Kagome ready to burst through the building to destroy everyone in sight if Earbusters go off.
        • Inform any parties of this if they begin to get hostile.
      • Akane is with you.
    • Inform them we would like to start a business relationship.
      • Yakuza: This would be quite profitable.
      • Orochimaru's Organization: We are also interested in potentially esoteric medical research. (Hint that we possess a large amount of Orochimaru's old research.)
    • Ask them to:
      • Yakuza: Send a lieutenant and accompanying contingent to Tanzaku Gai to meet with us in a month.
      • Orochimaru's Organization: Send a Level 3+ researcher and accompanying contingent to Tanzaku Gai to meet with us in a month.
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The important thing to remember is that Hiashi can't really afford to make serious moves directly against us. He's very weak politically as well as deathly allergic to Rasengan poisoning. Actually arresting us would spark a civil war.